GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 #14

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One year ago, during these very hours and upcoming ones, was the "night of panic" for those who love Lauren. :(

SCHEDULE for remaining vigil - (times are Eastern zone)

Sat., June 30 (ending at noon) (still vigil openings here for anyone who would like to commit)
bessie: as available
Backwoods: 10 a.m. - noon



12 noon June 25 until 12 noon June 30



The idea is to keep at least one person here on Lauren's thread as many hours as possible during the one-year anniversary of those days when Lauren was missing but no one realized it yet -- kind of like being here "with her" during that time.



I chose the hours so that we could start during the time when Lauren was known to be alive and well a year ago ... and then stay here for her until a time corresponding to when her loved ones knew the sad likelihood that her spirit had moved on and so reached to embrace her precious memory. (And I pray that God will especially bless and comfort all who loved Lauren and all those she loved, too, during this anniversary time, and watch over little Butterbean.)
My prayers are with those friends BW. This is a very difficult time for them, no doubt, not only losing Lauren but being a part of the drama as it unfolded. The experience will be with them for the rest of their days. Just like the coroner who went home in tears that night. This vigil is for all of those individuals, too.
My prayers are with those friends BW. This is a very difficult time for them, no doubt, not only losing Lauren but being a part of the drama as it unfolded. The experience will be with them for the rest of their days. Just like the coroner who went home in tears that night. This vigil is for all of those individuals, too.

bbm: yes, most definitely
To Saturday's early-comers to Lauren's thread, welcome to the final day of our memory vigil for Lauren.

Please take a moment to read over this thread, post your thoughts -- or just send up a silent prayer of thanks for Lauren's time in this world and for comfort for Lauren's loved ones, those who worked this case one hot morning a year ago (and afterwards), and the many people who have been affected in the months that have passed since.



12 noon June 25 until 12 noon June 30




Thinking of Lauren and all of her loved ones today.

We once attended a kayak-fundraising event at Butterbean Beach, just outside of Skidaway. When I got a notice in the mail not too long ago about another upcoming event there, I immediately thought of Lauren's Butterbean. :)
I regret that I wasn't able to get here earlier today for the two final hours of the vigil as I had planned. I know, though, that the thoughts of many have been with Lauren and her family and friends, and will continue to be.

I'm glad we held our vigil. A lot of folks have checked in faithfully pretty much each day, even if not posting, and I have also seen some "hats" that I don't believe had visited Lauren's threads before.

It was good to see Lauren's smiling face again in some of the re-posted items, wasn't it? And, speaking for myself, I was glad to learn a little more about her, during the vigil.

I expect there to be a few more year-after local news items. I'll keep an eye open for any and post them, unless someone beats me to it.

Many thanks to all who supported the Memory Vigil for Lauren!
Thinking of Lauren and all of her loved ones today.

We once attended a kayak-fundraising event at Butterbean Beach, just outside of Skidaway. When I got a notice in the mail not too long ago about another upcoming event there, I immediately thought of Lauren's Butterbean. :)

Anybody know how Lauren came to choose Butterbean's name?
Anybody know how Lauren came to choose Butterbean's name?

That was one of my thoughts, Backwoods!

If they don't already come to us with a name, I have a tendancy to 'name' our critters after something specific- like something they seem to love- or where we found them- a personality trait they have- or sometimes just a physical trait they have. It's a rememberence of something unique to them, us, and the beginning of the relationship between us. I wonder if Lauren did the same?

I would love to know why Lauren chose Butterbean as a name for her so loved little companion! Or maybe Butterbean came with the name?
I would love to know why Lauren chose Butterbean as a name for her so loved little companion! Or maybe Butterbean came with the name?

In one of the articles the family said something about how much she liked the South and referenced the fact she even named her dog Butterbean. I would think the dogs color also influenced the choice of name.
That was one of my thoughts, Backwoods!

If they don't already come to us with a name, I have a tendancy to 'name' our critters after something specific- like something they seem to love- or where we found them- a personality trait they have- or sometimes just a physical trait they have. It's a rememberence of something unique to them, us, and the beginning of the relationship between us. I wonder if Lauren did the same?

I would love to know why Lauren chose Butterbean as a name for her so loved little companion! Or maybe Butterbean came with the name?

Maybe just because he was little and cute and compact ... and maybe Southern? (As Sonya talks about the Southern connection in her post.) I don't know about the him-being-Southern part, because I don't know if she brought him with her or acquired him "down here".

One of Honeybelle's pups (now grown) has a white-with-black-ticking chest and collar, belly and undersides of legs, and a white tip on his tail -- but all the rest of him is shiny, smooth polished-looking black. His name is Skillet, (I love my cast iron cookware!), because that color reminded me of a well-seasoned one.
In one of the articles the family said something about how much she liked the South and referenced the fact she even named her dog Butterbean. I would think the dogs color also influenced the choice of name.

bbm: But Sonya, he isn't green!! :floorlaugh:

LOL -- I know you probably refer to dried "lima" beans, those big old fat ones that cook up kind of a tan/brown color. But to me, butterbeans are the fresh little, young tender ones, just picked and shelled (or having gone right into the freezer that way), cooked up in the pressure cooker with some fatback, and retaining their green color. (So you can see why this made me laugh!)

Kinda like this:
For non-locals: One of the biggest news stories for the day around these parts has been the weather -- 108 degrees today in Macon, tying an all-time record. I know many across the U.S. are facing extreme weather of one kind or another right now -- ours is killer heat. And it is rough.
Thinking and praying even more than usual for Lauren's loved ones today...she's been weighing on my mind quite heavily since yesterday evening in thoughts of how near that time a year ago so many were totally and completely unaware that their lives were about to be thrown into something ones mind cannot even begin to comprehend until having been in depths of it and after some time able to even begin to process what's happened.. a nightmare not everyone is able to fully understand but yet only by the grace of God for not having had to experience something of this magnitude themselves..

Lauren's precious momma, Karen. . this precious human being is someone who has equally touched my life throughout this case.. her broken heart and feelings that so loudly resound in my mind through her words she's openly shared pieces and glimpses of a mothers heart ache, anguish, and incessant pain that's she's continued to live through over the course of these last 12 months. One of those such pieces and glimpse of pain that she's shared through her words many may recall of her poignantly speaking of Lauren's so very deeply touched me.. grabbed my heart and I immediately could some how understand, truly understand what exactly she meant, how she felt, and why she felt her little girls hands meant so, so, so very much to her as her momma.. she explained how this person in ways his mind could never begin to comprehend, and certainly never understand that his having hidden her little baby girl's hands ...why it affected her so greatly and just how very meaningful it was for this momma to have Lauren Teresa's hands to bury.. we know this has never been made possible and its a point that has stuck with me and I can truly understand this importance and meaning to this precious momma..

Below is a snipped portion of the article where Karen so very perfectly and poignantly shared with us about her daughter, Lauren's hands.. followed by my words that I immediately typed out after reading this fellow mother's painful longing for her baby girl's hands..
September 17, 2011
“I think because we had a funeral and we have had a burial that my heart and my mind think of that as closure,” Karen Giddings, 50, said by phone this week. “But then, ... I think about the fact that it was just a torso.”

She paused, then said, “You think of her beautiful face and hair and her hands -- I want her hands -- and that’s very hard. But I know that her body isn’t who she is.”

Originally Posted by me in September 17, 2011
As a mother I was brought to tears streaming in knowing exactly what Karen Giddings is talking about in saying she wants Lauren's hands.. I know this feeling so well of what my Childs hands mean to me as a mother.. It's one of the very first things that you look at and touch the moment that they are brought into this world taking their first breaths of life.. Those tiny little hands that even as a newborn they reactively cling to and wrap their tiny little fingers and hand around one of our fingers.. As they so rapidly grow out of that newborn stage into that chubby baby stage and those little fingers and hands that we as mothers so often sit and stare at them with amazement, awe, and all their precious beauty.. Soon they aren't even babies anymore but quickly growing into little human beings as children walking and talking.. Using those beautiful little hands to express themselves and to emphasize so much in their little lives.. We, as mothers continually holding, rubbing, and kissing those beautiful little hands and find it amazing how much theyve grown in such a little amount of time.. By this point easily recognizable just whose hands your child has.. Are they little replicas of our own hands?.. or are they mini versions of their daddy's hands?.. Either way they are wonderful in so very many ways to us mothers.. And as time marches on and truly within a blink of our eyes and we turn around and they've grown into a fine young woman or young man.. We still look at their hands as those of our once tiny little babies that were so dependant on us as their mother for every single need.. Now so much has changed.. They no longer depend on us to have their needs met, and they no longer are there at our sides tugging on our pant leg, that we look down and see our little one holding their little hands out to be held and loved by us..

Those are nothing but sweet and precious memories now, but even with our children as grown adult young men and women their precious hands still mean so very much to us as their mothers.. The hands of our child are very precious, very special, and are held close to a momma's heart.. As a mother I know this exact feeling, it's meaning, and exactly what Karen Giddings is talking about in her longing to have her beautiful, baby daughter's hands.. It's a detail that many would not think of or find to be of great importance or relevance but as a mother when I read about Karen's great desire and need to have Lauren's hands.. I know it and it hit me hard, straight to my heart and brought me to flowing tears of being able to relate to exactly what it is that Karen is speaking of in her desire to have those precious hands that she has stared in awe, amazement, and beauty at for so very many years.. Kissed and rubbed them.. Placed many a band aid on the boo boos that Lauren likely had along the way of growing up.. The hands hold so much that people never truly think of or even realize until it is brought to the forefront of such a tragedy..

I pray now more so than ever that God find someway to allow this precious family the tiny solace of having all of her remains.. It is so very important.. I realize that as do I believe that the wonderful men and women volunteering their time from their FBI deskjobs, some even from other states, to come and search thru miles of garbage because they too know the importance that having all of her remains.. Just how much it means to this precious family and I thank them for their kindness and compassion.. May you and your loved one's be richly blessed in return for your acts of kindness with nothing wanted in return.. It's a beautiful thing and I am brought much comfort in knowing there are still very good, caring, and selfless human beings that are willing to give of themselves to the perfect stranger in need.. It warms my heart..

As we all know all that endless effort by so very many still left Lauren's momma longing for all of her daughter to lay to rest as she so sees fitting..

My prayers will continue in lifting up this strong, fellow mother, Karen Giddings and asking God to bless her with a peace that can wash over her body and soul.. continued strength for what is still to come in this tragedy..that she and all of Lauren's precious loved ones have been thrust into by the evil, selfish choices of another.. May God grant them all of this and so very much more as they're mourning this 1 year anniversary of their beautifully strong, Lauren being stripped and stolen from their lives...Wrap them in Your love and let peace and solace wash over their souls as only You can, Lord..

With great respect and compassion,
Great post, Smooth.

I very well remember when Mrs. Giddings' words about Lauren's hands were first in the news and we were talking about it here, and I remember your post that you just quoted. I was very moved by it; I think most everyone here was. Especially all the "mommas".

My own daughter and I were sitting outside last night after it had cooled down a bit, and I was telling her about what Mrs. Giddings said and about how you recalled the wonder and awe most new parents feel at looking at their little new arrival's tiny hands, counting all the little fingers.

Lauren's mom said some very memorable things in the most recent Telegraph article, too, things that just wrench the heart. I know so many people have been thinking of her and praying for her (and all Lauren's family) this week.

And Kaitlyn -- in one of the phone interviews (I think it was) aired on one of the television reports from this week we have linked ... she says her last memory of Lauren is from her wedding, where Lauren was, of course, her maid of honor. I had never specifically thought about that Kaitlyn probably left directly for her honeymoon from the wedding, not seeing Lauren again during the brief rest of her visit "back home" -- don't know that for sure, but it makes sense and seemed to be what she was saying in the interview. So sad.
bbm: But Sonya, he isn't green!! :floorlaugh:

Actually I didn't really know what a butterbean was until I heard his name. I don't know how old he was when she got him but he could have been blond as a puppy which could inspire the name "butter".
Actually I didn't really know what a butterbean was until I heard his name. I don't know how old he was when she got him but he could have been blond as a puppy which could inspire the name "butter".

bbm: Perfectly true, of course! And please know that the laugh wasn't at you -- it was at the image my own "butterbean" associations brought into my mind of a little light-grass-green dog. (And thanks, 'cause I needed a laugh today.)
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