GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 7

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I've been following every night, but hardly ever catch up enough to post!
I was thinking abt the garage, and wondering if the Dermonds' security system covers it. If not, maybe that's why & where the attacker entered.
Also, if it really was the day after the murder when a neighbor saw someone in the Dermonds' backyard, maybe THAT's when Mr. Dermond was decapitated, which would account for less blood.
It does kind of seem odd that the sheriff's number one theory, right now, is home invasion, but he's not warning everyone to be on guard. If the Dermonds were targeted for something the killer thought they had...well, a lot of people have money.


I really think Sheriff Sills knows he doesn't have to personally warn anyone in that neighborhood. He did say weeks earlier that he had no doubt because of this people in the area have armed themselves in case they need to defend themselves. So he knows he doesn't have to do the thinking for them and they are very well aware that they need to be on alert.

Yes, more and more that seems to be the one theory he has hasn't let go of, and I think he is right. The killer or killers came there looking for something to steal or forcefully take from the Dermonds. Sills spoke about that very subject shortly after the Dermonds were murdered and is still thinking this is the motive.

Sills just said in today's interview he really doesn't know if something is missing or not. Since all of their children live in different states they couldn't begin to know what all their parents had.

Heck it would be hard for me to even list every thing I have in my own home. I sure couldn't do it in a home that I didn't live in. Not even my parents home.

It would only take one to know the Dermonds in someway. They may have even been in their home at some point in time before the murders happened. I think they felt the Dermonds would either be carrying a large amount of cash or they would have a safe with valuables in it.

Imo, all hell broke loose when neither Dermond could produce what the killer(s) demanded. They knew that even if they didn't take anything they would still be charged with a felony. A person just has to invade a home with the intentions of robbing someone.......they don't have to even take anything to be guilty of armed robbery. It is the 'intent' that matters.

well DANG, not only the note, "it's not the end of the day yet" on that storm article on may 2 !

This is the first line on the article link you posted

and it's in 2012, ALIVE AND WELLLLL

"As local officials wait to see what is next from the United Nuwaupian Nation"

well dang if that don't say it allll

Yes, tomkat, May 2, and the writing on the wall speaks volumes imo, yet no one seems to be listening or comprehending.. It may not be the end of the day yet, but I am confident that the perp/s will be brought to justice any day now.. Their evil masks of normalcy will soon be removed and their identities revealed. Then those responsible for the Dermonds heinous murder will be Alive and Well in their 6' X 7' Cell... I am confident of this..
Posted on the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's Facebook page a couple of days ago;

Why isn't the GBI's Special Agents involved in the Dermond Investigation?

Georgia Bureau of Investigation's Reply; This link will explain how the GBI gets involved in investigations;

OH, commenting before I read this, makes sense, and I think I've said this before and completely forgot about it, the GBI wasn't involved then, refused, so why does SILLS need them now, if it's the NC

should the communities be warned? Or are they because of the seemingly dead end of this case
Am going to have to read more about the NC - I just haven't gone there or to mob or cartel in my mind. I only meant that when the house was inspected the first time, LE didn't notice anything missing, but when he returned the house to the family, THEY might have. I also wonder if the NC did want to get to Sills, why wouldn't they do something a little closer to home? I really don't know anything, this is the hardest case to think about since it doesn't seem to involve sex or money...??? Thanks for listening. Will read more.

I totally believe that anyone should believe as they wish to believe, and can only speak for myself, but I have looked at the NC with an open mind, and I just don't see any connection. I guess I am just not one to believe in a theory when I have never heard of it ever happening before.

If someone could give me a case/link that a cult, and not just this cult, but any cult who has done this same thing before then I would certainly start paying much closer attention to NC.

I have never heard of anyone who has ever committed double murder on two completely innocent victims that had nothing to do with their cult nor their downfall either doing so in order to get back at the head of a police department.

Now of course I have heard of defense attorneys being shot and killed or, Prosecutors being shot, and killed because they put someone in prison. I am sure there must be cases out there where a police officer may have been murdered by someone wanting to get even with them because they felt if it weren't for them they wouldn't have been sent to prison. Even Judges get death threats, and have been murdered because they are the ones who mete out punishment.

Heck nowadays it seems death threats have become rather common more than a rarity and even death threats have been made against innocent family members who had nothing to do with the murder of their loved ones. However, it seems many of those that verbalize the threats very rarely carrying them out, and it is done by someone who doesn't do death threats, but just does the act instead of blowing off hot air.

The bottom line Sills didn't send York to prison. The DA that prosecuted the case is the one that got the guilty verdict and it was the Judge who imposed the sentence.

When someone has a bone to pick with a law official they directly target the one they think is responsible, and that is who they kill or someone in their family. IMO

So how has Sheriff Sills been hurt? Something like this will not be a reason for him not to be re-elected. I think everyone in that county believes that if the case can be solved he will do it, but they also are level headed enough to understand that not ever case is solvable. With 40 years of experience he is close to retirement age. It isn't like this one case is going to define who he is anyway. He has helped to put five defendants on death row and has brought numerous cases to the DA that ended in convictions. There is a lot more to Sills than this one case.

He seems to be a very reasonable man, and even though he will work very hard to solve this case he knows sometimes it just doesn't happen, and that happens to all law enforcement officers all across our nation. They don't crumble because of one case. They go on trying hard to solve the ones they can and always investigating the ones that remain unsolved. I don't think anyone that votes is going to define his experience and vast knowledge by this case alone.

I could maybe understand if he was just starting out and felt the need to jockey for position knowing he had to prove himself to get elected Sheriff but those days are long passed now. Sills life will go on just like it always has whether he ever finds the killer in this case or it remains unsolved along with the other 35% of homicide cases that remain unsolved.

IMO though
There are multiple reasons that the Elite and Experienced GBI Special Agents should be involved in the Dermond investigation, imo..

* The GBI's Lab & Headquarters is located in Dekalb County, GA
3121 Panthersville Road
Decatur, GA (NC is located in Decatur, GA)

* Although the FBI is an excellent investigative resource. The GBI is familiar with the area, crime trends in GA, and more importantly the culture of Putnam County and other rural, as well as urban areas of GA..

* The GBI Agents have confidential informants local to GA...
Has the theory been brought up yet that Sills may already have someone in custody? Is it possible that right away there was someone who they suspected and picked up for an entirely different crime?

The lack of police protection for the area seems odd as does a lack of urgency. Everything seems angled towards building a court case and less about ferreting out a deranged killer on the loose.

I mean, is it possible Jerry Lee Manigault came to visit a friend or relative for a day or two? He did kill by the water, blunt force trauma, elderly targets...
Thanks for posting WSB & Msgr sites; just checking in again. Hope this doesn't go on forever. Surely they have some kind of clues. I thought back today to something Ocean Blue Eyes said, and I'm vague on my recall, something like what if the D's had some item that this guy wanted (a sword from WWII, was he a collector of anything in that way)? I could see LE overlooking this, but when the family came, they said "so and so is missing".
Just another random thought..

BTW ..what happened to the random thoughts thread :mad:

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Has the theory been brought up yet that Sills may already have someone in custody? Is it possible that right away there was someone who they suspected and picked up for an entirely different crime?

The lack of police protection for the area seems odd as does a lack of urgency. Everything seems angled towards building a court case and less about ferreting out a deranged killer on the loose.

I mean, is it possible Jerry Lee Manigault came to visit a friend or relative for a day or two? He did kill by the water, blunt force trauma, elderly targets...

Dont' know about custody but certainly could have a clue the reason for no public warnings, you're right, it does seem that the investigation seems very laid back, considering the magnitude of this crime, Sills was reported as saying a few times that the there are some things the public doesnt' need to know, hmm, wellll, I think I"D LIKE TO KNOW if the surrounding area is in danger, maybe we aren't??? IDK

Whoever the perp is or belonging to NC or not, they may strike again, whether in retaliation to Sills or just some thrill killer BUT, surely SIlls wouldn't want the public to know if it's in retaliation to him by NC (not that you are suggesting it is) but surely that is soemthing the public doesnt' need to know or they don't WANT the public to know, atleast not yet and Sills can't implicate anyone without proof, so that again, is something the public doesnt' need to know, YET, anyway

WOW, DOES seem like there's no urgency

No matter who the perp is, or belongs to or doesn't, he's psychopathic IMO
Sills just said in today's interview he really doesn't know if something is missing or not. [/I]


Can you tell me where I can find this interview? I have been away for a little over a week and trying to catch up now. Glad to hear there is a recent interview but hate to learn that there hasn't been a resolution to the case yet.
If there is a lot of local media coverage in the area about this case, then public warnings are probably not really necessary in the sense that if most people are aware of this crime at all, I think they are probably pretty freaked out. And if they are not aware, they would probably miss any warnings from LE. But jmo
I totally believe that anyone should believe as they wish to believe, and can only speak for myself, but I have looked at the NC with an open mind, and I just don't see any connection. I guess I am just not one to believe in a theory when I have never heard of it ever happening before.

If someone could give me a case/link that a cult, and not just this cult, but any cult who has done this same thing before then I would certainly start paying much closer attention to NC.

I have never heard of anyone who has ever committed double murder on two completely innocent victims that had nothing to do with their cult nor their downfall either doing so in order to get back at the head of a police department.

Now of course I have heard of defense attorneys being shot and killed or, Prosecutors being shot, and killed because they put someone in prison. I am sure there must be cases out there where a police officer may have been murdered by someone wanting to get even with them because they felt if it weren't for them they wouldn't have been sent to prison. Even Judges get death threats, and have been murdered because they are the ones who mete out punishment.

Heck nowadays it seems death threats have become rather common more than a rarity and even death threats have been made against innocent family members who had nothing to do with the murder of their loved ones. However, it seems many of those that verbalize the threats very rarely carrying them out, and it is done by someone who doesn't do death threats, but just does the act instead of blowing off hot air.

The bottom line Sills didn't send York to prison. The DA that prosecuted the case is the one that got the guilty verdict and it was the Judge who imposed the sentence.

When someone has a bone to pick with a law official they directly target the one they think is responsible, and that is who they kill or someone in their family. IMO

So how has Sheriff Sills been hurt? Something like this will not be a reason for him not to be re-elected. I think everyone in that county believes that if the case can be solved he will do it, but they also are level headed enough to understand that not ever case is solvable. With 40 years of experience he is close to retirement age. It isn't like this one case is going to define who he is anyway. He has helped to put five defendants on death row and has brought numerous cases to the DA that ended in convictions. There is a lot more to Sills than this one case.

He seems to be a very reasonable man, and even though he will work very hard to solve this case he knows sometimes it just doesn't happen, and that happens to all law enforcement officers all across our nation. They don't crumble because of one case. They go on trying hard to solve the ones they can and always investigating the ones that remain unsolved. I don't think anyone that votes is going to define his experience and vast knowledge by this case alone.

I could maybe understand if he was just starting out and felt the need to jockey for position knowing he had to prove himself to get elected Sheriff but those days are long passed now. Sills life will go on just like it always has whether he ever finds the killer in this case or it remains unsolved along with the other 35% of homicide cases that remain unsolved.

IMO though

<BBM for Focus>

Ocean, If the Dermond murders remain unsolved, Sheriff Sills will continue investigating this case to the grave, imo. Watch the WSB TV interview link that I posted earlier today. Ocean, it is not about re-election. Sheriff Sills is a very proud man, and said that he was born to be sheriff and it is his responsibility to prevent harm to any of Putnam County's citizens. But if they are harmed, it is his responsibility to track down who did it.. Trust me he will too..

Ocean, I honor and respect your opinions and do not expect you to agree with my theories or opinions. Although we look through similar eyes, we see different things...

Ocean, all cases do not have precedents. Thank goodness.. There is always a first. The NC is not your run of the mill cult/s. NC began as a black Muslim hate group. Too them all white people are devils. Convicted child molester Dwight York, began founding the Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967... NC is classified as a militant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center ... The Ansar Cult in America...

Ocean, again I don't expect you to agree with me. That is what makes websleuths so effective when sleuthing cases. We all have a different take on things. Please research the NC a little deeper before you write them off.
I asked a local crime reporter that has been investigating and writing on the NC his thoughts about them.. His reply, "lost souls who would consider a predator pedophile as their prophet"...
Has the theory been brought up yet that Sills may already have someone in custody? Is it possible that right away there was someone who they suspected and picked up for an entirely different crime?

The lack of police protection for the area seems odd as does a lack of urgency. Everything seems angled towards building a court case and less about ferreting out a deranged killer on the loose.

I mean, is it possible Jerry Lee Manigault came to visit a friend or relative for a day or two? He did kill by the water, blunt force trauma, elderly targets...

This is one reason I linked (earlier today) the crime report from the Eatonton Messenger. Wonder if any of those names will pop up again.
This is much bigger than ONE against ONE".........A DEATH THREAT"...... IMO

MANY in revenge...... .if true

If you can believe this crime was committed by one psycopath killer, why not one psychopathic killer in a hate group, for revenge?

<BBM for Focus>

Ocean, If the Dermond murders remain unsolved, Sheriff Sills will continue investigating this case to the grave, imo. Watch the WSB TV interview link that I posted earlier today. Ocean, it is not about re-election. Sheriff Sills said that he was born to be sheriff and it is his responsibility to prevent harm to any of Putnam County's citizens. But if they are harmed, it is his responsibility to track down who did it.. Trust me he will too..

Ocean, I honor and respect your opinions and do not expect you to agree with my theories or opinions. Although we look through similar eyes, we see different things...

Ocean, all cases do not have precedence. Thank goodness.. There is always a first. The NC is not your run of the mill cult/s. NC began as a black Muslim hate group. Convicted child molester Dwight York, began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967... NC is classified as a militant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center ... The Ansar Cult in America...

Ocean, again I don't expect you to agree with me. That is what makes websleuths so effective when sleuthing cases. We all have a different take on things. Please research the NC a little deeper before you write them off.
I asked a local crime reporter that has been investigating and writing on the NC his thoughts on them.. His reply, "lost souls who would consider a predator pedophile as their prophet"...
I haven't been able to follow the case for a little over a week due to traveling, so I am now trying to catch up. I gather that Sills has said that the perp.(s) came looking for something that the Dermonds didn't have. Is that correct? Interesting. Awhile back I had posted about wondering if someone came looking for prescription strength pain medication and then became upset when the Dermonds didn't have any or wouldn't give it to them. Probably a dumb idea but I have actually known an elderly person who was emotionally abused by a grandchild that was addicted to her pain medication. I often thought that the grandchild was very capable of becoming violent if denied the meds. The grandmother was very fearful of him and would never deny him the meds. She is now deceased.
And because Sills has a conscience, it will effect him

scenarios used as examples of how the perp might think he will be effected

Sills county, Sills was in charge and gathered the evidence, he and the FBI, still it's Sills county not FBI's county, in my view, Sills did it, he makes the decisions but calls in the required assistance

Judge didnt' start it, but finished it, if not for Sills there may not have been a case

Good night
This is one reason I linked (earlier today) the crime report from the Eatonton Messenger. Wonder if any of those names will pop up again.

Lol, we are on the same wavelength!! I spent yesterday afternoon combing the arrest reports from surrounding areas. Looking for a crime without bail that seems minor enough that it *should* have bail....
<BBM for Focus>

Ocean, If the Dermond murders remain unsolved, Sheriff Sills will continue investigating this case to the grave, imo. Watch the WSB TV interview link that I posted earlier today. Ocean, it is not about re-election. Sheriff Sills is a very proud man, and said that he was born to be sheriff and it is his responsibility to prevent harm to any of Putnam County's citizens. But if they are harmed, it is his responsibility to track down who did it.. Trust me he will too..

Ocean, I honor and respect your opinions and do not expect you to agree with my theories or opinions. Although we look through similar eyes, we see different things...

Ocean, all cases do not have precedents. Thank goodness.. There is always a first. The NC is not your run of the mill cult/s. NC began as a black Muslim hate group. Too them all white people are devils. Convicted child molester Dwight York, began founding the Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967... NC is classified as a militant hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center ... The Ansar Cult in America...

Ocean, again I don't expect you to agree with me. That is what makes websleuths so effective when sleuthing cases. We all have a different take on things. Please research the NC a little deeper before you write them off.
I asked a local crime reporter that has been investigating and writing on the NC his thoughts about them.. His reply, "lost souls who would consider a predator pedophile as their prophet"...

Sometime in the future I may be dining on a certain bird, but I don't think the NC was responsible for this crime. To me, it just seems too complicated. :twocents:

Sometime in the future I may be dining on a certain bird, but I don't think the NC was responsible for this crime. To me, it just seems too complicated. :twocents:


Wildebeest, if this case wasn't complicated. With 7 Sheriffs Departments, 12 FBI Special Agents, and the FBI BAU2 involvement, there would be a suspect or POI after over six weeks.. From our info Sheriff Sills has yet to even nail down a motive in this horrific crime..

Cagey psychopaths, usually very intelligent and rapid thinkers, are calculating, creative, deflective, and manipulative.. The psychopathic sadist and evil leader of NC; Dwight York aka Chief Black Eagle, is sitting in Federal Super Max in Denver, Co. He will be incarcerated for over 120 more years and has had over a decade to scheme and sketch out the blueprint and strategy for this devious plan. jmo

I am a believer that there is a spiritual connection in all cases of homicide. 'Good triumphs over evil'...
Well, there are 11 people viewing this thread. 5 members and 6 guests. And since I don't have anything new to say or add, I guess I will say 'good nite'. Hope tomorrow brings us some good news. :seeya: jmo
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