GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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Maybe Floyd Buford has copies and has shown or told her?

She wasn't nearly as vocal early on, so he may not have realized the harm in doing so...
So (if she is lying about this), she tells lie that she knows that LE will know is a lie?
Man, this just keeps getting more and more bizarre....
I'd like to know what LE officer would be careless enough to leave behind a copy of the search warrant.
Does this sound unrealistic to anyone else?
Is she just saying this, yet has seen the warrant somewhere else?
I do find that unlikely, but maybe not impossible. Cops are tearing through everything, bending, hauling bags and totes. A sheet of paper could come loose and go unnoticed. Maybe. But not "copies of search warrants" as the reporters say. :loser:
Was just wondering, as someone else had mentioned much earlier,
why we still have heard nothing from the dad and if this may be an indication
that they aren't seeing this quite the same. "No united front" as it was put.

From what we've seen of GM so far...
I'm thinking the reason we haven't heard from dad is because she's sent him to his room. :doorhide:
I wonder why the McD's felt a need to hire a PI??? Sounds like Mrs. McD has been doing a lot of snooping herself! She seems to have all of the answers.

I think GM feels a need to be in control of her son's life. She's made a lot of statements on his behalf. She really thinks she knows every detail of his life. I don't know whether to feel sorry for her, or be annoyed with her. Although her attempts to control the investigation are very disturbing now, I can't imagine the disappointment and utter shock I believe is imminent when she finally accepts reality.
I do find that unlikely, but maybe not impossible. Cops are tearing through everything, bending, hauling bags and totes. A sheet of paper could come loose and go unnoticed. Maybe. But not "copies of search warrants" as the reporters say. :loser:
Yeah, I'm thinking there would be one copy of this on site (if at all),
and would probably be in a vehicle inside a folder.
I mean... no body's there to "serve" it to.
Was just wondering, as someone else had mentioned much earlier,
why we still have heard nothing from the dad and if this may an indication
that they aren't seeing this quite the same. "No united front" as it was put.

From what we've seen of GM so far...
I'm thinking the reason we haven't heard from dad is because she's sent him to his room. :doorhide:

If the McD's relationship is like some others I've seen, my guess is that he's too humiliated to say anything. Most likely, he is having doubts about his son, unlike his wife and he feels embarrassed by her brashness. I won't be surprised if he starts wearing a paper bag over his head! :blushing:
Yeah, I'm thinking there would be one copy of this on site (if at all),
and would probably be in a vehicle inside a folder.
I mean... no body's there to "serve" it to.
If it were a lengthy list of items, they would likely have at least one copy in hand, probably on a clipboard. I'm going to look at those videos again and see if any of the detectives are carrying paper.
If it were a lengthy list of items, they would likely have at least one copy in hand, probably on a clipboard. I'm going to look at those videos again and see if any of the detectives are carrying paper.

I remember the video from the night they searched and seeing LE sitting down at one of the tables on the balcony with papers. I noticed because it was so dark up there that I think they needed a candle or something and wondering how could they see the papers they had.
I thought I remembered seeing investigators with papers during the night search. If you start watching at about 1:07 in this video, you'll see a few cops sitting at the table on the balcony writing reports. Then, as they leave, they all appear to be carrying papers. One is holding a manila folder, and another has some papers folded in his hand. One is carrying a notebook with papers stuffed in it. Just before that, they're carrying bags and bags down the stairs. They had to put those papers down somewhere. So, yes, it is possible they left something behind. And btw, I'm not faulting LE at all.
I remember the video from the night they searched and seeing LE sitting down at one of the tables on the balcony with papers. I noticed because it was so dark up there that I think they needed a candle or something and wondering how could they see the papers they had.
You owe me a Coke. :)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Neighbor's Lawyer Says Client Not Involved
Attorney Brett Steger wrote that allegations that David Dorer was on Lauren Giddings’ balcony on one of the days before she disappeared are false.

McDaniel Missed Key Prep Session, Neighbor Says
“I was in the class. I walked by his front door on the way to class, and when I walked by -- which was typically between 8:20 and 8:40, because it started at 9 sharp, I mean sharp, every day. And when I walked, by there was nothing going on. Nothing I saw. No police. Not a creature was stirring,” neighbor David Whitmire said.

McDaniel's Attorney to Hire Private Investigator
Floyd Buford, McDaniel's attorney, said Tuesday he is interviewing candidates and plans to select an investigator to work on his case within the next few days.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Funeral for Lauren Giddings Held in Maryland
LAUREL, Md. -- Lauren Teresa Giddings came home Saturday.
She came home to her hometown, to her family and friends, to her church and to her Lord.

****Maryland Family's Journey into Heartache ****
Chief Burns was there; he saw it and felt his throat tighten. “You think that could be your daughter that they did that to.” And he began to wonder: What right words are there to tell such news to a family? Hours later, as he sat in Major Stone’s office, eye to eye with Bill, he had no answer...

Bill had set out for Macon that morning in his Honda Pilot, too frantic to sit around waiting for a plane. His brother George and brother-in-law Perry Hoak, a D.C. patrol officer, flew in to be with him. Three Giddings relatives from Georgia were there, too. Yet as he listened to the chief speaking softly, father to father, Bill felt entirely alone.

A Closer Look at Stephen McDaniel
-- a deep thinker who was known to sign his name and put “true-born ‘Son of Liberty’ ’’ next to it, looked spellbound, entranced.
-- a medieval buff, was known to wear chain mail, armor mesh, to class.
-- He called attention to himself. When I saw ... Stephen giving the interviews (June 30), it concerned me.”
-- “He’d be a great roommate,” DW, 58, says.

Burgamy: Mama Loves Ya
Whether we believe Stephen McDaniel is lying or telling the truth doesn’t matter to at least one person -- his mother, Glenda. She told the Atlanta TV reporter last week, “This is not something that Stephen would be capable of.”

Thursday, August 11, 2011

McDaniel's Attorney Shows Defense Side of Murder Case
The first time viewers met Stephen McDaniel he was a free law school graduate worried about his missing neighbor. Ever since July first the only view the public has seen is a jailed man in an orange jumpsuit. Macon Police feel certain about the felony murder charge against Lauren Giddings' murder suspect, but the defense shows a different side of Stephen.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

McDaniel's Mom: Police Focused on Fiber Evidence
The mother of murder suspect Stephen McDaniel thinks police have scoured her son’s belongings in search of blue and gray fibers, the same colors of trace evidence she says may have been found on his alleged victim’s body.
Glenda McDaniel said she has seen copies of search warrants police left behind when they combed her 25-year-old son’s apartment in recent weeks, sifting for clues in the slaying of Lauren Giddings.

Raw Video: Full Interview with McDaniel's Lawyer - Parts 1-4
I thought I remembered seeing investigators with papers during the night search. If you start watching at about 1:07 in this video, you'll see a few cops sitting at the table on the balcony writing reports. Then, as they leave, they all appear to be carrying papers. One is holding a manila folder, and another has some papers folded in his hand. One is carrying a notebook with papers stuffed in it. Just before that, they're carrying bags and bags down the stairs. They had to put those papers down somewhere. So, yes, it is possible they left something behind. And btw, I'm not faulting LE at all.

I see your point.
I will point out, though, that video is from the second search.
So, if LE accidentally left some paperwork there, I would think it would be from the last search.
Surely they wouldn't forget some paperwork, then overlook it again the next time out.
Maybe? Who knows... lol

So, first search was consensual.
Then, per this article:
The night of the 12th, police return to search Stephen McDaniel's apartment, and they carry out large brown bags.

The following day, Chief Burns says discussions with the FBI led them back to the apartment.

He said, "as we get more clues or learn of more evidence, if we have to go back to the apartment or go elsewhere, that's what we're going to do."
July 20, police search Stephen McDaniel's apartment again, carrying out a large storage bin.
Yeah, I'm thinking there would be one copy of this on site (if at all),
and would probably be in a vehicle inside a folder.
I mean... no body's there to "serve" it to.

Doesn't LE have to give a receipt of some sort listing items taken with a search warrant? This would be so the owner could get the items back if they are not used for evidence. I think this happens. Then again, I could be wrong. Can a search warrant be as vague as stating something like "any and all evidence" used in commission of the crime or do they have to be specific? If they have to be specific, what happens if they find something incriminating that is not listed in the search warrant?
With rum or without? :)
With, most definitely. :drink:

I see your point.
I will point out, though, that video is from the second search.
So, if LE accidentally left some paperwork there, I would think it would be from the last search.
Surely they wouldn't forget some paperwork, then overlook it again the next time out.
Maybe? Who knows... lol

So, first search was consensual.
Then, per this article:
Wellll...if the sofa was turned upside down, and stuff was tossed all over the place, they wouldn't notice one little ole piece of paper. LOL They should've put their papers in the nice, tidy cabinets. :angel:

You're right, who knows. I just wish she'd stop talking. Snooping around is one thing, but blabbing to the media is no good in any case.
Doesn't LE have to give a receipt of some sort listing items taken with a search warrant? This would be so the owner could get the items back if they are not used for evidence. I think this happens. Then again, I could be wrong. Can a search warrant be as vague as stating something like "any and all evidence" used in commission of the crime or do they have to be specific? If they have to be specific, what happens if they find something incriminating that is not listed in the search warrant?
It has to be specific, and evidence has to be itemized and tagged.

ETA: The media thread is up to date. There are a few blank days. If anyone has a link that's missing, please let me know and I'll add it.

Media Thread
Help me Jesus! I am so baffled at just WTF is going on down there???

This woman is..{how can I put this in the most tactful yet still effective way?}.. Glenda is seriously impeding on her own son's constitutional rights with this bizarre behavior that I personally find much more disturbing than even Cindy Anthony's.. I am not even sure how that is possible after watching 3 years of Cindy Anthony but I cannot yet quite put my finger on what it is that I am having such an overwhelming sick in the pit of my stomach from watching as this continues to unfold.. I know in time it will become overwhelmingly apparent exactly what it is that has my instincts on high alert and feeling very unsettled..

Tho, I full well realize that our instincts are not in and of themselves foolproof and cannot be fully relied on to ever decide an outcome of guilty or not guilty.. But I will say this over the course of my life I have learned the hard way at times to listen to my instincts and in doing so I've not been led wrong.. I am in no way whatsoever claiming to having some sixth sense and that my instincts are so 100% dead on accurate on every single element of a case or investigation.. But rather I am just a person that is in tune with what her instincts are and combined with objectively looking at a case, its findings and evidence as they one by one, piece by piece come to light these two methods together make it possible to then draw what are logical conclusions which are usually pretty damn accurate.. This is no gift, no trick, no secret method but rather something all or the majority of us are able to do if one has learned to listen to and go with what those God given instincts are saying to you or leading you to do or to believe..

With that explained atleast a little bit I go back to the case at hand and again I reiterate that there is something that is literally felt at the very pit of my stomach that is very unsettling.. I'll admit that this is not a normal consistent feeling that I usually experience for any remarkable amount of time, but rather in my past experiences I may get a very strong unsettling feeling about a particular piece of the puzzle, or a specific statement of an individual somehow involved in or around the case.. Usually they are easily discerned exactly what the issue is that is bringing about this instinctive reaction and I am able to see it for what it is, make a mental note of it to ponder at a later point when looking at the case as a whole..the big picture so to speak..

This is very different.. There is something that is IMO possibly underlying, hidden beneath the surface that some people involved in or around this case may be wanting this possible issue to stay there hidden beneath the surface and not known.. I don't yet know and that it is nothing more than a speculative guess of what "it" could be.. I just am not certain what "it" is yet but I can tell you that with complete certainty that there is something there that has been with me for several weeks that continues to literally leave a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach..

Back to the topic at hand with GM and her reckless and irresponsible statements that she is openly stating.. I am wondering what Buford's move is going to be of whether to stay on for the entire duration of this extremely disturbing case.. I can only imagine being and dealing with it firsthand what his instincts are probably sending off warning bells about this case being so very much more than what meets the eye.. and just what those underlying issues are could very likely blow this case up right in a defense attorneys face when you have a client that is not being honest or forthcoming about ANYTHING AT ALL.. I'll again bring up Buford's comment about Stephen's insistance that he is innocent.. several of us caught it when it was said and it struck us as an odd way of wording the sentiment of his client's innocence.. Most times you hear the attorney making the insisting claim that their client is indeed absolutely innocent of the charge of murder, but Buford worded it very differently.. IMO it was possibly not even planned to say it that way but as we know many times the mind sometimes overrides what you think is the right thing to say and just out pours the words more indicative of what one's true thoughts are..

From the minute Glenda attempted to stand up in the middle of open court while in session and thought even an inkling of a possibility was there for her to have ever been granted permission to speak out in a court proceeding.. That minute my instincts were not what I will state is typically the feeling and/or reaction that I normally would be hit with in seeing a mother's desperation for her own child.. which is an overwhelming feeling of sympathy, empathy, pain and heart ache.. I was even taken aback at my reaction and why I was not feeling what I usually feel in similar situations.. Where there is usually overwhelming sympathy and sadness was replaced with an unusual instinctive knot twisted in the pit of my stomach of something being very wrong.. The alarm bells were sounding for me and since then it has only continued to twist my gut and set off alarms within every instinct of my mind, body, and soul..

What is this woman doing? Is this where we are going to see that the self serving behaviors are directly derived from that many of us see in Stephen with a deep core of utter entitlement and get what he wants, how he wants, and it is gotten at all matter who or what the cost is or how great the cost is.. when it is desired it is achieved even when the cost is a young woman's entire life lost, stolen, stripped from her parents and brutally murdered.. No cost is too large when its seen that the life of Lauren was easily and without remorse taken in a most extreme of depraved ways..

So certainly without even so much as a second thought given would sacrificing DD's life even have them bat an eyelash.. IMO he's likely seen as an extremely easy and necessary casualty for the desired end result that is being sought.. IMo its quite likely that in time as this case continues we will see exactly how Stephen came to be what in many of our opinions is nothing short of straight up monsterous evil..

The sense of entitlement that is clearly present in GM's stating that blue and gray fibers which she states that she had come to the conclusion were found to be on Lauren's torso will likely be found in what she believes to be blue and gray fibers in none other than the car of DD.. These blatant and slanderous allegations are absolutely proof positive to me that it si not only SM that has clear signs of self serving motives at the cost of anyone's life being shattered and even slaughtered but that there is shaping up to be a very similar attitude and mindset as well not only shared by his mother but imo actually is born of his mother and it is the dangerous environment of shame, threats thru religious guilting and IMO many many many volatile and dangerous circumstances and situations that in essence created the perfect storm of what was eventually unleashed on his innocent victim, Lauren..
I'd like to know what LE officer would be careless enough to leave behind a copy of the search warrant.
Does this sound unrealistic to anyone else?
Is she just saying this, yet has seen the warrant somewhere else?

If McD had been there at the time of the search, the police would have given him a copy of the search warrant to prove they had the right to search. Since he wasn't there, but was in jail, it would not at all be unusual for them to leave a copy inside the apartment. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the police would be required to leave a copy behind. Maybe someone who knows for sure can speak to this but I am almost certain that is the case.
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