France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #3

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we usa did pass a bill proibiting "Syrians" from coming here (the statue of liberty land) disgusting and scary not ok IMO

Thank god for Obama -- he will veto it

disgusting , even the dialog -------soory reminds me of Hitler

sad actually

Agreed. Going to guess, though, that you aren't saying that Obama reminds you of Hitler. Because if anything, the simpleminded hatred of Obama seems more like Nazi ideology than anything I've heard from Obama.

How ISIS Defeats Us


We lose it if President Obama can’t shake off his annoyance with critics and his disgust with some prominent Republicans’ xenophobic pandering long enough to re-examine his strategy and recognize that many Americans’ doubts about it are warranted and earnest.

He was at his worst just after the Paris attacks, when he communicated as much irritation with the second-guessing of his stewardship as he did outrage over Paris and determination to destroy the Islamic State, or ISIS.

He owed us something different, something more. He’d just said, the day before Paris, that ISIS was contained and that it was weakening, so there was an onus on him to make abundantly clear that he grasped the magnitude of the threat and was intensely focused on it.

From Obama we needed fire. Instead we got embers, along with the un-presidential portrayal of Republicans as sniveling wimps whose fears about refugees were akin to their complaints about tough debate questions.
Story of a Syrian refugee resettled in Baltimore

After submitting the initial application, their options were narrowed to a choice between Holland and the United States. They chose the latter, the country most idealistically associated with being a warm and welcoming environment for all. Their eyes were set halfway across the globe.

The mundane process of filling out the paper application came first. Then a series of interviews. An entire family biography on their background and story was to be provided, buoyed by typical details that include education, employment, housing, and military history for each family member. Four total interviews were administered, including a series of medical lab tests, an arduous process of endlessly reviewing the minutiae of the family’s life. In addition, they attended a three-day cultural orientation class.

Ali and Aaminah, however, did not mind the gradual process of applying for refugee resettlement. After all was done, their application was sent to the United States embassy in Beirut. They received their refugee status within the year and were well on their way to America, set for the post-industrial charms of Baltimore, Maryland.
I've been thinking about the issue of accepting, embracing and integrating Syrian refugees for a while.

I am a US citizen since birth. The best way to try and convey my screwball thoughts is to approach the following written below to US citizens, because that's all I've ever experienced.

I'm leaving out a portion of the members here because I have no choice. I can only express my opinions and ideas from my own personal experience. I value opinions from mostly everyone on this website.

First, I will :truce: because I have an idea that my thoughts and feelings will not be well received.

Here's a very simplified version regarding my thoughts and feelings about accepting refugees from Syria:
If things calm down, why can't we propose/implement some sort of individual, personal choice plan if an individual/s, family, community to "sponsor"/ adopt, take full responsibility etc... for refugees (thus leaving the government out of the "issue" entirely.)?

Sounds impossible. That's the problem. However, the seemingly impossible has been achieved before. Yes?

The parties that feel obliged to help would need to fill out endless forms, the parties personal information since birth, a strict vetting process, take full responsibility for travel arrangements, financial responsibility for the refugees... the list is endless. So many questions arise regarding how this could be successful without government interference.

I'm having a difficult time trying to convey into the written word what is in my head. I'm sort of thinking out loud I suppose. There are many layers, think of peeling an onion. A very large onion.

How could we manage to succeed without involving the government is obviously the first layer.

Would a panel of scholars, historians, attorneys, families who have successfully adopted a child from oversees, social workers, the medical community, psychologists, psychiatrists, clergy from all religions, a fixed percentage of race, color, creed "regular" (for lack of a better word), people, gather together and sort out the problems associated with say one single person wanting to help one single refugee and start from there? One thing I do know for certain, I would trust in this imaginary panel far more than I trust our government.

I sound like a nut. I know. I haven't even taken a sip from the seemingly endless well that is in my mind.

The basic premise of my proposal I suppose; starts with one single human being selflessly and with a great abundance of love in their heart, extending their arms to another human being that needs help.

After reading my post prior to posting, I took note that my basic premise in the last paragraph resembles a volunteer firefighter rescuing a child from burning building. At least I managed to convey something other than one fellow traveler helping to change a tire for another fellow traveler.

Whatever happened to "We the People"? We've been so battered and broken down by our government that we've lost sight of our individual power. I cannot believe that I just wrote that statement.

It's just that I am so done.

Making my way through life while my head was buried in the sand was ever so much easier. I can't go back now.

Thanks for reading.
we usa did pass a bill proibiting "Syrians" from coming here (the statue of liberty land) disgusting and scary not ok IMO

Thank god for Obama -- he will veto it

disgusting , even the dialog -------soory reminds me of Hitler

sad actually

Hey there CARIIS :)

"we usa" doesn't include me though...
I'm a US citizen from birth.

I'm an individual living in a country where I am excluded in making very important decisions. Enormous decisions to be precise.

What I do to remedy the problem is far beyond my intellectual capacity.

As an aside, I positively detest Obama.

However, you are one of the members who can agree to disagree with mutual respect. *Hugs*
Hypothetical question - if everyone attending a threatened event, wore t-shirts depicting a full size picture of a certain Muslim religious icon, would the terrorists still shoot them?
Hypothetical question - if everyone attending a threatened event, wore t-shirts depicting a full size picture of a certain Muslim religious icon, would the terrorists still shoot them?

Good hypothetical question. Do you think that bombing runs from the US and its allies (including Canada) are able to discriminate between people wearing the cross and wearing the crescent? There have been thousands of civilians killed all across the middle east.

Killing civilians, in my humble opinion, is just wrong.
Hypothetical question - if everyone attending a threatened event, wore t-shirts depicting a full size picture of a certain Muslim religious icon, would the terrorists still shoot them?

I don't think they care who they kill, Muslim or other, but there's also this:

Why images of Mohammed offend Muslims

"The prophet himself was aware that if people saw his face portrayed by people, they would soon start worshiping him," Akbar Ahmed, who chairs the Islamic Studies department at American University, told CNN. "So he himself spoke against such images, saying 'I'm just a man.'"

While the Quran does not explicitly prohibit depictions of Mohammad, most contemporary Muslims worldwide abide by the ban, based largely on religious rulings by Islamic scholars.

But even in the United States, where Muslims are relatively acclimated, extremists have opposed the portrayal of Mohammed on "South Park," the satirical cartoon show, and the subsequent "Draw Mohammed Day," that erupted in response.

Isn't that why the cartoons in Denmark and France sparked so much protest?
Hey there CARIIS :)

"we usa" doesn't include me though...
I'm a US citizen from birth.

I'm an individual living in a country where I am excluded in making very important decisions. Enormous decisions to be precise.

What I do to remedy the problem is far beyond my intellectual capacity.

As an aside, I positively detest Obama.

However, you are one of the members who can agree to disagree with mutual respect. *Hugs*

How are you excluded from making important decisions? If you're a citizen you have your dollar and your vote. You have representatives and Senators (and Mayors and city council members) who want to hear from you. You have the ability to donate time and money to any organization, political or otherwise. You can run for office. Maybe I'm misunderstand what you mean by being excluded. Sorry if I have.

I believe "We USA" is America and all Americans. What our country does is what we do.

Story of a Syrian refugee resettled in Baltimore

After submitting the initial application, their options were narrowed to a choice between Holland and the United States. They chose the latter, the country most idealistically associated with being a warm and welcoming environment for all. Their eyes were set halfway across the globe.

The mundane process of filling out the paper application came first. Then a series of interviews. An entire family biography on their background and story was to be provided, buoyed by typical details that include education, employment, housing, and military history for each family member. Four total interviews were administered, including a series of medical lab tests, an arduous process of endlessly reviewing the minutiae of the family’s life. In addition, they attended a three-day cultural orientation class.

Ali and Aaminah, however, did not mind the gradual process of applying for refugee resettlement. After all was done, their application was sent to the United States embassy in Beirut. They received their refugee status within the year and were well on their way to America, set for the post-industrial charms of Baltimore, Maryland.

A bit O.T. but that sounds like the current USA employment/hiring processes with most of the businesses I deal with (& I'm only kidding slightly). I observe those poor job seekers jump through extraneous hurdles including drug screenings, background checks, fingerprinting, essay-writing, keyboarding speed tests, & mandatory required licenses/certificates/diplomas out the wazoo! And everybody is supposed to at minimum hold a master's degree for every job.

Not to belittle the refugees trek, at least they didn't have to endure a psychobabble personality test designed by some infomercial bonvivant that is the HR flavor of the month test.


Asked if they had to pick an animal, what animal would they be?


"Heck, we've had you in here 3 times for interviews but I need you to come back one more time & interview with so-and-so to see if you're a good fit". (And what the heck is with this "good fit" term being thrown around like rice outside a chapel)?


Had to do some humiliating hula-hoop dance to show their "general level" of enthusiasm (really?)

Ah yes---it's the **processes**, red-tape, paperwork, etc that is tedious & frustrating indeed. The vetting.
Looking for small, easy things the average person might do to help survive in the event of an attack,( ie. tshirt) in addition to government guidelines.
There must be something isis is adverse to during murderous sprees.
What is their " kryptonite", what repels them besides life?
We already know they do not seem to have a good sense of humour, imo
French carrier in position for air strikes on IS from Monday: minister

Brussels put on maximum alert on risk of Paris-like attack

Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:35 am est

"We are talking about the threat that several individuals with arms and explosives would launch an attack perhaps in several locations at the same time," Michel said, adding people should be alert but not panic...

Abaaoud's fingerprints were found on one of three AK47 assault rifles in a car left in eastern Paris, a source close to the investigation said, though it was not clear if he took part in the attacks or had just handled the weapon at some point.

Turkish Airlines flight from U.S. diverted to Canada after threat

Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:57am est

De Villiers said he had spoken to his Russian counterpart by phone to discuss their countries' ships with regard to Syria but added that France had not "at this stage any coordination of strikes or identification of targets in consultation with the Russians, even if we have the same enemy Daesh."

‘No quick victory over IS group’ French army chief warns

Latest update : 2015-11-22

During a meeting devoted to military operations in Syria, President Putin told the head of the Russian Army that it was “imperative” to work with the French navy “as allies”.

However, De Villiers said he had spoken to his Russian counterpart by phone to discuss their countries’ ships with regard to Syria and that France had not “at this stage any coordination of strikes or identification of targets in consultation with the Russians, even if we have the same enemy in Daesh”.

Paris strikes and their aftermath expose security lapses in Europe
by Patrick J. McDonnel, LOS ANGELES TIMES

Nov 21

Further aggravating the situation, they said, is that European countries, like most nations around the world, do not always readily share crucial intelligence information.

"Everyone has a lot of work to do in working together, and there's always going to be blips," one Homeland Security official said Saturday, speaking confidentially because of the delicacy of the situation.

Authorities missed many 'red flags' before Paris shootings

Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:11am

How ISIS Defeats Us

NOV. 21, 2015

And we lose it by turning so far inward, so fully against one another and so far away from our ideals that what we’re protecting is no longer what we think it is. We lose the war against ISIS by losing ourselves.

That’s how ISIS defeats us.

Screenshot 2015-11-22 at 6.06.18 AM.png

Obama says will not relent in fight against Islamic state, urges Russia help

Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:20 am est

"Destroying (Islamic State) is not only a realistic goal, were going to get it done," he told a news conference after a meeting of Asian leaders in Malaysia.

"We will destroy them. We will take back land they are currently in, take out their financing, hunt down leadership, dismantle their networks, supply lines and we will destroy them."

[President] Obama said it "would be helpful" if Russia directed its focus on tackling Islamic State and he hoped Moscow would agree to a leadership transition in Syria that meant its president stepping down.


Obama resolves anew to defeat Islamic State, urges Americans not to 'succumb to fear'
Michael A. Memoli, Los Angeles Times

NOV 22 2:31 am pst

"the most powerful tool that we have to fight ISIL is to say that we're not afraid," Obama said,...

"To not elevate them, to somehow buy into their fantasy that they're doing something important."

In a nearly hour-long press conference he repeatedly urged the public to take a long view of recent events, saying for instance that Americans should "catch our breath" amid a political storm over the prospect of accepting Syrian refugees.


Obama: Paris climate summit will show world 'not afraid' of extremists


Screenshot 2015-11-22 at 8.49.20 AM - Edited (1).jpg

"I think it's absolutely vital for every country, every leader, to send a signal that the viciousness of a handful of killers does not stop the world from doing vital business,"


Pres Obama will be coming to climate talks in Paris.

METRO may remain closed into Monday and most shops are closed, a trickle of people.

Manhunt info in upcoming PC's

SA still believed to be hiding in Belgium. Bomb making chemical apt guy is in custody. images and notes from livestream

John Oliver's take on Daesh's war on culture resonates strongly, apparently.

War with culture - Edited.jpg

Paris attacks show how hard it is to profile ISIS recruits
'A lot of these youth are drawn to that nation-building, Utopian vision'

Thanks for this link Mom....

In relation to the female jihadi, as I posted before, if it weren't for her dumb FB posts suddenly offering herself to their cause 6mths ago, no-one would have been able to fit her to any profile for a risk register.....
and your link says in fact:
There is no reliable profile for many of the candidates being recruited by extremist Islamic groups, ​Phil Gurski, a former intelligence analyst with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, told CBC News.

"Throughout my career at CSIS and looking at a lot of these things, we simply found that there were no useful elements in terms of profiles, whether it was age or ethnicity or employment status or education or psychological or criminal background," Gurski said.

It is beyond scary, trying to find solutions to this "home-grown" problem... I found some eye-opening links to some recent failed bomb plots, I'll post later
AEI, American Enterprise Institute

CIA director Brennan admits ISIS was “decimated” under Bush, but has grown as much as 4,400% under Obama

In a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies yesterday, CIA director John Brennan made a startling admission: The Islamic State was “decimated” under George W. Bush and had just “700-or-so adherents left” following the surge in Iraq. Said Brennan:

[ISIS] was, you know, pretty much decimated when US forces were there in Iraq. It had maybe 700-or-so adherents left. And then it grew quite a bit in the last several years, when it split then from al-Qaida in Syria, and set up its own organization.


More at link

When I found out who started Isis I was in shock. I couldnt believe it. I kept on saying that was crazy there was no way that our government would do such a thing. Until a college student brought it up. Omg
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