GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #13

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Did LE shut down Teleka Patrick's Twitter after she disappeared? Could it be making a difference?
I was unable to participate in the searches for deleted tweets. Only a few posters actually searched for them bc of a reason that slips my mind ATT. Maybe a special program had to be downloaded onto their computers? Never mind.

NurseBeeme posted this tool in Taleka's thread. I actually typed JRHs name into the keyword search:

Unsure about LE actions cause I'm old, tired and sleep deprived.
Sorry, but I'm way behind now, had lots going on with kiddies at school and the threads moved so fast I couldn't keep up!
I have scanned through the last threads as much as possible, could someone give me a quick run down of where we are at now pretty please? Any new info come out?
Thankyou xx
Another clue may be that she went to a pretty small catholic school. My kids go to a private school that has at most 8-10 kids per class. Just 6 in the kindergarten (which was awesome) and I noticed that they are far more conservative than the larger private schools in town and is one of the main reasons that we chose them.

IF there had been a divorce in their family then perhaps young LH was feeling ''out of sorts'' and not fitting in with her peers? as she alluded during the eulogy? Her unhappy times it seemed were in ''public school/middle school'' years. She didn't want her son to feel that pain? (seems a bit of a stretch but who knows)
Have we not found a Facebook account for either JH or LH? I find that very strange and hard to believe as almost everyone has a facebook account yet they are members of some sites I've never even heard of. I bet there is another name he uses other than just the ones we know of. Wish I could figure out what it was because I'm sure with all of his online persona's there must be more secretive accounts we're overlooking.

LE shut down both of their accounts after JRH was arrested - seems to be standard procedure lately.
LE shut down both of their accounts after JRH was arrested - seems to be standard procedure lately.

I have never heard of LE doing that. Its possible someone in the family did it, or even FB. Unlikely that it was LE though without a court order to do so, and further what would be the point of that? They dont need it shut down to glean information. They would just get a court order for a copy from the company server from a certain date. That could actually be used as evidence.
Yes, I would think that leaving up Facebook would result in more information.
Age of consent in GA is 16 for sex and 18 for sexting. It is just stupid.

Age of consent is up to the state, the sexting/child *advertiser censored* laws are federal.

Many states have laws that differ from federal law.
I am looking and I don't see anything else around here.
I believe he was talking/texting to a girl in Alabama in May 2013, but she could be a relative for all I know.
His Twitter has been suspended so I can't even look back.
It wouldn't surprise me if there are a few counties calling Cobb about RH.

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

I have all of his old tweets. Other than what I have noted on the SM thread, there is nothing on that acct
Age of consent is up to the state, the sexting/child *advertiser censored* laws are federal.

Many states have laws that differ from federal law.

Yep, federal always over rules. In my opinion he wont be charged federally though, I think they will leave it to the state.
Did anyone here follow the Dr. Taleka Patrick missing person/found deceased case that ended badly in March 2014? WS members were allowed into the Parking Lot at nighttime and were able to find all kinds of information she tweeted that had been deleted by using a special website. I was wondering if any info in the PL thread would be helpful to us in gathering deleted messages from LH or her hubby. If anyone is interested....

This is the Parking Lot thread:

Taleka's Threads:

Hers was a fascinating story of the brilliant mind that hallucinates until death, if left untreated. Taleka created a long-term fantasy and quite intimate relationship with a real-life popular pastor whom she moved from CA to be near enough to stalk. One evening she tweeted a picture of her immaculately set dining table where she had carefully placed their dinner with 2 placemats, 2 dinner plates, 2 tall glasses of water only the married preacher man was not coming for dinner. He knew nothing about it bc it existed only in her head.

In the PL, deleted tweets were recovered. It was labor intensive to obtain them and piece them altogether. She sent out tweets and also answered those tweets to herself while posing as her lover, in her own mind, of course. One cold winter evening, she went into a deep psychosis and abandoned her vehicle along a dark highway. Sadly enough, her once beautiful body was located when the ice melted months later which was earlier this year.

I already did it for RH. I could only find two accts and he was not a big tweeter. Info is in SM thread
Age of consent is up to the state, the sexting/child *advertiser censored* laws are federal.

Many states have laws that differ from federal law.

I know. And like I said, it is just stupid.
Have we not found a Facebook account for either JH or LH? I find that very strange and hard to believe as almost everyone has a facebook account yet they are members of some sites I've never even heard of. I bet there is another name he uses other than just the ones we know of. Wish I could figure out what it was because I'm sure with all of his online persona's there must be more secretive accounts we're overlooking.

I put links of what we do have of their FB accts on the SM threads.
I hope they charge him for the sexting with a minor. I'll bet she is not the only one. If I had an underage daughter I'd be furious if a grown married man was doing this.
I know. And like I said, it is just stupid.

Not really. CP and sexting often involves strangers all over the country/world. It would be impossible to keep up with each state law when talking to strangers online, however if you plan to actually MEET someone to have sex with them it is relatively simple to check the laws in the state/country you visit (i.e. we aren't just talking about sex with those under 18, in some countries having sex with someone you aren't married to could be a serious crime).
Not really. CP and sexting often involves strangers all over the country/world. It would be difficult to keep up with each state law when talking to strangers online, however if you plan to actually MEET someone to have sex with them it is relatively simple to check the laws in the state/country you visit (i.e. we aren't just talking about sex with those under 18, in some countries having sex with someone you aren't married to could be a serious crime).

I'm wondering if RH was unaware of the different age for sexting and felt like he was in the clear since he checked age of consent in GA. The date of that google search will be interesting.

PS I know ignorance of the law is no excuse.
I know. And like I said, it is just stupid.

At first, I thought so too. But then I thought about it some more and I think I get it. I'm having a hard time putting it into words, but it seems to me that sexting is problematic because it can so easily be shared with anyone and everyone. If a 16 year old consents to sex, unless there are cameras, there's a reasonable expectation that there is privacy. It can stay behind closed doors. Sexting seems to open a person up to a lot of different kinds of vulnerability and exploitation. That picture can be reproduced and shared without your consent. Sexting also seems to cross over into *advertiser censored* and the world of child *advertiser censored*--which obviously the state has a compelling interest in eradicating. The state has a far-less compelling interest in regulating the sex lives of 16 year olds. That's why I think there's a difference in the ages for the two activities. I think it provides a level of protection for minors that's probably helpful. The law acknowledges that 16 year olds do consent to sex, but also acknowledges how easily exploited a 16 year old could be and affords some protection.

I have one question though--A lot of states might have an age of consent at 16, but there's also a clause about age gaps--for instance, it's still illegal if the other person is an adult of 4+ years etc. Is Georgia just straight-up 16 with any adult?

I'm wondering if RH was unaware of the different age for sexting and felt like he was in the clear since he checked age of consent in GA. The date of that google search will be interesting.

PS I know ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Or more likely the person didn't initially SAY they were underage, from my experience if someone goes into a sex channel and claims to be 15 they are a much older adult, and if they really are underage they lie and say they are older. I have spent a fair amount of time over the years in some *very* rough sex oriented channels that were strictly 18+.

Since these were small channels with regular visitors the odd underage individual ALWAYS stated they were adults, if they showed up and said they were 15 they would have been kicked out in a heartbeat. If it came out 2 years later that a well known regular was actually 16 then often nothing was done about it but it was kept quiet (unless they were young females messing around with much older men, that was sometimes seen as too risky). After a couple of years they were as corrupted as they were gonna get, and they had friends in the circle, and everyone knew they weren't LE.

I personally doubt if a real 16 year old girl would be sexting with JH for 2 years, most 16 year old girls would not have that much patience, they would get involved with someone new. Regardless even if the person was really a 40 year old truck driver if they SAID they were a 16 year old girl it would still be a crime for JH to sext them.
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