France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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Alright, I've just lost it.

I grew up as *cottonweaver* described in an earlier post, in England as a teen in the 1970s. Constant terror threats from the IRA. We grew up learning that any large public gathering, or even just shopping in a large department store, may well be subject to a bomb threat, or a real bomb attack, and subsequent evacuations.
The same during the 1980s.
After I was married, in the 1990s, I lived in three towns in north west England that were affected by IRA bombs. Two of those had no fatalities, including the city of my birth, but in one of them, two children were killed and there were many injuries.
In my birth city, we kind of expected it, <eyeroll> but the other two are just small towns. Anonymous places really, where people just try to get on with their lives. And this is just my own personal experience. This was going on all over the country, over a period of more than 20 years.

I worked in aviation for 30 years, we were aware of potental terrorist threats every day we were at work.
Lockerbie was terrible, heartbreaking. 9/11 was unspeakable and I still haven't come to terms with what happened.

I've done a lot of travel worldwide. France is one of my favourite countries, Paris undoubtedly my favourite city in the world.
How dare they do this to Paris? How dare they do this to innocent people just out to enjoy dinner and drinks, or a concert on a Friday evening? How dare they destroy families, friends of people who have lost their loved ones?

I'm travelling to the U.S. again in a just a few weeks. And now, instead of enjoying the pre-trip anticipation, I'm nervous. I hate myself for being nervous about the trip, because I know that's one of the things they want.
How dare they try to take away my freedom that was hard-won by my parents and grand-parents, as well as people from many different nations in the last 100 years?

They hate us and they want to kill us.

My post isn't about politics, I'm just making the point that I've lived most of my life with the background fear of terrorism, on my doorstep and far away, and it hasn't made me stronger. And I'm currently more afraid for my freedom than I can ever remember. But I'm furious too.

And now, I need to take a break from it, from watching the horror on my tv, from reading survivor accounts that are trully heartbreaking and terrifying. From posting here. Just a short break.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions on this thread.
I'll be back tomorrow.
We are screwed...

Are ISIS Geeks Using Phone Apps, Encryption to Spread Terror?

Senior European intelligence officials tell NBC News that France's ability to prevent attacks like Friday's massacre is now challenged by the increasing ability of ISIS to operate under the radar, as a squad of jihadi cybergeeks train would-be terrorists how to keep their electronic communications secret.

More at link...
heyya cottonweaver,

Don't need to imagine.

When the current changes,
it moves quickly.
The public mood changes,
internment becomes a possibility.
The next thing you know the army is doing a home by home search,
room by room, looking in your closets and under your bed, for terrorists, hostages, and weapons.

Hi tadpole,

looking at their record so far, in dealing with these attackers, I don't think they have that level of organisation to carry it out!:facepalm: ( j/k)

If we all try to keep balanced viewpoints, see it from all sides, maybe the "public mood" won't be quite so volatile.
Time will tell in the regional elections due in France, if Le Pen wins a landslide.... then we will know.
So far I think the French appear to be being very courageous, they are out on the streets, sitting at cafe bars, holding their vigils and espousing a love of life & French culture.

ETA - sorry you were responding to my point about Britain and I have answered as if you were talking about the French. Apols.
We are screwed...

Are ISIS Geeks Using Phone Apps, Encryption to Spread Terror?

Senior European intelligence officials tell NBC News that France's ability to prevent attacks like Friday's massacre is now challenged by the increasing ability of ISIS to operate under the radar, as a squad of jihadi cybergeeks train would-be terrorists how to keep their electronic communications secret.

More at link...

Now that Anonymous has declared war they may not be able to communicate as easily.
DanceCard I hear you :grouphug:
Not wanting to defend them but the saudis were the first Arab nation to condemn the attacks

and then more recently

Not heard if Kuwait or Qatar have condemned it - rich nationals from those countries are also suspected of being heavy funders to Islamicists across the Middde East.

Anyway there is a great film still on BBC I player, for those with access, Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis which gives a great overview of the rise of Saudi sponsored fundamentalism and the role of the West in supplying arms. It's not a "dry" movie, recommend it to those who are interested in the "whys" of all this.

ty cottonweaver,

on my TTD list
Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis
I dont fear the refugees. I feel for their plight. I fear those who may enter my Country or any others under the guise of a refugee. I want a clear and concise breakdown of how the process will proceed. Especially in my Country where it is presently said to be accelerated.
ty cottonweaver,

on my TTD list
Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis

yes ,it's good Tadpole but that still is very misleading - it has a clip from an old British comedy caper "Carry on up the Kyber"!!! Anyway, for all of us posters of a certain age:blushing: who vaguely remember the Russians invading Afghanistan , Shah of Iran escaping to the West etc and that era from our childhoods, it's fascinating and a good soundtrack. ( Better on a big screen if you have one.)

Anyway time for some good news to end the evening on :

With French jets pounding the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa, US planes targeting its oil tankers and Kurdish forces splitting a supply line from Mosul to Raqqa, the past three days have been among the most difficult that the terror group has faced in its self-declared caliphate.

As the dust settles, Isis’s hold on its original territory and revenues is, perhaps for the first time, showing signs of slipping. The group has lost control of the highway linking the two main hubs of its heartland. And the parallel oil trade, which had generated as much as $40m (£26m) a month even while refineries were being bombed, is now in jeopardy
Just heard on CNN that 15 states are now refusing
Syrian refugees.
Just heard on CNN that 15 states are now refusing
Syrian refugees.

The only problem is that states cannot refuse them. The only thing they could do is refuse to allow any resources of the state to take care of the refugees. This would include any medical, housing or food assistance.
That is such a powerful list of faces and photographs. The weight of this atrocity is so heavy within me after looking at all of them. My deepest condolences and prayers continue.

I was just going to add that to my post. Anyone who has not opened that link, MUST. The photos are just so devastating and touching. So many mixed emotions.
This is very annoying so had to come back on WS to post it. You can contact this SanFran based IT company , if you wish, to vent your disapproval, using the contact details linked at base of this post. ( Anonymous are also hacking this company occasionally)

Through its many social media arms, the hackers&#8217; collective has claimed to be &#8220;better hackers&#8221; than Isis, and accused companies including San Francisco-based CloudFlare of providing technical assistance to Islamic State.... In particular, CloudFlare appears to be providing its security services to the militants&#8217; media center, al-Furqan.

[H]ow does ISIS manage to reliably operate its own official proprietary dot-com social media platform on the Internet in order to disseminate videos such as the beheading of James Foley and the &#8220;martyrdom&#8221; will of Amedy Coulibaly?&#8221; Kohlmann asked rhetorically. &#8220;The answer is another San Francisco-based American tech security company called CloudFlare, which aims to shield Internet websites and resources from being targeted by spammers, cybercriminals, and frustrating denial-of-service attacks.

CEO statement "Cloudflare, asked by online publication The Kernel about its policies, posted a long response in 2013 by CEO Matthew Prince in which Prince said his service wasn&#8217;t responsible for its users. &#8220;A website is speech. It is not a bomb,&#8221; he wrote. &#8220;There is no imminent danger it creates and no provider has an affirmative obligation to monitor and make determinations about the theoretically harmful nature of speech a site may contain.&#8221;
Just heard on CNN that 15 states are now refusing
Syrian refugees.

Yes-- including the first democratic governor in New Hampshire.

*ETA- more updates as other states declare opposition.

Michigan, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Illinois, Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Mississippi, Connecticut, and New Hampshire, Iowa, Maine.

Oops-- my bad. Pennsylvania and Vermont are expressing support for taking refugees.
I was just going to add that to my post. Anyone who has not opened that link, MUST. The photos are just so devastating and touching. So many mixed emotions.
I still can not look at pictures of the victims.I just can't..
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