GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #2

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Usually lunch is at 11 to 1. 2:30 would be very late for lunch.

I think it would unusually late for getting off at 4:00, but stranger things has happened! I actually think it's a little weird he would get lunch working such a light schedule.

It's JMO, but I'm sure his lunch was taken around a more traditional time and not later in the day
But if he did the search upon retuning to the building from his car, he didn't KNOW it was too late...clearly. I really want to know when that search was done.

Just to add: I also work with animals and I am amazed that people have no clue how long it takes. And I live in a HOT climate. I feel it should be common sense!

I don't know how long it takes, all I know ...never leave either alone in the car on a warm day.

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If a person drives drunk and kills someone I think it's called "manslaughter". If a person knowingly (intoxicated or not) aims their car at someone and mows them down, killing them, it's called "vehicular homicide"...I think.
For Mr. Harris to be charged with homicide seems to indicate law enforcement is certain Cooper was murdered.

No, vehicular homicide doesn't have to be deliberate. Aiming your car at someone on purpose would be classified as murder.
I don't know how long it takes, all I know ...never leave either alone in the car on a warm day.

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Exactly! That's what I meant. Every time I give out the temperature in cars charts, I think why should i have to do this! Common sense, you don't leave living things in cars!!!
HLn reached out to many people, did background checks and said on air they can't find one price of dirt on this guy. Its nuts but everyone who knows him that has commented to media or on articles have had nothing but nice positive things to say. Its confusing to say the least.

I would LOVE to hear from a co-worker. Seems as no one wants to get involved.

I'm guessing HomeDepot told all employees to keep quiet.
I'm guessing HomeDepot told all employees to keep quiet.

They are probably conducting their own investigation since this happened on their property, and their equipment was used during a crime.
Just want to note no where has "noon" been verified as the time he went to the car. Lunchtime could have been 1,2 or whenever. I also don't think its up to a DA to determine the manner of death? I thought only a forensic pathologist /medical examiner trained to do so could.

the post of mine that was quoted with yours above stated clearly he is alleged to have gone out to his car "around the noon break" and does not state he went out at noon. We have been told the trip to the car happened during his lunch break. so sometime between 11 and 1 (ie. noonish) would stand to reason, given his working hours.

So you are correct, the break is being called a "lunch" break and we are being told "lunch" time but we do not know the exact moment he visited his car and put something in it. Which is why my post used the word "around"
That's the painful part of it, Katydid. That's the haunting part. I don't know how - it certainly never happened to me.

But when I see something that I've seen before - this out of sight out of mind thing - I believe it can happen. I believe it.

I've mentioned this numerous times, but I had a boss who this nearly happened to. On her way to work, she arrived at the babysitter's house and the babysitter had something going on (a child was sick, she was sick, something) so my boss decided to drive to work, park, grab a few folders and items and go home for the day to work from home.

She parked her car in the parking lot, locked it, and sprinted in to the office to grab things. We were having a crisis that day. At that point, my boss swung into crisis mode and FORGOT her baby in the car in the parking lot.

She had been at the babysitter's office five minutes prior. She had walked into the office with full intent to get items that she had listed in her head for a day at home, and within one minute that was forgotten and she was in crisis mode. This was August. After at least an hour, she suddenly screamed "MY BABY!!" from in her office and ran out to the parking lot, where by the gift of God, he was fine. A sweaty mess, but alive and well. By the grace of God she had the one parking space in the lot that was shielded by this enormous dense shade tree.

I can't forget that Katydid although it's been 30 years. I saw it happen, and for those minutes believed the child would likely be found dead in the car.

Because inexplicably, this woman I really love and admire completely forgot in a matter of a few minutes her plan to take her baby back home and work from home that day, and forgot he was in the car.

It wouldn't happen to me, but I've seen it in someone I care about.

What stands out to me is that after an hour or so, your boss screamed "my baby" and ran out. She didn't sneak out at noon, look in her car, and walk back into work, with her baby still in the car. If she had found her baby in distress (thank God she didn't and all was well), surely she would have called for help and done all she could to save the baby. Sadly, that did not happen in this case.
7 days and with national news coverage and investigators and no one can turn up ANYONE who can say a mean thing about this guy?

That's a LONG time with no one - NO ONE - who has a negative thing to say.

And now, the sweet obituary by his extended family.

Can people start to say hey maybe this is exactly as he said - that for some unknown reason he didn't know his son was in the car? That there was significant cognitive delay in realizing he didn't leave his son at daycare?

This is a victim friendly board. At what point will that mission keep posters in this thread from accusing this man of purposeful murder?

He's a named suspect by the police. Many of us understand that these types of accidents can happen but there are too many IMO, red flags in what happened to jus assume it was an accident
7 days and with national news coverage and investigators and no one can turn up ANYONE who can say a mean thing about this guy?

That's a LONG time with no one - NO ONE - who has a negative thing to say.

And now, the sweet obituary by his extended family.

Can people start to say hey maybe this is exactly as he said - that for some unknown reason he didn't know his son was in the car? That there was significant cognitive delay in realizing he didn't leave his son at daycare?

This is a victim friendly board. At what point will that mission keep posters in this thread from accusing this man of purposeful murder?

Just because no one is speaking out in the media, doesn't mean no one has anything negative to say.

Law enforcement typically asks for witnesses not to.
Was rather upset to see so many of the witnesses in the media describing what they saw. That's NEVER good.

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I think it would unusually late for getting off at 4:00, but stranger things has happened! I actually think it's a little weird he would get lunch working such a light schedule.

It's JMO, but I'm sure his lunch was taken around a more traditional time and not later in the day

But we don't knew of he left earlier than norm. So many unknowns
What stands out to me is that after an hour or so, your boss screamed "my baby" and ran out. She didn't sneak out at noon, look in her car, and walk back into work, with her baby still in the car. If she had found her baby in distress (thank God she didn't and all was well), surely she would have called for help and done all she could to save the baby. Sadly, that did not happen in this case.

We don't know he "snuck out". We also don't know what time he went out ok the car.
I hope I"m not just imagining this, but I remember reading that was his daily schedule. I will try to find it!

Only thing I read as far as his norm was he dropped Cooper off everyday at day at and his wife picked up .
I looked through comments on MSM last night and this morning and found only one guy who'd "met" him "once" and thought he seemed like a nice guy. He defended Harris until someone asked about the internet search and then he backed off immediately saying he'd only met him once.:facepalm: Maybe there was more earlier on that I didn't see. I'm sure there were tons initially as is evidenced by the support fund. But recently?

Also, I guess I was thinking more about people being on the news, JVM, NG, etc.

also nice people kill and/or rape people all the time. There are countless pages on here of cases where someone was killed and/or raped and the community would come out and say but they are such a nice person. They do so much for our community....blah blah blah. You just never know what's inside someones head.
Only thing I read as far as his norm was he dropped Cooper off everyday at day at and his wife picked up .

Thanks, I think you are right. I have not found anything about his work times. I have no idea why I thought I saw seeing that.

I am really curious about how/if the schedule of this day was different.
Just wondering if it's a parking lot, or a parking deck, that he was parked in. The main Home Depot office has a multi-story parking deck, meaning all but the top level are out of direct sun. And some office buildings around there have parking decks as well. Not sure if or how that would affect any timelines.
also nice people kill and/or rape people all the time. There are countless pages on here of cases where someone was killed and/or raped and the community would come out and say but they are such a nice person. They do so much for our community....blah blah blah. You just never know what's inside someones head.

I'm actually a bit surprised that people on the board would put so much credence into someone appearing to be nice or good. History certainly shows us that "nice" people aren't truly so, all the time.
I don't think automatic jail time would work. I think automatic prosecution would work because then it's going to be evaluated in a court.

Anything to do with drownings in swimming pools and babies left in a car. Automatic prosecution for negligence and manslaughter.

If it truly truly was an accident the evidence will bear this out. I spoke to a friend of mine the other day who was quite sympathetic to parents who forget because her husband went through a grueling series of treatments before he died from liver failure. She was pregnant when he first got sick and overnight became a single mom for all intents and purposes, she had to continue to work full time and also run back and forth to the hospital and take care of a baby all on her own.

SHE I could see forgetting her child. She mentioned that she felt she could have easily done it.

I wouldn't want someone in her situation to get automatic jail time if god forbid it had happened to her.

But prosecution would lay all the extenuating circumstances out for the court to see.

You know, my husband and I had this conversation last night, and he pointed out that manslaughter comes with jail time. So someone accidentally killing a pedestrian or something like that, still gets convicted. So why wouldn't a true accident that ends with the death of a child come with a conviction? (That was his response when I said in cases of true accidents parents have to deal with a lifetime of guilt - he also said people have to deal with a lifetime of guilt in any accident causing a death.). Fairly convincing argument to me
Sorry if this has been suggested as I haven't caught up. I had the awful thought that if there was any water involved maybe dad was trying to cool bubba down so he wasn't overly warm to responders touch

When would he have done that? Before he left HD parking lot? He didn't do it at the shopping center per witness statements that I have seen in msm. imo
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