GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #4

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Remember there are 6 (I think) search warrants that have not been released to the media.
Hickory Born,
Thanks for the reminder. SIX search warrents. 6 unreleased search warrents. I guess some think that means the evidence doesn't exist because the warrants are sealed. Not true.
LE and the GBI are not unseasoned law enforcement officers. They know what they are doing.
I am glad someone deleted the links with these last names.

Plus, I want to strongly add...the GBI could care less about who is important, or not important. They are dedicated to find the criminal, no matter who that is. I think RB did this all by himself and I feel for sure we will see/hear the evidence in due time.

IDK. If Ryan's girlfriend was waiting for him in his apartment Friday afternoon, I think they likely made plans to spend the evening or weekend together so Ryan would have been looking forward to going home as soon as he got off work. Unlike his previous job, he now had weekends off so he was free to party with his friends.

It doesn't make sense why Ryan would abduct Jorelys on a day when he had a girl friend his own age waiting in his apartment for him.

AFAIK, there was no adult male living at Jorelys' mother's apartment and the men living at the complex would notice that and know about the vacancy on the main floor.
Wow, Cat Thief, just WOW!! I was so, so very deeply moved by your video tribute this morning that all I could do was "thank" you, and then had to immediately try to put my "face" on to disguise the fresh round of tears that it brought before leaving for boss and co-workers know me ALL too well!!

I was "called out" by no less than 6 people, who were deeply concerned that my distress was rooted in the seemingly daily challenges that I'm facing with my elderly parents these days. While relieved that we've seemed to hit a "status quo" for the time-being with my parents, it was most interesting to hear each of them vocalize, and emote, about this abomination for the first time since it happened once they knew what had me so upset. Once I "confessed" to driving to the "other side of the world" in ATL-speak, during rush hour traffic on a Friday evening no less, to participate in the viewing (that I had REALLY, REALLY hoped was a "visitation" as we call closed casket pre-funeral activities down here, with only a direct viewing by the family), hoping for nothing more than to be able to personally convey my sympathy and unyielding support to Jorelys' Mom while paying my respects.

The rest is history...I came here Friday night and eventually abandoned any effort to even attempt to articulate what the evening had meant to me, and its impact on me as a human. THANK YOU to the doubts of Bluesky #1 for FINALLY yanking me out of lurkdom on Sunday. While this case is torturing my very soul like none other in many years (not to say that I haven't been upset/PO'd beyond all reason about other cases), I want to make the fact VERY clear that while I am having nightmares, not sleeping, etc. I'm not sure I have a right to do so since I'm not part of the close-knit Canton community. I mean, there are so many HERE, including marazul, georgiagirl, magdalyn, Hickory Born, Stillettos, cat thief, and so many others who live in the immediate community that I almost feel like an intruder. If nothing else, I pledge my unwavering support through the coming difficult days as the case moves forward, and will gladly share any "new" information I may come across.

God bless and keep you, our beloved Jorelys. I just KNOW that you enjoyed your Daddy's special "coach" for you today!! You and your family are indelibly burned into my very soul...we'll try to take care of Mommy and your little sisters, as well as Daddy, like you would want us to. If nothing else, NONE of us will rest until we have full justice for you! If you can, smile down on us every now and again, as your absence has left a chasm in many souls.

Love you,

Westie Mom

Wow back at you.

Thank you.

I actually took it down and tweaked it a little bit and then reposted it. I have this sickness of being a perfectionist and I wasn't completely happy with the video. This little girl deserves the best that I can do. I thought that some photos were "up" a little too long. I had to do this because I had a limited number of photos. I did find a few more and actually gave more time to the photo of Jorelys and her mother at the end.

You know I'm not a regular on this board but every once in a while I find a case that ABSOLUTELY moves me. This one did. I don't know why some move me more than others maybe because I'm local to Atlanta and another reason being this precious young life was stolen from her family.

This board is the number one place on the web to discuss and work through crimes such as this. I guess the thread that binds us is a fascination with crime, criminal investigations and the evils of mankind. We want these people caught.

I believe Web Sleuths helps all of us work through these tragic events and makes us more aware of the world around us. This site has a tremendous amount of intelligent and caring people and I'm grateful for that.

This video will stay.

For Jorelys.
I totally agree with your post and your feelings. While I know we should believe LE it is hard for me because of the facts that we do have.

RB is new to the area.
RB has no previous record that we are aware of.
RB's friends all say he was easy going, maybe a punk, but not capable of doing this.
I checked him out when he was arrested and I saw no scratches, or wounds on him that you would think he would get. Maybe there were some that were not visible. Just don't know.
And such a speedy arrest.

I just wish we had one little bit of evidence that precipitated the arrest. And I will say that I have a deep nagging fear that if he is not guilty, it maybe covered up and he will still be tried. I just want to be convinced and right now I am not completely sure. There hasn't even been any reporting from the media. I would just like to know what is going on. The silence is deafening. jmo

I understand what you are saying but I have confidence in the GBI and the other Law Enforcement agencies in this case. I would think they have a lot of evidence that we are not yet privy to.

Nor should we be.
I was thinking about the funeral and the open casket...let me first say I totally respect their right to whatever decision is best for the family, but does anyone else think having the open casket might work to RB's advantage? Especially since images of her in the casket have been released?? Those images evoke strong emotions in people and if this goes to trial....

Anyone thinking along those lines?

When I saw the picture of Jorelys in the casket, one thing came to mind.
This is the first image of her without that great big beautiful smile.

What a monster he is:furious: killing that little angel!
Something just doesn't seem right to me...I think IMO there is alot more to this than just the one guy..for one thing..i really, really want to know more about the roomate and his mom. If I was a reporter they would be the two people i would be following around and trying to talk to and filming, and yet we have heard nothing, not a peep, it's like they don't exist, thats really bothering me for some reason. And even if the police said don't talk to anyone, that still wouldn't stop the press from trying, and getting something, anything, but again, silence.

I'm also wondering why, if he did it, why would he do it then, he had a girl there supposedly, he hadn't been there long, he would obviously be looked at right away, (by the way, I just don't think he is that stupid because of not finishing school) unless he just snapped suddenly out of the blue. I don't know, it's just not sitting right with me yet.

having said that, I have no idea what evidence they have, nor do i feel like i should know everything they have. But my common sense keeps telling me that something is off, I think,, IMO he was probably involved but my gut is telling me that he wasn't alone...IMO IMO and all that stuff
IDK. If Ryan's girlfriend was waiting for him in his apartment Friday afternoon, I think they likely made plans to spend the evening or weekend together so Ryan would have been looking forward to going home as soon as he got off work. Unlike his previous job, he now had weekends off so he was free to party with his friends.

It doesn't make sense why Ryan would abduct Jorelys on a day when he had a girl friend his own age waiting in his apartment for him.

AFAIK, there was no adult male living at Jorelys' mother's apartment and the men living at the complex would notice that and know about the vacancy on the main floor.

IMO, if Ryan had a girlfriend spending the night/weekend, or even just a female friend sleeping on the couch just for Friday night, why didn't he use HER as his alibi? Why lie about being at Walmart?

And, respectfully, married men who have willing wives at home still manage to feel the need to sexual molest children.

Also, if the men in the complex knew about the vacancy (or anyone else did), why didn't any of them mention it to LE while they were helping search for Jorelys?

ETA: If there is a girl seen walking out of the apartment with Ryan, I'd lay odds it's a female friend of RB's roommate. She sure wasn't 'with Ryan' when Jorelys went missing or he'd have said so.

Also, respectfully, I don't know that we can really assign normal psychology to a perpetrator who commited such acts. Such as "Why would Ryan brutally beat, stab, rape and kill a seven year old girl one night when he could have watched a movie and snuggled on the couch with this lovely twenty year-old girl instead?" I can tell you which night of fun a Jeffrey Dahmer type would pick and it wouldn't include a trip to Blockbuster.

from the same article:

He had many friends on Facebook, especially girls, but never seemed to have a girlfriend, said Cody Rider, 20, a friend who lived with the Brunn family for three months.

“I never thought he would do anything like this,” said Rider of the accusations that Brunn faces. “Ryan was a kind-hearted person. But anybody can fool you.”
Heather Johnson Coker lives in a ground-floor apartment in the building next to the Riveras’. Her unit is a floor above the vacant unit where Jorelys was killed and maybe 35 yards from the playground.

Coker often walks her tiny Pomeranian, which is a hit with the neighborhood children, including the Rivera sisters. Coker said Jorelys and her younger sister were often outside. “The girl who was supposed to watch them was always inside with the baby.”

Jorelys “was a very friendly girl,” Coker said. “She’d walk up to anybody and start talking to them.”

Coker also often talked to Brunn, who “seemed like a normal guy trying to make a living.”

But a couple of weeks ago, she said Brunn told her something that seemed very odd. She said a 12-year-old boy was missing and apartment workers were trying to get the word out to residents. During that conversation, Coker said, “He said, ‘With all the empty apartments, it’d be easy to break in and do something to one of these kids.’ He said that
But after the killing, several residents went to police with his name. Coker told police of his odd statement. And Jordan Wheeless, who lives in the apartment next to Brunn, recalled that he was walking to the trash compactor the night after the girl disappeared when he saw his neighbor with a two-by-four, pushing down the garbage.

“He said, ‘Wait a second,’ ” Wheeless recalled. “He wasn’t nervous or anything. At the time, I just thought he was doing his job as a maintenance man.”

BBM This is a different witness than Mr. McCollum who saw RB on Sunday night at the dumpster with flashlight. It seems this one is the one who saw him poking into the dumpster with something (2x4). This would have been on Saturday night.

Granted, as a maintenance man RB being at the dumpster is not particularly noteworthy. Given the location and compaction of Jorelys body, coupled with all the strange (as noted by neighbors) comments and behaviors, I think this is what brought him to GBI attention. I think once on their radar, actual physical evidence was found linking him to Jorelys and/or the crime scene and they to him.
Really though...all they need is 1 speck of blood on anything that belonged to RB or in RB's apt...right?!?! There had to be something that tied only RB and not his roommate.

I keep going back to the statement they made about tracking him and by Tuesday night they had enough to arrest him. I wonder if they caught him trying to get rid of stuff? Would they have been able to tap into any phone lines??

I am confident in LE but I am SO impatient and wish they would release something to shut the naysayers up! Some of them are getting really mouthy on FB, just 100% convinced of his innocence. One even said they know Ryan and when "the real story comes out, everyone accusing him would feel stupid." I hope it's just a friend wanting so badly to believe he couldn't do something so heinous, but why make such a strong statement? Ugh. Those people keep me on the fence.

C'mon GBI...give us sumthin'! :innocent:

I believe LE was tracking Ryan Brunn earlier on than Tuesday. Perhaps you are right. They could have actually watched him try to get rid of stuff. As long as LE kept their eyes on RB, then that could have given them the opportunity to get all of the evidence they could. I believe that someone turned the guy in early on. Someone who is close to him. That is why they are so certain they have caught the right Perp.
IDK. If Ryan's girlfriend was waiting for him in his apartment Friday afternoon, I think they likely made plans to spend the evening or weekend together so Ryan would have been looking forward to going home as soon as he got off work. Unlike his previous job, he now had weekends off so he was free to party with his friends.

It doesn't make sense why Ryan would abduct Jorelys on a day when he had a girl friend his own age waiting in his apartment for him.

I am convinced the whole 'girlfriend' story was a lie. I don't think RB had a girlfriend at all. I don't think there was anyone else involved. It is hard to wrap my mind around one person being this twisted - much less TWO! And these guys had only been living together for a few weeks - IMO they didn't know each other well enough to start planning murders together. I think the roommate barely knew RB - no one really did.
But after the killing, several residents went to police with his name. Coker told police of his odd statement. And Jordan Wheeless, who lives in the apartment next to Brunn, recalled that he was walking to the trash compactor the night after the girl disappeared when he saw his neighbor with a two-by-four, pushing down the garbage.

“He said, ‘Wait a second,’ ” Wheeless recalled. “He wasn’t nervous or anything. At the time, I just thought he was doing his job as a maintenance man.”

BBM This is a different witness than Mr. McCollum who saw RB on Sunday night at the dumpster with flashlight. It seems this one is the one who saw him poking into the dumpster with something (2x4). This would have been on Saturday night.

Granted, as a maintenance man RB being at the dumpster is not particularly noteworthy. Given the location and compaction of Jorelys body, coupled with all the strange (as noted by neighbors) comments and behaviors, I think this is what brought him to GBI attention. I think once on their radar, actual physical evidence was found linking him to Jorelys and/or the crime scene and they to him.

Maybe RB became afraid that the trash was going to be searched and he was trying to retrieve evidence has had previously thrown out. I hope everything GBI needs was in there.
Heather Johnson Coker lives in a ground-floor apartment in the building next to the Riveras’. Her unit is a floor above the vacant unit where Jorelys was killed and maybe 35 yards from the playground.

Coker often walks her tiny Pomeranian, which is a hit with the neighborhood children, including the Rivera sisters. Coker said Jorelys and her younger sister were often outside. “The girl who was supposed to watch them was always inside with the baby.”

Jorelys “was a very friendly girl,” Coker said. “She’d walk up to anybody and start talking to them.”

Coker also often talked to Brunn, who “seemed like a normal guy trying to make a living.”

But a couple of weeks ago, she said Brunn told her something that seemed very odd. She said a 12-year-old boy was missing and apartment workers were trying to get the word out to residents. During that conversation, Coker said, “He said, ‘With all the empty apartments, it’d be easy to break in and do something to one of these kids.’ He said that

More from the above Atlanta Journal Constitution article: BBM

Investigators questioned Brunn twice after the body was found Monday. By Tuesday night, he was a wreck.

John Tosso, who lives in that building and who had seen Brunn once or twice before, passed by an animated Brunn, who was talking to two other maintenance men. “He was showing us his wrists saying, ‘I didn’t do it!’ ”

Then, he said, Brunn turned to him. “He said he thought I was with him that night,” Tosso said. But, Tosso said, he had been nowhere around Brunn.

In that moment, Tosso said, “I knew something was wrong.”

My question: Why was he showing his wrists? I don't get this.
I am convinced the whole 'girlfriend' was a lie. I don't think RB had a girlfriend at all. I don't think there was anyone else involved. It is hard to wrap my mind around one person being this twisted - much less TWO! And these guys had only been living together for a few weeks - IMO they didn't know each other well enough to start planning murders together. I doubt the roommate barely knew RB - no one really did.

I think the girl friend thing was a lie too. Just an excuse as to why he was nervous about his room being searched, imo.

But I think he did know his room mate for awhile before moving in. It was reported that his roommate, the mgr's son, was the one who got him the job.
"showing his wrists"


my thought is that he had defensive wounds but was explaining them away to the other maintenance peeps.

moo of course
"showing his wrists"


my thought is that he had defensive wounds but was explaining them away to the other maintenance peeps.

moo of course

I thought the same thing, which was stupid on his part. She was 7 yrs old. How strong of a defense could she have given?
More from the above Atlanta Journal Constitution article: BBM

Investigators questioned Brunn twice after the body was found Monday. By Tuesday night, he was a wreck.

John Tosso, who lives in that building and who had seen Brunn once or twice before, passed by an animated Brunn, who was talking to two other maintenance men. “He was showing us his wrists saying, ‘I didn’t do it!’ ”

Then, he said, Brunn turned to him. “He said he thought I was with him that night,” Tosso said. But, Tosso said, he had been nowhere around Brunn.

In that moment, Tosso said, “I knew something was wrong.”

My question: Why was he showing his wrists? I don't get this.
Yes,Why was he showing his wrists and who is John Tosso.Why was he suppose to be with him that night?
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