GA GA - Jenna Van Gelderen, 25, Atlanta, 18 Aug 2017 #2

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For me, learning about the ex-boyfriend..made me sit straight up. I'm sorry to say that more often than not, the man in someone's life has something to do with their disappearance :(
Tina Douglas a news reporter from 106.7 is speaking about the case first.

TD - " Jenna at some point according to what police say had a boyfriend and maybe they had broken up that night.

The friend says she may have been very upset about the breakup and and that she had texted her friend to tell her what had happened and the friend, who lives in South Carolina, was in route to Atlanta .. I assume to comfort her or to be with her after this experience."

AB - " obviously whenever I hear that a boyfriend break up I immediately think we'll that's got to be the focus of the investigation, but the police are saying strange things. They are saying that boyfriend told them, I'll quote the police report, advised this officer the reason he was no longer wanting to associate with her was because he had recently found out she was selling her body for money. Now that also sounds like someone who is trying to maybe come up with an excuse as to why he wouldn't want to be around her anymore, but then the police say that her brother also said something that corroborated that. They said that Jennas brother also advised that Jenna had been in some trouble over the past year hanging with the wrong people and making poor choices. He also advised that he was aware of the prostitution that said Jenna was taken career counseling classes to better her life. Do we feel as though though Tina that the police are looking at this differently then they would a typical missing persons case with no kind of connection like that? "

TD - " possibly because of those you know extenuating factors but she's also a grown woman 25 years old was living on her own. Sometimes police are reluctant to consider this a missing person because they are grown and they may have just decided to go stay with a friend, go out of town. But from what her family says she is in constant contact with them and that is why they are very alarmed about this and it's been a month now. Usually a person doesn't normally go missing this long without contacting the family unless there was some type of tension in the family and we have not heard that at all. But you have to be concerned now because the time that has passed and the fact that her car has been found and she is nowhere to be found.

AB- I want to bring in her parents.. have either of the two of you been updated on anything in this case that looks optimistic that car being found did it yield any clues as to your daughter being found.

Dad- unfortunately we don't know at this point we're waiting to hear from the police as to what they are found in the car.

AB - do you suspect anything as to what these police reports are saying, what this boyfriend who broke up with her that night is saying ..that she had been, you know,doing things that he didn't feel was appropriate for the relationship and what her brother said that she had been making bad choices. Is this factoring into the investigation ?

Dad I don't think it factoring in.. the police chief assures us they're working diligently on the case. as far as the statements made by boyfriend we had never talked to him and we have no way of knowing about any of the facts he is talking about."


Paraphrasing now...
She is high-functioning she graduated from Gwinnett Tech she wanted a job as an administrative assistant. She's quite normal but she's very vulnerable as to her autism and she does not read social cues and she is a target for predators. we have gotten a number of people contacting us and they are concerned about us and jenna ( showing a visual that the car was found at I-75 and Howell Mill Road)

:gaah: they ended without saying or posting on screen a number to call if information!!!! Last nights transcript is up! :reading: :tyou: to the person who stated they did transcripts! Again, :gaah: that they did not state the number to call with information. Sudie, please tell parents to always ENSURE on camera the producers/person on camera state such in the future, and ask that it also be specifically put on screen? :grouphug: They did a GREAT job getting this information out there!


BANFIELD: There is a feeling I hope you never experience. When you walk into a home that is in disarray and the T.V. is on, key items are missing,

and a key person is missing. Your throat tightens, panic sets in, and typically that`s when 911 gets a call.

That`s what happened when Jenna Van Gelderen`s brother discovered that Jenna was that there in her parents` home. Her car was also missing. She

has been house-sitting for her parents in Atlanta this summer and was supposed to be meeting a friend the night that she went missing. But all

that was left of that house was phone charger and her makeup

[20:50:00] and her shoes. Things that her family said she would never leave behind. And now nearly a month since she vanished, police have found that

car. It was abandoned seven miles away. It was dry as a bone, out of gas. But is it a clue that could actually help to find Jenna?

I want to begin with Tina Douglas, an anchor/reporter for News Radio 106.7 in Atlanta. Tina, what else do we know about the case?

TINA DOUGLAS, ANCHOR/REPORTER, NEWSRADIO 106.7: Well, we do know that Jenna at some point according to what police say had a boyfriend and maybe that -

- they had broken up that night. The friend said she may have been very upset about the breakup and that she had texted her friend to tell her what

had happened. And the fried, who lives in South Carolina, was en route to Atlanta, I assume to comfort her or to be with her after this experience.

BANFIELD: So this -- I mean, obviously whenever I hear that, a boyfriend, a breakup right before disappearance, I immediately think that`s got to be

the focus of the investigation. But the police are saying strange things. They are saying that that boyfriend told them -- and I`ll quote the police

report, advised this officer that the reason behind him no longer wanting to associate with her because he had recently found out that she had been

selling her body for money.

That also kind of sounds like someone who is trying to maybe come up with an excuse as to why he wouldn`t want to be around her anymore. But then the

police said Jenna`s brother also said something that corroborated that.

They said Jenna`s brother also advised that Jenna had been in some trouble over the past year, hanging with wrong people and making poor choices. He

also advised that he was aware of the prostitution but said that Jenna was taking career counseling classes to better her life.

Do we feel at all, Tina, that the police are looking at this differently from as they would, you know, a typical missing person case with no kind of

connection like that?

DOUGLAS: Possibly because of those, you know, extenuating factors. But, she is also a grown woman, 25 years old, was living on her own. Sometimes

police are reluctant to, you know, consider this a missing person because they are grown and they may have just decided to go stay with a friend, go

out of town.

But from what we understand, her family says she is in constant contact with them. And that`s why they are very alarmed about this. It`s been a

month now. So, a person doesn`t normally go missing this long without contacting their family unless there was some kind of tension between the

family, and we haven`t heard that at all.

But, you know, you have to be concerned now because of the time that`s lapsed and the fact that her car has been found and she is nowhere to be


BANFIELD: So, I want to bring in Jenna`s parents, Roseanne Glick and Leon Van Gelderen. Have either of the two of you -- and Leon, I`ll begin with

you. Have either of the two of you been updated on anything in this case that looks optimistic? Like that car being found. Did it yield any clues as

to where your daughter is?

LEON VAN GELDEREN, FATHER OF JENNA VAN GELDEREN: Unfortunately we don`t know at this point. We are waiting to hear from the police as to what they

found in the car.

BANFIELD: And do you suspect that there`s anything to what these police reports are saying, what this boyfriend who broke up with her that night is

saying, that she had been doing things that he didn`t feel was appropriate for their relationship, that her brother reported to the police that she

had been making bad choices. Is this factoring into the investigation?

GELDEREN: I don`t think it is factoring in. The police chief assures us that they`re working diligently on the case. As far as the statements made

by the boyfriend, we had never talked to him and we have no way of knowing any of the facts that he`s talking about.

BANFIELD: We got a picture up with Jenna. She was at class of 2016, a recent graduate. As I understand, Jenna was mildly autistic as well. Is

that a problem or was she high-functioning?

ROSEANNE GLICK, MOTHER OF JENNA VAN GELDEREN: She is high-functioning. She graduated from Gwinnett Tech, looking towards getting a job as

administrative assistant. She was working with an organization to help her find a job. Her autism stands in the way in a different way. She comes

across like you and me when you see her. However, she`s quite vulnerable to people. She sometimes does not read social cues. She is a target for


BANFIELD: And, Roseanne, I know you have a Facebook page up. Is it yielding any information? Are you soliciting tips from people on the Facebook page?

[20:55:00] GLICK: We have gotten a number of people contacting us. At this point, I would say that the majority of people are sending their best to

us. They`re concerned about us. They are concerned about Jenna.

BANFIELD: Leon and Roseanne, I hope the best for you. I hope that you get those clues up and I hope that you`re able to find out more information

especially since the car has been found. Perhaps it will lead to something. And hopefully we can meet at different time with better news. I appreciate

you being here tonight. Thank you so much.

VAN GELDEREN: Thank you.

GLICK: Thank you.

BANFIELD: We`re back right after this.

So glad to see this getting more attention and am glad to see they've found Jenna's car.

About the BF: wasn't Jenna supposed to meet up with some other guy that night but never showed? Wondering how that fits into these new details.

Also, if SC friend was on the way, when did they arrive? I'd assume they made it before subie discovered she was missing.
Ok thank you for clearing that up for me. Did you find any connection between the roommate and that phone number that you were able to look up on Instagram? Sorry if I'm bombarding you with questions

Just for everyones sanity. Im not posting any names or nicknames on here from now on as this is public

Person 1: POI from last thread, was her "ex" as mentioned last night. The one we know had driven her car at one point. Was a security person at her old job

Person 2: Roommate Dont know how she met him, but was only going to be temporary. We have reason to believe he knows Person 1 based on the little bit of interviewing we have done on him

Person 3: Is another guy friend she was supposed to meet with Friday night in College Park but was told not come down with my Moms car, would meet her around Lindbergh area, but she never showed. This is the guy that I found with the instagram profile that lead me to believe some kind of pimping or trafficking might be going on. He called twice at 11 and 1150 that night (pocket dials). Assuming this might be because she never showed?

Person 4: Another guy, that we have discovered that used to come into the store, demanding money and other things from Jenna. Found out she had been paying this guy through western union about $1100 over the course of 2-3 years, met him in college. However, all phone activity and payments stopped like 4 months ago. I have a feeling this guy is connected to her store incident

Person 5: Her Good friend she babysat for in S.C, the one she texted at 2am. What was said about her coming down Saturday, last night on the news is news to us (she never mentioned before to us, don't know where the news got that statement from.

Person 6: Another Girlfriend of hers that was over at the house for that get together early that week, (uber girl), also the one that supposedly hung out with her Friday and felt guilty on facebook for going home that night.

One of the above guys we think we violent, as there were these random things broken on her cars new and old.
New: Front grille crossbar and sunglasses holder, top console of car (where sunroof controls are)
Old Car: Windshield cracked from inside, windshield wiper stalk broken off

In light of last nights episode, it was the FIRST I heard that the ex from February saw her that night said that the reason he was upset was due to him finding out that she was selling her body. Whoa! I had thought from reading the threads, that the reason he broke up was due to the theft.

Why did the family think and Subie shared that he said that he broke up with her due to the theft, vs. apparently is in police reports that it was due to selling body? (Where else did media get the information that the ex said it was due to selling body vs. theft).

Does the PI not have access to the police reports to have known this before.

:gaah: Was the family blindsided on national tv of that information!!!!!!!!!! :slapfight: if so. And shame that the PI didn't share that info with family that they were previously under the impression that the break up was due to theft if that happened? :moo:

With this new information, it makes me circle back to an original thought that leads me to believe that there indeed was some issue that night that as he found out where she was now living and the circumstances (therefore the NEW roomie wouldn't let them in, had only a mattress etc in the apt type place) - and the events thereafter were a result of such.

I would think if the ex was innocent as to her disappearance, he would be a fountain of information for the police and be honest.

I would think if the roomie was innocent as to her disappearance, he would be a fountain of information for the police and be honest.

... especially if LE gave them a "bye" as to if the information included illegal activities (THAT MAY MATTER in changing my thinking if such was involved, and therefore they both lie to cover their illegal activities)

If these two men KNEW each other or were competing for her (not going to say out loud, read between the lines) and neither were a fountain of information for the police and have been honest... that would be telling.

It's obvious that if they were "good" men, they would be in communication with the family!!!!! :moo:

ETA: Cross posted with subie above...and this was posted before I read the post above. I'll leave the post as is right now, and take what was said above in another post.
aspies (if thos is what she has)
do not do well on tjeir own.
i know this all to well.
I have to commend you on your patience. You have people here that have been throwing questions left and right (myself included). <modsnip>
I also have to thank you for being so open. It may have made some uncomfortable but I do believe it is obvious you want your sister found. Regardless of her past choices it is clear you love her.
The guy that kept coming after her for money. Was it money she owed him? For what? Or did he just show up and demand money? Who were theses people she hung out with? I want to have them all locked up just for being <modsnip>
Let's do this!!!!!
Just for everyones sanity. Im not posting any names or nicknames on here from now on as this is public

Person 1: POI from last thread, was her "ex" as mentioned last night. The one we know had driven her car at one point. Was a security person at her old job

Person 2: Roommate Dont know how she met him, but was only going to be temporary. We have reason to believe he knows Person 1 based on the little bit of interviewing we have done on him

Person 3: Is another guy friend she was supposed to meet with Friday night in College Park but was told not come down with my Moms car, would meet her around Lindbergh area, but she never showed. This is the guy that I found with the instagram profile that lead me to believe some kind of pimping or trafficking might be going on. He called twice at 11 and 1150 that night (pocket dials). Assuming this might be because she never showed?

Person 4: Another guy, that we have discovered that used to come into the store, demanding money and other things from Jenna. Found out she had been paying this guy through western union about $1100 over the course of 2-3 years, met him in college. However, all phone activity and payments stopped like 4 months ago. I have a feeling this guy is connected to her store incident

Person 5: Her Good friend she babysat for in S.C, the one she texted at 2am. What was said about her coming down Saturday, last night on the news is news to us (she never mentioned before to us, don't know where the news got that statement from.

Person 6: Another Girlfriend of hers that was over at the house for that get together early that week, (uber girl), also the one that supposedly hung out with her Friday and felt guilty on facebook for going home that night.

One of the above guys we think we violent, as there were these random things broken on her cars new and old.
New: Front grille crossbar and sunglasses holder, top console of car (where sunroof controls are)
Old Car: Windshield cracked from inside, windshield wiper stalk broken off

Good info, thanks.

Subie, I'm following another case (and many before) and perhaps consider that if/when you give ANY statements to police, ask that you are given the report of the report from your statements to approve, in writing. (parents also) Every.single.time.

Your PI will understand why I'm saying such. DEMAND it! :moo: And if anything is WRONG... put it in writing. :moo:

The objective is to FIND Jenna, and if /when this goes to court... all is documented correctly.
To my knowledge, the card type (MasterCard/Visa) doesn't matter at all. As long as it's a debit card (along with the pin), you can request cash back. Of course this is only if the merchant offers cash back to its customers.

That is what has always confused me is that if she/someone nefarious was wanting cash back with a debit/credit card, WHY go to a gas station vs. a bank! You can get so much more in one shot at a bank than a gas station!

Subie has never verified whether cash and/or gas and/or articles were purchased iirc? To me, this information is VERY important.

As is the order of all the places which she was at.... what are the times? To me, this information is VERY important.

And btw, did the folks last night just jump to the conclusion that the SC person was on the way to Atlanta from the reports and postings here? Where did they get that information as I had never heard that before.
So her (now ex) boyfriend was cool with her staying with another guy (if they knew of each other)? Why didn't Jenna just stay with her boyfriend until she found somewhere?

She didn't show for pocket dial guy at 11-11:50 for some reason but was texting with SC friend at 2 a.m. She never told him she wasn't meeting him? Why?

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Good info, thanks.

Subie, I'm following another case (and many before) and perhaps consider that if/when you give ANY statements to police, ask that you are given the report of the report from your statements to approve, in writing. (parents also) Every.single.time.

Your PI will understand why I'm saying such. DEMAND it! :moo: And if anything is WRONG... put it in writing. :moo:

The objective is to FIND Jenna, and if /when this goes to court... all is documented correctly.

Bentley! I think that is excellent advice!
I have to commend you on your patience. You have people here that have been throwing questions left and right (myself included). <modsnip>
I also have to thank you for being so open. It may have made some uncomfortable but I do believe it is obvious you want your sister found. Regardless of her past choices it is clear you love her.
The guy that kept coming after her for money. Was it money she owed him? For what? Or did he just show up and demand money? Who were theses people she hung out with? I want to have them all locked up just for being <modsnip>
Let's do this!!!!!

Yes! Subie has been so very patient and has stayed with us.


perhaps now, it would be beneficial to perhaps give ideas on how to move forward with all our experiences here at WS vs. asking questions about the case?


Just an idea.

It's now getting into the investigative phase it seems, so helping vs. questioning Subie would be of greatest assistance?

I do hope Subie, that you have friends here who are watching the threads, communicating with others and handling for the family vs. just you on your own!


It's so new for your family as how to approach, who to decide to interview with etc. And we can help! We saw the day that there were more than 70+ guests here after one media report and prompted you as that was a good media outlet. Perhaps folks can chime in for ideas here to help their family/friends who may be reading here as to what next steps should be... vs. questions?


We have a great group here.. and I know that we are here to assist!

e.g. I wish you guys had a PR person who would volunteer their time and work with others to get the word out and get more on tv. I was :gasp: with the info that was new to us last night and the parents were blindsided perhaps last night.
if i may say something here. ppl on the spectrum dont stay in relationships long. they are quirky... have tempers.
they need someone that understands their personality. likes the same things have common interests. relationships are hard on both of them so i cant say hes the bad one here yet.
just my 2 cents
That is what has always confused me is that if she/someone nefarious was wanting cash back with a debit/credit card, WHY go to a gas station vs. a bank! You can get so much more in one shot at a bank than a gas station!

Subie has never verified whether cash and/or gas and/or articles were purchased iirc? To me, this information is VERY important.

As is the order of all the places which she was at.... what are the times? To me, this information is VERY important.

And btw, did the folks last night just jump to the conclusion that the SC person was on the way to Atlanta from the reports and postings here? Where did they get that information as I had never heard that before.

Probably because a bank is riskier than a gas station in terms of video cameras. At an ATM the camera is pretty much right at your face to my knowledge (I could be wrong). But there are definitely places where you can take much more cash back out, such as CVS, Walgreens, etc.

ETA - my post is assuming that the gas station purchases were for cash back, which I am not sure about
Yes! Subie has been so very patient and has stayed with us.


perhaps now, it would be beneficial to perhaps give ideas on how to move forward with all our experiences here at WS vs. asking questions about the case?


Just an idea.

It's now getting into the investigative phase it seems, so helping vs. questioning Subie would be of greatest assistance?

I do hope Subie, that you have friends here who are watching the threads, communicating with others and handling for the family vs. just you on your own!


It's so new for your family as how to approach, who to decide to interview with etc. And we can help! We saw the day that there were more than 70+ guests here after one media report and prompted you as that was a good media outlet. Perhaps folks can chime in for ideas here to help their family/friends who may be reading here as to what next steps should be... vs. questions?


We have a great group here.. and I know that we are here to assist!

e.g. I wish you guys had a PR person who would volunteer their time and work with others to get the word out and get more on tv. I was :gasp: with the info that was new to us last night and the parents were blindsided perhaps last night.

I think that is a great direction to go!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Probably because a bank is riskier than a gas station in terms of video cameras. At an ATM the camera is pretty much right at your face to my knowledge (I could be wrong). But there are definitely places where you can take much more cash back out, such as CVS, Walgreens, etc.

ETA - my post is assuming that the gas station purchases were for cash back, which I am not sure about

Yes, that is exactly what I was getting at. WHY a gas station if wanting cash? But we have never heard what was purchased or cash advance.
Subie, perhaps have/designate a "team" of friends/synagogue folks to help with information to weed through and give your parents "reports" ?

That would give a leadership position to free up the family and merely report to you so that you aren't in a mire of 24/7 yourself? I heard that you were also looking for a job right now, and the time needed must be incredibly impacting you/your dad/ etc. Lean on them and designate trusted friend/family? :moo:

ETA: Changed post from question to help! Need to follow my own suggestion! :blush:
Yes, that is exactly what I was getting at. WHY a gas station if wanting cash? But we have never heard what was purchased or cash advance.


I am wondering if calling this guy a boyfriend is overstating things--I've always gotten the vibe it was a friends with benefits situation, with Jenna wanting more, and the guy not being interested. It would explain part of why he's not been keen to go to the police or the family, while still be very frustrating and sad for her.

I find it telling that the info about the BF is just now coming out. I could be wrong and the family just stayed tight lipped about it, but it seems someone would have previously mentioned that or subie would've found evidence of them calling each other. Maybe not but it does seem her friends would have mentioned the BF to her family. Especially if they had issues that night.

If she did actually have a BF up until that night, it's a little odd she had been communicating with the other guy she was supposed to meet up with.
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