GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

I had a thought on this. RB left the apartment unlocked because he planned to get back in. Why not use the maintenance key? Maybe he only had access to the keys during work hours. Maybe, he left it unlocked & planned to go back & clean up but during the search they relocked it so he couldn't get back in until he he was scheduled to work again. Maybe he wrote the note so LE would stop searching the apartments & he could get the key & clean it up before they found more evidence. MSM said the glove was found in the apartment. Surely he planned to finish cleaning???!! Just a theory on why the apartment wasn't cleaned.

They didn't search the vacant apartments until Saturday morning, so he had plenty of time to clean up - he had about 12 hours. I do think he tired to clean and may have just missed some spots. Had he left the blood from cutting her neck in the tub, it would have been much more apparent to the nose-bleed officers. He also got rid of his tennis shoes IIRC.

He is not the brightest tool in the shed, he probably didn't think they would figure out it was him - remember, he followed the Casey Anthony trial. Just sayin.

I totally agree with you on the McDonalds note - he was wanting them to find the body already. I wonder when the McDonalds receipt was dated - before or after he killed her.
Surely it wasn't possible she was still alive when he put her in the compactor...?????
Imo, it is a portrait of a true pedophile. When caught they almost always deny the heinous sexual acts they have done upon the defenseless child. Remember when Melissa Huckaby denied she had sexually molested Sandra Cantu but the autopsy report stated otherwise? So Brunn's trying to 'sugar coat' his evil deeds comes as no surprise to me. The ME and LE knows very well what was done to Jorelys and none of them will ever forget it.

IMO, he had Jorelys on the mattress and I think that is where he committed the heinous acts upon this child. After he had brutalized her he took her to the bathtub in order to murder her there. The bathtub would be easier to clean up all the blood from the stab wounds and head injuries.

Imo, he went and unlocked the door before he even lured Jorelys there by telling her he had her skate so he could open the door quickly with less chance of being noticed. This was all preplanned. Once he found the skate....he had found and chosen his victim. He had all the things with him to bind Jorelys up. These were not some spur of the moment acts nor caused by panic.

He enjoyed every minute of Jorelys' pain, fear and suffering. He is as sadistic as they come imo.:furious:


I tried not to read all the details, but from JVM playing the court appearance to all the articles, it's been impossible.

What I don't believe is that he bound and gagged her in the bathroom. He, IMO, bound and gagged her immediately and did whatever horrors he did to her. When done, he took her to the tub to kill her. IMO, she likely never said another word after she was gagged. I know one of the seven deadly sins is not to forgive, but I just can't help it, I can't forgive this act and I hope someone in that prison does irreparable harm to this monster. I'll have to work on the forgiveness - could be a while.
I totally agree with you on the McDonalds note - he was wanting them to find the body already. I wonder when the McDonalds receipt was dated - before or after he killed her.

I wonder if it was even his receipt. It could have been some trash he picked up off the ground.
Surely it wasn't possible she was still alive when he put her in the compactor...?????

Honey, even if she was still alive, she wouldn't know what was happening to her, she would have been dying and in shock. Besides, I think he made sure she was dead.

Moss got a chance to tell the court what the state would have presented at a trial. Brunn's bloody footprints were in the apartment bathroom. Jorelys' blood and Brunn's fingerprints were on gloves left behind in the apartment. There was plenty of DNA tying Brunn to the murder. And the note was found to be in Brunn's handwriting.

I keep thinking about how much discussion there was about the blood in the bathroom. If there was enough blood to get a decent footprint out of it, what was all the hoop la about the blood and the bathroom? It sounds to me that this apartment had tons of evidence visible to the naked eye. Shame on Canton and Cherokee county for playing politics.

Even the footprints could have been seen by the luminol, and not to the naked eye - it would depend on how much time passed before he cleaned it up. I would think he waited until the search ended that Friday night. The glove may have been a dark carpenter's glove and blood would just look like a dark, who knows where they found the glove?
I think it's also the most horrific I have heard of ever.

Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter.

Unfortunately this is by far NOT the worst case - there are cases of abuse worse than this that go on for days, sometimes weeks, many times years - and many times in the child's own home. These cases are hard to follow and hear about, but we have to listen and pay attention - our awareness HAS to be raised in order to change laws and the way we look at the people around us.

This case will change the way apartment managers run their day to day. I know I will be even more stringent when it comes to locked vacants and accounted for keys. We've already implemented cameras in all areas of our communities.

We, as property owners and managers can do many things in our industry to help prevent something like this happening to the children in our communities, but like with our own safety - we, as parents, have to be even more diligent in ensuring we do all we can to keep our kids safe wherever they are. :twocents:
Has a timeline been published for RB's activity on Friday? All I know is he took her around 5pm to the vacant apt. He helped search for her for 1 hr...what time was this?
He went to WalMart with friends...what time was this? And then smoked pot with friends...what time?

Trying to figure out when the apt was cleaned. I am guessing right after the murder before police were called around 7pm. Therefore, if she died 1 to 1 1/2 hrs after being taken, I don't think he had much time to clean that apt. maybe 30 minutes?
Unfortunately this is by far NOT the worst case - there are cases of abuse worse than this that go on for days, sometimes weeks, many times years - and many times in the child's own home. These cases are hard to follow and hear about, but we have to listen and pay attention - our awareness HAS to be raised in order to change laws and the way we look at the people around us.

This case will change the way apartment managers run their day to day. I know I will be even more stringent when it comes to locked vacants and accounted for keys. We've already implemented cameras in all areas of our communities.

We, as property owners and managers can do many things in our industry to help prevent something like this happening to the children in our communities, but like with our own safety - we, as parents, have to be even more diligent in ensuring we do all we can to keep our kids safe wherever they are. :twocents:

I really can't even imagine how it could be any worse than raping/stabbing/beating to a pulp a child. Sexual abuse that goes on for years, yes, I get, but as far as brutality? I can't fathom it.

I agree that our awareness has to be raised. I was already a helicopter mom, but now, they don't go out of my sight when they're with me. In fact, no one's kids who are in my care are out of my line of vision. My husband, OTOH, is keeping his head in the sand, and when I relayed the events in Jorelys' case to him last night, he said he didn't want to hear about it. I said you HAVE to. You HAVE to pull your head out of your butt so you can take care of our kids. The tactic rb used was one I wouldn't have thought of...I had already gone over the "no adult needs a child's help, don't give directions, no one's puppy is really lost, etc". But now they know it doesn't matter if someone has your toys, I will buy you new ones, you don't go.

That's the drive behind the 5k I am organizing. To raise money to bring these educational classes like RADKids and Revved Up Kids to schools. I'm hosting it at our school, and the first thing every parent I solicited asked was, "how much?" :banghead: Gee, I don't know, how much is your kids' life worth? Another response was, "we don't want to name the run after Jorelys, because she's not in our community." Okay, well YOU wait until it gets to our community, because I am not. I am so glad to see someone is bringing the classes to the kids at River Ridge apartments (where Jorelys lived), and they're working on it at her elementary school for the next school year. Whatever I raise will go to that school for starters to pay for the classes and the equipment.

That's awesome, vlpate, that your complex has cameras around the property now. That was another idea I was bouncing around for the funds to go. I don't know if it would have saved Jorelys, I don't know if having them will save the next victim where ever that may be, but maybe it will make the taking of the child that much more difficult knowing that eyes are on the perps. Hell, who knows...rb took her in broad daylight...she was gone before the sun even went down.

Every evening, as the sun starts to fade, my thoughts go to Jorelys...the fear she must have felt, the bravery she had to try and stand up after being stabbed and throat cut, to get home to her momma... it just kills me...
We really don't know if she asked to go home. I think that is a story he made up. I think she was gagged from the very beginning because he didn't want her to scream and someone in a nearby apt or on the grounds hear her. Normally apt walls are not soundproof.

He got by with sexual abuse of children before, IMO he was escalating and taking it one step further.
Thinking back to right after the arrest was made I remember Jeff Lance's wife saying to us "People will be blown away when this all comes out!" And by God, she was right!
We really don't know if she asked to go home. I think that is a story he made up. I think she was gagged from the very beginning because he didn't want her to scream and someone in a nearby apt or on the grounds hear her. Normally apt walls are not soundproof.

He got by with sexual abuse of children before, IMO he was escalating and taking it one step further.

No, we will never know what Jorelys endured in that room or what exactly happened or the exact timeline.

Brunn knew eithout a doubt that if this went to trial it would be a death penalty case, imo.

But if this had gone to a trial and he had testified in his behalf in the sentencing phase the minute that he said Jorelys asked 'if she did what he ask could she go home" I would have voted for the death penalty in a nano second if I had been on that jury.:furious:

Surely it wasn't possible she was still alive when he put her in the compactor...?????

There is a thread for managing our own shock and grief from reading these cases. I think you asked about this, but i could not find that post so I am answering this one instead. The thread for managing our own emotions is in the Zahra forum, I believe.

Emotional Toll - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Here it is . it is called EMOTIONAL TOLL. That case was so brutal that many WSer's were emotionally distraught. So they began this thread.
Just noticed this:

The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office added that Brunn was transferred Tuesday to a state prison in Jackson, Ga.

Article at link contains similar graphic material to other recent articles.Read more:

That appears to be the Diagnostic and Classification Prison as mentioned by another helpful poster.

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