GA - Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub.

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I think part of the problem is she was not raised to be anything but famous. Nothing else. Just famous. What happens when that does not work out??

It is truly a shame. This girl has talent and goodness. It may not be the talent her mom had but she had something in her that was unique to her and it is a shame that no one seems to have focused on that.
Say what you will about TMZ. They do not report things that aren't true. I do believe their reports today, that doctor have said it's time. However, It is BB's birthday FGS. It was reported he wants to wait until the weekend. In addition, Cissy isn't there. I believe it. :twocents: It isn't gonna hurt to wait a few days. :sigh: I think at this point it is pretty safe to say she won't survive this. :(

It makes me very very sad. I, like others, was a huge Whitney fan. She had a voice like nobody ever will. The sad tragedy to this story, is that money apparently really does not make anyone happy. Whitney would just be heartbroken over this news. I just hope and pray that BK can finally rest, and her soul can have some peace. :cry:
ITA. If there was reason to believe that either BB or NG had any involvement in BK's condition I could understand the interest. However, this appears to be a very sad accident and it's going to end with BB losing his baby girl. I'm sure the last thing on the minds of the two men in BK's life is who gets the inheritance.

Sorry, I didn't know my typing speed was so slow. When I posted I was jumping off the post in italics but before I finished they've taken her off the vent. So sad, this family has been through so much. I pray they will find some way to comfort each other.


That is exactly the point. We don't KNOW if anyone else was involved in her condition.
It APPEARS to be a tragic accident.
So did several of the bathtub murders that were initially thought to be tragic accidents!

It has to be thoroughly investigated before it can be called a tragic accident.
Yes, I believe it is a tragic accident or suicide attempt as well.
However, with this kind of money at stake anything is possible.

When someone dies under unusual circumstances the FIRST question is "who would benefit from this death?"
I am failing to understand why that should be any different in this situation?
If anything that question should be even MORE important in this particular case. :dunno:
You know, I was a fan of Whitney Houston's music. I also thought the Bodyguard was one of the most romantic movies I have ever watched and have seen it several times. That is how I remember her, not the worn, drawn, drugged out looking woman that came after.

I never watched the show with her husband, BB and didn't follow his career. What I know of their marriage, toxic relationship, and drug use is what I have picked up here and there from the media.

But today I wasn't feeling well and watched some of the shows "On Our Own". I wanted to see BKB and hear her voice. The programs I watched online left me feeling very empty and sad for this girl. It seemed that not only was her mother's death and fame exploited by this production, but her grief and coming to terms with it in a natural way were too.

I know enough about reality shows to realize that much is scripted and staged. But even if a bit of it is true, from the episodes I watched, I was left wondering if she had any real meaningful relationships after her mother was gone.

She talked of texting her daddy and getting no response from him, said their relationship was "complicated". They did not seem to be the center of each other's world or even close to it. If what I watched on the show is close to reality, then her relationship with her grandmother Cissy was also distant and strained.

I am not sure what she had with NG, but I do think she has been seeking security and love and a sense of family and somewhere she belonged. Maybe he filled that void for her or at least she looked for it to.

She wanted a career in acting or singing but to be honest, I don't think she had the natural talent that is sometimes expected of famous offspring. Maybe she was realizing that she was not going to make a name for herself in that direction but felt the pressure to do so. I don't know if she was prepared to do anything else with her life, I've read nothing about her education or her childhood, other than that she lived with and was on the road with her mother.

If her relationship with NG was not working out, I don't know who she had in her life to turn to. She has this huge extended family but many of them were supported by her mother's career from what I can tell. Perhaps there was a lot of pressure for her to continue that legacy and it was just too much for her. I was left just feeling like this girl had been exposed to a lot of things as a child and teenager that left her unprepared to cope.

I think instead of calling their show "On Our Own" they should of called it "On Her Own".

What a great post! :goodpost: I'm in the same boat as you. I watched On our Own just recently since this happened. I know so many people criticize Pat, but I felt like she truly had BK's interest at heart. I just think she never understood the severity of her grief.

There is something about us humans that we enjoy living vicariously through celebrities, as BK enjoyed the life her mother's celebrity afforded her with a front row seat. Her parents did nothing to shield her from this distorted view of life or take care of her need to develop into a grounded, well-adjsted adult as some other responsible famous parents have done. She worshiped her mother and the only plan they seemed to have had for her was to remain at her mother's side, vicarously enjoying the excitement and glamour, without having to grow into an independent adult with her own life. The unexpected and shocking loss of her mother must have left her in a permanent tale spin with no resources to save herself. Yes, this poor child was doomed from the start.
Caught a bit of the updated report. It said that the claims that she was "near death" were false. There was another part that is slipping my mind. They said BB gave the thumbs up from his car. I don't think this was the same report I heard earlier, but a brief update.
Reports of "pulling the plug" stick in my craw. Removing someone from life support/ventilator goes in stages. Sometimes death is a matter of minutes/hours and sometimes days. The inheritance is moot to me. A human life can't be measured in $.
I personally think, that if and when the family decided to take her off life support, they will have an actual spokes person for the family or an actual spokes person of the hospital say so. Not some unnamed source.

Just my opinion.
I was just watching ABC news. The family representative apparently states that BK has NOT been taken off life support as reported.

They also said that both BB's lawyer and "Bobbi Kristina's representatives" confirm that she never legally married. It did not identify those "representatives," so I don't know how solid that is.
I was just watching ABC news. The family representative apparently states that BK has NOT been taken off life support as reported.

They also said that both BB's lawyer and "Bobbi Kristina's representatives" confirm that she never legally married. It did not identify those "representatives," so I don't know how solid that is.

ABC News ‏@ABC 4m4 minutes ago
Bobbi Kristina Brown was not taken off life support, family source tells @ABC News:
Would he leave if she was still alive? I'd be camped out at the hospital.
I think he must be coming and going because there was a report on TMZ today with photo of him arriving at the hospital with his pregnant gf
Would he leave if she was still alive? I'd be camped out at the hospital.

The only child of the late singer Whitney Houston has not been taken off life support or declared brain dead, a family source said on Thursday, five days after Bobbi Kristina Brown was found face down in a bathtub at her Georgia home.

The source, who asked not to be identified, said media reports that Brown, Houston's daughter with singer Bobby Brown, had no brain activity were incorrect.

Bobbi Kristina's cousin Jerod Brown said on social media that doctors were not optimistic about the 21-year-old aspiring singer's chances.

Still waiting for the ABC station to update its online videos.
BB would have to leave at some point to bathe, sleep, take care of his wife and young baby.
Doctors would encourage him to rest also, not much he can do.
I agree he comes and goes.
Watching someone you love on life support is exhausting, you can't do anything but pray.
Where does grandma live hat it is taking so long for her to get there?
Right, at first we heard she was brain dead and then we heard she had minimal brain activity, which means persistent vegetative state.
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