France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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ISIL audio claiming responsibility for Paris attacks sounds like it could be Canadian, experts say


The English version of the audio statement released by the State of Iraq and the Levant had terrorism experts wondering whether it had been voiced by someone who had learned the language in Canada or the northern United States.

“It would seem that it’s a North American,” said Christian Leuprecht, a political science professor at the Royal Military College who specializes in terrorism. “It sounds like someone who grew up in a northern state or Canada.”

In audio and written statements released in Arabic, French and English, ISIL said “a group of believers from the soldiers of the Caliphate” had conducted Friday’s gun and bomb attacks that left more than 130 dead in the French capital.
And by the way, let's not forget Saudi Arabia has about 2 million housing units all set up and ready for Haj pilgrims-- complete with electricity and air conditioning. How about we send a few hundred thousand of the "refugees" there? Surely they would be safe and well cared for by the custodian of the two holy mosques, right? Right?

LOL. The Saudis are not idiots, they will not take any. The only foreigners they allow are temporary "guest" workers that have jobs lined up. I believe they have 500,000 Syrian guest workers into the country now.

They will sit back and watch the US and EU hang themselves with these idiotic policies.
Paris Attack Suspect Believed Cornered in Belgium, Residents Told to Stay Indoors, Law Enforcement Says

Salah Abdeslam, the man described in a French wanted poster as “dangerous,” is believed to be inside a building in Molenbeek, a suburb of Belgium, where police are negotiating with him via bullhorn in connection to the deadly attacks in Paris Friday, according to a law enforcement source.

A building has been surrounded by police with an unknown number of people inside.
This is the 3rd morning I have awakened feeling something was wrong, but what? Then I remember what happened in Paris and to so many innocent people.

I do not know what the answer is as to what to do, but there has to be one. We cannot let the evil overcome all good. People much smarter than me will have to come up with the answers.

Thanks to all that are updating here on WS. This is where I come for information. All I can say is that I am here, and I care very much.

LOL. The Saudis are not idiots, they will not take any. The only foreigners they allow are temporary "guest" workers that have jobs lined up. I believe they have 500,000 Syrian guest workers into the country now.

They will sit back and watch the US and EU hang themselves with these idiotic policies.

Exactly my point. But sustained and VERY LOUD international diplomatic and financial pressure would go a long way to exposing their policies and bias, IMO. They always seem to get a "pass".

ISIS Smuggler....Just wait!


Islamic State extremists are taking advantage of developed nations' generosity towards refugees to infiltrate Europe, he said.

Refugees were applauded as they arrived in Germany this weekend having made the journey through Hungary and Austria.

The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe.

More than 1.5million refugees have fled into Turkey alone – desperate to escape the bloodshed in Syria.

From Turkish port cities like Izmir and Mersin, thousands of refugees venture across the Mediterranean aiming for Italy, he said.

Then the majority make for more welcoming nations like Sweden and Germany, turning themselves over to authorities and appealing for asylum.


"They are going like refugees," he said.

Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the claims made by the ISIS Syrian operative.

One admitted to helping more than ten trained ISIS rebels infiltrate Europe under the guise of asylum seekers.

He said: "I’m sending some fighters who want to go and visit their families.

"Others just go to Europe to be ready."

Molenbeek: The Belgian neighborhood that’s become a terrorist breeding ground

THE world’s attention may be on Paris where an unimaginable terror offensive has shot fear through the Western world, but some 300km away, there’s a quiet neighbourhood with a radicalisation problem that’s even more frightening.

Investigations into Friday’s carefully co-ordinated attacks have led authorities to a small district of Brussels, and they’ve discovered a breeding ground for terrorists.
Molenbeek already has a reputation when it comes to terror activity.

Even before being linked to the worst attack on France since WWII, the impoverished district on the edge of Belgium’s capital was known for homing battle-hardened or aspiring extremists.

In 2001, it was in Molenbeek where the assassins of Afghanistan’s anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud had stayed.

It was also home for a while for Hassan El Haski, who was found guilty of being one of the masterminds of the 2004 Madrid train bombings.

Mehdi Nemmouche, the main suspect in the Jewish Museum attack in Brussels in May last year, also stayed there.

And Ayoub El Khazzani, the perpetrator of the foiled attack in August on a Paris-bound train from Amsterdam, stayed in Molenbeek with his sister before boarding the locomotive in Brussels.

“I notice that each time there is a link with Molenbeek,” Belgium Prime Minister Charles Michel said on Sunday.

"This is a gigantic problem"
Does anyone know what happens to the bodies of the terrorists? If they are sent back to the families, I would think they would become icons for their belief. Also who would pay for the transport?
Does anyone know what happens to the bodies of the terrorists? If they are sent back to the families, I would think they would become icons for their belief. Also who would pay for the transport?

Here is a NYT article about the same (burial of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists):

The three men — Amedy Coulibaly, Chérif Kouachi and his brother Saïd Kouachi — were killed in two separate standoffs last Friday. Their bodies are thought to be in a police morgue in Paris, and the Paris prosecutor, who is in charge of the counterterrorism investigation, has not made any official request to bury them. Nor have the families of the gunmen — some who have condemned their actions — made public how they want to handle the burials.

The issue raises a difficult question for the French state, which in the past has offered a Muslim burial even to those who committed terrorist acts. Under French law, if handling of the body is not specified in a will, families who have lost relatives are expected to make an official request for burial to the mayor of the city where they lived or died. They can also have them buried at a family plot in a graveyard, or on their ancestral land.

Nevertheless, with tensions high in France after an attack that shocked the nation, several French mayors have already made it clear that they will refuse to let terrorists be buried in their cities, fearing that the graves could become places of pilgrimage for other extremists or spur a violent backlash.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud benefited from serious intelligence failing

He appears to have benefited from serious intelligence failings on the part of the Belgians judging by an interview he gave in Isil magazine Dabiq in which he claims to have joined Isil in 2013, but returned to Belgium later that year via Greece despite Belgian police checking him against his wanted photograph. A propaganda film of him in a pick-up truck in Syria dragging eight corpses behind him was already in circulation.

(He gave an interview!!!!)
Excerpts from the interview in Dabiq magazine:

Below are some of the claims Abaaoud has made through the IS propaganda outlet. They have been edited to remove the more offensive and irrelevant aspects of the assertions:

"Q: Was it difficult for you to go to Belgium?

"A: We faced a number of trials during the journey. We spent months trying to find a way into Europe and ... we succeeded in finally making our way to Belgium. We were then able to obtain weapons and set up a safe house while we planned to carry out operations against the crusaders.

"Q: How did ... media get a hold of your picture?

"A: A brother had taken video footage of some of us before a battle, but his camera got lost and was later sold... to a Western journalist. I suddenly saw my picture all over the media ... I was even stopped by a [police] officer who contemplated me so as to compare me to the picture, but he let me go, as he did not see the resemblance!

"Q: Tell us about your journey to Sham [the Levant].

"A: I was able to leave and come ... despite being chased after by so many intelligence agencies ... My name and picture were all over the news yet I was able to stay in their homeland, plan operations against them, and leave safely when doing so became necessary."
Paris Attacks Shift Europe’s Migrant Focus to Security

“The days of uncontrolled immigration and illegal entry can’t continue just like that,” insisted Markus Söder, the finance minister of Bavaria and a leader of its Christian Social Union, in an interview on Sunday with the Welt am Sonntag newspaper. “Paris changes everything.”

Much of the harshest language is coming from Eastern European leaders, who have never been warm to the arrival of thousands of largely poor and Muslim migrants. Since the attacks in Paris on Friday, leaders have stepped up their criticism.

Karl Erjavec, Slovenia’s foreign minister, warned that the Paris attacks made it clear that hiding among the throngs of migrants are some “with bad intentions.”

“This atrocious act confirms that we are entering difficult times,” said Milos Zeman, the president of the Czech Republic. “We cannot fight international terror with protests and demonstrations anymore.”

Andrej Babis, the Czech finance minister, said that Europe was at war and that concrete steps needed to be taken — including, perhaps, closing the open borders of the Schengen group, which made passport-free travel possible among 26 nations, one of the Continent’s proudest achievements.

Barbora Petrova, a political campaign strategist in Prague, said the attacks had created a sense of solidarity among Europeans at the expense of solidarity with the migrants.

“People are alarmed, and the space for compassion with the refugees has dramatically shrunk,” she said. “The migrants’ problems have been overshadowed.”
I can really see why people don't want the refugees, migrants, whatever is the proper word to come into their country. I read all the posts on here, and I'm more confused than ever. The fear of terrorists flowing in with the refugees, so the people that are truly suffering and need help are going to suffer because of the terrorists. Stuck in the middle of both sides, and understand both sides, but haven't a clue. Whoever came up with the farce, when you get older, more wisdom, blah, blah. I'm more confused with things now then when I was younger.
Stuck in the middle of both sides, and understand both sides, but haven't a clue. Whoever came up with the farce, when you get older, more wisdom, blah, blah. I'm more confused with things now then when I was younger.

Me too, leah.
I can really see why people don't want the refugees, migrants, whatever is the proper word to come into their country. I read all the posts on here, and I'm more confused than ever. The fear of terrorists flowing in with the refugees, so the people that are truly suffering and need help are going to suffer because of the terrorists. Stuck in the middle of both sides, and understand both sides, but haven't a clue. Whoever came up with the farce, when you get older, more wisdom, blah, blah. I'm more confused with things now then when I was younger.

I feel exactly the same, Leah.
While the thought of millions of refugees suffering really hurts my heart, I would be lying if I said that I were not concerned about the repercussions.

It is estimated that 13% of Syrian refugees are ISIS sympathizers, or, do not see ISIS as a terrorist threat.
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