GA - Meredith Emerson, 24, Blood Mountain, 4 January 2008

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Has E.Search been talked about coming in to help with the search at all? I know that their are experienced searchers looking, but aren't these people kind of the "top dogs" for searching in this type of terrain (as far as gear, skills etc go?)

Normally I would agree with you about TexasEquuiSearch but in this case the search is being fueled by metro Atlanta, LE, firemen, paramedics, SAR teams and using high tech equipment that typically other search teams would have to borrow from them. In addition to GBI and the Georgia State Police. There is a lot of skilled manpower right now. So I guess I am saying if this was in a rural area with no proximity to Atlanta then they would have been called right away.

Even still TES is a volunteer organization that would have to recruit locally to fill the search teams. Time is of the essence right now due to the cold weather and rugged conditions.
Even with Ella being so well trained and not to hurt people, the close bond exists so much between dog and owner, and dogs are usually very intuitive, mine is a big mush, until yet will grow if someone we don't know approaches me. She's also growled when my friend's alcoholic boyfriend came into the house to get her out (she was inside talking and petting Cinnamon) so she is a good judge of character.
I think Ella will help them find Meredith. If Meredith is hurt somewhere, i doubt Ella would leave her side.
I think Meredith may not be on the mountain, that she may have been kidnapping coming back from the trail. Items found near her car.. i really wish that we knew if it was a collar or a leash that was found. I'm certain Meredith would never take the collar off of Ella, especially in an open area like that. If Meredith was removed from the scene via car, where is Ella? Maybe she is working on her own search to get to Meredith. If the collar was removed by someone other than Meredith, they would expect Ella to run off and without a collar she would be harder to identify (thankfully she is microchipped).
If for instance, Meredith is still on the mountain and underneath a make shift shelter of sorts, would she still show up on the infrared from the helicopter search?
Then the ground search with the dogs didn't pick up anything either..
Even with Ella being so well trained and not to hurt people, the close bond exists so much between dog and owner, and dogs are usually very intuitive, mine is a big mush, until yet will grow if someone we don't know approaches me. She's also growled when my friend's alcoholic boyfriend came into the house to get her out (she was inside talking and petting Cinnamon) so she is a good judge of character.
I think Ella will help them find Meredith. If Meredith is hurt somewhere, i doubt Ella would leave her side.
I think Meredith may not be on the mountain, that she may have been kidnapping coming back from the trail. Items found near her car.. i really wish that we knew if it was a collar or a leash that was found. I'm certain Meredith would never take the collar off of Ella, especially in an open area like that. If Meredith was removed from the scene via car, where is Ella? Maybe she is working on her own search to get to Meredith. If the collar was removed by someone other than Meredith, they would expect Ella to run off and without a collar she would be harder to identify (thankfully she is microchipped).
If for instance, Meredith is still on the mountain and underneath a make shift shelter of sorts, would she still show up on the infrared from the helicopter search?
Then the ground search with the dogs didn't pick up anything either..
Unfortunately, someone that would harm a person would probably have no problem harming a dog. If Meredith is no longer with us and it is due to foul play, I hardly think the perp would have left the dog alive.
Normally I would agree with you about TexasEquuiSearch but in this case the search is being fueled by metro Atlanta, LE, firemen, paramedics, SAR teams and using high tech equipment that typically other search teams would have to borrow from them. In addition to GBI and the Georgia State Police. There is a lot of skilled manpower right now. So I guess I am saying if this was in a rural area with no proximity to Atlanta then they would have been called right away.

Even still TES is a volunteer organization that would have to recruit locally to fill the search teams. Time is of the essence right now due to the cold weather and rugged conditions.

CP - I wasn't sure if they did this kind of thing w/ other parties involved. I also didn't know about the part about them filling their teams locally =( . Guess I jumped the boat a little soon eh? :bang:
Even with Ella being so well trained and not to hurt people, the close bond exists so much between dog and owner, and dogs are usually very intuitive, mine is a big mush, until yet will grow if someone we don't know approaches me. She's also growled when my friend's alcoholic boyfriend came into the house to get her out (she was inside talking and petting Cinnamon) so she is a good judge of character.
I think Ella will help them find Meredith. If Meredith is hurt somewhere, i doubt Ella would leave her side.
I think Meredith may not be on the mountain, that she may have been kidnapping coming back from the trail. Items found near her car.. i really wish that we knew if it was a collar or a leash that was found. I'm certain Meredith would never take the collar off of Ella, especially in an open area like that. If Meredith was removed from the scene via car, where is Ella? Maybe she is working on her own search to get to Meredith. If the collar was removed by someone other than Meredith, they would expect Ella to run off and without a collar she would be harder to identify (thankfully she is microchipped).
If for instance, Meredith is still on the mountain and underneath a make shift shelter of sorts, would she still show up on the infrared from the helicopter search?
Then the ground search with the dogs didn't pick up anything either..

All articles I have read today say it was a leash and water bottle found. I do know they were using a heat sensor on Wednesday night hoping to pick up info that way and they were using tracking dogs all through last night until this morning. I am beginning to think she isn't on the mountain at all. They have covered about 400 miles of area but she still could be hurt in a ravine and is being missed. Pray she is found soon.
Bad thought - and I will remove it if it's too sensitive considering the situation - but I'm guessing the roads that run through the area are pretty rural (eg - not heavily trafficked at the same time)

Does anyone know if a search has been conducted along the main roads used to get out of the area of the park they were in? Could someone have pushed her out a door while traveling down the road somehow? Not a pleasant thought, but Im trying to be realistic and look at all views.....
"Last Modified: 1/3/2008 9:54:53 AMAccording to her roommate, a former police officer hiking on the trail on Tuesday said he recalled seeing her and her dog and that he also noticed a man on the trail that gave him an uneasy feeling. That man was carrying a police baton.The former officer said he continued up the hill. He said that when he came back down the hill he found some of Meredith's belongings including a leash, two water bottles and some dog treats. Also, next to those items, were a police baton and some men's sunglasses. He turned those items into a local shop owner.All of that information is being checked into and the former officer returned to the scene Thursday morning to help pinpoint the area where he saw the suspicious man."

"Another hiker told officials he saw a man with a similar baton clipped to his belt hiking on the same trail that Emerson took."

Link to article:

"Before Hilton was connected to the case, several people told investigators they saw her with a gray- or silver-haired man who had a backpack and wore a yellow jacket with black elbow patches and stripes, Verdone said. Police say Hilton is about 5 foot 10 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds."

Link to article:

The first paragraph is about the ex cop who witnessed Meredith and GMH talking. I wish he would explain his "uneasy feeling" for us and as to why he was feeling "uneasy". Sometimes they like to return to the scene, anyway to relive it argh.. sorry i had to..

Second line is from another article and i am wondering how many witnesses saw one man with a baton or was it two different men with batons or what?

The third paragraph is the best description yet of the jacket Hilton was seen wearing. I would guess that the stripes were going vertically down the arms of the jacket, although it is just a guess. I've seen other clothing patterned that way, until we can get a solid report of what it looked like..

If we could recreate the scene, at first where on the trail did the ex cop see GMH and Meredith talking? If there was more than one point on the trail where he had seen them (which there would be if they were walking in motion) what points of the trail were they at or near? If it made him feel uneasy why didn't he observe more? How soon after that did he come down the trail to find the things near her car?
"Last Modified: 1/3/2008 9:54:53 AMAccording to her roommate, a former police officer hiking on the trail on Tuesday said he recalled seeing her and her dog and that he also noticed a man on the trail that gave him an uneasy feeling. That man was carrying a police baton.The former officer said he continued up the hill. He said that when he came back down the hill he found some of Meredith's belongings including a leash, two water bottles and some dog treats. Also, next to those items, were a police baton and some men's sunglasses. He turned those items into a local shop owner.All of that information is being checked into and the former officer returned to the scene Thursday morning to help pinpoint the area where he saw the suspicious man."

"Another hiker told officials he saw a man with a similar baton clipped to his belt hiking on the same trail that Emerson took."

Link to article:

"Before Hilton was connected to the case, several people told investigators they saw her with a gray- or silver-haired man who had a backpack and wore a yellow jacket with black elbow patches and stripes, Verdone said. Police say Hilton is about 5 foot 10 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds."

Link to article:

The first paragraph is about the ex cop who witnessed Meredith and GMH talking. I wish he would explain his "uneasy feeling" for us and as to why he was feeling "uneasy". Sometimes they like to return to the scene, anyway to relive it argh.. sorry i had to..

Second line is from another article and i am wondering how many witnesses saw one man with a baton or was it two different men with batons or what?

The third paragraph is the best description yet of the jacket Hilton was seen wearing. I would guess that the stripes were going vertically down the arms of the jacket, although it is just a guess. I've seen other clothing patterned that way, until we can get a solid report of what it looked like..

If we could recreate the scene, at first where on the trail did the ex cop see GMH and Meredith talking? If there was more than one point on the trail where he had seen them (which there would be if they were walking in motion) what points of the trail were they at or near? If it made him feel uneasy why didn't he observe more? How soon after that did he come down the trail to find the things near her car?

And another thing! If after having that uneasy feeling and then coming DOWN off the mountain and discovering her things /w her no where around WTF did he NOT contact LE right then and there??!?!?!?!
I hope it's ok to post the body of the email. Should I contact someone to put them in connection with these guys?

It is our protocol that we can not enter a case with out first being
contacted by law enforcment or family members. As of now, neither of
these has happened. There are alot of very qualified resources out
however, if we are contacted we will do all that we can to help.

Thank You,

***** contact info edited for privacy.
I do not know if the numbers listed are out there for public viewing. If someone needs them, Pm me and I'll give them to you w/ no problems!

So I'm deciphering that they are willing to help if contacted, but they can't get involved until they are right? My asking about this is because, I know that there are lots of qualified people out there, BUT if she is on that mountain SOMEWHERE, time is running out..the more qualified people up there..IMO the better. So what's ya'lls opinion?
I hope it's ok to post the body of the email. Should I contact someone to put them in connection with these guys?

It is our protocol that we can not enter a case with out first being
contacted by law enforcment or family members. As of now, neither of
these has happened. There are alot of very qualified resources out
however, if we are contacted we will do all that we can to help.

Thank You,

***** contact info edited for privacy.
I do not know if the numbers listed are out there for public viewing. If someone needs them, Pm me and I'll give them to you w/ no problems!

So I'm deciphering that they are willing to help if contacted, but they can't get involved until they are right? My asking about this is because, I know that there are lots of qualified people out there, BUT if she is on that mountain SOMEWHERE, time is running out..the more qualified people up there..IMO the better. So what's ya'lls opinion?

That is correct. Only LE and family can ask for assistance. Right now it is a search and rescue mission so all the stops are gone but as time goes on and they don't find her more help may be required. Personnel from LE and other agencies are being used now but at a certain point they will have to return to their regular jobs.
We have the ex cop "witness" who sees that GMH has a baton on his person and is talking with Meredith. He later finds a baton after feeling on easy and messes up all the evidence by moving it and getting his own prints all over it.
Why is he an ex cop??
I'm going to appear really dumb on this, how do i check my pm on here? I've never used it before..
Upper right hand corner...Under where it says "welcome" you will see the spot marked "private messages" click it and it will open up your folders ^^
Not to turn this thread into a rehashing of the Bryant case (although the two could be related), it appears that the motive for the Bryant kidnapping/murder was money, although pure homicidal mania is as good a motive as any for some criminals. If Meredith's disappearance is criminal in nature and the two cases are related, what then would be the motive for the crime? As far as we know, no one has tried to access her money.

Bascially, what I'm saying is that criminals tend to follow patterns and one of these patterns is motive. Some criminals like to sexually assault people for the thrill and power, some criminals are after money. The motives in these two cases appear (on the surface) to be dissimilar. Money in the case of the Bryants (even though the perp only got $300). ??? in the case of Meredith (perhaps sexual assault, ransom?). It's almost too early even to be speaking of motive in Meredith's case since we're not positive there has been foul play.

Just thinking here: how odd is it that someone would go after hikers for money? I mean, of all the places to find a person with large amounts of money on them, is a hiking trail really on your top ten?

I think the motive was sexual in this case.

In the Bryants' case it was money, that was clear, with the atm videos and all. It's so random that anyone would rob hikers, yet it happened to them.

I've not heard one word about Meredith's cards being used. If the motive were money, they would have been used by now, before the media got unto her disappearance and a hold was put on her cards.
It now appears that GMH and the baton guy are one and the same. That clears up one big question.

Now the Bryant case connection can be cleared up real quick by showing the atm pics to the witnesses in Emerson's case. The Bryant's were hikers and murdered for a mere 300.00. In a couple of pics that LE released of vehicles of interest, it seemed to have plenty of people around, and not like an isolated area. Much like the description of the area Emerson was in.

I can't write the ex-cop off yet, something really bothers me about him. The convenience of being able to use GMH as a fall guy for one. And two, the fact he turned the items in but didn't alert authorities. Is he also the one that wrote the license plate down as well? It's like going to the dance and not dancing. He went to all of that trouble and did everything but the one common sense thing to do.

I'm with Dimples about GMH's missing decade. It really is odd. A poster last night asked if anyone had heard that he had been institutionalized for a mental defect of some sort.

Meow, I really can understand not wanting to connect the Bryant case to Emersons. That would be a stretch and a very lucky break for LE. But don't be so quick to discount GMH's involvement. He has a very shady past and was the very last person seen with Emerson.

Brevard – Despite the similarity of a yellow jacket, investigators say there does not appear to be a connection between a missing hiker in north Georgia and the killing of an elderly woman last fall in the Pisgah National Forest.

“We’re not ruling it out, but right now, it does not appear that it’s related whatsoever, other than they both happened on U.S. Forest Service (property),” U.S. Forest Service Special Agent Harold Young Jr. said Friday.
It now appears that GMH and the baton guy are one and the same. That clears up one big question.

Now the Bryant case connection can be cleared up real quick by showing the atm pics to the witnesses in Emerson's case. The Bryant's were hikers and murdered for a mere 300.00. In a couple of pics that LE released of vehicles of interest, it seemed to have plenty of people around, and not like an isolated area. Much like the description of the area Emerson was in.

I can't write the ex-cop off yet, something really bothers me about him. The convenience of being able to use GMH as a fall guy for one. And two, the fact he turned the items in but didn't alert authorities. Is he also the one that wrote the license plate down as well? It's like going to the dance and not dancing. He went to all of that trouble and did everything but the one common sense thing to do.

I'm with Dimples about GMH's missing decade. It really is odd. A poster last night asked if anyone had heard that he had been institutionalized for a mental defect of some sort.

Meow, I really can understand not wanting to connect the Bryant case to Emersons. That would be a stretch and a very lucky break for LE. But don't be so quick to discount GMH's involvement. He has a very shady past and was the very last person seen with Emerson.

Hopefully we hear soon about the witnesses connecting GMH and the guy in the Bryant's. At the very least if not connected, it can be ruled out.
Do they know how many different witnesses saw GMH with a baton?
It's hard to believe the actions of an ex cop wouldn't lead him to investigate it, is all. Most of us would be up and running making sure things were alright.

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