GUILTY GA - Antonio Santiago, 13 mos, Brunswick, 21 March 2013 - #2

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Maybe their blame comes from her walking the baby in an area she knew wasn't safe? Or the daughters upbringing? Mom may have major issues but to think she killed her baby and fingered these two in the crime, or framed someone for it is ridiculously ridiculous. If she was or wasn't buying drugs... Um who cares?? If she was or wasn't pilled out.... Um who cares? Bc the last time I checked, neither of those are good reason to shoot a 1 year old in the face.

London and Ellis streets are not the best to be walking on JMHO. Ellis St is one block over from Union Street which has the large Victorian homes. In this area of town (downtown) one street will be the Victorian Homes and the next street is very low income.
Self-prescribed is health professional lingo. It means "was taking whatever they wanted/not what their provider told them to take" and "might have purchased drugs illegally".

LOL, thank you, I needed that.:great:
They don't. We're just trying to sleuth out a motive, same as LE.

Robbery. The witness said they demanded her purse. So why is that too far fetched to believe? Perps didn't get what they wanted and followed through with their promise to shoot her baby.

Whether they wanted money, pills, or dope they wanted something that wasn't theirs. They didn't get it. They killed the baby. Lock them up. Throw away the key.
It was the breakfast aunt, correct?

Don't think so; as I recall, the 'breakfast' aunt was named Sabrina.

ETA: OK, it's more complicated than that. (Of course it is!) ;)

Sabrina was the 'breakfast aunt' who said DE was coming to her house that FRIDAY morning for breakfast when LE showed up with the taser and arrested him.

Katrina (Elkins? Freeman? who knows anymore...) was the 'breakfast aunt' who said they went out THURSDAY for breakfast:

Katrina Freeman, Elkins' aunt, said Saturday that he couldn't be the killer because the two were together at the time of the shooting.
Freeman said Elkins dropped by her home about 8:15 a.m. — roughly an hour before the shooting — and she cooked them grits, eggs and sausage for breakfast.
They stayed at her home until about 11 a.m., Freeman said, and then Elkins accompanied her and her children on some errands for about an hour. After noon, he left for classes he's taking to earn his GED, she said.
That's a good possibility. Places like this tend to have cameras for security/insurance purposes. Here's a link to their site. I'm going to go have a look at some pics online to see if I spot one.

Another possibility is: we don't know where DO's mother lived (DO is aunt of 14 yr old who had Elkins hiding in her car back seat and said she picked him up at her mother's residence). If DO's mother lived in a public housing complex, there might be outside cameras there. IDK.
@wjxt4: The mother and Aunt of Brunswick murder suspect De'Marquis Elkins have been arrested and charged with making false statements to police.
London and Ellis streets are not the best to be walking on JMHO. Ellis St is one block over from Union Street which has the large Victorian homes. In this area of town (downtown) one street will be the Victorian Homes and the next street is very low income.
That is so correct. It's hard to imagine it if you don't live here but, literally within a stones throw, live the wealthiest of wealthy and the poorest of poor. You really can't say that there is a safe route to walk and an unsafe route to walk because it's all really so close together and even mixed up on the same block. It's a beautiful area though. I've always, always loved the south end. Even as a child, I vowed I would live in this area one day.
West also said she relinquished a jacket she was wearing at the time of the shooting to a detective. She told police she was grabbed or shoved briefly by the suspected shooter, and they hope to lift a fingerprint off the jacket, she said.

wonder if they got any touch DNA from the jacket.

Just checking in on a break from work, the daughter blames West? I had not heard that one. Off to read the couple pages I am behind
Here's another thing.

I would REALLY like to know what DE and his "buddy" were doing before they came across SW walking her child in a stroller. Where were they? IIRC it was mid-late morning when this happened - and neither of them went to any type of school. So, what were they up to before this?

And the gun. That's buggin' me to. No word from LE if they have recovered it by now. Did it belong to "a family member" and was "stolen"? Did someone get it off the street?

Another thing that hasn't been discussed. Previous crimes. Had there been a few robberies in that area? Had either one (DE or 15 yr old) been arrested before - and for what? Were DE and/or the 15 yr old already on LE's radar - either as suspect in previous crimes or "talked about" by others that have been arrested in crimes? A little background on these two would be insightful - KWIM?

Robbery. The witness said they demanded her purse. So why is that too far fetched to believe? Perps didn't get what they wanted and followed through with their promise to shoot her baby.

Whether they wanted money, pills, or dope they wanted something that wasn't theirs. They didn't get it. They killed the baby. Lock them up. Throw away the key.

Police have been adamant that they are searching for a motive. If they don't think it was robbery, then why should we? They certainly have more information than we do about the incident.
Robbery. The witness said they demanded her purse. So why is that too far fetched to believe? Perps didn't get what they wanted and followed through with their promise to shoot her baby.

Whether they wanted money, pills, or dope they wanted something that wasn't theirs. They didn't get it. They killed the baby. Lock them up. Throw away the key.
Right, I don't think the motive was anything other than money either. But, it's human nature to try and find another explanation for such a senseless, horrible crime. It makes people feel secure that a tragic, heinous murder like this is not as random as it appears.
London and Ellis streets are not the best to be walking on JMHO. Ellis St is one block over from Union Street which has the large Victorian homes. In this area of town (downtown) one street will be the Victorian Homes and the next street is very low income.

I read that Ellis is the boundary line for Dixville (less safe neighborhood area), according to one resident--do you concur?

Robbery. The witness said they demanded her purse. So why is that too far fetched to believe? Perps didn't get what they wanted and followed through with their promise to shoot her baby.

Whether they wanted money, pills, or dope they wanted something that wasn't theirs. They didn't get it. They killed the baby. Lock them up. Throw away the key.

Not far-fetched, necessarily, but some of us have been looking beyond that as it seems LE was also not satisfied with that as 'motive'--days after the crime they said the case 'wasn't closed yet' and that they were still looking for two things: the weapon and the motive.

When I read that, that tells me robbery may NOT be the motive. They know more than I do about this crime.
Right, I don't think the motive was anything other than money either. But, it's human nature to try and find another explanation for such a senseless, horrible crime. It makes people feel secure that a tragic, heinous murder like this is not as random as it appears.

I'm sorry if I'm questioning the sleuth but I just don't get why what her purse contents mattered.

Sometimes, I get WAY emo in cases. This is one of them. And instead of wasting time doing inventory on her purse, we should be making an example out of these baby killers. TOO MANY child killers are running free these days. Be it by insanity or by devotion to the street life, they should all be put to death for killing innocent children.

Some things we will never understand fully. And some things are just not capable of an explanation. And some people who do things like this, DON'T DESERVE A SPEEDY TRIAL or a trial at all. Express way their butts to a cave or a chair.

Casey Anthony had a trial. Look where that got us.
Right, I don't think the motive was anything other than money either. But, it's human nature to try and find another explanation for such a senseless, horrible crime. It makes people feel secure that a tragic, heinous murder like this is not as random as it appears.

I would have no problem accepting it was a robbery gone wrong. No senseless crime surprises me anymore. BUT police are still looking for a motive, if robbery was the motive, I'm sure by now they would have confirmed Sherry's story, or at the very least stop publicly saying they are looking for a motive.
I'm sorry if I'm questioning the sleuth but I just don't get why what her purse contents mattered.

Sometimes, I get WAY emo in cases. This is one of them. And instead of wasting time doing inventory on her purse, we should be making an example out of these baby killers. TOO MANY child killers are running free these days. Be it by insanity or by devotion to the street life, they should all be put to death for killing innocent children.

Some things we will never understand fully. And some things are just not capable of an explanation. And some people who do things like this, DON'T DESERVE A SPEEDY TRIAL or a trial at all. Express way their butts to a cave or a chair.

Casey Anthony had a trial. Look where that got us.
I get that these cases are emotional, but...
I think good police work necessitates carefully going through the good, the bad and the ugly. It will all come out at the trial.
I would have no problem accepting it was a robbery gone wrong. No senseless crime surprises me anymore. BUT police are still looking for a motive, if robbery was the motive, I'm sure by now they would have confirmed Sherry's story, or at the very least stop publicly saying they are looking for a motive.

It could be that they want to cross their T's and dot their I's before publicly saying that they're sure about the motive. "Still looking for one" could just mean looking for concrete evidence to support mother's claim, as to leave no room for error or option for mistrial.
I get that these cases are emotional, but...
I think good police work necessitates carefully going through the good, the bad and the ugly. It will all come out at the trial.

The logic side of me 100% agrees. The mom in me is screaming in anger.
I'm sorry if I'm questioning the sleuth but I just don't get why what her purse contents mattered.

Sometimes, I get WAY emo in cases. This is one of them. And instead of wasting time doing inventory on her purse, we should be making an example out of these baby killers. TOO MANY child killers are running free these days. Be it by insanity or by devotion to the street life, they should all be put to death for killing innocent children.

Some things we will never understand fully. And some things are just not capable of an explanation. And some people who do things like this, DON'T DESERVE A SPEEDY TRIAL or a trial at all. Express way their butts to a cave or a chair.

Casey Anthony had a trial. Look where that got us.

You seriously are ready to execute two people because they've been arrested for a crime? What evidence do you have that they did it? I'm assuming police have a lot more evidence than you do.

I'm not opposed to an express way and skipping trial if a crime is caught on tape or if there is a crowd of witnesses.

But police don't believe robbery was the motive. What if the boys were paid to kill the baby? Wouldn't the persons that hired them share responsibility for the crime? I'm not saying that happened, but executing the two in custody without all the facts seems a bit dramatic.
I'm sorry if I'm questioning the sleuth but I just don't get why what her purse contents mattered.

Sometimes, I get WAY emo in cases. This is one of them. And instead of wasting time doing inventory on her purse, we should be making an example out of these baby killers. TOO MANY child killers are running free these days. Be it by insanity or by devotion to the street life, they should all be put to death for killing innocent children.

Some things we will never understand fully. And some things are just not capable of an explanation. And some people who do things like this, DON'T DESERVE A SPEEDY TRIAL or a trial at all. Express way their butts to a cave or a chair.

Casey Anthony had a trial. Look where that got us.

:hug: I completely understand your anger but I'm so not touching that, lol.
It could be that they want to cross their T's and dot their I's before publicly saying that they're sure about the motive. "Still looking for one" could just mean looking for concrete evidence to support mother's claim, as to leave no room for error or option for mistrial.

Then why not just refuse to comment on that? They weren't asked what the motive was, they publicly came out and said they are looking for a motive. If they think robbery was a possible motive, why not just not comment on the motive and keep looking quietly. They have repeatedly publicly stated they are looking for a motive, publicly contradicting what Sherry has claimed was the motive. Maybe Sherry thought the motive was robbery but police feel there is more to it.

Either way, I'm just glad that police seem to be doing a thorough job of investigating to get all of the facts. Instead of just assuming.
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