GUILTY France - Machine Gun attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo, 2015 *Appeal Trial 2022* #2

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Obama is throwing the French under the bus right now, in a joint press conference with David Cameron. Obama said that what the US has to protect itself from violent extremism, is not that our US intelligence and law enforcemnt is that much better, but that 'our Muslims' feel so integrated with Us society. {WOW---did he really bash the French, so soon after this tragedy?]

And how can he possibly have said that? Has he forgotten 9/11 already ? nitwit

Obama: 'biggest US advantage' is Muslim assimilation

On the terror threat in Europe from foreign fighters and radicalized immigrants, “Europe has consistently taken this seriously,” Obama says.

There’s no doubt that the most recent events has amplified those concerns... There’s always more that we can do. We can always do it better. We learn from mistakes. Each incident that occurs teaches professionals how to do it next time.

“The United States has one big advantage in this whole process. It’s not that our intelligence services are so much better,” although they’re very good, Obama says.

Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There’s this incredible processs of immigration and assimilation that’s part of our tradition, and that’s probably our greatest strength.” The Boston attacks notwithstanding, he says.

There are parts of Europe “where that’s not the case,” Obama says. It’s important that Europe not respond with a hammer, he says. He says he told Cameron all this before.

So there was a reason after all why he wasn't there in Paris for the march on Sunday.

This guy is mindboggling... does he have his head so high in the clouds that he cannot see what is happening at his feet?

Well, let me offer a lovely solution: we'll send them all over and see how the United States manage.
I'll take his word for it that it all will be a piece of cake. Everybody happy.

Sure, on the world stage there's a difference. But to claim some horror over insulting the French while posters are doing it themselves (on a thread where French members have been present and posting, no less) is fairly hypocritical. Not to mention immature. "Eeww yuck, two guys kissed!" :rolleyes:

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I never said a word about the guys kissing. I am just pointing out the smaltzy song being played and the hypocrisy of it all. We couldnt be bothered to send an emissary to take part in the march but we can send James TAylor over to sing a pop song from the 70's?

And Obama was insulting the French and BLAMING THEM for the attack that took place. Pretty bad form, imo.

In fact, I think Obama may have just triggered an upcoming attack on the US by his stupid claims that ' OUR Muslims here feel fully integrated.' That was a stupid and wrong headed comment that is going to get some innocents killed, imo.
I never said a word about the guys kissing. I am just pointing out the smaltzy song being played and the hypocrisy of it all. We couldnt be bothered to send an emissary to take part in the march but we can send James TAylor over to sing a pop song from the 70's?

And Obama was insulting the French and BLAMING THEM for the attack that took place. Pretty bad form, imo.

In fact, I think Obama may have just triggered an upcoming attack on the US by his stupid claims that ' OUR Muslims here feel fully integrated.' That was a stupid and wrong headed comment that is going to get some innocents killed, imo.

Those pictures are downright embarrassing! LOL

Pictures referring to the Daily Mail's pics of Kerry and Hollande greeting each other with the customary kiss.

To be fair, it wasn't just you making fun/laughing at the customary greeting. Several posters did. Followed by posts chastising the president for insulting the French. Pot, kettle, etc.

On James Taylor, you'll get no argument from me lol. The sooner these baby boomer ballads of the 70s go away the better. And being from Mass, James Taylor and his music tends to show up everywhere, too often. I always liked Carlie better.


A Western Intelligence source tells CNN that the ongoing terror threat appears to involve up to 20 sleeper cells of between 120 to 180 people ready to strike in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The source said that European Union and Middle East intelligence agencies identified an "imminent threat" to Belgium, possibly also to the Netherlands.


Dutch PM Rutte has told the country that they need not worry.
Pictures referring to the Daily Mail's pics of Kerry and Hollande greeting each other with the customary kiss.

To be fair, it wasn't just you making fun/laughing at the customary greeting. Several posters did. Followed by posts chastising the president for insulting the French. Pot, kettle, etc.

On James Taylor, you'll get no argument from me lol. The sooner these baby boomer ballads of the 70s go away the better. And being from Mass, James Taylor and his music tends to show up everywhere, too often. I always liked Carlie better.

I never said a word about 2 men kissing. I was referring to the groveling, hand holding, phony apology type stance I saw in the pix.

And again, the President insulting the French and blaming them for the attack, is way more problematic than jokey comments about the kiss on a forum.
In Germany, there's not much kissing but everyone shakes hands. Even little toddlers! It really threw me when I first arrived. I was kinda okay with all the kissing in France......but I always got the side wrong, and ended up clashing noses. They always knew straight away, I wasn't French. Before I even said a badly accented word.

Handshaking by children always seems very solemn to me. Very cute. :)

Each country seems to do its own kissing order? Trying to think but in Portugal I think I do my right/my left; greeting south american relatives the reverse. Best to just go slow, watch where their head is going, and try not to kiss the nose or mouth :floorlaugh:
WTH?????? They make sure the guy has recovered from his previous flogging before he can get his next one? These people are insane. Absolutely insane.

Saudi supreme court will review this case, doubtful they are any wiser. Saudi Arabia is very fanatical.
Blogger's wife w/ three kids already left the country, lives in Lebanon.

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I never said a word about 2 men kissing. I was referring to the groveling, hand holding, phony apology type stance I saw in the pix.

And again, the President insulting the French and blaming them for the attack, is way more problematic than jokey comments about the kiss on a forum.

Hi katy, where did the President blame the French for the attack?
Apparently quite a few of the suspected terrorists have been arrested. What kind of interrogation methods are Europeans allowed to use? Here in the U.S. we are not allowed to do anything to violate their civil rights & never, ever must we do anything to make a suspected criminal uncomfortable.
Garden Lady.

I lived overseas most of my life so I know a lot about different cultures. He was in an official capacity. It would not have been bad form when people were shot to death on the streets of Paris.

I went to school in Switzerland so bully for Kerry. There was reason Kerry was never nominated.

It is not everyday behavior for a Secretary of State. Search Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice.

There are over a dozen government planes that Kerry has at his disposal. He doesn't need a fighter jet!. He could have flown to Paris.which the French are our oldest allies not India.

They didn't recently have a terrorist attacks either.

I will drop it but it was a public relations disaster. I wouldn't have sent Kerry. He is NOT a head of state or a VP. Obama blew it.

Also it is not custom all over the world.

BTW I was not ridiculing the custom, again I am very familiar with living overseas not visiting, I was pointing out the lack of protocol and etiquette in Obama's administration.

I don't like being accused of being rude or ridicule of people or their customs. I am not. We are entitled to our own opinions.

Please address other posters separately.

This is my post and I don't like to be accused of saying things or implied that I am ignorant.

I didn't miss the provincial insult. Those that call someone provincial are generally provincial themselves.
Toe-curling diplomacy: US woos France with hugs, kisses and a VERY awkward rendition of 'You've Got a Friend' by James Taylor to make up for snubbing terror march

Read more:

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This is the most ridiculous thing I heard in a long time. May have been better if he just brought flowers and jewelry instead or sent a fruit basket, but to bring James Taylor? This is the oddest diplomacy unless French are really into James Taylor.
Apparently quite a few of the suspected terrorists have been arrested. What kind of interrogation methods are Europeans allowed to use? Here in the U.S. we are not allowed to do anything to violate their civil rights & never, ever must we do anything to make a suspected criminal uncomfortable.

Europe also has laws against torturing suspects.

During the middle ages, those suspected of witchcraft were tortured until they confessed. Once the confession was in hand, they were executed for witchcraft. This doesn't prove that witches and witchcraft were real and that thousands of women were casting evil spells or their neighbors. What it shows is that under torture, people will say whatever they think will make the torture stop.
Garden Lady.

I lived overseas most of my life so I know a lot about different cultures. He was in an official capacity. It would not have been bad form when people were shot to death on the streets of Paris.

I went to school in Switzerland so bully for Kerry. There was reason Kerry was never nominated.

It is not everyday behavior for a Secretary of State. Search Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice.

There are over a dozen government planes that Kerry has at his disposal. He doesn't need a fighter jet!. He could have flown to Paris.which the French are our oldest allies not India.

They didn't recently have a terrorist attacks either.

I will drop it but it was a public relations disaster. I wouldn't have sent Kerry. He is NOT a head of state or a VP. Obama blew it.

Also it is not custom all over the world.

BTW I was not ridiculing the custom, again I am very familiar with living overseas not visiting, I was pointing out the lack of protocol and etiquette in Obama's administration.

I don't like being accused of being rude or ridicule of people or their customs. I am not. We are entitled to our own opinions.

Please address other posters separately.

This is my post and I don't like to be accused of saying things or implied that I am ignorant.

I didn't miss the provincial insult. Those that call someone provincial are generally provincial themselves.

Sorry, my opinion remains. If you are referring to customary practices as "swapping spit" (as if they're kissing for what? Pleasure? Attraction?) and ridiculing in that way, it comes across as provincial, not to mention immature. As if the only "proper" way to do things is according to American custom?

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Whoever set up the JT singing thing is a serious dork. On the bright side, the SNL remake will be entertaining:biggrin:
Hi katy, where did the President blame the French for the attack?

today in the joint press conference with Cameron, he talked about it:

==================== =================================================
Obama: 'biggest US advantage' is Muslim assimilation

On the terror threat in Europe from foreign fighters and radicalized immigrants, “Europe has consistently taken this seriously,” Obama says.

There’s no doubt that the most recent events has amplified those concerns... There’s always more that we can do. We can always do it better. We learn from mistakes. Each incident that occurs teaches professionals how to do it next time.

“The United States has one big advantage in this whole process. It’s not that our intelligence services are so much better,” although they’re very good, Obama says.

Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There’s this incredible processs of immigration and assimilation that’s part of our tradition, and that’s probably our greatest strength.” The Boston attacks notwithstanding, he says.

There are parts of Europe “where that’s not the case,” Obama says. It’s important that Europe not respond with a hammer, he says. He says he told Cameron all this before.============================================================================

So Obama implies that the reason France was attacked was because the French Muslims did not feel French. Unlike our American Muslims who are fully embraced and assimilated? Did he forget the Boston Marathon and 9/11 already?
Handshaking by children always seems very solemn to me. Very cute. :)

Each country seems to do its own kissing order? Trying to think but in Portugal I think I do my right/my left; greeting south american relatives the reverse. Best to just go slow, watch where their head is going, and try not to kiss the nose or mouth :floorlaugh:

In France the norm is two kisses but many people have the tradition of one, three or four depending on the region they are from, 1 in Brittany, 3 in the south west and four in the south east - it's confusing and a bit embarrassing when you forget who does what. You're right that you go slow and pay attention not to withdraw after two in case they want three or four! Should be left cheek right cheek :)
Craziness, I tell you!
Anyone who has gone through the US naturalization process and lives in the US has to be angered by this phenomenon of training in terrorist camps, returning and retaining citizenship status. I say strip these terrorists-in-training of each and every right as Americans and block re-entry into the US.

Our most immediate threat with potential terrorists comes from our porous southern border with Mexico. Sadly, it seems that only people living in a state on that border truly understand that threat. The U. S. has spent billions on a fence that is about as effective as a line of dominoes. I absolutely do not understand why the majority of Americans don't seem to 'get it'. Anyone with a will can get over or under the fence. In addition there are gaps in that fence that a herd of elephants could traverse. If I were so inclined I could personally escort anyone across our border with Mexico. I personally know people who have found abandoned prayer rugs & abandoned Korans. The U. S. will never be safe from terrorists so long as that problem remains. Not all by any means, but some Mexican officials can be bribed to look away when someone wishes to cross the border. Don't believe me??????? Just ask any resident of any border state. Texas is where I live & the situation is epidemic.
today in the joint press conference with Cameron, he talked about it:

==================== =================================================
Obama: 'biggest US advantage' is Muslim assimilation

On the terror threat in Europe from foreign fighters and radicalized immigrants, “Europe has consistently taken this seriously,” Obama says.

There’s no doubt that the most recent events has amplified those concerns... There’s always more that we can do. We can always do it better. We learn from mistakes. Each incident that occurs teaches professionals how to do it next time.

“The United States has one big advantage in this whole process. It’s not that our intelligence services are so much better,” although they’re very good, Obama says.

Our biggest advantage is that our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There’s this incredible processs of immigration and assimilation that’s part of our tradition, and that’s probably our greatest strength.” The Boston attacks notwithstanding, he says.

There are parts of Europe “where that’s not the case,” Obama says. It’s important that Europe not respond with a hammer, he says. He says he told Cameron all this before.============================================================================

So Obama implies that the reason France was attacked was because the French Muslims did not feel French. Unlike our American Muslims who are fully embraced and assimilated? Did he forget the Boston Marathon and 9/11 already?

Ok I see what you are getting at. I wouldn't quite say he was directly blaming France. But he is implying that America doesn't have the same issues. Interesting comments to say the least.

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