France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo #1

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My alarm didn't go off, woke up late and by 8:30am had tried 11 different news agents and Charlie Hebdo was sold out :( I am told by one of the agents to return at 7am tomorrow. This time I'm setting every alarm I can find.
My alarm didn't go off, woke up late and by 8:30am had tried 11 different news agents and Charlie Hebdo was sold out :( I am told by one of the agents to return at 7am tomorrow. This time I'm setting every alarm I can find.

Sounds like you may want to set it for earlier?

Charlie Hebdo Issue, First Since Since Shooting Attack, Sells Out
AP By Lori Hinnant 01/14/2015 3:02 am EST
Charlie Hebdo's defiant new issue sold out before dawn around Paris on Wednesday, with scuffles at kiosks over dwindling copies of the paper fronting the Prophet Muhammad.
Thank you ZaZara, the video is very interesting!

Josh Earnest: Wouldn’t Be Accurate to Call Paris Attackers ‘Radical Islamists’

NPR’s Mara Liasson grilled White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest today about why they refuse to use the phrase “radical Islam” in reference to terrorist attacks like the ones in Paris last week. Eric Holder wouldn’t bite when asked about it in two separate interviews on Sunday.

What shocks me about the video and the plans of OIC is that there is indeed a worldwide movement to villify those who are opposed to Islamism and also to impose sharia laws on national and international law. And they are succeeding, in the EU as well.
I have not quoted this in my postings about OIC, but follow the links and it is said that both the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton are active supporters of this movement.

From the European viewpoint, that fact that Obama did not attend the march on sunday was not that important by itself.
But given Obama's active involvement in applying what is in fact sharia law, there may have been more to it, for instance that he did not want to be seen in combination with mohammed cartoons.

I see the refusal to use the phrase “radical Islam” in reference to terrorist attacks in the same light.

Not good. :banghead:


I see that you are going to be assasinated by terrorists .... in your memory the bells of the Notre Dame will sound ...
there will be a huge march with Hollande, Valls, Sarkozy, Copé, Merkel, Cameron and even Netanyahou....
there will be tri-colored flags and they will sing La Marseillaise....
proposals will be made to put your names in the Panthéon....
the NASDAQ and the French Academy will say #jesuischarlie and the Pope will pray for you....

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
That's all I've been watching since I saw your post! I've been watching all the versions and outtakes -makes me smile each time. So cool :blowkiss:

That video came into my life at a time when I most needed it. It's an anthem of sorts and it's been on my iPod for over two years. I'm convinced, and I sincerely mean this in the most irreverent ridiculing cartoon kind of way, that if we could get the Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS dancing, the world would be a far better place. :)
The only safe thing to do is to kick all muslims out of the western world.
It's not a popular thought. My mother's ex husband was muslim, my former best friend is muslim. My son's best friend is muslim.
But the only way imo to keep the western world safe is to kick them ALL out.
The only safe thing to do is to kick all muslims out of the western world.
It's not a popular thought. My mother's ex husband was muslim, my former best friend is muslim. My son's best friend is muslim.
But the only way imo to keep the western world safe is to kick them ALL out.

I, completely, disagree AND am offended by that comment!!
Not only am I not a Muslim...I am a Jew!
There are farr more kind, generous, sincere Muslims than extremists.
It is not their religious beliefs that creates terror. It is extremist teachings that creates terror.

There are far more kind Jewish people than there are kind Muslims. imo.
I won't dignify the comment by quoting it, but I am very offended by the aliceinpain comment, above. The right to free speech allows you to say it, but it's very offensive to me.
I, completely, disagree AND am offended by that comment!!
Not only am I not a Muslim...I am a Jew!
There are farr more kind, generous, sincere Muslims than extremists.
It is not their religious beliefs that creates terror. It is extremist teachings that creates terror.


When was the last time a Christian, Jew, Catholic, Buddhist etc gave a carp about other peoples opinions and murdered multiple people over it?
Only muslims do that.
They're worse than 3-year olds.
I won't dignify the comment by quoting it, but I am very offended by the aliceinpain comment, above. The right to free speech allows you to say it, but it's very offensive to me.

Perfectly said.

This is the way the whole freedom of expression thing is supposed to work. Someone needs to teach the radicals.
France arrests 54 for defending terror; announces crackdown

PARIS (AP) — France ordered prosecutors around the country to crack down on hate speech, anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism, announcing Wednesday that 54 people had been arrested for those offenses since terror attacks left 20 dead in Paris last week, including three gunmen.

French police say as many as six members of a terrorist cell that carried out the Paris attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket may still be at large, including a man seen driving a car registered to the widow of one of the now-dead gunmen. The country has deployed 10,000 troops to protect sensitive sites, including Jewish schools and synagogues, mosques and travel hubs.

In an 11-minute video Wednesday, Nasr al-Ansi, a top commander of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, said Yemen's al-Qaida branch "chose the target, laid out the plan and financed the operation."

In addition, the government is launching a deeper project to rethink France's education system, urban policies and integration model, in an apparent recognition that last week's attacks exposed deeper problems of inequality in France, especially at its housing projects.


Yasmina Alibhai-Brown published a book in which she argued that Muslim women should not be forced to wear the veil because it represents too often their subjugation by men.
Her (reasonable, educated) friends reacted in a staggering way:

Recently, some Muslim female acquaintances invited me to a small gathering to discuss my book. These were reasonable, educated women, but their reaction to what I had written was staggering.

‘Why did you have to write this, who gave you permission?’ one asked me.

‘Even to think these thoughts is wrong, yet you go and publish them,’ said another. ‘If you were in a Muslim country you would be in jail.’

‘If your mother was alive, she would have slapped you for writing this,’ said a third.

When I replied that my mother, a devout Shia Muslim follower of a liberal sect, refused the veil when she was 22, the woman retorted: ‘Then I feel sorry for you. She was the sinner and she made you one, too.

‘If you are a Muslim, you follow Islamic rules without question. Are you even a Muslim?’


Recommended reading at link!
this is very sad….

The grief-stricken woman who claims she was the girlfriend of slain Charlie Hebdo editor Stéphane Charbonnier says she has agreed not to attend his funeral at the request of his family.

"I do not have the strength to fight for that," Jeannette Bougrab, a law professor and former French government minister, told Paris Match. "I am bruised and defeated."

The slain editor's family subsequently released a statement formally denying "any committed relationship" between the two.

"We do not want her to express herself in the manner which she has done," says the family's statement, which was released by Charbonnier's brother, Laurent.

Belgian arms dealer confesses to supplying Paris attackers

The report states:

According to the local press, the man sold Coulibaly the Skorpion submachine guns he used in the attack, as well as the rocket propelled grenade launcher and the Kalashnikov automatic assault rifles that Said and Cherif Kouachi used to perpetrate the massacre at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The weapons were purchased near the Midi railway station in downtown Brussels for less than 5,000 euros, according to the reports.

French media reports Wednesday morning said that the funding for the arms purchase was simply a standard loan of 6,000 euros ($7,050) that Coulibaly took out on December 4 from the French financial-services firm Cofidis. He used his real name but falsely stated his monthly income on the loan declaration, a statement the company didn't bother to check, the reports say.


I've been busy getting a loan here, had to fill in loads of paperwork and provide copies ... I should have gone to Cofidis instead!
Current interest rate is 6.99% -> 7%
With extra insurance, it's + 0.7%

Personal loans, also known as installment loans, are repayment loans that allow you to borrow €7501 - € 50 000 to fully fund a product or a project (whatever it is) without any justification of use. You may then use your money for all your personal needs.

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