GUILTY GA - Diane McIver, 63, fatally shot, Atlanta, 25 Sept 2016

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Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
6m6 minutes ago
Rucker: "I have been waiting a long time to talk to ya'll about the facts and circumstances of this case. They are clear, they are overwhelming and they establish (#TexMcIver) guilt beyond a reasonable doubt"

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
7m7 minutes ago
Rucker: He was just coveting her money, again and again. #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker has large poster of Diane McIver behind him. #TexMcIver.


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
51s51 seconds ago
#TexMcIver prosecutor Clint Rucker shows jury this lil Mason jar that shows how the defense just tried to muddy the facts. By the time he is through, he says, this will be clear again--just like the case. @wsbradio


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
5m5 minutes ago
"This case was all about the defendant's attempt to maintain an image of wealth and power," Clint Rucker #TexMcIver "He goes from being Claud McIver to Tex"

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker: "They want you to believe everything is all lovey dovey. Most ppl don't know what's going on behind closed doors." #TexMcIver

Latonia P Hines@LatoniaPHines
54s55 seconds ago
Rucker going over the type of relationship Tex and Diane had, especially when it came to financials. #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
"I can always just change my will" and give it to Robbie., Rucker quotes #TexMcIver "Until I get done with my issue, I'll pretend like I'm giving it to Austin (godson)"

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
53s53 seconds ago
Rucker: "It must be good to have a woman take care of you like that," speaking of Diane propping up #TexMcIver.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: You just heard defense attorneys say he wasn't in any dire financial distress? Why didn't he pay (Diane) the money back?" #TexMcIver

Latonia P Hines@LatoniaPHines
2m2 minutes ago
Per Rucker, Tex was "American Gigolo". #texmciver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker on #TexMcIver losing his partnership, and half his salary: "His solution was to rely on the sugar mama"

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
"If you take her money out, he has negative $5,301" Rucker on #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker: "Diane was the one who was in control," noting she gave #TexMcIver an additional $198 K from 2013 to '16
Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
58s59 seconds ago
#TexMcIver - Clint Rucker during closing arguments compares an octopus to the defense team.

(video clip

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver - Prosecutor Clint Rucker with video of octopus

(video clip

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
38s39 seconds ago
#TexMcIver - Rucker then bring out a mason jar filled with water with sand on the bottom to compare their 'clear' case to the defense's 'muddy' one.

(video clip
Natalie Rubino@NatalieCBS46
2m2 minutes ago
State shows outline of Diane’s old will vs. new will. (No new will was ever submitted as evidence. Just emails about what Diane wanted and an old will with notes added to it.) @cbs46


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: "This is why he knows, as early as June, this arrangement isn't working out" reads email from Diane to #TexMcIver telling him he better pay attention to ranch hands' job description

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: Diane had a "special safe" in her condo #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
5m5 minutes ago
Rucker: #TexMcIver is "taking back his legacy...regaining control."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
State says "Diane was the one in control." Recalls e-mails of Diane telling #TexMcIver she would not leave her share of the ranch to his son Robbie. Even Anne Schwall who loves Tex told jury Diane was leaving it to Austin, w/enough money to care for it. @wsbradio


Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
In addition to the $350K loan she revamped documents for saying she could call it due at any time & seize #TexMcIver's ranch half for nonpayment, Diane had also given McIver $198,000 from 2013-2016. "Killing Diane solved all his problems; he's better off with her dead" @wsbradio



Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker: "Killing Diane McIver solves all his problems. He is much better of with her dead than alive." #TexMcIver

Latonia P Hines@LatoniaPHines
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker listing all of the facts which show Tex was a gun expert. #Texmciver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker repeats prosecution's mantra from opening: "Planned, intended and calculated" #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker tries to play clip of @MarkWinneWSB interview again during closings, but video won't play. #TexMcIver told Mark "Guns aren't my thing."

Law & Crime Network@LawCrimeNetwork
3m3 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Rucker shows the photo of McIver's guns that were brought into court during trial and quotes Mciver's statement, "guns are not my thing."


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker tells jury #TexMcIver wanted man who worked out the horses to take Dani Jo Carter home instead of her coming with him. A plan, he said, so he could kill Diane.

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: The plan: Tanner McKinney, ranch hand, was asked by #TexMcIver to take Dani Jo home ; maybe that was original plan, that she'd have "an accident at the ranch"

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
31s32 seconds ago
State reminds jurors that #TexMcIver asked a ranch hand to take Dani Jo Carter home, which would have left him alone with Diane: Was the original plan to have an "accident" at the ranch? @wsbradio


Latonia P Hines@LatoniaPHines
1m1 minute ago
The playing of Tes's jailhouse interviews were very memorable. Question will be if the jury wonders why Tex didn't testify in front of them when he was so willing to give interviews to everyone. Will the lack of his testimony be evidence of guilty in their minds? #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker says Dani Jo and Diane talked about their friend accidentally discharging his weapon while #TexMcIver was in the backseat. "Aha," he tells the jury.
Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
59s60 seconds ago
"This was terrible planning -- there is no good plan when trying to kill a person" Rucker on #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
50s50 seconds ago
"If you're so scared, with a loaded gun in your lap, why in the world do you fall asleep?" Rucker on #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
46s46 seconds ago
Rucker on #TexMcIver falling back asleep after asking for his gun. "It don't make no sense."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
38s39 seconds ago
"If there's no justification for having the gun, that equals intent" No BLM protest on Edgewood; no bump, no unintentional discharge #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
51s52 seconds ago
Rucker: "Why is he lying? Because he's guilty" #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
3m3 minutes ago
State tackles defense idea that #TexMcIver's actions showed there was no plan: "There is no good plan when trying to kill a person!" Says Tex's contention that he was afraid yet fell asleep is senseless. "If you're so scared with a loaded gun in your lap, why sleep?" @wsbradio


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker: The danger was gone. Why didn't you give the gun back? Why didn't you put it in the seat next to you? You're darling, your lovemate, sitting just inches away from you. Why would you put her in danger like that" #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
State questions why #TexMcIver didn't put gun away if he felt safe: "Your darling! Your soulmate! The one you love more than anything in this world is just inches in front of you! Why put her in that kind of danger if you loved her so much & you're so familiar w/guns?" @wsbradio


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: "Dani Jo wanted to believe it was an accident. "#TexMcIver
Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker: "Who could live in Atlanta for 40 yrs and not know about Grady? There are 4 other options before you get to Emory. It's in another county." #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
"Let me get my angle right and I bet I can pop her right in the heart." Rucker on #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
35s35 seconds ago
Rucker: What if Diane McIver had gotten to #Grady? "She'd still be here today and the defendant knew that." #TexMcIver.

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
5m5 minutes ago
#TexMcIver State says there were four closer options than Emory hospital and points out when you hear of people being shot, they're taken to Grady. "Who could live in Atlanta for 40 years and not know about Grady?" Never called 911; a fire station was just around corner @wsbradio


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker: "Don't tell me what to do, boy. Really, to the 2 doctors who had just tried to save his wife's life? What does that say about his state of mind?" #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker "If you believe the nurses then the defendant is guilty" #TexMcIver
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
2m2 minutes ago
State mentioned how the defense berated/disrespected some prosecution witnesses, all because of what they heard #TexMcIver say; McIver's words reference his lies as well as his state of mind. @wsbradio




Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker: "Two lawyers, two days no tears: He lies about little things, he lies about big things" #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
46s46 seconds ago
Rucker: "This case has nothing to do with no sleep disorder. It's a bunch of baloney." #TexMcIver.

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: #TexMcIver showed "no grief, just greed."

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker: "No grief, just greed<' cataloguing jewelry on Sept. 27. "He sold her hats, shoes, purses." "He didn't care about Diane McIver. He just wanted her money." #TexMcIver

Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: "This ain't no Chef Tex, southern gentleman. He's a guilty murderer. Just because he's older, just because of his status in life doesn't mean he couldn't have intentionally killed his wife." #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
46s46 seconds ago
State: "This ain't no Chef Tex, 'southern gentleman.' He's a guilty murderer! And just because he's older, just because of his status in life, doesn't mean he couldn't have intentionally killed his wife." @wsbradio #TexMcIver
Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
Rucker on Annie Anderson: "I never said they had sex. It just don't look right. .. This man was no more suicidal than a man on the moon. He was negotiating business that week. Suicidal? Thats an insult. He cares more about himself than anything in this world" #TexMcIver

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
1m1 minute ago
State on #TexMcIver's spending so much time w/Annie, who was w/him daily frm Diane's death til Oct. 3: "Mr. Defendant, it just don't look right & is not consistent w/the person you've portrayed yourself to be!...He wasn't suicidal; he was negotiating business all week!" @wsbradio


Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
1m1 minute ago
Rucker: #TexMcIver was no more suicidal than the "man on the moon."

Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
4m4 minutes ago
State, on Diane's ashes: #TexMcIver took 42 days to pick them up, despite having written several checks before then. "Eight months after her death, she was stuffed in a drawer tucked back in a closet in a cardboard box." @wsbradio


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
3m3 minutes ago
"Diane tried to stand up for herself in her last waking moments: 'Do you want to see your husband?' Diane knew she was going. ... Am I dying? Am I dying? Do you want to see ur husband. And she said no." #TexMcIver

Mike Petchenik@MPetchenikWSB
2m2 minutes ago
Rucker: "Stand up for Diane. Stand up for Diane." #TexMcIver.


Christian Boone@ReporterJCB
2m2 minutes ago
To jury, "Will you stand for Diane McIver as she cries out, 'Who will stand up for me' " Rucker: Ya'll stand up for Diane #TexMcIver

Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
1m1 minute ago
#TexMcIver - That's it for closings. Court is adjourned for lunch. When they return at 2:45 the judge will give the jury instructions before they begin deliberations
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
16m16 minutes ago
Quick bulletpoints in State closing: a profile of a wealthy, sharp-tongued Diane who adored godson; #TexMcIver's romantic comment on his ex; Diane declining to see him when she knew she was dying. Shows some pic that says now she's been "reduced to a simple number" @wsbradio



Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
9m9 minutes ago
The photo was of Diane's body, with the coroner's ID information. #TexMcIver ..:(
Veronica Waters@MissVWaters
8m8 minutes ago
#TexMcIver Prosecutor Rucker's voice breaks as he asks again, "Who will stand for Diane McIver, a great woman she tried to be? Ladies and gentlemen, will you stand for Diane McIver, as she cries out 'Who will stand for me?'" Implores jurors, "Y'all stand up for Diane." @wsbradio




For whatever it's worth...

According to the guest that was just on LawandCrime that was in the courtroom during closings, his impression was some of the jury seemed bored after the octopus and jar demonstrative in Rucker's closing, and especially when he was going over the financial stuff again, like yeah, yeah, we have heard this over and over.

According to him, his impression was the jury was very involved when Samuels was presenting his closing.

He also said this jury seems to really like this judge.
Cathy Russon@cathyrusson
2m2 minutes ago
#TexMcIver - Law enforcment expert @VincentHillTV in the courtroom today, as well as previous days, he says jurors respond favorably to Don Samuels.


I think Dianne would have hated being called a Sugar Mama. J/S
Vinnie Politan and Latonia Hines Talk Tex McIver Trial on Law & Crime Network 04/17/18

Sheriff: Friend, murder defendant Tex McIver ‘not guilty’
Georgia sheriff is calling the motive pinned on Tex McIver "bogus" and "absurd."

"ATLANTA – Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills was slated to testify for the state in Claud Lee “Tex” McIver III’s murder trial—but he was never called upon. However, off the witness stand, he said, his friend of 20 years, is innocent of intentionally shooting and killing his wife, prominent Buckhead business woman, Diane McIver.

Sills, 62, sat down exclusively with 11Alive’s Jessica Noll to talk about the couple, whom he and his wife Janet considered friends—and the case against the man he called a “consummate gentleman.”

The 40-year veteran of law enforcement, with a self-proclaimed high conviction rate himself, said this is the first time he has been on the defense’s side of any criminal trial.

“If I thought Tex McIver murdered his wife, I'd help put him in prison,” Sills admitted.

But he believes the motive pinned on Tex is flimsy, that an accidental discharge is highly plausible, and that the couple he knew had a solid relationship, including financially.

“I'm as convinced, as I am that the sun will come up tomorrow, that he did not commit the crime of murder,” Sills argued on behalf of 75-year-old Tex...."
Prosecution’s Murder Case against Prominent Atlanta Attorney Is Total Reach and Complete Hogwash

"...Prosecutors presented a slow, disorganized case to the jury. It was as if prosecutors were trying the case by scattering a trial of breadcrumbs, hoping jurors would somehow find that the crumbs resulted in a path to the top charge: murder. Perhaps one juror would find meaning in this crumb; perhaps another would latch onto that one; perhaps back in the jury room they’d add the scattered trail up into something that resembled a mildly discernible path.

That, in my opinion, is not guilt beyond a reasonable doubt....

Surely, Tex McIver said some strange things. He said he wasn’t a gun enthusiast in a local television interview, but prosecutors exhibited a mountain of his weapons directly in front of the jury. The driver of the car, Dani Jo Carter, said McIver asked her to lie about how she showed up at the hospital.

Still, these statements are not proof beyond a reasonable doubt that McIver intentionally murdered his wife...."
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