GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

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While I do not really feel that the head was taken to remove evidence (Sills stated that he is operating under that POSSIBLE theory based on the odds or something to that effect)

I totally agree that if the head was meant to be a message or a threat it would have been left behind in a very jarring manner to deliver such a message, not removed from the scene.

Bottom line I don't know why the head was removed but agree that it being removed tends to make it unlikely the head was a message or it would be there, delivering it.

I think the head was removed to make this more of a puzzle. Where is it, why did they take it, will it show up again, is it on the bottom of the lake never to be found, why did they take his and not hers.

All questions being pondered over and over again.

Somebody's playing cat and mouse.
while I get that the numbers/stats demand that family be considered when viewing a murder case, LE gets it too and thus far they have not indicated they have found anything to indicate familial involvement. We know they have probably looked very extensively at those in the Dermonds close inner circle, including family (even extended) and have looked very hard at finances for possible motivators.

I also have never felt family involvement in this one.

One thing that remains consistent in any investigation and the police always starts with family and when nothing is discovered there they widen their investigation to others such as friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, etc.

From the ways Sills has repeated talked I think he and the FBI are way beyond any family connection and has branched out to possibly the suspect being in the GW community.

I believe the word "rich" is all in relation to who you are and how you are raised. As an example to many $10,000 in the bank is comfortable and to some "rich". That dollar amount can change depending on who you talk to. Having a $1M home that is paid for to some is "rich". To others not so much. But to minimize entire franchises, homes (plural) and subsequent income as "not rich" I would have to ask what the qualifying level is?


It's been my belief from the first day I read about this murder that it's a family member. I still think that. But, I'm trying hard to think outside my box as to other possibilities.

The world is littered with nut cases.

I kind of agree it's either somebody in the outer circle that knew of the Dermonds or it's somebody unrelated but knows the family and for some reason is trying to hurt somebody in the inner circle of family.
PLEASE let the FBI find something on that tape!!!

:rotfl: :applause: My dad called me today. He lives in a nursing home. There is a rumor there is an gator on the loose in the neighborhood. :floorlaugh: I wondered if someone at the nursing home was following this case. . . Sleuthing those poor little innocent :croc: For Shame! :floorlaugh:
Thanks, Yeah I figured that, parents let their 8 yr olds drive up and down the streets in some golf communities I've seen, kids get hurt all the time, don't move for cars, NUISANCE basically and dangerous

and btw, what's Clotheslinesclotheslines, does that have double meaning? JK :truce:

Agree about kids driving carts is DANGEROUS! Clothes lines - I hang my wash on the clothes line in the backyard when the weather is nice. I just don't think me and my chickens would fit in at RP. . .
One thing that remains consistent in any investigation and the police always starts with family and when nothing is discovered there they widen their investigation to others such as friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, etc.

From the ways Sills has repeated talked I think he and the FBI are way beyond any family connection and has branched out to possibly the suspect being in the GW community.


Not trying to be argumentative here, but I thought he said he was starting with Mr. and Mrs. D's background and their relations (I got the impression like friends, clubs they belonged to, neighbors and acquaintances, etc.) first and then he would look into the family.

Maybe I'm just dyslexic. ;)
One thing that remains consistent in any investigation and the police always starts with family and when nothing is discovered there they widen their investigation to others such as friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, etc.

From the ways Sills has repeated talked I think he and the FBI are way beyond any family connection and has branched out to possibly the suspect being in the GW community.


they start with evidence......... but I do not believe a family should be hounded to death when there is no clear evidence, it should be considered in the early stages not investigating but WATCHING their actions and reactions, IMO

I'm guessing typically that is where the motive would lie/lay, i need a spelling lesson if it's not just a family or neighbor feud or such

but you still have to consider the money surrounding them and their family and their coworkers surrounding all the family I would think

I do believe in innocent until proven guilty and I do believe strongly in defense becuase without it, there is no restraint and many have been convicted wrongly (sadly) imagine if we all thought "it was the family" and didn't follow any other leads, this case would end up like the Jon Benet RAMSEY case, THAT was horrible and I still dont know what happened but dont' think it was the family and don't think they ever convicted anyone and evidence was probably lost, sloppy investigating blah blah, ya'll know about that I'm sure

we all are just stating possibilities and I dno't think the intent is to hang the family out to dry

we dont' have all the evidence and without it all and this IS a forum, we are all speculating, just trying to understand this all
PLEASE let the FBI find something on that tape!!!

I think Sheriff Sills and the FBI are close to figuring this case out. Sheriff Sills is like a pitt bull or snapping turtle - he is NOT going to let go until there is resolution. I think the cat-and-mouse game is about over. The cat is now the mouse and the mouse is now the cat.
Not trying to be argumentative here, but I thought he said he was starting with Mr. and Mrs. D's background and their relations (I got the impression like friends, clubs they belonged to, neighbors and acquaintances, etc.) first and then he would look into the family.

Maybe I'm just dyslexic. ;)

I HOPE he's been paying attention atleast ! But he did say "even the family" is not beyond suspicion
Agree about kids driving carts is DANGEROUS! Clothes lines - I hang my wash on the clothes line in the backyard when the weather is nice. I just don't think me and my chickens would fit in at RP. . .

For many reasons, I WOULD NOT EITHER ! haha
:rotfl: :applause: My dad called me today. He lives in a nursing home. There is a rumor there is an gator on the loose in the neighborhood. :floorlaugh: I wondered if someone at the nursing home was following this case. . . Sleuthing those poor little innocent :croc: For Shame! :floorlaugh:

FLorida or Georgia? that's funny

The old saying "follow the money" is very often the motive for murder but not always the reason. "Personal" also does not always necessary mean family either, but when it comes down to it ....murder is always personal.
I have know a few people throughout my life that have held serious grudges against someone for things that, to me, had very little do to with any of the actual circumstances or even contributed to the outcome of the situation. "Perception" as in "beauty" is truly in the eye (mind) of the beholder, and thankfully most people do not carry that grudge to the point of it committing murder.
I think it depends on the area of the country you live in. In Georgia a 1.2M dollar home is a very nice home with all the finer upgrades.

In other places like CA........not so much. A million there doesn't seem to buy much.

I would think by the median standards in Georgia the Dermonds would be in the upper level when it comes to wealth.


We can ask SILLS he's seen their checkbook

I always say, if you haven't seen their checkbook, you have no clue, one with no debt in a little house may be richer than one in a big house WITH DEBT

But it all boils down to income, if you aint got that, you aint got Nuttin'
Really? I guess that shows how people can have totally different opinions when looking at the same case.:)

Even when it first became news I didn't t ever think any family member had any involvement and I still don't. I have consistently believed this is someone that lives right in the community with Shirley and Russ. Someone that knows them well and may not even know that much about their children except in casual conversations with S&R.

And when Shirley was missing for 11 long days, I was even more convinced than before that they have absolutely nothing to do with this.

Families who are involved in murdering their parents for money don't hide the body. It defeats the purpose. If Shirley had never surfaced the Estate would have remained in limbo for many years until a Probate Judge was convinced she was deceased.

My neighbor who suffered from terminal cancer committed suicide by jumping off a bridge close to our home. Even though there were eye witnesses on the bank around the lake who saw her jump in it still took over 5 years for the Judge to finally declare she was indeed deceased. Until then all of her estate... including her home..... couldn't be inherited by her children.

I don't see any motive at all for the children to harm the very ones they all seem to love dearly. I think they are all devastated just like their son said. I really have liked how Sills has stressed many times over these past weeks that he has not found any family involvement. I got the distinct feeling he has such a distaste for unfounded rumors and gossip.


But I thought I read in the news today he has NOW NOT eliminated family. I read that today. I will try and find it! That would certainly be a reversal of his previous statement!

The couple's three grown children have not been eliminated as suspects, though Sills pointed out there is no evidence linking them to the murders, according to the paper.
But I thought I read in the news today he has NOW NOT eliminated family. I read that today. I will try and find it! That would certainly be a reversal of his previous statement!

The couple's three grown children have not been eliminated as suspects, though Sills pointed out there is no evidence linking them to the murders, according to the paper.

I find it very hard to believe either of the 3 children are involved.
East Texas! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

DANG their everywhere ! What got you hooked on this case from texas BTW (boot) ! I thought maybe they'd lived and retired in FL!
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