GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

DNA Solves
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Thanks neighbor, but that didn't help. :) I am assuming it is an anagram but what does it mean. Thank you.

Where's Rhyolite when you need him? :truce: At one point on another thread it was bounced around that a gator could have gotten into the Dermonds' garage and maybe grabbed Mr. Dermond by the head. I think it's possible a gator could be in Lake Oconee. :truce:
Thanx for sharing, QueenD..

Noticed that one of the security cameras of the Dermond's neighbor was focused on the D's dock, yet this is not the critical area of concern. The camera footage of the critical area of concern was sent to the FBI for tweeking..

What's the "area in question"?

Snipped from

"We discovered some cameras that are pointing out towards the lake…one of them we've already gone through. It had a great picture of their dock, but not the area in question," Sills said.
Where's Rhyolite when you need him? :truce: At one point on another thread it was bounced around that a gator could have gotten into the Dermonds' garage and maybe grabbed Mr. Dermond by the head. I think it's possible a gator could be in Lake Oconee. :truce:

Glad that theory has moved on. IIS jmo
What better way to shake up the neighborhood than a double homicide with a decapitation? Just reading the rules and seeing how the community is so seemingly neat, tidy, and the perfect setting this certainly ruins the peaceful fairy tale lake setting. If it were a neighbor aren't they hurting themselves with the negative publicity and drop in property value? Or do they never plan to sell and so it makes no difference. Or is it someone that was forced out or left the community because they were sick of the rules and neighbors that blew the whistle on them? LE surely knows if someone had that kind of vendetta.

That's what I thought too! But what a better way for property value to drop and no longer have HOA rules and regulations. I mean TomKat himself said there is no way to completely make this property safe from outsiders because of the lake itself. In one of the blog entries here: somebody was complaining about the fees going up AGAIN. Blamed it on the "old" tired members or something like that. I will have to look it up for the exact terminology, but me thinks it was new members wanting to raise fees. Would the Dermonds have been on a fixed income in such a wealthy community? I have no clue, but assume not. It's strange and it does make the point that RP was no utopia. There have been some excellent posts in regard to schools and taxes, etc. Makes one go hmmmmmm....
Thanks neighbor, but that didn't help. :) I am assuming it is an anagram but what does it mean. Thank you.

It's a 4 legged reptilian creature that can produce some mighty fine handbags!
"You've got two people, one's transported to my way of thinking a great distance by boat, and it's a good distance from the house to the dock, the other decapitated. I can't imagine one person doing that," Sills said.

Soo...he's thinking one perp transported Mrs. D's body, while the other stayed behind and decapitated Mr. his head is where? (with the other perp---the one who stayed behind and left via another manner)...not in the lake?
Okay. Dog is driving me nuts again! Night folks! Hope they catch the perps that did this. Hope tweaking that video shows them plain as day.
This thread is moving a bit too fast for me to keep up, so my apologies for skipping a few posts.

My theory on the reason for the beheading is a bit less conspiracy-driven. I believe rather than taking the head to remove evidence of a unique weapon, I think it's likely that during the course of the attack Mr. Dermond BIT his attacker. When the murder was finished, the perp probably panicked, realizing his DNA could be retrieved from RD's mouth, and having no way to remove this evidence, he instead removed the head.

I don't have an answer for the "where", but the "why" might be a bit simpler than most of the theories I've seen so far.

I wonder if we will know if/when the family arrives. Will it be reported. Will they stay at they house, or will they get a hotel room? I am really curious about the family. Will they conduct a funeral? I know this is morbid, but I want to know. jmo
Eight have been matched to living parents, so possibly only one.

Well that's interesting and interesting 'that one' was included in the very brief Obituary. Which leads me to believe there was a relationship even though the son is dead and buried.
From what we have been told it seems the killer never entered inside of the Dermond home itself.........only the garage. That makes me think the Dermonds possibly went to the killer's home instead sometime in the evening on Friday. It seems the only time the killer was at their home was to slightly drag Russ' torso into the garage.

While I have no doubt they still activated their security system at night when they retired to bed I don't think it would be activated at anytime during the day when they were up. They had no reason to believe that their home wasn't safe. Nothing had ever happened and they had lived there for 20 years.

Even their children said they believe this happened during the day. Maybe they think that knowing the alarm was always activated at night as they slept.

So I think the murders happened before it was even time to lock up for the night and secure the alarm. I think the Dermonds went somewhere there in the community and fully expected to return to their home later that night or evening.


I need to do some re-reading because I was fairly sure Sills said a lot of evidence was found in the home. Now Im doing this. :scared: lol
Hey guys and gals, these grandchildren were all accounted for back in thread #2, I believe it was. And no, the child is not a child of the deceased son, Mark. That is all that can be said unless a mod. wants to add more - I do not want TOS.

Sorry but I only count seven grandchildren from the Dermonds living children.

3 2 and 2!
Not trying to be argumentative here, but I thought he said he was starting with Mr. and Mrs. D's background and their relations (I got the impression like friends, clubs they belonged to, neighbors and acquaintances, etc.) first and then he would look into the family.

Maybe I'm just dyslexic. ;)

I wouldn't think so Canaille. He just got around to finally interviewing the friends, club, neighbors at RP this past Sunday.

I don't think he would do the investigation any differently than other LE who always starts with those close to the victims such as family and then widens their scope.

But if they were only a relative then why murder them in the first place? The Dermonds children would be the heirs in their Will, imo...........not a distant relative.


Ummm perhaps. Many folks that have wealth set up trusts that include a substantial amount going places other than children imho. Also setting up the will to division by per stirpes is perhaps more common and logical imho) than one might think at that age with so many children and grands.

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I have decided after talking to several of my redneck friends... and I say that lovingly!
They hunt and fish and camp have for years and have learned the hard way what not to do.
Say you attack someone with a hatchet and it gets stuck..........
What now? It won't come out.
IF you know it can be traced back to you somehow you really only have one option.
That is why the head was not left to further traumatize the family. Perp screwed up.
IMO the head is missing because the weapon got embedded it in and it could not be removed.
It could have been a small hatchet or axe- Or it could have been a serrated fishing knife.

The guys say they get stuck often.
Because the blade arches, or the knife gets caught...

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I need to do some re-reading because I was fairly sure Sills said a lot of evidence was found in the home. Now Im doing this. :scared: lol

LOL! don't know either. All I read was he thinks the murderers are someone at least who were minimally acquainted with the victims and he is basing that on some of the physical evidence.

I don't know where that evidence was found though.......whether it was in the home.......the disposal site or on Shirley or Russ's bodies themselves.

When he said that statement I was thinking he was suspecting either a neighbor or an acquaintance who they may have known somehow from living in RP.

The old saying "follow the money" is very often the motive for murder but not always the reason. "Personal" also does not always necessary mean family either, but when it comes down to it ....murder is always personal.
I have know a few people throughout my life that have held serious grudges against someone for things that, to me, had very little do to with any of the actual circumstances or even contributed to the outcome of the situation. "Perception" as in "beauty" is truly in the eye (mind) of the beholder, and thankfully most people do not carry that grudge to the point of it committing murder.

I do not know if it is lack of 'self esteem' but some individuals seem to wear their 'heart on their sleeve' so to speak. A 'glance' or 'look' of comptempt or even the perception that they have been 'disrespected' somehow is enough to cause a lost of control & rage. There have been circumstances that have escalated to a full scale feud over this perceived 'slight' or 'lack' of respect. MOO
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