GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #1

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Did anyone see youtube video to support Ross Harris? Very strange, it starts out showing an attack military helicopter hovering in front of the WH. The voice over reminds me of the Cheaters tv show. It's slicker than a political ad and oddly creepy. Makes you wonder who is behind the quick 10,000 signatures, slick campaign ad, and $20,000+ fund raiser for tot dad's defense.

Does anyone know if tot dad will be allowed to attend the funeral Saturday in Alabama. Also found out tot dad was a dispatcher for the Tuscaloosa PD before his HD job.

Cooper’s mother, Leanna Harris, has declined to speak publicly about either the toddler’s death or her husband’s arrest

This has me recalling the oddness of the statement (MO) given by the spokesperson about having been in touch with mom and not being able to be more detailed than that due to ongoing investigation.

Unless your child is missing and you want to keep them in the forefront of people's mind, I think its best most people avoid talking to the media in these cases. Her husband has been arrested for the child's murder. She must know or have an idea of the evidence they have as well as what she knows of the man she married. Friends and family have started petitions, funds etc so its not like nothing is being done to support his innocence ( until proven guilty). She is mourning and probably not thinking clearly herself. She has to make funeral arrangements her little son and that will be hard enough to deal with without a husband by her side let alone fielding questions about the investigation and what she thinks happens. I'm impressed with the way she and her lawyer are dealing with the press. Less of a circus ... She doesn't need that right now.
Did anyone see youtube video to support Ross Harris? Very strange, it starts out showing an attack military helicopter hovering in front of the WH. The voice over reminds me of the Cheaters tv show. It's slicker than a political ad and oddly creepy. Makes you wonder who is behind the quick 10,000 signatures, slick campaign ad, and $20,000+ fund raiser for tot dad's defense.

Does anyone know if tot dad will be allowed to attend the funeral Saturday in Alabama. Also found out tot dad was a dispatcher for the Tuscaloosa PD before his HD job.


It's a political ad. Some guy named Vic, using this case to make a point in his campaign.
It's a political ad. Some guy named Vic, using this case to make a point in his campaign.

The video is against Vic who is the DA who charged Ross Harris.
Out of curiosity, how so?

I one wants to believe their husband and son would murder their precious boy. I would be shocked if a family didn't immediate support him. I would imagine they can't conceive of something so terrible.


All the comments or statements I have read from people who know them say they are wonderful people, have a wonderful marriage?
religious, and were doting parents. Ross has nothing in his background or any motive to harm his son. On HLN last night they brought a producer on who said they have been digging and digging calling all types of people associated with him and no one ( that will talk to them ) has anything negative to say. Normally every Tom, Dick and Harry crawls out of the wood work about this time so I find it interesting is all.
Did anyone see youtube video to support Ross Harris? Very strange, it starts out showing an attack military helicopter hovering in front of the WH. The voice over reminds me of the Cheaters tv show. It's slicker than a political ad and oddly creepy. Makes you wonder who is behind the quick 10,000 signatures, slick campaign ad, and $20,000+ fund raiser for tot dad's defense.

Does anyone know if tot dad will be allowed to attend the funeral Saturday in Alabama. Also found out tot dad was a dispatcher for the Tuscaloosa PD before his HD job.


Can't wait for more evidence to come out and all those people to realize they just donated to a (likely) child murderer's defense! I bet they also donated to KFC girl. [modsnip]
Who was the guy quoted that said in 34 years of police work this had bothered him more than anything else he had seen ( paraphrasing here.)

That bothers me.

Now, Cobb County, Georgia, police imply there is more -- much more -- to the story.

"Much has changed about the circumstances leading up to the death of this 22-month-old since it was first reported," Cobb County Police Sgt. Dana Pierce told CNN. He would not elaborate, citing an ongoing investigation, but his words made it clear this was not just another case of a young life left and lost to heat exposure in a hot car.

"I've been in law enforcement for 34 years. What I know about this case shocks my conscience as a police officer, a father and a grandfather," said Pierce.

It bothers me too, Nana. :(
Who was the guy quoted that said in 34 years of police work this had bothered him more than anything else he had seen ( paraphrasing here.)

That bothers me.

He didn't say it was the worst he has seen just that it shook his conscience as a father, grandfather and police officer. Still bad
Is this going to be Casey Anthony type of shocking info? Reporters claim they're hearing bad info. Will be announced at a presser tomorrow. :)

Where are you reading this? In haven't seen any reports about a press conference or reports other than the "evidence that shows Ross knew Cooper was left in the car"
As I understood it, they went into his workplace and immediately saw something that made them go get a search warrant. I think because he had just come from there with the baby, cops could walk up there and check things out and interact with coworkers. At that point, almost immediately, they saw something that made them get a search warrant.

I believe police are welcome to come into public places as his office would probably be, and just ask around a little bit, but further investigation requires a warrant if they see something of real concern.

Maybe they spoke with someone? Maybe he had confided something vague to someone that day? Completely speculating here, but maybe he was involved (or wanted to be involved) with someone at work and wanted to get out of his current commitments. Being local to the Neumann / Sneiderman case brings this kind of motive to mind for me. Maybe the other party didn't believe he would do something like this and realized too late?
I spoke with Cobb County policeman today. My Publix, which is within 500 meters of the HD headquarters, always has a Cobb County policeman on duty. They are very professional and experienced. Came in handy today. Cobb Police were chasing a couple men fleeing in a stolen vehicle. The white Lincoln Town Car went over the median curb and rammed into the front grille of a big pick-up. The driver fled and ran into the Publix Grocery store. The policeman on duty busted him on the magazine aisle. Lolz. Never a boring moment in Atlanta.

The policeman knows the DA and he was recently elected so I'm not sure why someone would already be trying to get him out of office. Supposedly a good man who was a defense attorney for many years. Thanks for the feedback.
Who was the guy quoted that said in 34 years of police work this had bothered him more than anything else he had seen ( paraphrasing here.)

That bothers me.

"Much has changed about the circumstances leading up to the death of this 22-month-old since it was first reported," Cobb County Police Sgt. Dana Pierce told CNN. He would not elaborate, citing an ongoing investigation, but his words made it clear this was not just another case of a young life left and lost to heat exposure in a hot car.

"I've been in law enforcement for 34 years. What I know about this case shocks my conscience as a police officer, a father and a grandfather," said Pierce.


ETA: I see JLSChook already posted this...sorry for duplicate post!
Sgt. Dana Pierce is a PR guy for Cobb Police. I can't imagine he would say that without significant evidence. Someone I spoke with Cobb County Police said he might should've kept that too himself.
Can't wait for more evidence to come out and all those people to realize they just donated to a (likely) child murderer's defense! I bet they also donated to KFC girl. These people are idiots...It is obvious they never even read the article.

I couldn't agree more. It blows my mind that so many people think that just because someone is a seemingly great person and parent that they're automatically above murdering their child. I see some (well one person in particular) over in the 'comments' section of the "Donation" website is responding like she's an authority, declaring that he suffered from "Fatal Distraction" bla bla bla. And that's based on what? I've yet to hear that he's undergone any kind of intense psychiatric/neurogical assessment but I guess this person feels she's qualified to make this determination and spread it around like it's the gospel truth. *SMH*
I couldn't agree more. It blows my mind that so many people think that just because someone is a seemingly great person and parent that they're automatically above murdering their child. I see some (well one person in particular) over in the 'comments' section of the "Donation" website is responding like she's an authority, declaring that he suffered from "Fatal Distraction" bla bla bla. And that's based on what? I've yet to hear that he's undergone any kind of intense psychiatric/neurogical assessment but I guess this person feels she's qualified to make this determination and spread it around like it's the gospel truth. *SMH*

There is never a shortage of stupid people supporting alleged murderers. They crawl outta the woodwork...

I prefer to wait and see before I firm an opinion. 99.9% of the time I'm on LE side...
I'm leaning that way, but I need waaaaay more to hang my hat!

I certainly wouldn't contribute money.

Who here didn't see through the KFC story?

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All the comments or statements I have read from people who know them say they are wonderful people, have a wonderful marriage?
religious, and were doting parents. Ross has nothing in his background or any motive to harm his son. On HLN last night they brought a producer on who said they have been digging and digging calling all types of people associated with him and no one ( that will talk to them ) has anything negative to say. Normally every Tom, Dick and Harry crawls out of the wood work about this time so I find it interesting is all.

I see what you mean now.

With that said, it wouldn't be the first time that a guy everyone likes and has nothing really negative, did something terrible.

I also would not be surprised if he has his skeletons that will shock those who know him, but that's JMO.
I couldn't agree more. It blows my mind that so many people think that just because someone is a seemingly great person and parent that they're automatically above murdering their child. I see some (well one person in particular) over in the 'comments' section of the "Donation" website is responding like she's an authority, declaring that he suffered from "Fatal Distraction" bla bla bla. And that's based on what? I've yet to hear that he's undergone any kind of intense psychiatric/neurogical assessment but I guess this person feels she's qualified to make this determination and spread it around like it's the gospel truth. *SMH*

Even in 2014, people cannot believe that a middle-class married man in suburbia could murder his kid. And these people follow the news! They should not be this naive. I even saw comments on Jane Velez Mitchell's page: "I don't want to believe someone could do that!" WTH? You are a fan of a show that focuses on crime!
I see what you mean now.

With that said, it wouldn't be the first time that a guy everyone likes and has nothing really negative, did something terrible.

I also would not be surprised if he has his skeletons that will shock those who know him, but that's JMO.

What's sad....NOTHING shocks me anymore.

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