GA - Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub.

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Minimal brain function is really the harder decision-- brain death takes the decision out of your hands and makes clear what you have to do.

Minimal brain function means PSV, which gives people hope and is harder to understand (people will tell them "so and so's mama was in a coma and she woke up before they turned off life support, even though it most likely wasnt even the same situation)....

They are going to have to decide what BK would have wanted and if she would have wanted to live a life of no hope for recovery, hooked to a ventilator with a feeding tube and no awareness. No doubt the more religious of the relatives are talking of miracles could happen...

Its a tragic and devastating. I really feel for BB and the family.

As an aside, why claim you are married if you arent? What's the benefit of that?
Will someone clear this up for me. Is Nick Gordan being allowed in to see BK?

I believe on the first day I read he was not allowed in, but this was when they were trying to figure out what actually happened. If he is still being kept out, I think it is very unfair!! He is the one who has been by BK's side for years and more than likely the one that has given her the most support since her mother died. JMO.

A source reported that he and Bobby Brown were tussling at the bedside of Bobbi Kristina about who was at fault for BKB current condition. Not sure who the source is or why they are leaking any information but if I were the family I would be pi**ed about the leaks.
Someone needs to plant a false story to one person and if it leaks they will have their source. IMO
What is the length of time one is left on a ventilator in a medically reduced coma as BK is in? Is it possible for the brain to rejuvenate after a period of time? However, what would her quality of life be at this point?
No, sadly brains do not have the ability to recover cells that have already died. You see how people with traumatic brain injuries (bruising) sometimes take years to recover.

Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) to the brain results in dead brain cells that will never be able to rejuvenate or recover.
I'm wondering if it will be a doctor that will make the choice to remove support if Bobbi Kristina is found to be brain dead?
Is it against TOS to actually link a FB page here? Prayers for Preston is a little boy who is now 3 i think and who survived a near-drowning at age 18 months. He is in a PSV and his parents are super religious and have been praying for God to restore him so he can tell everyone about the time he spent with Jesus and witness to that (im not judging, but its hard to read when she says that because there is no recovery possible for Preston).

Preston's eyes and mouth are frozen open and he is on a ventilator and feeding tube, though when he is stong he can go about 8 hours off the ventilator. He cannot walk, talk or communicate in any way. He gets sick often with things like ear infections, colds, etc. when he gets sick bad, he get life flighted back to the hospital.

Preston goes to physical therapy sometimes where they hook him to bungee cords and get him to "stand up" (with all kinds of assistance and hands). The last video they showed, his neck snapped forward with such force, i thought his neck bones would break. He has no tone to his body and has no control over his movements.

His mother just had another baby and has banked cord blood in the hope that sometime in the future a therapy may be discovered that will make preston whole again.

Its a very very sad story. They were at a party when preston fell into a pool, so i think there is loads and loads of of guilt in the adults. Plus he is a baby... I cant imagine what this life change would be like for someone other than to guess that its horrible.
A source reported that he and Bobby Brown were tussling at the bedside of Bobbi Kristina about who was at fault for BKB current condition. Not sure who the source is or why they are leaking any information but if I were the family I would be pi**ed about the leaks.
Someone needs to plant a false story to one person and if it leaks they will have their source. IMO

It is a bit late to be discussing who's at fault for BK's condition isn't it? Who are you BB to question your daughter's life now? What kind of life did she grow up with around you and her mother? Now you see what that lifestyle does!

I agree Kimlynn with planting a false story. On the same hand, one side wants the public to know, the other side doesn't. Wonder why that is?
Preston's story also brings up the question of where will BK live for the rest of her life if she is in a PSV? Who will care for her? Luckily she will have loads of money for her care (but watch how quickly a PSV will drain it). I guess she would have to move in with her dad and he would have to convert a room/rooms into a hospital/nursing home type of setting where they can keep an eye on her care givers and make sure she isn't abused or neglected in any way.
It is a bit late to be discussing who's at fault for BK's condition isn't it? Who are you BB to question your daughter's life now? What kind of life did she grow up with around you and her mother? Now you see what that lifestyle does!

I agree Kimlynn with planting a false story. On the same hand, one side wants the public to know, the other side doesn't. Wonder why that is?

I wonder if the source is getting paid for the information. I can't imagine why they would be talking to the media otherwise,unless it's just for the sake of drama or attention.
Preston's story also brings up the question of where will BK live for the rest of her life if she is in a PSV? Who will care for her? Luckily she will have loads of money for her care (but watch how quickly a PSV will drain it). I guess she would have to move in with her dad and he would have to convert a room/rooms into a hospital/nursing home type of setting where they can keep an eye on her care givers and make sure she isn't abused or neglected in any way.

Yeah like Corrina did. She had a state of the art medical facility built on the property, their home is on lake geneva, it's amazing what she has done for him and his privacy in their situation. jmo idk

Michael Schumacher's wife builds £10million medical suite in their mansion to look after stricken F1 Ace when he leaves hospital after being told it is unlikely he will wake
I really hope they choose to let her go, this could end up like the Terry Salvio case otherwise which means only the lawyers benefit. So sad.
Will someone clear this up for me. Is Nick Gordan being allowed in to see BK?

I believe on the first day I read he was not allowed in, but this was when they were trying to figure out what actually happened. If he is still being kept out, I think it is very unfair!! He is the one who has been by BK's side for years and more than likely the one that has given her the most support since her mother died. JMO.

I think in addition to the alleged fight between Nick Gordon and Bobby Brown there is the matter of the restraining order that Pat Houston has against Nick Gordon. Also, if they are not legally married, the family certainly has the right to request he be kept away from BK while she is in the hospital. MOO.

Whitney Houston's sister-in-law, Pat Houston, currently has a restraining order against Gordon. According to court documents, Pat filed for the order of protection on March 14, 2014, after Gordon "made threatening comments and posted photos of guns with the intention of making (her) fearful for her personal safety." Gordon is barred from having any direct contact with Pat until April 13, 2015.
Yes, it has that as a direct quote. :gaah:

Our choices are:

1) daily fail misquoted

2) police report is wrong

3) its true
Did I read that right???
"Marion is romantically involved with Nicholas Gordon"??

That will teach them to tell all. oops. lol I wonder if we found our source. The mom of Pat Houston.

eta They also have Pat as a sister to Whitney.
Yes, it has that as a direct quote. :gaah:

Our choices are:

1) daily fail misquoted

2) police report is wrong

3) its true

I'm thinking an error in the police report. Shame mom didn't check before putting it out there.
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