GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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Oh. My. God. I just read the email exchange for the first time and that was a lot more interesting than I expected. I simultaneously feel bad for him and am cheering on some of the other students. I don't know if this is accurate, but it also helps me think about how he may relate to the other students in the program. Depending on the evidence, I can definitely see the type of story the prosecutors may try to paint.

It was very telling he wouldn't even acknowledge that he used a word that doesn't exist. And hypocritical to send an all student e-mail and become incensed when he was brought up short via an all student e-mail. He writes very differently than he communicates during that interview. But in both case there is an inability to form a succinct thought. I don't know what that would mean in terms of this case, but I completely agree it was very interesting.
angel, I know you have a lot of input from contacts beyond this forum, so not quibbling, just wanting to know: You are convinced that he did "genuinely believe a zombie outbreak is imminent"?

I was told he discussed it in a matter of fact tone, like he took it seriously, and even said he was stockpiling water to prepare, but who knows if deep down he was just pulling someone's leg.
Floyd Buford said he is interviewing investigators and plans to hire one to work on the case on behalf of his client, accused killer Stephen McDaniel, and McDaniel's family.

Wow -did you hear the part about "She feels very strongly about this"

Yes. He understandably danced around some of those questions--kudos to the journalist for giving them a shot. Contrary to the intro to the interview, I didn't hear him say his client was innocent. It was implied, but I don't think he sounded convincing/convinced.

ETA: Does anyone know anything about his attorney?
Curiouser and curiouser. I guess we'll see the link later. I hope they have evidence beyond what we have heard. While it is troubling, it isn't conviction worthy yet. Even the hacksaw packaging. Was it just sitting there out in the open like it was recently used, or was it a piece of cardboard under some model car to keep glue and paint from dripping? Without context, we don't really know what it means. I hate that. Not knowing leaves it still a little open. I guess we will hear it in court. I am impatient. I want to know NOW. :waiting:

My opinion regarding the hacksaw and package is it is no more nor less than this. THE packaging for THE hacksaw with Lauren's DNA on it was found in SM's apartment. His family member tells the world that SM admits to buying said hacksaw. Said hacksaw was used by SM to either (depending on whether you believe his family member or the arrest warrant) cut a branch or cut a person. Said hacksaw then is found in a storage closet (I think). The packaging and the hacksaw lead right back to SM. I just cannot believe that someone would take the time to look at what else is in a trash can before or after placing his/her trash in the can.If you follow this train of thought, the person who took the hacksaw out of the trashcan 2 months prior to Lauren's death would just happen to use it on Lauren, put the package in SM's apartment, and the hacksaw wherever it was found. If it was found by someone else in a trashcan, how did they know that SM bought it then threw it away? Just too many coincidences in that for me.
My opinion regarding the hacksaw and package is it is no more nor less than this. THE packaging for THE hacksaw with Lauren's DNA on it was found in SM's apartment. His family member tells the world that SM admits to buying said hacksaw. Said hacksaw was used by SM to either (depending on whether you believe his family member or the arrest warrant) cut a branch or cut a person. Said hacksaw then is found in a storage closet (I think). The packaging and the hacksaw lead right back to SM. I just cannot believe that someone would take the time to look at what else is in a trash can before or after placing his/her trash in the can.If you follow this train of thought, the person who took the hacksaw out of the trashcan 2 months prior to Lauren's death would just happen to use it on Lauren, put the package in SM's apartment, and the hacksaw wherever it was found. If it was found by someone else in a trashcan, how did they know that SM bought it then threw it away? Just too many coincidences in that for me.

In spite of how SM's mother may have (or may not have) worded it, I'm not convinced that the packaging is that to "THE hacksaw" with Lauren's dna on it. I'm also thinking there is no evidence offered up yet that a hacksaw was what was used in the dismemberment (though I think very likely it was).
"The investigator is going to investigate a whole host of issues, the comment that she made earlier in the week about the maintenance man, we've been aware of that probably within 24 hours after Stephen was arrested, so that's something we were aware of. So it's that issue and other issues that we're going to investigate, so we can help prepare a good defense for Stephen," Buford said.
Buford sounded like a good Attorney in the interview, seems like he'll serve McD well. He also seemed very tolerant of Mama and her strong opinions which is a good thing, the McD family is prob paying for his defense.

Hiring a PI is a great idea, I want McD to have the best legal defense money can buy.
In spite of how SM's mother may have (or may not have) worded it, I'm not convinced that the packaging is that to "THE hacksaw" with Lauren's dna on it. I'm also thinking there is no evidence offered up yet that a hacksaw was what was used in the dismemberment (though I think very likely it was).

I, like you, think the hacksaw was probably used on Lauren. How else could her DNA have gotten on it? I'm basing my opinion that the packaging matched this particular saw on what the family member said. My opinion, like other people's, is she has tunnel vision focused squarely on her son not being guilty. I think she blurts out her information in an attempt to try to make other people see this her way. We, in fact, don't really know what SM has or has not told her. Since I can remember no information contradicting her, that is what I based my opinion on. I think the only facts we really know at this point are:
1. Lauren was murdered and dismembered.
2. The torso was found in a rollable trashcan beside her apartment.
3. SM has been arrested on 2 counts of burglary and 1 count of murder.
4. A hacksaw with Lauren's DNA on it was found somewhere in the BH complex.
5 A refrigerator from the almost empty apartment under Lauren's has been
taken as evidence.
6. Lauren's bathtub was taken as evidence.
7. At some point in the past, SM has told someone (either in writing or verbally) that he could murder someone in a certain manner which is similar to Lauren's murder.
8. SM has an attorney for the burglary charges. We don't know if this same attorney will represent him if he goes to trial for murder.

Please add anything to my list if I have left anything out.
My opinion regarding the hacksaw and package is it is no more nor less than this. THE packaging for THE hacksaw with Lauren's DNA on it was found in SM's apartment. His family member tells the world that SM admits to buying said hacksaw. Said hacksaw was used by SM to either (depending on whether you believe his family member or the arrest warrant) cut a branch or cut a person. Said hacksaw then is found in a storage closet (I think). The packaging and the hacksaw lead right back to SM. I just cannot believe that someone would take the time to look at what else is in a trash can before or after placing his/her trash in the can.If you follow this train of thought, the person who took the hacksaw out of the trashcan 2 months prior to Lauren's death would just happen to use it on Lauren, put the package in SM's apartment, and the hacksaw wherever it was found. If it was found by someone else in a trashcan, how did they know that SM bought it then threw it away? Just too many coincidences in that for me.

The hacksaw in the maintenance closet was alleged to be the same brand as the alleged wrapping found in the apartment. Trying to be as accurate as possible here. They have not said it is the exact same hacksaw. As a matter of fact, they completely avoided saying it was THE hacksaw that went the the wrapping. If it was bought at Walmart, then a zillion people may have the same brand.

That is why I feel HOW the wrapping was found is important. If it is lying out like it was just opened, it could mean one thing. If it is being used to keep model glue or whatever from dripping, it could mean another. If it was used to block a vent, it could mean another thing. If it was used to do some drawing on, it could mean another. We don't know right now.

I absolutely agree it looks bad, but if McD bought his hacksaw months ago, then it may not be connected at all. Or it could mean he has been planning this for months. We do not know if a different saw of the same brand was in that closet. We do not know how long that hacksaw has been in the closet. A week? 6 months? 2 years? We do not if it was used on LG or not at this point. Maybe someone cut a pipe out from under her sink getting her DNA on it during a simple repair. I don't think that is what happened, but it is a possibility. Lots more is going to have to be connected before we see a conviction.
Buford sounded like a good Attorney in the interview, seems like he'll serve McD well. He also seemed very tolerant of Mama and her strong opinions which is a good thing, the McD family is prob paying for his defense.
Hiring a PI is a great idea, I want McD to have the best legal defense money can buy.

Yep -- I agree on both counts. Buford's tolerance of Mama may be one reason for doubting our conclusion that he sounds like a good lawyer, though.

Hiring a Private Eye gets people to thinking there might be things that MPD didn't find out that need to be determined (without specifying what those things are). Just creates a little "reasonable doubt" (which seems in short supply on, less so on this board).
Above the Law have the emails posted under an article titled "The Collected Writings of Stephen McDaniel". (Were these emails all part of the great "plan"?).

Stephen McDaniel's law school email address is listed there. Unfortunately, absolutely everything appears to be wiped from the search engines, including cache.

There are many, many replies from students, which indicate just what they thought of him, wow.

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 11:02 AM
Subject: Political Hypothetical

The following is a hypothetical question aimed at determining one method of political mentality of the student body of Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law. Please take the time to read the hypothetical and respond to it by replying to my email account or dropping a note in my mailbox outside classroom A.
Here is the reality of the situation with the hacksaw. Suppose that Buford can demonstrate that the prosecution has not been able to reliable show that the packaging and the subject hacksaw actually are part and parcel in a motion in limine. Judge Self will then kick the evidence out and disallow any references to it whatsoever. However, SM's mother will have blabbed about it all over the news, including the admission that SM did in fact purchase a hacksaw. There is ZERO chance that at least one juror will not google McDaniel and read up on the extensive articles have been written. Given that trial is SEVERAL years away, I would expect comments posted here to remain, but the news articles will. This same scenario applies to any evidence that is presented in the news by people who should have an interest in helping McDaniel, but are truly hurting him. Not to mention those jurors who will not even admit that they have closely followed this case in the news but their own curiosity will not allow them to acknowledge their pre-formed biases.
Sadly, years from now, the jurors will only barely remember this case. If they are a member here, then they will most likely end up excused for some reason. And because of the possibility of a juror breaking the law and checking him out online, I foresee the jury being sequestered and a change of venue being fought for. A sequestered jury has a hard time using Google without being caught. I really hope the lawyers can rule out anyone with preconceived notions
Pearl made a very good point when she asked how likely it was that someone would see McD throw the hacksaw away and retrieve it.
I'd also like to know how it makes any sense that someone would know using this item would be a good way to frame McD, they would have to know somehow that he neglected to throw away the cardboard sleeve in order for it to be readily connected to him for the frame job to work.
And if he planted the sleeve in McD's apartment, how would he know that the reportedly neat and clean McD wouldn't throw it away? He'd have had to tuck it away somewhere only the police would have found after tossing McD's apartment.
And if this mastermind was meticulous enough to go through all that trouble, why the heck would he then place the hacksaw in the storage closet instead of somewhere directly connected to McD!?!?
That would be the most important element of the frame job!!! Being the resident contact, the storage closet would probably be one of the worst places to put the hacksaw if you were trying to direct attention away from yourself as the perp! Seriously, how can anyone buy into this crap even a little bit?
That would be like trying to frame someone else for murder but leaving the murder weapon in your own locker. Please.
Pearl made a very good point when she asked how likely it was that someone would see McD throw the hacksaw away and retrieve it.
I'd also like to know how it makes any sense that someone would know using this item would be a good way to frame McD, they would have to know somehow that he neglected to throw away the cardboard sleeve in order for it to be readily connected to him for the frame job to work.
And if he planted the sleeve in McD's apartment, how would he know that the reportedly neat and clean McD wouldn't throw it away? He'd have had to tuck it away somewhere only the police would have found after tossing McD's apartment.
And if this mastermind was meticulous enough to go through all that trouble, why the heck would he then place the hacksaw in the storage closet instead of somewhere directly connected to McD!?!?
That would be the most important element of the frame job!!! Being the resident contact, the storage closet would probably be one of the worst places to put the hacksaw if you were trying to direct attention away from yourself as the perp! Seriously, how can anyone buy into this crap even a little bit?
That would be like trying to frame someone else for murder but leaving the murder weapon in your own locker. Please.

That all goes to back to IF it is even the same hacksaw. LE has not stated it is. It could be a gray area to a jury.
The clincher will be if he bought two hacksaws. :crazy:

Regardless of how the facts pan out regarding the hacksaw, I'm reasonably certain it will not be the deciding piece of evidence. Along with the allegations stated in the warrant, it merely suffices as probably cause to make an arrest. So, I agree with PsychoMom. More ...... to come.
I wonder if he used smcdaniel11 as any other username or in any other email address?

ETA: Nope, I just found this link, which seems to indicate that the student's email address will be the year they graduate (unless I am interpreting this incorrectly).
Friday, July 29, 2011

Funeral Set for North Laurel Woman Slain in Georgia
A funeral for Lauren Giddings, the North Laurel 27-year-old who was killed in Georgia a month ago shortly after graduating from law school there, has been set for Aug. 6.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Burns: Hunt for Giddings' Killer Hinged on a Matter of Hours
Possibly even minutes. Were it not for middle-of-the-night calls from the recent Mercer University law school graduate’s friends and family to the police on June 29 and early June 30, detectives might never have sleuthed out the trail.

“It’d have been a missing person from here on out,” Macon Police Chief Mike Burns said Wednesday. “I think we beat trash day by two hours.”

Giddings and McDaniel Family Speak to NewsCentral's Michelle Quesada
The Giddings family have many questions about the murder, many of which will unfortunately be left unanswered until Macon Police charge the person who committed the crime.

Meanwhile, Macon Police Chief Mike Burns has made several unclear comments about the "persons of interest" in the case. On Fox News' Justice with Judge Jeanine show which aired last Saturday, Chief Burns said there were several persons of interest.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Giddings' Neighbor to Remain Behind Bars
Giddings' next door neighbor Stephen McDaniel is expected to remain behind bars until at least an August fourth bond hearing.
Funeral Arrangements Underway for Lauren Giddings
Bibb County Coroner Leon Jones says her body is scheduled to be released Tuesday to the Macon Memorial Park Funeral Homes in Macon for cremation.
McDaniel to Stay in Jail Until at Least August 4th
As of Monday, Macon police still had not received lab results from the FBI of tests performed on more than 200 pieces of evidence related to the Giddings investigation.
Police Chief Mike Burns said the GBI also is examining computers taken from the apartment complex.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Judge Denies Motion to Disqualify
In a 10-page ruling issued Monday morning, Self found no "personal interest" in the outcome of the case among the staff members of the district attorney's office that should disqualify them from prosecuting McDaniel, who worked in the office for about three months this spring as a third year law student.

Judge: No Conflict of Interest

Sunday, July 24, 2011

McDaniel's Family Moves His Belongings

As the family carried furniture, a weight bench and barbells, boxes and bedding from the upstairs apartment and loaded them into the moving truck, Mark McDaniel stopped at the foot of the stairs to say his son is “doing as best as can be expected.”

Fox News and the Lauren Giddings Case
With the story of what happened to Lauren Giddings being nearly a month old on the internet, why has Fox News suddenly jumped on this case?
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Accused Murderer's Mom Says Her Son Didn't Do It
“And Stephen, in almost a hypnotized, very flat voice said, ‘They told me I did something bad. They told me I hurt someone.’ For 20 hours they had been trying to pressure and threaten and coerce him into confessing for a murder,” Glenda McDaniel said. “And they had nothing to come to this conclusion, other than that he did the horrible, horrible thing of injecting, inserting himself in the search for his missing friend.”

Friday, August 5, 2011

McDaniel Talked About Getting Away With Murder, Warrant Says
The warrant says he mentioned “details of methods to avoid detection” that are, the warrant states, “similar to the facts and circumstances surrounding the killing of Lauren Giddings
Police declined to say why the cast-iron tub was taken out, but a source familiar with the investigation referred to the edge of the tub as a “butcher block” because, on close inspection, it appeared to have been marred with cut marks similar to those left by a saw.

New Developments in Maintenance Man Accusation
McDaniel's attorney, Floyd Buford says he has been aware of the maintenance man before McDaniel was charged.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hacksaw Linked to McDaniel, Warrant Says
An arrest warrant issued late Tuesday charging McDaniel with murder says police recovered a hacksaw at the Barristers Hall apartment complex where he and Giddings were next-door neighbors. The warrant says investigators also found the saw’s packaging material inside McDaniel’s apartment.
Subsequent tests on the hacksaw by FBI experts revealed traces of Giddings’ DNA, according to a law enforcement officer familiar with the warrant.

While police still are waiting on lab results from the FBI and the GBI, Burns said evidence in the slaying pointed to one perpetrator. Asked whether other charges could be brought against McDaniel or another person, Winters said “it would be improper” to comment. Results of a GBI analysis of computer equipment are needed before a timeline is formulated in the case, Burns said.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

McDaniel Due in Court Wednesday Afternoon
Stephen Mark McDaniel, charged with murder late Tuesday in the slaying of his law school classmate, Lauren Giddings, is scheduled to appear this afternoon in Bibb County Magistrate Court.

Giddings Family Searches Ocmulgee River for Remains

McDaniel Charged in Giddings' Slaying
Tuesday night, the stakes got higher, when Bibb County District Attorney Greg Winters stepped up to McDaniel’s cell at about 9:30 to serve a murder warrant.

Photos from Giddings Case

Lauren Giddings' Sister Talks About Police Investigation

Videos of McDaniel in Court

Chief Debunks Rampant Rumors in Giddings Case
Police Chief Mike Burns says rumors about a serial killer and more dismembered bodies in Macon are false.
At a news conference today, the chief discussed text messages and other false reports...
"We've got rumors running rampant," he said.
(Raw Video)

Lauren Giddings Family Continues to Search for Remains

Landlord: Giddings said McDaniel was "Nice but Weird" (Slideshow of McDaniel's Aug 3rd hearing)
The bathroom has a ceramic tub, and a series of scratches about a foot long were visible on the outer edge.

On the deck outside Giddings' apartment were about a dozen two-liter soda bottles that appeared to be filled with water.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Police, DA Set Meeting on Giddings
As Lauren Giddings’ family plans for her funeral this week, Macon police are scheduled to meet with the district attorney Tuesday to discuss all they know about the slaying of the Mercer University law school graduate.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Apartments Come Back to Life
On Friday, fingerprint powder still coats Barristers Hall apartment No. 2, where slain Mercer University law graduate Lauren Giddings lived. Imagine the graphite of 1,000 pencils ground up and spread over most every surface in the living room, kitchenette and especially the bathroom

Yep -- I agree on both counts. Buford's tolerance of Mama may be one reason for doubting our conclusion that he sounds like a good lawyer, though.

Hiring a Private Eye gets people to thinking there might be things that MPD didn't find out that need to be determined (without specifying what those things are). Just creates a little "reasonable doubt" (which seems in short supply on, less so on this board).

Thinking the idea to hire the PI was something Mama felt strongly about.

Buford can accomplish several different things in doing so. Humor Mama, make it look like MPD focused only on McD and dig up additional dirt on DD. Heck a good PI may even turn up a few more people who should have been looked at.

I do question the timing though. One would think before going to that expense, they would want to see what other cards Winters has in his hand.

IMO, Winters used only a modicum of evidence when writing the arrest warrant. The rest will be disclosed as the case unfolds.
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