GA - Ahmaud Arbery, 25, jogger, fatally shot by former LEO and son, Brunswick, Feb 2020 *Arrests* #4

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I have to remote witness a document signing at 11 so I will miss about the next half hour. Don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved. :confused:
Veronica Waters
Gough tenders an exhibit he says he's surprised didn't come up in GCPD Ofc. Rash's testimony. He talks about a civil case from #AhmaudArbery's family. Court should heighten protection of jurors.


Gough's not asking to sequester jury but "given the history of the George Floyd case or I should say the Chauvin case, and given developments of trial and expected massive event in the morning," Court should ensure "sanctity of jury process"

Judge says he's comfortable with the way they've been handling this daily already, and cautioning jurors what to do. Understands counsels concern. They bring in the jury.

Kevin Gough begins his opening statement for Roddie Bryan, which he deferred until after the State's case.


Gough: On 2.23.2020, Roddie Bryan is working on his front porch, minding his own business. There's a hammer there. There's no evidence he's communicating with anyone or listening to any police scanners.


Something catches Bryan's attention out of the corner of his eye. He moves to get a better view and sees Mr. #AhmaudArbery and a truck catching up to him. No words are exchanged. This is important: Evidence does not show Mr. Arbery reached out to Mr. Bryan

Gough: As Mr. #AhmaudArbery is running up to and past Mr. Bryan's home, this is--with all due respect--could be something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. There's nothing menacing here.


Gough: There's been talk about driveway decisions and assuming worst about people. Mr. #AhmaudArbery has the opportunity before Mr. Bryan even understands what's going on, to speak out, "Help! Call 911! There's crazy people after me!" That doesn't happen.

Gough: Bryan is responding to what HE'S seeing, which is someone not asking for assistance, not asking for help.


Roddie Bryan knows people who run by his house--4 or 5 of them. Evidence shows he's never seen Mr. #AhmaudArbery before. Bryan knows the difference between running to & running from something but in this case, there's no mystery. When Arbery passes house, we know why

Gough: Obviously something's taking place on the street. What's Bryan's response? Videos don't lie. Doesn't matter if he said he was walking or running. We see on video he's WALKING into his garage--not running. Without a weapon; he leaves hammer behind

Gough: He leaves his rifle inside. He walks out with his cell phone and his keys. Takes about 13 seconds for him to go in and come back out and get in truck.

Gough: No disrespect to my client but it doesn't matter if Mr Bryan says he was angled "left or right, good or not so good." Video shows he's angled away from Mr #AhmaudArbery--what hard evidence shows. Gough urges people not to let others "read into" Bryan's words

Can someone help me please.

On day seven, in this court video, at about 5:50:48, why does the prosecution show Roddy working on his porch and then coming back on a bike?

Are the stamps wrong? I am very confused because other videos are 40 minutes earlier or more and why is he on a bike? Why was this put in evidence? Did he just go back home and keep working on the porch?

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Gough's Opening Statements:

Bryan was working on the front porch of his house. No evidence that he was talking with anyone or listening to a police scanner. Then something caught him out of the corner of his eye. Arbery is running past Bryan's home. There's nothing menacing or dangerous. He's putting it on Arbery that he should have screamed for help!

Mr. Bryan is responding to what he is seeing - someone not asking for help.

He knows the people who run by his house, but he's never seen AA before. We know why he was running - it's discernable from the evidence.

Something is taking place on the street. "The videos don't lie." Bryan is walking, without a weapon- he didn't take the hammer, he didn't retrieve his rifle from his home, into his house to get his keys. He has a cell phone - and that speaks volumes to the intent that Bryan had on the date in question.

It doesn't matter that Bryan said it was angled - look at the video. His car is angled to the right, away from AA. (Yes, he angled right and then he backed up into his driveway).

There's no evidence to suggest that AA tried to run into a lawn or on property.

There's no evidence that Bryan drove aggressively. There are no tire marks. Bryan hasn't denied that he attempted to block the path of AA. The manner in which that done was not aggressively.

Where is the evidence to show that Bryan did more than "creep" out of his driveway.

There's no evidence that Bryan really knew the McMichaels, spoke with Larry English, and that he wasn't asked to help with anything.

Evidence shows that Bryan wasn't trying to run AA down, he was going only 2-3mph.

Body Cam of Officer Minshew: Bryan has been given opportunities to minimize his involvment. Officer Minshew gave Bryan an out "you're just a passer-by." Bryan said "not exactly" - he was honest with the officer. He offers his videos to the officer. He took them because he thought that AA was going to get away and he was trying to record it.

Bryan - it was suggested that he intended to hit AA, but when you see Bryan in the interview room, the evidence will show that Bryan had no intent to strike AA. If he had hit AA and stopped him, he might have saved his life. Bryan had no intent to harm AA and he regretted AA being injured.

Mr. Bryan did not call 911, and maybe he should have. But we believe that he could have reasonably assumed that someone else did.

Mr. Bryan with his 12th grade education is just trying to do the right thing. He made the decision to cooperate with law enforcement within moments, and cooperates all the way to today.
Can someone help me please.

On day seven, in this court video, at about 5:50:48, why does the prosecution show Roddy working on his porch and then coming back on a bike?

Are the estamps wrong? I am very confused because other videos are 40 minutes earlier or more and why is he on a bike? Why was this put in evidence? Did he just go back home and keep working on the porch?

He did just go home & work on his porch, because at some point LE still on the scene decide they want/need his phone to download the video, and they drive to his home to get it. There is Roddy, working on his porch like nothing important has just happened. (All this on a LEO's body cam video, maybe still up on YT, which also shows the LEO returning to the scene where there's still plenty going on).

Why the bike, dunno. Roddy obviously left & returned on it after he had already driven his truck home. Could be because the roads were jammed with LE & he wanted to go speak with someone at or near the scene....
Veronica Waters
Gough: Bryan's no Evel Knievel out there. He's not tearing up people's yards. There's no evidence of grass or anything under his truck and not a single pic of the front of the truck. In an aggravated assault!


Gough: Context is key. Where's the evidence of someone evading and eluding who cannot go off road? Does evidence suggest Mr. #AhmaudArbery couldn't have walked off the road onto a neighbor's lawn and cried out for help? Stood behind a tree or mailbox?

Gough: It took months for police to look for truck computer data but by then it's lost. But that's not evidence of deliberate acts by Bryan. Where's the physical evidence, tire tracks, brake or skid marks, of him driving aggressively?

Gough: Bryan never denied he tried to block the path of #AhmaudArbery. But where's the evidence it was done in an aggressive manner? to suggest he did anything more than "creep out of his driveway" to cut off Mr. Arbery?

Gough: Lumber in the back of the truck is evidence. 2x8s. Have any of those been lost? Did any go thru his windshield? Did he have to go pick it up from the street after this "aggressive maneuvering?" Did they fingerprint the wood to see if #AhmaudArbery tried to get 1?

Gough: Hindsight's sometimes 20/20. If he had hit #AhmaudArbery & stopped him, he might've saved his life. When u see his demeanor w/the words, u see Bryan never intended to harm Arbery, regretted him being injured, & wished he'd done something more better or different

Gough: If Bryan was trying to minimize his involvement in this case, that cell phone could've wound up in a marsh before anyone realized it mattered. But Bryan's the one who alerted everyone to its presence.

Gough: The Night Owl video of the passing truck...Bryan produced it. Police missed his house in canvassing. He didn't attempt to delete anything from cell phone. "Whatever you need, you can have it," he told police. You decide what the truth is

He did just go home & work on his porch, because at some point LE still on the scene decide they want/need his phone to download the video, and they drive to his home to get it. There is Roddy, working on his porch like nothing important has just happened. (All this on a LEO's body cam video, maybe still up on YT, which also shows the LEO returning to the scene where there's still plenty going on).

Why the bike, dunno. Roddy obviously left & returned on it after he had already driven his truck home. Could be because the roads were jammed with LE & he wanted to go speak with someone at or near the scene....

Oh, OK. Because that presentation confused me, especially because someone runs by when he gets back via the bike. Who was that? I assumed arbery, so I thought the video was before! Then I saw the timestamps and got confused. I wonder who was running afterward....weird that he didn't chase them, right?

Thank you because I was so confused.
Gough's narrative is actually persuasive enough, up to a point. That precise point is when he veers off from reasonable & unarmed Roddy slowly getting into his truck to help out, to Roddy being threatened by AA, who is trying to get into the truck.

The carjacking /attack narrative is because Gough must account for why there are fibers from AA and his partial handprint on Roddy's truck. AA was the aggressor, not Roddy.

Gough then is asking jury to believe that Roddy is so reasonable, so non-aggressive, that even though he believes he's under attack & a scary man is trying to gain control of his truck, he doesn't attempt to defend himself, drives back & forth on Holmes slowly, never running over any of his neighbors' landscaping, because he just wants to take a picture of his assailant. And is so very sorry he refrained from trying to hit his assailant because his generosity of spirit might have cost AA his life...
Gough's narrative is actually persuasive enough, up to a point. That precise point is when he veers off from reasonable & unarmed Roddy slowly getting into his truck to help out, to Roddy being threatened by AA, who is trying to get into the truck.

The carjacking /attack narrative is because Gough must account for why there are fibers from AA and his partial handprint on Roddy's truck. AA was the aggressor, not Roddy.

Gough then is asking jury to believe that Roddy is so reasonable, so non-aggressive, that even though he believes he's under attack & a scary man is trying to gain control of his truck, he doesn't attempt to defend himself, drives back & forth on Holmes slowly, never running over any of his neighbors' landscaping, because he just wants to take a picture of his assailant. And is so very sorry he refrained from trying to hit his assailant because his generosity of spirit might have cost AA his life...

I agree, and I'm bothered by why Bryant ever gets involved. He can't say he knows anything about a citizen's arrest because he claims he never spoke to the McMichaels. And what is the reason Arbery doesn't try to "carjack" the McMichaels, I wonder?

If I saw all that, I'd go inside and dial 911. And you're right, if he's getting "carjacked," leave. Use that phone to report it. Instead, he chases a "carjacker" who happens to stop his desire to jack the car?
Veronica Waters
Gough: There's no slick lawyer advising Mr. Bryan on the side of the road. He doesn't know the law. He just has a gut reaction to try do do the right thing. He decided to cooperate with law enforcement and never looked back.


Gough gets emotional, voice breaking, as he wraps his opening statement. "On Feb 23 Roddie Bryan put his faith in hands of Glynn Co. Police and his trust in law enforcement officers he didn't even know."


Kevin Gough, choked up: Bryan put his trust in our government to do the right thing. Now he finds himself before you, and he's placing his fate in your hands. If the evidence is as we expect, we're going to ask you to return a verdict of not guilty.


Ahmaud Arbery could have asked defendant for help, defense tells Georgia jury


Bryan was outside making repairs on his porch when a Black man he had never seen before ran by, pursued by a pickup truck.

Arbery could have called out to Bryan for help, Gough said.

"Arbery has the opportunity to say and speak out, 'Help! Call 911! There's crazy people after me,'" Gough told the jury. "That doesn't happen."

Prosecutors from the Cobb County district attorney's office had earlier told the jury that the defendants had "assumed the worst" about a Black man running in their neighborhood, saying Arbery was simply an avid runner out for a Sunday jog.

"Mr. Bryan hasn't assumed the worst about anyone," Gough said, "Mr. Arbery has assumed the worst about Mr. Bryan."

Bryan joined the chase of Arbery because "he knows the difference between running to something and running from something," Gough said. He emphasized that, unlike the McMichaels, he did not grab his gun from his home before getting in his pickup truck.
Ahmaud Arbery could have asked defendant for help, defense tells Georgia jury

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Bryan was outside making repairs on his porch when a Black man he had never seen before ran by, pursued by a pickup truck.

Arbery could have called out to Bryan for help, Gough said.

"Arbery has the opportunity to say and speak out, 'Help! Call 911! There's crazy people after me,'" Gough told the jury. "That doesn't happen."

I wonder how anyone knows arbery didn't yell for help at some point. But as residents join in the chase, why would arbery think any of them would help?
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