GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 7

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I wish they did have one. Behind the times, IMO.

Yep, Carolinapeach, times they are a changin...
If you investigate homicides today, utilizing the same technology and strategies as yesterday. While squandering available resources, the case will likely grow cold tomorrow, imo...
Hi all, checking in and marking my place. Took me over an hour to read all the great thoughts on here. You guys are all over this (not all over the place..just really good "what if" scenarios). I do hope LE is monitoring this site.
One question I had is do any of you think it could be 2 people and that's why it was done in the fashion it was - like "Let's do this and come back...." and the other guy says "I think we should put her in the lake..." I like the movie/tv similarities, these type of people fantasize about being in the villain's role of power. Thanks!!
Hi all, checking in and marking my place. Took me over an hour to read all the great thoughts on here. You guys are all over this (not all over the place..just really good "what if" scenarios). I do hope LE is monitoring this site.
One question I had is do any of you think it could be 2 people and that's why it was done in the fashion it was - like "Let's do this and come back...." and the other guy says "I think we should put her in the lake..." I like the movie/tv similarities, these type of people fantasize about being in the villain's role of power. Thanks!!

Or Chaos And ArgumentS And Confusion Ensued Thus Hurried??
in RegardS To The Possible Organized Vs Disorgsnized And Sills Statement That For Every Professional Look There Is A Non pro Appearance In This Case

I Read At Fbi link Up Thread Oneof Th D Make Contact With FamiY Of Victim

Thinking About RD Son Saying theyve Hsd WeirdPhoneCalls
Went to bed googling last night.
"Beheading" and "decapitation" as movie/tv plots on IMDB.
Nothing similar to me.
Great theory from MT! Still going to ponder it.
Or Chaos And ArgumentS And Confusion Ensued Thus Hurried??

Yes, I had been going back and forth between one and two people and how it would have played out; I don't discount that there was evidence in Mr. D's head, but when considering the options for disposal...maybe one had one idea and it was too cumbersome.
If it was 2 people, it would be harder to keep it a secret. Also, I'm still wondering about who requested the security tape from the Huddle House?
I don't rule out just plain meanness, either. And, of course, drugs...
I've been following every night, but hardly ever catch up enough to post!
I was thinking abt the garage, and wondering if the Dermonds' security system covers it. If not, maybe that's why & where the attacker entered.
Also, if it really was the day after the murder when a neighbor saw someone in the Dermonds' backyard, maybe THAT's when Mr. Dermond was decapitated, which would account for less blood.
It does kind of seem odd that the sheriff's number one theory, right now, is home invasion, but he's not warning everyone to be on guard. If the Dermonds were targeted for something the killer thought they had...well, a lot of people have money.
Yes, I had been going back and forth between one and two people and how it would have played out; I don't discount that there was evidence in Mr. D's head, but when considering the options for disposal...maybe one had one idea and it was too cumbersome.
If it was 2 people, it would be harder to keep it a secret. Also, I'm still wondering about who requested the security tape from the Huddle House?
I don't rule out just plain meanness, either. And, of course, drugs...

Well we are at an empasse, seems ANYTHING is possible at this point and possible the Perps are gone, can only hope it was a couple of young guys and one will surely turn the other in sooner or later ! :please:

But I did that earlier too, imagining 2 not agreeing on how it was to be played out, one got all hyped up and did something that wasn't planned, then the other one freaks out, then they argue, too bad one didn't shoot the other in the process, we'd have something to go on then! But I see them scrambling to fix a failed attempt at organization as far as how it was to be played out, didnt' go as planned but the crime scene either did NOT take place or perps NEVER went inside OOORRR, they were more organzized and cleaned up all BUT THE GARAGE

I see what FBI and Sills mean in the crime appearing organized yet not

Maybe that IS why he thinks it's a hoodlum STS
Thanks for posting WSB & Msgr sites; just checking in again. Hope this doesn't go on forever. Surely they have some kind of clues. I thought back today to something Ocean Blue Eyes said, and I'm vague on my recall, something like what if the D's had some item that this guy wanted (a sword from WWII, was he a collector of anything in that way)? I could see LE overlooking this, but when the family came, they said "so and so is missing".
Just another random thought..
Thanks for posting WSB & Msgr sites; just checking in again. Hope this doesn't go on forever. Surely they have some kind of clues. I thought back today to something Ocean Blue Eyes said, and I'm vague on my recall, something like what if the D's had some item that this guy wanted (a sword from WWII, was he a collector of anything in that way)? I could see LE overlooking this, but when the family came, they said "so and so is missing".
Just another random thought..

I feel certain the family could tell if something of great value was missing from the Dermond home. Back to square one and saying that nothing was taken...home was spotless.. nothing still in the the reason for the visit was just the Dermonds. As a group, we're not going to be able to come up with any logical reasons why they were murdered. How could we? I feel sure there is much, much more information, and hope SS is about to make an arrest. He's keeping their children up to date...frustrating for the rest of us...but as it should be. IMO
My first impression of the perp/s responsible for the Dermond's abduction/murder/decapitation hinged on the decapitation pointing to the crucial motive for the horrific crime. Due to KD's comment about a cult being responsible, and info learned since through many hours of research, etc. Combined with no other crime associated with the murders after six weeks of investigation. I am convinced that the Dermonds, although not random, were targets of a very complicated and complex means to an end, imo..
Imo, Sheriff Sills, the Putnam County justice system, and the community were the indirect primary targets in the Dermond murders..and the motive is retribution/retaliation...jmo
'The writing is on the wall and the Devil is well hidden in the subliminal details'..

Imo, if Sheriff Sills had been directly targeted, the person/s likely responsible would have been obvious, and quickly brought to in the following targeting of a GA Sheriff;

Fyi- for the non-locals of GA: (Dekalb Co., GA is 1 hour west of Putnam Co., GA)...

Captain Derwin Brown, was the Sheriff-elect of DeKalb County, Georgia, who was assassinated on the evening of Dec 15/2000 by associates of defeated rival incumbent Sheriff Sydney Dorsey. Dorsey & associates are now serving life sentences in prison.

Fatal Encounters Discovery Channel
I've been following every night, but hardly ever catch up enough to post!
I was thinking abt the garage, and wondering if the Dermonds' security system covers it. If not, maybe that's why & where the attacker entered.
Also, if it really was the day after the murder when a neighbor saw someone in the Dermonds' backyard, maybe THAT's when Mr. Dermond was decapitated, which would account for less blood.
It does kind of seem odd that the sheriff's number one theory, right now, is home invasion, but he's not warning everyone to be on guard. If the Dermonds were targeted for something the killer thought they had...well, a lot of people have money.

Makes sense but I cannot for the life of me wrap my brain around them actually coming BACK but it would explain less blood, however, the blood in garage was confused reporting IIRC and also, waiting 30 minutes to an hour even, would be less blood
My first impression of the perp/s responsible for the Dermond's abduction/murder/decapitation hinged on the decapitation pointing to the crucial motive for the horrific crime. Due to KD's comment about a cult being responsible, and info learned since through many hours of research, etc. Combined with no other crime associated with the murders after seven weeks of investigation. I am convinced that the Dermonds, although not random, were targets of a very complicated and complex means to an end, imo..
Imo, Sheriff Sills, the Putnam County justice system, and the community were the indirect primary targets in the Dermond murders..and the motive is retribution/retaliation...jmo

Imo, if Sheriff Sills had been directly targeted, the person/s likely responsible would have been obvious, and quickly brought to in the following targeting of a GA Sheriff;

Fyi- for the non-locals of GA: (Dekalb Co., GA is 1 hour west of Putnam Co., GA)...

Captain Derwin Brown, was the Sheriff-elect of DeKalb County, Georgia, who was assassinated on the evening of Dec 15/2000 by associates of defeated rival incumbent Sheriff Sydney Dorsey. Dorsey & associates are now serving life sentences in prison.

Fatal Encounters Discovery Channel

and OF COURSE the NC could have carried this out to also look organized yet not, what did you call it? Mixed offender or something, I'm sure they have PLENTY if not ALL their members are brainwashed or psycho or both to carry on in cult form and heinous crimes

I am still not sure it wasn't, would make PERFECT sense to throw a rock in Sills engine, causing him confusion, loss of reelection, early retirement etc

To me it makes more sense than anything else due to the confusion in the case and the beheading only, not dismemberment, but beheading and it's MISSING

Still considering most angles, but this one is never out of my mind, don't understand the defending of this group (in a round about way) as much as they have put the LE through and the community
and OF COURSE the NC could have carried this out to also look organized yet not, what did you call it? Mixed offender or something, I'm sure they have PLENTY if not ALL their members are brainwashed or psycho or both to carry on in cult form and heinous crimes

I am still not sure it wasn't, would make PERFECT sense to throw a rock in Sills engine, causing him confusion, loss of reelection, early retirement etc

To me it makes more sense than anything else due to the confusion in the case and the beheading only, not dismemberment, but beheading and it's MISSING

Still considering most angles, but this one is never out of my mind, don't understand the defending of this group (in a round about way) as much as they have put the LE through and the community

I wasn't familiar with all the events from several years ago regarding an individual, group and SS. I just read as much as I could online, and it is what I would call "plausible". The elements would be present for revenge, chaos and horror. I can't imagine anyone going through such complicated planning and games to pull this off, but then again I'm from this planet.
Am going to have to read more about the NC - I just haven't gone there or to mob or cartel in my mind. I only meant that when the house was inspected the first time, LE didn't notice anything missing, but when he returned the house to the family, THEY might have. I also wonder if the NC did want to get to Sills, why wouldn't they do something a little closer to home? I really don't know anything, this is the hardest case to think about since it doesn't seem to involve sex or money...??? Thanks for listening. Will read more.

I wasn't familiar with all the events from several years ago regarding an individual, group and SS. I just read as much as I could online, and it is what I would call "plausible". The elements would be present for revenge, chaos and horror. I can't imagine anyone going through such complicated planning and games to pull this off, but then again I'm from this planet.[/QUOTE]

BBM :floorlaugh: I know, me too, which, in this world, leaves me in a confused state sometimes

was just watching "swamp murders", someone was beheaded, but that crime had a GRUESOME crime SCENE of beatings and stabbings

Got me to thinking

THis was NOT a gruesome crime scene

you know, it seems someone just didn't want to do anything but kill them

They were likely both bludgeoned, neither had defensive wounds or stab or shot gun wounds

WHY would someone go in there home only to hit them in the head, take nothing and then behead him and hide her?

I just keep saying, someone wanted them dead............PERIOD

SO, no motive........that is visible anyway

that is all we know

so it would make sense it was NC in way to mess up Sills career

Just cause confusion in this case and walk away, leaving no clues, they didnt' want to be caught of course, SIlls has caused them much loss of property and money and their leader imprisoned, cult dispersed tho still active and in the community and surrounding areas

The only one outside of the D's and family OF COURSE, is SILLS... ultimately, he may lose face on this, if it's ever determined it IS THE NC, he won't but people may lose faith in him, for one, this seems like...........well.............a job for superman, no leads, "big ifs", money is the "lead" so to speak to get somenoe to talk

Maybe someone in the NC, in the community or clubs were watching for the perfect target

I mean people that will do this are crazy anyway, so who says they won't plan it just right

If he were stabbed and robbed and they were both left at the scene, she raped (which we don't reallay know yet i think) it would be a whole "nother" story

Split among Nuwaupians appears - Home Cached
...Seven Macon, GA law enforcement officers and others involved in ... Dwight Malachi York, was convicted in federal ... One of seven Macon police officers who resigned in protest...

well DANG, not only the note, "it's not the end of the day yet" on that storm article on may 2 !

This is the first line on the article link you posted

and it's in 2012, ALIVE AND WELLLLL

"As local officials wait to see what is next from the United Nuwaupian Nation"

well dang if that don't say it allll
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