I'm anxiously waiting to see the defense attorney tear this guy apart. Sometimes people should just keep their mouth shut. That goes for the DA as well.No I don't think so. I think the kick was probably to the taser and the standing on the arm to prevent another shot. They then retrieved the medical kit to give first aid but DA said it was two minutes before they began CPR. Perhaps they were trying to staunch the bleeding but one shot was in the heart, the DA said, one other shot hit him and one shot hit a nearby car with people in it from Memphis. :-(
Was it two minutes from the time he was shot? Or was it two minutes from the time he had the first aid kit and was standing over him? If it was two minutes from the time he was shot, let's break it down.
30 seconds to walk each way back and forth to the cruiser. 30 seconds to grab the first aid kit and gloves. 15 seconds to don the gloves. 15 seconds to grab whatever he needed to grab in the first aid kit.
Now what?
Two minutes from the time he had the kit and started first aid? That's simple. If he wasn't cuffed, maybe he was still moving and maybe the cop thought he was still a threat?
When I first watched the video from Wendy's, I timed how long it took for the ambulance to respond, because I was skeptical. It took 8 minutes. I don't think that's a bad response time at all.
If the DA claims he was shot in the heart, it really wouldn't matter how long it took to render first aid.