GA - Katherine Janness, 40, fatally stabbed and dog killed, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 28 Jul 2021 #4

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Taking a large limb (looks to be 6 ft. or more, from the photo) seems like a lot of tree to take for analysing that organic matter, no? Maybe they take it so that it's a provable match to a particular tree?
Taking a large limb (looks to be 6 ft. or more, from the photo) seems like a lot of tree to take for analysing that organic matter, no? Maybe they take it so that it's a provable match to a particular tree?
The tree limb is perplexing. I can't figure it out. I wonder if they suspected the killed had hung from it, or wielded it, and there might be DNA on it. That would account for the police taking the entire branch, not wanting to miss anything.

I know there some thought that in the one photo an axe is visible. I can't imagine the police would have used an axe to cut it off. They would have used a saw for a quick clean cut. But I am thinking the branch maybe had originally just been laying on the ground.
Just a thought, but perhaps a cloth or change of clothing was found elsewhere in or near the park that also had dirt and/or leaf debris on it, suggesting a struggle. And the limb was brought in to obtain a specimen to analyze the bark or leaves/dried needles from the CS to that on the clothing and possibly to the debris noted on Katie’s wounds and clothing. But this still doesn’t explain why the entire limb was brought into the van and why specimens were just not obtained from the limb in the park.
I was reading about Jack the Ripper the other day and the murder of Catherine “Kate” Eddowes stuck out to me. She was killed within earshot of (at least) one other person, yet nothing was heard. He slit her throat and then went on to mutilate her, similar to how Katie Janness was killed. I think it’s very likely that Katie was killed where she was found.

Another similarity between the two cases is something that John Douglas mentioned in his book “The Cases That Haunt Us”. An entire section of the book is dedicated to Jack the Ripper and in one chapter Douglas talks about how JTR was mutilating the bodies out of fascination and morbid curiosity about the human/female body. I wish that I could find the exact quote but I listened to the book on audible.

I also think it’s worth noting that LE has never mentioned how Bowie was killed. Most of us (myself included) assumed that a knife was used but as far as I have seen there has never been any mention of this. I think it’s fair to assume that Bowie was incapacitated quickly and it most likely happened before Katie was killed, but we don’t actually know how.

Sorry this post is all over the place. I have been following this closely since the beginning and just created an account so I can participate in the discussion. Something about this one really stuck with me.
This case has bothered greatly me from day one too. At first I thought the killer was a JTR-type serial killer, which it could be. As you state, JTR did a lot of damage to his victims silently and quickly.
But the longer this goes without being solved, I would expect another viscous murder to have happened in a Atlanta public park since then. IMO.
So I now believe the killer knew Katie, knew her routine, and knew she was leaving town the next day. I also believe the killer lives and/or works in midtown and knows the park extremely well. JMOO. But I can’t understand WHY someone would want to murder her and Bowie.
I’m unwilling to accept any times/whereabouts/information not provided by LE. And that has been few and far between. I’m baffled by what they’ve chosen to release and when. Seven months with no answers.
I was reading about Jack the Ripper the other day and the murder of Catherine “Kate” Eddowes stuck out to me. She was killed within earshot of (at least) one other person, yet nothing was heard. He slit her throat and then went on to mutilate her, similar to how Katie Janness was killed. I think it’s very likely that Katie was killed where she was found.

Another similarity between the two cases is something that John Douglas mentioned in his book “The Cases That Haunt Us”. An entire section of the book is dedicated to Jack the Ripper and in one chapter Douglas talks about how JTR was mutilating the bodies out of fascination and morbid curiosity about the human/female body. I wish that I could find the exact quote but I listened to the book on audible.

I also think it’s worth noting that LE has never mentioned how Bowie was killed. Most of us (myself included) assumed that a knife was used but as far as I have seen there has never been any mention of this. I think it’s fair to assume that Bowie was incapacitated quickly and it most likely happened before Katie was killed, but we don’t actually know how.

Sorry this post is all over the place. I have been following this closely since the beginning and just created an account so I can participate in the discussion. Something about this one really stuck with me.
Welcome to Ws, thanks for chiming in!
The info you were looking for is probably within these 8 pages, fwiw.
FBI Records: The Vault — Jack the Ripper Part 1 of 1
The tree limb is perplexing. I can't figure it out. I wonder if they suspected the killed had hung from it, or wielded it, and there might be DNA on it. That would account for the police taking the entire branch, not wanting to miss anything.

I know there some thought that in the one photo an axe is visible. I can't imagine the police would have used an axe to cut it off. They would have used a saw for a quick clean cut. But I am thinking the branch maybe had originally just been laying on the ground.
My thoughts about the tree limb are based on the fact that LE did not appear to be handling it like evidence. They didn't have it encased or protected in any way from being contaminated by the back of the van. The large size does seem extreme for organic analysis, but who knows. Are we even sure it's only one limb?
I wonder if some type of chemical agent such as an insect/mosquito spray or fertilizer was found in the detritus located in the wounds. The limb(s) were analyzed to see if this same chemical agent was found on them. The whole limb would have to be checked, not knowing exactly where the chemical had been sprayed.
If the chemical was present on the limbs this would further prove location of the attacks.
I wonder if some type of chemical agent such as an insect/mosquito spray or fertilizer was found in the detritus located in the wounds. The limb(s) were analyzed to see if this same chemical agent was found on them. The whole limb would have to be checked, not knowing exactly where the chemical had been sprayed.
If the chemical was present on the limbs this would further prove location of the attacks.
That's a good thought. I've also wondered if the entire limb might not be more helpful in determining the insect activity in or around the CS. Plus, if the limb was already on the ground, the park would likely have planned to remove it, as general grounds maintenance, so LE just took the whole thing, in case it might be needed.
Good thought, AtlantaBourne, about possible chemical agent on the tree limb. I’ve wondered what purpose the tree branch could serve. IDK, but because LE didn’t recover the branch from the CS until 2-3 days after the murder, wouldn’t that be considered “contaminated evidence” since the CS had been open to the public for several days?
I've seen in some televised interviews that EC was wearing a ring that looks like a wedding band. No such ring is mentioned in the autopsy report as having been found with KJ. It's possible, though unlikely IMO, that she didn't wear one. Its absence seems noteworthy. Was it taken from her that night, or had she taken it off for another reason?
I've seen in some televised interviews that EC was wearing a ring that looks like a wedding band. No such ring is mentioned in the autopsy report as having been found with KJ. It's possible, though unlikely IMO, that she didn't wear one. Its absence seems noteworthy. Was it taken from her that night, or had she taken it off for another reason?
All pics of KJ that I've viewed online show no rings on either hand. She does have necklaces on in some pics.
No mention of jewelry, bra or 1 earbud in the autopsy. The autopsy states that her ears were pierced but nothing stated about earrings.
I know it will sound very insensitive, but after homicide detectives finish processing a crime scene, it gets cleaned up. There’s no set timeframe on how long it has to remain closed off. From all of the things that I’ve read and heard, Katie was killed in a grassy area. A lot of blood probably soaked into the ground making it appear less bloody than it actually had been.

secondly, I have been in Piedmont park at night and it is extremely dark. It is very possible for the killer to have committed this crime and not be seen by anyone. Once her throat was cut, she probably immediately lost consciousness and couldn’t scream. Her cellphone was there and could’ve been used as a “light”.
IMO, Bowie was probably strangled with his leash. The killer could’ve tightened it around his neck and then went after Katie. Bowie wouldn’t have been able to defend her and would have slowly died while Katie was being murdered. He probably collapsed where he was found.
Lastly, I do believe there are witnesses to the murder but I don’t think they knew what was happening. Piedmont park is one of those places where so much weird stuff happens, you just kinda mind your business while walking through. If she wasn’t screaming, potential witnesses mightve thought it was just two homeless people sleeping in the grass. Pp is full of homeless people. They sleep in the grass and on the benches.
I do find it interesting that the guy that is heard on the 911 call could clearly see KJ’ though. It makes me think that perhaps the killer dragged her closer to the sidewalk at some point. I also find it odd that reports state EC was there for 10 minutes before calling 911. If true, that is a very long time and seems odd. These are just my thoughts.

Interesting post, GeorgiaPeach1.
I'd like to ask about this portion:

"IMO, Bowie was probably strangled with his leash. The killer could’ve tightened it around his neck and then went after Katie. Bowie wouldn’t have been able to defend her and would have slowly died while Katie was being murdered. He probably collapsed where he was found."

It takes a while to strangle a living being. It seems, you are insinuating the leash was wound about the dogs neck and left in place as the killer turned their attention to Katie.

One might think that Katie would scream bloody murder if Bowie was being choked to death which, apparently, the scream did not happen since no one came to check out the screams even though from that location people could be heard talking/laughing at a nearby outdoor bar/restaurant.

I agree it appears the dog died on the sidewalk where Bowie was walking with Katie. Far be it from me to understand how Bowie fell without being stabbed at the most vulnerable chest area. I have heard in news reports that Bowie was stabbed but not heard or seen that fact released from LEO.

From Crime Online by Sherry McCollum:
"As Emma approached Bowie she could see that he was dead."

Emma knew upon approach that Bowie was no longer alive. There had to be outward indications of this. Sherry goes on to say that Bowie's location suggests he was killed first and Katie ran but "the killer caught up with her after about 100 steps." (Again, I don't understand Katie not screaming for help as she ran!) Joseph Scott Morgan tells Sherry that when the letters F A T were carved that Katie was still alive since the wounds had hemorrhage.

The killings of Katie and Bowie were so brutal and horrifying to the police that I feel certain they are working this case every day in order to make an arrest.

In this WSB-TV2 news clip, someone with a bandaged right hand is briefly interviewed by reporter Michael Seiden at KJ's vigil in PP (02:44).
‘Monster on the loose:’ Father-in-law of woman killed in Piedmont Park remembers her I don't see them in footage of the actual memorial, just in the one short exchange with the reporter.

LE is known to attend funerals/burials/memorials of unsolved murder victims to take notes on the attendees. I'm wondering who this person is, and if LE ever observed and/or questioned them because of the bandage.
The biggest head-scratcher to me is how did the perp leave the park without being noticed. With that many stab wounds, they had to have been completely covered from head to toe in blood. Piedmont park is surrounded by streets. Anywhere you might exit would put you directly on a well-travelled (even at that hour) and well-lit road. Unless the perp jumped in the pond AND had a change of clothes, they would have to be spotted by someone, right?
The biggest head-scratcher to me is how did the perp leave the park without being noticed. With that many stab wounds, they had to have been completely covered from head to toe in blood. Piedmont park is surrounded by streets. Anywhere you might exit would put you directly on a well-travelled (even at that hour) and well-lit road. Unless the perp jumped in the pond AND had a change of clothes, they would have to be spotted by someone, right?
Preeeetty much.
That, and there are so many ring cameras
per square inch in that area
that if you hit any of those streets you'd undoubtedly be captured on someone's
home-sec cam footage.
The biggest head-scratcher to me is how did the perp leave the park without being noticed. With that many stab wounds, they had to have been completely covered from head to toe in blood. Piedmont park is surrounded by streets. Anywhere you might exit would put you directly on a well-travelled (even at that hour) and well-lit road. Unless the perp jumped in the pond AND had a change of clothes, they would have to be spotted by someone, right?
Welcome to WS Rsmensen.
There is a way out of the park under the Park Drive bridge. IMO there were no working cameras in that area & a person could walk the trail & go to a creek, parking lot, neighborhoods, behind businesses or even the woods without being noticed. IMO it would be very dark & scary to the average person, but not a homicidal maniac.

The red balloon is location of bridge. The CS is just below the 'e' in The (Meadow). The lake is just to the left in between those 2 locations.
The biggest head-scratcher to me is how did the perp leave the park without being noticed. With that many stab wounds, they had to have been completely covered from head to toe in blood. Piedmont park is surrounded by streets. Anywhere you might exit would put you directly on a well-travelled (even at that hour) and well-lit road. Unless the perp jumped in the pond AND had a change of clothes, they would have to be spotted by someone, right?
I disagree. I think that at night, a perp (even one covered in blood) could easily exit the park unseen almost anywhere along its east boundary (basically, crossing the interim eastside belt line trail at some location). This has always been the darkest, most wooded, scariest, and least-visited part of the park. I think there typically are more homeless in that area as well (jmo).

In fact, a perp could walk straight out of the park by heading north on the east side belt line trail, which would take you up behind Ansley Mall. All jmo.
One thing that struck me as out of context was how the AtlPd 911 operator talked to EC. When EC told him she was looking for her GF & found her dead in the park. He responded by calling Grady Ambulance & talking to that dispatcher. IMOO what the heck good is an ambulance going to do in that situation?
There were alot of questions I think the dispatcher should have asked & didn't. Unless part of the call was redacted by AtlPd. He also dispatched the ambulance to the address for the PP 12th St entrance according to google maps.
I believe when the 911 dispatcher quit talking to EC to talk to the Grady Ambulance dispatcher EC just hung up. Also the man came running out of the park after just seeing the CS & I speculate that distracted EC from the 911 call too.

Someone legally empowered has to pronounce the deceased person dead and transport them to an appropriate site. The caller may also be in shock, a medical emergency. I imagine 911 systems route the call to PD, too.
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