Found Deceased GA - Quinton Simon - Discovered Missing From Home By Non-Custodial Mom - Savannah #3

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So, if law enforcement did in fact suggest she blacked out, what they'd be trying to do is get her to admit that it was a possibility.

After she admitted that it was possible, they'd push further, attempting to obtain a full confession.

This would be opposed to saying "we know you killed your son, you might as well admit that," which could cause her to shut down.
IMO it would go something like this- maybe you blacked out, people will understand you’re not a bad person, it was an accident. We know you were scared and panicked. Tell us what you did with his body.
Every time there is a case where a mother is a suspect I always think it must be an accident/cover up and it never is.

LS is the only suspect when there was another adult in the house - a non bio father boyfriend at that. That says a lot. My best guess is her fingerprints on a weapon that has QS blood on it. There has been no toxicology, no autopsy and yet still LE is convinced QS was murdered by LS. I can't imagine an accident scenario where LS would be named so quickly.
Which makes me think should le be looking in recycling bins along with the landfill? I see lots of black bags tossed in with the recyclables all the time. Moo
I don't know how it's done in Georgia, but I can think of multiple cases of deceased infants found in recycling centres. Here's just the two I read about on WS last week.

CA: UNSOLVED - CA - San Jose, infant found at recycling facility, Oct'19

IL: IL - IL,Roscoe- Baby Boy, "Noah", Born alive, Body on Conveyer Belt, Recycling Center, 13125 N. Second St, 13 July 2012

Recycling tends to be sorted, whereas landfill tends to just get dumped. I'm not saying she was aware enough to make that distiction, but the smart money is on landfill if you're disposing of a body. MOO.
So, if law enforcement did in fact suggest she blacked out, what they'd be trying to do is get her to admit that it was a possibility.

After she admitted that it was possible, they'd push further, attempting to obtain a full confession.

This would be opposed to saying "we know you killed your son, you might as well admit that," which could cause her to shut down.
This right here is what I believe about where the black out talk came from. LE doing it's job in interviewing the prime suspect. Try to offer something the suspect can latch onto that seems "less bad" than what they are accused of. I feel like someone was playing good cop tossing out life preservers to keep LS talking rather than lawyering up.
I may have missed this, but I am wondering what piece of evidence led LE to believe QS is deceased. I hate to even think about it.
MOO, but I suspect it's something like a certain volume of blood ( or evidence thereof) or something like brain tissue. Something that there's no other reason for it to be there. Kids get bloody noses, they vomit and poop and pee, but unless they bleed out or have severe head trauma, you don't find blood pools, or brain matter. I don't wish on him a brutal, violent, bloody death, but they seem very sure he's dead, and we know they luminoled the house at least once. Twice? I don't remember. But then, there's no arrest, and if it was so bloody, I don't know why they wouldn't have arrested her at this point.
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Every time there is a case where a mother is a suspect I always think it must be an accident/cover up and it never is.

LS is the only suspect when there was another adult in the house - a non bio father boyfriend at that. That says a lot. My best guess is her fingerprints on a weapon that has QS blood on it. There has been no toxicology, no autopsy and yet still LE is convinced QS was murdered by LS. I can't imagine an accident scenario where LS would be named so quickly.
I keep thinking about the days early on which LE spent in the house. Remember the Twitter video of flash bulbs going off upstairs and later on LE blackened the windows at something like 9 in the morning?

All that activity makes me think the forensic team found blood or other matter that would point to a violent event, not a bathtub drowning. All my own speculation but I just can't get onboard with BJH's self-serving theory.
MOO, but I suspect it's something like a certain volume of blood ( or evidence thereof) or something like brain tissue. Something that there's no other reason for it to be there. Kids get bloody noses, they vomit and poop and pee, but unless they bleed out or have severe head trauma, you don't find blood pools, or brain matter. I don't wish on him a brutal, violent, bloody death, but they seem very sure he's dead, and we know they lumioled the house at least once. Twice? I don't remember. But then, there's no arrest, and if it was so bloody, I don't know why they wouldn't have arrested her at this point.
Lol, I see we're thinking along the same lines. Gannon's stepmom also attempted to run a bunch of stupid scenarios by LE in order to get herself out of trouble but in the end it was the blood found on and behind his bed that revealed what really happened.

Hopefully LE has enough evidence in Quinton's case to negate any attempt by grandmother or mother to create reasonable doubt.

Plus, if Quinton drowned in the tub then the boyfriend is definitely implicated too and that hasn't happened. All my own speculation based on what we know so far.
I keep thinking about the days early on which LE spent in the house. Remember the Twitter video of flash bulbs going off upstairs and later on LE blackened the windows at something like 9 in the morning?

All that activity makes me think the forensic team found blood or other matter that would point to a violent event, not a bathtub drowning. All my own speculation but I just can't get onboard with BJH's self-serving theory.
I frankly doubt BJH can really get onboard with it, either, but she will play it to the hilt, because she cannot bring herself to face the likely fact that two of her kids are murderers. Plus if she can make people believe it was an accident, she can feel a little better about herself for leaving the kids in LS's care. JMO
I've wondered why the boyfriend is not a POI - unless he has implicated LS to LE.

The 5:29 text to the babysitter suggests to many, me included, that something happened before that time. Supposedly the boyfriend saw Q at 6:00 and went to work. With a text message, you may know whose phone was used, but you cannot definitively know who sent the text. In this case, it could be LS, the boyfriend, and less likely, but not completely excluded by current knowledge, LS's brother. Maybe the 5:29 text is a red herring. We don't have a direct quote of what the boyfriend told LE. He may have just said something along the lines of "everything looked normal and all appropriate doors were closed".

If Q can be verified to be alive at 6:00 AM, the boyfriend can be excluded. Another possibility would be if the boyfriend has an alibi from the time Q came home from the babysitter's house through the time of the video evidence implicating LS disposing of evidence.

Now that the boyfriend has gone home to family (in NC per the recent phone recording), I am surprised LS hasn't accused him of Q's disappearance. In that phone call, the grandmother seems to be trying to put him into the case.
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Every time there is a case where a mother is a suspect I always think it must be an accident/cover up and it never is.

LS is the only suspect when there was another adult in the house - a non bio father boyfriend at that. That says a lot. My best guess is her fingerprints on a weapon that has QS blood on it. There has been no toxicology, no autopsy and yet still LE is convinced QS was murdered by LS. I can't imagine an accident scenario where LS would be named so quickly.
bolding mine.
Well stated.
They have something !
MOO, but I suspect it's something like a certain volume of blood ( or evidence thereof) or something like brain tissue. Something that there's no other reason for it to be there. Kids get bloody noses, they vomit and poop and pee, but unless they bleed out or have severe head trauma, you don't find blood pools, or brain matter. I don't wish on him a brutal, violent, bloody death, but they seem very sure he's dead, and we know they luminoled the house at least once. Twice? I don't remember. But then, there's no arrest, and if it was so bloody, I don't know why they wouldn't have arrested her at this point.
I know daily mail cannot always be trusted. But Q's Dad said in the Daily Mail that they confirmed his paternity with Q. So I thought that was a bit odd. What did they use for that? I know other items like a toothbrush could be used, OR did they use some sort of splatter they found to test to make sure it was Q's as well? No need to ask Mom for DNA if Dad is willing to give it.
They need proof before they can make an arrest. Even if she confessed, they still need proof or "probable cause", to get a judge to issue an arrest warrant. Even if there were gallons of blood evidence, they still have to prove she was the one responsible. They may have video that she was throwing something into the dumpster but can they prove it was actually Quinton's body.
As I've heard a thousand times... it's not what you know that counts in a court of law, it's what you can prove that matters.
Ditto. And we're to believe that the daughter had nothing to drink at the bar LOL A $300 tab but she didn't drink just her mom (and friends) did :rolleyes: I must have missed the photos of gma 'laying on the beach crying'..

eta MOO
As soon as I read the CPS documents and saw the word 'cocaine', my heart sank and all I'm seeing here is a tiny child viciously murdered in a cocaine fuelled rage, in which case,, the nearest solid structure is probably what killed him.

There is no mystery IMO..
I see only rage, not negligence.
I hope I'm wrong but there was no other reason to dump him.
She seems daft enough to try anything.

But even she knew that there was no way on earth to mask his death as an accident.

Speculation, only.
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