GUILTY GA - Antonio Santiago, 13 mos, Brunswick, 21 March 2013 - #2

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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They can retrieve far more info than you'd think. Salt or warm water is the least favorable, but fingerprints and even blood DNA can be retrieved. :) Even after 4 days. (Even after months.)

I wondered the same thing and found a site that has some info that seems to suggest that fingerprints can indeed be recovered from submerged items for at least several days! (And that the item should be kept wet until testing can be done, which is consistent with the reports that the gun was being transported to the lab still covered in salt water.)

Fingers crossed for incontrovertible proof!
OMG...this is NUTS!!! Does the daughter not realize that LE has arrested 4 people involved in the murder of her little brother??? How dare she insert herself into the story by contacting the press and disparage her own mother, also a victim. She is only working against justice for her baby brother!!!

Geez...and I was aghast at how strangers suspected the mother so quickly-but her own daughter???

As far as the insurance check, I would imagine that the mother had no funds and the family had already spoken with funeral homes, etc... It costs money to bury a person and if she had insurance money coming from his death, I would imagine she was concerned about having those funds available for his burial and or cremation. Child's life insurance policies are typically only enough to cover these costs, as children are not typically "bread-winners."

But the bottom line is that this daughter is jeopardizing the case against the suspects by shooting her mouth off to the press. She called the police and hasn't heard back? Give them a chance!!! The police are currently dealing with 4 suspects in this terrible crime and have apparently located what they believe to be a murder weapon and are currently spending a great deal of time with investigating all of the people involved in the case. Apparently, LE is convinced that mom had nothing to do with this.

Shame on the papers for sensationalizing this story as well.

I feel bad for the whole family, including the daughter. She has lost two brothers to violent crime, her mom lost custody of her when she was 8, she's 21 pregnant and hormonal. I'm sure the media contacted her then fed her these lines about how they think her mom was involved, that got her to thinking about her mom asking about the life insurance, the inconsistencies in her mom's story, etc.

I really wish that there was an appointed person to step in during these cases and tell the family not talk to the media, it never helps the situation and only seems to cause raw, high emotions to run out of control.

I put the daughter right in the victim column along with her little brother and Sherry & Luis.
I am so irritated with Ms. Glassy right now. I best just leave it at that.
This poor woman appears to have no or very little support. Baby's father was blaming her. Her own daughter appears to be blaming her.
Yet there is not a shred of evidence she was involved.
In fact police appear to be on a right track, and uncovering evidence against the suspects, including finding a gun in a pond.
I am not sure what makes relatives to go out there to the press and say the things that were said.
It's just sad.
Kevin Gough, Demarquis Elkins' attorney has filed a motion to get copies of SW, the baby's mother's psychiatric records.

I hope the judge will not allow it. The victimization of this woman needs to STOP.

Sorry, forgot link.

Your honor, the mother of the baby my client shot in the face is crazy, and therefore it's the mother's fault and that baby DESERVED it!

I mean, seriously?????
okay, I stepped out for a moment and now have my temper in check (I think)

Even if the defense gets these records, it is my hope they will not play in Peoria (with a jury)

I am trying to keep in mind that the prosecution will have the boys records from school or their lack of attendance/enrollment as the case may be for each. They will have all of their social media, where DE presents himself as a fine upstanding citizen :rolleyes: They will have the video they have alluded to about evidence of the crime. They may have touch DNA from SW's jacket. I am hopeful they have GSR and now that they have a weapon I hope it can be tied directly to this murder by ballistics and fingerprints.

sigh. Deep breath folks.

ETA oh, and they apparently have DL who has given the impression at least to family members, who are not exactly credible, that he was forced at gunpoint to accompany DE. It is my most sincere hope that he has also told that to LE.
This poor woman appears to have no or very little support. Baby's father was blaming her. Her own daughter appears to be blaming her.
Yet there is not a shred of evidence she was involved.
In fact police appear to be on a right track, and uncovering evidence against the suspects, including finding a gun in a pond.
I am not sure what makes relatives to go out there to the press and say the things that were said.
It's just sad.

I know. This is REALLY hurting my heart. Here is this woman, who is burdened with medical problems and mental health problems and also a history of some social problems, and then two delinquents shot her baby in the face while she was out for a walk with him and now EVERYONE has turned on her. I can't imagine. It's just wrenching.

On the other hand, this daughter was taken away by the state due to the mother's inability to parent. Maybe she felt like she was doing the right thing in raising the question as to whether her mother caused this, especially after the mother was inquiring about insurance on the very day her baby was shot. The daughter may have had real questions as to what happened. Sad.
If you have concerns about whether your mother is fit to care for her child or was in some way culpable you talk to LE about it.

NOT LE and the press.

That is all.

Between this and the JA trial I am just fit to be tied with disgust and anger. NOT a good ending to the day for my cases here.
If there is a video - then the defense atty would encourage the suspect to plead guilty. Once he pleads guilty - there is no need for a trial. Trials are expensive and time consuming - no need for one if the defendant says "yea I'm quilty - I did it". Only thing left is sentencing. And, with a guilty plea - the court usually takes that into consideration when sentencing.

My prediction - they both will get LWOP.


ETA: Wait, after I read that - thought about it. Nope - shooter gets LWOP - the 15 yr old will get somewhere between 15 - 25 years.

Sadly, if other cases are any indication, the 15 year old could be out when he turns 21.
Kevin Gough, Demarquis Elkins' attorney has filed a motion to get copies of SW, the baby's mother's psychiatric records.

I hope the judge will not allow it. The victimization of this woman needs to STOP.

Sorry, forgot link.

How is the mother's mental illness, if she has one, relevant to the crime of his client shooting a baby? In what way on earth could that have any bearing on the actions of this person?
I guess when your client appears to be guilty has hell the attorney has no other recourse then to grasp for straws.
okay, I stepped out for a moment and now have my temper in check (I think)

Even if the defense gets these records, it is my hope they will not play in Peoria (with a jury)

I am trying to keep in mind that the prosecution will have the boys records from school or their lack of attendance/enrollment as the case may be for each. They will have all of their social media, where DE presents himself as a fine upstanding citizen :rolleyes: They will have the video they have alluded to about evidence of the crime. They may have touch DNA from SW's jacket. I am hopeful they have GSR and now that they have a weapon I hope it can be tied directly to this murder by ballistics and fingerprints.

sigh. Deep breath folks.

ETA oh, and they apparently have DL who has given the impression at least to family members, who are not exactly credible, that he was forced at gunpoint to accompany DE. It is my most sincere hope that he has also told that to LE.

Hopefully the DA has screen shots of their FB pages.
I guess when your client appears to be guilty has hell the attorney has no other recourse then to grasp for straws.

Maybe it was self defense and the shot "went awry"? Maybe the cra cra lady was threatening them as the went about their perfectly legal business (armed).


Ala the CA George did it and oh yeah, he's chester the molester too
and the JA Travis made me do it smoke screen and mirror defense.


I am truly disgusted by this day.
Hang on tl - I just don't see a judge allowing mom's psychiatric records to be released. Nope. No way. It has absolutely no bearing on this crime. NONE.

Kevin Gough, Demarquis Elkins' attorney has filed a motion to get copies of SW, the baby's mother's psychiatric records.

I hope the judge will not allow it. The victimization of this woman needs to STOP.

Sorry, forgot link.

I was afraid this would happen. They would like to make it appear as though she is not a reliable witness. I'm just praying the test on the gun will come back positive as the murder weapon.
Hopefully the DA has screen shots of their FB pages.

Nowadays it is pretty standard procedure. Even in civil cases peoples social media is crept on and screen capped.

If they don't I know several people here who have them and would be more than happy to provide them to the pros.
Hang on tl - I just don't see a judge allowing mom's psychiatric records to be released. Nope. No way. It has absolutely no bearing on this crime. NONE.


if her photo ID ing of the boys was the only evidence LE had I would say the defense might have a shot, but with all the other evidence LE has which seems to tie these teens to the crime, I think it won't be allowed.

that said, I have seen some judges lately make some rulings that leaned waaaaay too far in favor of the defendant for fear of appellate issues. MOO
I was afraid this would happen. They would like to make it appear as though she is not a reliable witness. I'm just praying the test on the gun will come back positive as the murder weapon.
It's very possible that Luis will be drug into this too (implicated). He was arrested for yelling at Sherry the morning of their baby's death (inappropriate behavior). He might also have psychiatric records.
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