GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #11

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I think it's really creepy he was sexting picture of his erect penis while acknowledging to the receiver his infant son was next to him. I think that's seriously deviant. How do you wack off and take pictures like that with your baby sitting right there next to you?

Sadly this happens more than we think. One of my best friends was married to her high school sweetheart and a few years ago when her youngest was an infant he would get up with the baby and go into the home office and jerk off to online hookers with the baby in view. She found out because one of the women contacted her and told her she thought it was wrong. Because of this and his cheating thru the years they are divorced and he isn't allowed unsupervised visits with their kids.

Ironically this was a woman who was intellectually superior to him as she has a masters and is an executive at a healthcare co and he is a high school dropout who couldn't hold a job.

Bottom line is most men have tunnel vision when it comes to sex. They will risk it all for a piece of azz.

Always My Opinion Only!

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The more I think about it--It is arrogance.

Total and complete arrogance coupled with his original plan of Cooper being discovered in his work parking lot not having gone as planned.(moo) Every single thing that they do after 12 noon is what makes RH look most guilty. LH probably did not even think she would have to show up at daycare that day....she would have thought that she would have been called at work in the late morning early afternoon with tragic news.

They did not think they would have ever been questioned.
I'm not really sure if I'm getting a "cold and calculating" vibe or a "learned helplessness" vibe off of LH. In my experience they can look much the same to the outsider.

When you have a husband who is publicly very gregarious and universally adored but a completely different person behind closed doors, it beats you down after a while and you just close off from the world, because anytime you even try to hint that he might not be the person everyone thinks he is, people cut you off and shut you down with some heartwarming story about the last great thing he did for them or their granny or their own kid. I have found this is particularly true with certain men who coach youth sports and for some reason have a ton of patience for everybody else's kid and absolutely none for their own.
You'll have to go watch or read the transcripts from the hearing. RH was sexting a girl, sending nudies back and forth, and told her he was in bed with his sleeping wife next to him and his infant son in the room. The girl asks him if he has a conscious and he replies, "Nope."

Quite possibly the only time he's been truthful
You'll have to go watch or read the transcripts from the hearing. RH was sexting a girl, sending nudies back and forth, and told her he was in bed with his sleeping wife next to him and his infant son in the room. The girl asks him if he has a conscious and he replies, "Nope."

Okay, I need to rewatch the hearing. Thanks.
Lock up your babies! Apparently locking them in a car is contagious. [emoji35]

I'm shocked this baby is still alive. What a miracle! Now if the authorities would just find baby a new, loving home with parents who remember they have a baby!
Pretty sad when a supposedly civilized and educated country has to issue warnings not to kill your child by locking them in broiling cars...repeatedly. WTF is wrong with people...
Not trying to intentionally go in another direction, but from the beginning of this case, we have wondered if this couple were in the practice of leaving Cooper in the car. Back in an early thread, someone posted a picture of the parking lot at UA stadium. I have no idea where to find it. However, it has bothered me why it was posted and was it a silent hint that the little guy was left in the car at games. Yes, we've seen pictures of Cooper at games. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

I've never tailgated at 'Bama. At UGA, we tended to park where we tailgated. It's possible, I guess, if they sedated him. But game day at an SEC school is something else upon itself. I think we need some with UA experience to add their view.

Personally, I think no though. Not at games.
When you have a husband who is publicly very gregarious and universally adored but a completely different person behind closed doors, it beats you down after a while and you just close off from the world, because anytime you even try to hint that he might not be the person everyone thinks he is, people cut you off and shut you down with some heartwarming story about the last great thing he did for them or their granny or their own kid. I have found this is particularly true with certain men who coach youth sports and for some reason have a ton of patience for everybody else's kid and absolutely none for their own.

So if that husband kills your baby intentionally in a hot car...and you know it was intentional which is why you said "He must have left him in the car!!!" your response to your screaming mother is "Well I guess I must be in shock".

Sorry. I just don't buy it.

Her reactions in no way seem like a truly grieving mother, and I don't think even an abusive husband can beat that out of a woman.

(ETA there is absolutely NO evidence that she was abused, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest she was aware of the plan).
I have worked for domineering egomaniacs that could be abusive...and the one thing I would never do is question their prior actions. Want a smack down? Well just ask them "Are you sure you (used good judgement)" regarding something they did.

But I get your point, and I expect the defense gets it too. That will BE the defense strategy if LH goes to trial.

True Sonya. But abuse takes different forms, and in some ways chronic mental abuse can be just as bad. There are no bruises for people to see and get concerned about. Just horrible psychological scars, a sense of isolation, and learned helplessness. Especially when others think the abuser is such a great, affable, person. Mental Abuse is just as bad as physical abuse.
Sadly this happens more than we think. One of my best friends was married to her high school sweetheart and a few years ago when her youngest was an infant he would get up with the baby and go into the home office and jerk off to online hookers with the baby in view. She found out because one of the women contacted her and told her she thought it was wrong. Because of this and his cheating thru the years they are divorced and he isn't allowed unsupervised visits with their kids.

Ironically this was a woman who was intellectually superior to him as she has a masters and is an executive at a healthcare co and he is a high school dropout who couldn't hold a job.

Always My Opinion Only!

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That's just a small half step away from sexually abusing your child. I think it would have happened sooner or later! She's so lucky she found out! People think babies have no memory, but they can be deeply scarred from early trauma!

Eta: Good for that woman! She did the right thing! She may do webcams but she clearly wants no involvement in the abuse of children!
I get what you're saying Judy but academic smarts doesn't always equate to common sense smarts - in fact some of the smartest (intellectual) people I know are also often among the dumbest people I know too.

I agree - I wasn't saying she was smart in the common sense department - It's obvious whoever planned this was NOT! I was commenting on her being a little "mouse wife" and I don't see her as that way. Remember he said his girlfriend of 3 years dumped him because her family thought he wasn't going anywhere with his life (or something to that effect)..... I just wonder about that aspect of their relationship. And I was wondering if she wasn't responsible for his decision to go to college - not a typical role for a submissive, abused wife - imho.
Him squealing, "But there was no malice intent!" Is so ridiculously bad! He thought about and planned this for so long and thought of all the possible charges he could face and believed he would never be charged with homicide murder 16-5-1. He might as well have said, "But, but, I researched extensively before I did this to my son and I didn't think there was anyway you could charge me with that!"

Right??!!! He might as well have returned a 3rd gas can to Wal-Mart ! ;-)
Definitely possible.

And for the record, I am a feminist, and violence against women is an issue that is important to me. I didn't say one word about Leanne until hearing the testimony at the hearing, even after the bizarre funeral comments and tasteless obituary. She very well may be exhibiting signs of an abused person who is fearful, or she may not be.

The "Did you say too much" is just too much for me. It implies, at least for me, that she planned this with RH. At first I believed that he acted on his own, now I am not so sure.

Until I hear more, that could possibly point to mental or physical abuse, I am going to go with my gut, which is this marriage was very dark for sure. I'm just not positive, at this point, that he was all the darkness or if she was equally as dark and their dynamic is what produced this horrible murder.

But I hear what you are saying and if more comes to light indicating Leanne was going through some form of horrific abuse, mentally or physically, and was terrified of him..I will change my mind. Until then, I think she is an accomplice and I have no idea what her reasoning was or is. Her jumping to defend him is certainly bizarre. And that can point to a sort of Stepford "state of mind" or it can point to her complicit involvement.

Emotional abuse can be every bit as paralyzing as physical violence. I have to wonder if she believes she must defend him to continue to receive the support of her church, friends, family because there was much support extended to them in the first few days of this case. Her comments to him at the funeral brought applause and I found that as troubling as anything she has said.

True Sonya. But abuse takes different forms, and in some ways chronic mental abuse can be just as bad. There are no bruises for people to see and get concerned about. Just horrible psychological scars, a sense of isolation, and learned helplessness. Especially when others think the abuser is such a great, affable, person. Mental Abuse is just as bad as physical abuse.

Can I get a Halleluia Amen!!
Emotional abuse can be every bit as paralyzing as physical violence. I have to wonder if she believes she must defend him to continue to receive the support of her church, friends, family because there was much support extended to them in the first few days of this case. Her comments to him at the funeral brought applause and I found that as troubling as anything she has said.


I thought the same at the time. I was flabbergasted by it.
Right? Imagine how HD Corp feels? All this sexting done on company time, and to have an employee leave their child to die in a hot car, in their parking lot. Yowza.
Hey, I didn't hold it against Home Depot, we still spent $100 there this weekend!
True Sonya. But abuse takes different forms, and in some ways chronic mental abuse can be just as bad. There are no bruises for people to see and get concerned about. Just horrible psychological scars, a sense of isolation, and learned helplessness. Especially when others think the abuser is such a great, affable, guy. Mental Abuse is just as bad as physical abuse.
We also need to remember they were married for 8 years.
If she was dealing with mental/verbal/emotional abuse all along she may have become emotionally absent and seemigly uncaring.

Odd behavior given her career.
True Sonya. But abuse takes different forms, and in some ways chronic mental abuse can be just as bad. There are no bruises for people to see and get concerned about. Just horrible psychological scars, a sense of isolation, and learned helplessness. Especially when others think the abuser is such a great, affable, person. Mental Abuse is just as bad as physical abuse.

When I mentioned an abusive boss of course he never physically abused me! It was all verbal/psychological.

Nevertheless if folks want to claim she was abused in order to counter-act some of the rather damning evidence about her so far....then imo opinion those folks should provide links and other reasons to believe she was abused.

We know what she said, we know how she behaved, we know about her Internet searches -- evidence of her being abused would balance out the scales.
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