GA GA - Jenna Van Gelderen, 25, Atlanta, 18 Aug 2017 #1

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Im keen to know about the cctv coverage of her comings and goings at her apartment. We could do with more hard facts and less rumours. We are not here to judge the victim but help find her for whatever reason she is missing.

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Friends and family for the T-Mobile line.
Metro line still not sure , but we found her account info at the house as well

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Wouldn't it have to be prepaid? Not many companies extend service up front unless they do a credit check. Wouldn't they catch that her name is inaccurate?

Maybe Metro PCS is more lenient than other companies.

If she wasn't hiding anything with a second phone and it was just for independence, why not use her real name? And if she has one already paid by her parents, doesn't have a job (occasional babysitting is not a great income unless you're a teenager) or any help from someone else, why would she want to pay for another phone unless it was a necessity?

My dad has two cellphones. One is for business and the other is for personal. The calls do not overlap. He only gives certain people his personal one.

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Here's subie 's post that states the metro account info was at the house.

Is this your post with the reasons why you think J was hiding stuff?
You say not using her real name is an indication of hiding stuff but that's the only reason I can see. Is it in another post?

Ruth Jenna are her real names. (see my post about my father's names)
Mystified? I just explained reasons why it seems like she could've been hiding that she had this phone.

For one, usually when someone doesn't use their real name, it's for a reason.

Her own brother said she hid things from her family and her friends.

If I - or anyone else here - knew what she was hiding we wouldn't be on Websleuths guessing around.

Two chargers doesn't equal two phones. I have multiple chargers for the car, upstairs and downstairs.

Yeah idk whats so mystifying. Her family admits she hides things from them. Having a second phone that her family knew nothing about screams that she was hiding something otherwise she'd just use the phone on her parents account.

ETA we have an iPhone charger in practically every room in my house, as well as portable battery pack chargers
I missed the reasons. I'll go and reread. Subie said that she had taken her phones but not the chargers I think that is how it was explained. I also wouldnt say Ruth Jenna was not her real name. My father's forenames were Arthur George but he always went by the name George. She may prefer the name Ruth and be ashamed of her misdemeanour so has dropped the surname. JMO.

With all due respect, given her tendencies to hide things from her family, this theory seems like reaching. JMO
With all due respect, given her tendencies to hide things from her family, this theory seems like reaching. JMO
There is no evidence anywhere that states she has hidden anything from her family. Only communication from our VI, which we were told at the start to take on board anything communicated by the VI at our own values. There is absolutely no mention of anything on the find jenna fb page which the whole family is involved in. The backpage rumours were squashed, the misdeameanor we dont know enough about to judge and as far as i can see the only thing people assume is hidden is the second phone but the paperwork was at her parents house. Supposedly the family didnt know her friends but the fb page gives a different story and the family didnt know where she lived yet they invite her round to house-sit/cat-sit....

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I missed the reasons. I'll go and reread. Subie said that she had taken her phones but not the chargers I think that is how it was explained. I also wouldnt say Ruth Jenna was not her real name. My father's forenames were Arthur George but he always went by the name George. She may prefer the name Ruth and be ashamed of her misdemeanour so has dropped the surname. JMO.

Does anyone here know someone with the last name, "Jenna?"

Why would she be ashamed of using her real name (as in what's on her official documentation) when buying a prepaid phone? It sounds like Metro PCS doesn't care who buys their phones.

Are you thinking that she was so ashamed of the theft at work that she used this alternate name in other instances?

In a city this size, the crime Subie said she was charged with isn't that big of a deal and not sure anyone would know unless she told them or they were hiring her for a job and they did a background check.

I wouldn't immediately think "abduction" because someone left a couple chargers behind, especially if they have one in their car.

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Yes I do pay the bill for my husband and step kids. I was pointing out that at first you said you had three cell phones, however you really have one, but have two others on your account. That's very different from having three cell phones for yourself.

I think it means she had a part of her life she did not want her family to know about. I think someone else had her get that phone for perhaps business purposes and that person may have funded her phone. I'm being intentionally vague.

WADR I didn't say I had three cell phones. I said I had three phones in my name. J has a second prepaid phone. This may well be paid for by a friend (prepayment cards) so I don't see that as a problem. Perhaps the friend is wealthy and/or married and J does not want her family to know because they will be judgmental. There could be illegal activity but apart from her address what has she hidden?
Here's subie 's post that states the metro account info was at the house.

Is this your post with the reasons why you think J was hiding stuff?
You say not using her real name is an indication of hiding stuff but that's the only reason I can see. Is it in another post?

Ruth Jenna are her real names. (see my post about my father's names)


Maybe it wasn't clear enough.

1. She didn't have a job (that her family knows of)

2. Her family gave her a free phone

3. She didn't use her real name (I saw that your dad switched to his middle name. Did he also ditch his last name?)

I see where he said they found her account info at the house. Does he say somewhere else that it was "lying out?"

It sounds like her family didn't know she had a second phone until she disappeared.

Maybe you're right and she didn't care if they knew that she had a second phone but it definitely sounds like they don't know why she had it.

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With all due respect, given her tendencies to hide things from her family, this theory seems like reaching. JMO
What theory is reaching - that she dropped the surname because of the misdemeanour and shame/guilt associated with it? How so?
You think she dropped the surname to hide the fact she had a second phone yet didn't hide the details or the charger for said phone? She cannot have been serious about hiding that second phone IMO.
There is no evidence anywhere that states she has hidden anything from her family. Only communication from our VI, which we were told at the start to take on board anything communicated by the VI at our own values. There is absolutely no mention of anything on the find jenna fb page which the whole family is involved in. The backpage rumours were squashed, the misdeameanor we dont know enough about to judge and as far as i can see the only thing people assume is hidden is the second phone but the paperwork was at her parents house. Supposedly the family didnt know her friends but the fb page gives a different story and the family didnt know where she lived yet they invite her round to house-sit/cat-sit....

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I think many of us believe the VI and can't see why he'd lie to us so when he says she hid a lot from friends and family, we have that in our mind when thinking about this case.

Why is it a stretch to consider that someone might not have told people everything about them? It happens all the time. It's not a crime to be secretive. However, I think people will naturally wonder why someone isn't upfront about certain things and the reasons that lead them to be that way.

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Been following this story closely - live in the same area as the family -- have a few questions
Respectfully: the mods probably don't have time to go through and find all previous timelines to delete them unfortunately. It is also sometimes helpful to leave them as a reference to when & how they change/are updated.

IME, what WSers usually do, is add a line when updating timelines saying "revised/updated [insert date]". And also note erroneous info that is deleted.


Respectfully. The mod had absolutely no problems with removing my post of prior time lines I posted. If this was the cade he/she would probably instructed me how and what but this wasn't the case at all....Of course I communicated about the postnr's I wanted to have removed....If you could tell me how the thing works, what Wsers usually do (reapectfully I'm a Ws-er, so what do you mean by that) please pm me....To be honest I get a little bit annoyed by your post .... It takes hours to make such a timeline. and update it.....
Respectfully. The mod had absolutely no problems with removing my post of prior time lines I posted. If this was the cade he/she would probably instructed me how and what but this wasn't the case at all....Of course I communicated about the postnr's I wanted to have removed....If you could tell me how the thing works, what Wsers usually do (reapectfully I'm a Ws-er, so what do you mean by that) please pm me....To be honest I get a little bit annoyed by your post .... It takes hours to make such a timeline. and update it.....
Hope, our mod Sillybilly has posted about this up thread and has explained somewhat. Sjm is stating similar. Also it is against ToS to ask for someone to pm you so you may want to edit that bit out. I will edit this probably too. Usually we have 60 minutes to edit or delete a post. :wave:
but the question is why would she need to use a different name.
she left off her last name for a reason IMO
Here's subie 's post that states the metro account info was at the house.

Is this your post with the reasons why you think J was hiding stuff?
You say not using her real name is an indication of hiding stuff but that's the only reason I can see. Is it in another post?

Ruth Jenna are her real names. (see my post about my father's names)

From all the posts:: Jenna usedtwo phones; T-mobile (in a family plan, parents account) and another (unknownby family but later found out) a Metro pcs number. According to post nr. 140 bybrother she was not the primary accountholder. Who was? Was shelisted as a user, was it somebody’s else phone entirely?

I'm sorry.....but I thought she was not the primary account hollder....see my questions..... This is relevant....and another person paying for your phone (that the family is not knowing about) is a red flag......there are a lot shades of grey....but that is what I think.....I'm not sure about what the statement of brother ment....metro account info was at the house (what house?)

Maybe it wasn't clear enough.

1. She didn't have a job (that her family knows of)

2. Her family gave her a free phone

3. She didn't use her real name (I saw that your dad switched to his middle name. Did he also ditch his last name?)

I see where he said they found her account info at the house. Does he say somewhere else that it was "lying out?"

It sounds like her family didn't know she had a second phone until she disappeared.

Maybe you're right and she didn't care if they knew that she had a second phone but it definitely sounds like they don't know why she had it.

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Maybe this is clearer:
1. She had a job they knew about but she lost it due to the misdemeanour.
2. Since then she has been unemployed which they knew about.
3. When she moved out in April or May they did not know when exactly it seems or where to.
4. She has a phone on the family plan. (Don't know who pays for this.)
5. She has a separate prepaid phone. Don't know if she pays for that. Don't know how long she has had it. It is in the name of her first two forenames.
6. My Dad didn't switch his names, he was always known by his middle name. No he didnt drop his surname either but it was only six letters long and not double barrelled so it wasn't necessary. He didn't have a police record either in case that's your next question. :smile:

I haven't seen the source data you quoted about the phone (from the PI I think you said?)

There is no evidence anywhere that states she has hidden anything from her family. Only communication from our VI, which we were told at the start to take on board anything communicated by the VI at our own values. There is absolutely no mention of anything on the find jenna fb page which the whole family is involved in. The backpage rumours were squashed, the misdeameanor we dont know enough about to judge and as far as i can see the only thing people assume is hidden is the second phone but the paperwork was at her parents house. Supposedly the family didnt know her friends but the fb page gives a different story and the family didnt know where she lived yet they invite her round to house-sit/cat-sit....

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Well since I recently got rid of my Facebook, I can only comment on what the WS verified insider - Jenna's brother - tells us. Which is that Jenna's has hid a lot of stuff from them. Idk why I'd take a VIs word for less than a Facebook page admin but whatever. From subies previous posts it seems like he's been in touch with and advised by legal professionals. I have no reason to not take his posts seriously and to heart.
I am pretty familiar with individuals on the autism spectrum. I am a former special education teacher who specialized in autism. My guess is that her minor autism (poor social skills, lack of awareness of consequences/wrong doing, desperately wanting independence from her family but not having the skills/means to be independent, etc) made Jenna the perfect target for someone to take advantage of her.

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Exactly what I said earlier.....
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