GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4

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If Ross is indeed one, then that answers the question of "why" he murdered his son. Cooper was the center of everyone's attention and Ross could not take it any longer!

Well apparently Ross got to be the center of attention quite a bit at the funeral. The phone...the standing ovation at the REQUEST of some guy...etc...

The statements at the funeral are just beyond strange. I know folks grieve in different ways but sheesh, when the husband is charged with the kids MURDER one would think the wife and others would carefully plan any public statements regarding the husband, and the child's death, etc... That is not a time to just make it up as you go along.
I agree. I feel the breakfast at CFA was to possibly give Cooper something to make him fall asleep. My opinion.

I hope so.

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I had a similar thought, if the child was sick for instance, daycares are unwilling to take sick kids (for obvious reasons) and it might have been their way out of a difficult work situation. That really doesn't make this any better to me, I don't care if you'll get fired if you don't turn in to work, you can find another job but you don't endanger your children in such a horrendously reckless and irresponsible manner. You just don't.

I have pondered this as well but it still doesn't feel right. As a working mom, sick days are stressful to figure out what/where the kids should go so I understand that aspect.

Leaving them in the car is not a viable option to me, but to play devils advocate- If this were the reason, why would you park in a different from normal lot that is less shaded? One of the links (I'm sorry, I can't remember which one b/c it was days ago) said that RH normally parked in the employee lot which is covered. The one he parked in that day was the visitor lot, which had no shade and was in direct sunlight.

Maybe the excuse would be so that no one at work would find out, to avoid him getting into trouble. But, he got there so late for a normal workday, I would think there would be less activity. Also, the very dark tinted windows would have also help conceal that Cooper was in there. If my intentions were using the car as a babysitter and getting thru the day with a sick child, I would take extra precautions to keep him safe. Not leaving the car in the hottest parking lot and then search how long/what temp I could leave him there. I would have run out and checked on him very frequently, but other than the odd lunchtime visit, there was no contact with the car.

This is another scenario I have rolled around and around in my head and just can't make this fit either.
Wow, the dream thing is too much. He sets up his alibi to a group of people and now what he dreamt has "come true." He must be some kind of messenger of God. He could have made it happen, as if his dream was more than just mundane but a direct message from God. Or just a way to kill a child he didn't want. Sick. No wonder there was a standing ovation. He had his fellow churchgoers believing it was all part of "God's Plan"JMO
Jennifer Leslie ‏@jleslie11alive 4m
Mother mentioned in new search warrants in Ross Harris case. Says SHE researched car deaths and "how it occurs." #11Alive

MSM via twitter
I've been lurking on these threads and following the case.
I am inclined to believe this was not a simple, tragic accident. I feel there is far more beneath the surface and it'll come out (eventually, during the trial) that this wasn't just a simple case of forgetting his son. Too many things don't make sense, too many things are stacking up.

I know we can't really discuss the mother at this time, but I saw this and had to comment. I'm hoping because it's about quotes from her and was reported in MSM that this type of comment is okay?

Yes it is VERY weird and in my mind it has NOTHING to do with "supporting" the husband.

I don't believe for one moment that she was an abused or brainwashed wife that is blindly supporting him.

The implication is that the death of this perfectly healthy, happy baby was basically "a blessing in some ways".

(bold by me)

I thought this was really weird, especially for a parent to say**

Two years ago, my cat (who I thought of as a child and loved greatly) died of cancer. I remember thinking and even saying, "I'd do anything to have him back." I thought of him missing out of eating grass from outside, his favorite treats, his routine, laying in the sun, etc and that made me sad for him, even though he was dead and gone. I never once thought, I'm glad (or it's a good thing) he's dead because if he lived into old age he might be blind or have arthritis or whatever else. And this was my CAT, not a child.

Which is why for me personally, her comments seemed so strange! I don't get the meaning of her words -- that it's good thing he's dead because teenage years can be hard and he'd feel pain ("heartbreak" being a form of emotional pain) during all those awkward years? Is she relieved he's dead? I mean, I don't know if I'm way off the mark,'s very weird, IMO.

I do wonder what was said before and after that quote, to give some better context. As it stands in the article is just seems like a strange thing to say, IMO. The whole I'll-miss-him-forever, but-hey-look-at-all-the-bad-things-that-could-have-happened-to-him-that-he-didn't-have-to-endure, so-his-death-is-kinda-a-good-thing sort of deal.

**The Quote:
"A family friend got on stage with Cooper’s mother and asked the crowd of nearly 200 people to give Ross Harris a round of applause. Leanna said God was holding her up through this time. She said she'll miss her son forever, but now he will not have to deal with heartbreak, worry about awkward stages or deal with middle or high school."
Posted by eileenhawkeye HERE.
Perhaps he was not currently having an affair, but thought he was a hotshot now, and could get a hot babe girlfriend? So he killed Cooper so there would be no child support for when he eventually met a new gf, and left his wife.
Who else lives in the south, in a hot area. How often can you watch the local news or look at the internet news and NOT see hot car warnings in the summer? It's all over the news here.

who lives in the south & needs a hot car warning??

wonder what all the Alabama apologists & supporters were thinking about when they got in their hot cars after the funeral
Has it been stated where he parked that day at the HD. I know that employees are suppose to park in specific areas and wondered if a cctv was on his vehicle. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't leaving the child in the car to save money. jmo He probably checked him at lunch (early) but after work( hottest part of the day)it was too late. Weird that no one saw the child.

From the article linked earlier, something else jumped out to me. Ross had a dream about Cooper being in heaven, before he died?
"Ross Harris' father also spoke to the crowd sharing a story about how his son Ross had a dream Cooper was sitting on Jesus’ lap looking down at them, before the boy's death.

He said he was playing a guitar in the dream and Leanna was working in a nursery with other children."
Could that be another indication of premeditation?

This jumped out at me:

"A family friend got on stage with Cooper’s mother and asked the crowd of nearly 200 people to give Ross Harris a round of applause."

This explains how the applause came to be in support of her husband in jail.

But, then this from a grieving mother?

Leanna said God was holding her up through this time. She said she'll miss her son forever, but now he will not have to deal with heartbreak, worry about awkward stages or deal with middle or high school.

Leanna told mourners she is not angry at her husband and called him a great father and great leader for Cooper. Leanna went on to say she would not bring Cooper back into this selfish world.

What? If given a second chance, she would deny her child the right to life? Help me understand this kind of thinking please.
I've been lurking on these threads and following the case.

I am inclined to believe this was not a simple, tragic accident. I feel there is far more beneath the surface and it'll come out (eventually, during the trial) that this wasn't just a simple case of forgetting his son. Too many things don't make sense, too many things are stacking up.

I know we can't really discuss the mother at this time, but I saw this and had to comment. I'm hoping because it's about quotes from her and was reported in MSM that this type of comment is okay?

(bold by me)

I thought this was really weird, especially for a parent to say**

Two years ago, my cat (who I thought of as a child and loved greatly) died of cancer. I remember thinking and even saying, "I'd do anything to have him back." I thought of him missing out of eating grass from outside, his favorite treats, his routine, laying in the sun, etc and that made me sad for him, even though he was dead and gone. I never once thought, I'm glad (or it's a good thing) he's dead because if he lived into old age he might be blind or have arthritis or whatever else. And this was my CAT, not a child.

Which is why for me personally, her comments seemed so strange! I don't get the meaning of her words -- that it's good thing he's dead because teenage years can be hard and he'd feel pain ("heartbreak" being a form of emotional pain) during all those awkward years? Is she relieved he's dead? I mean, I don't know if I'm way off the mark,'s very weird, IMO.

I do wonder what was said before and after that quote, to give some better context. As it stands in the article is just seems like a strange thing to say, IMO. The whole I'll-miss-him-forever, but-hey-look-at-all-the-bad-things-that-could-have-happened-to-him-that-he-didn't-have-to-endure, so-his-death-is-kinda-a-good-thing sort of deal.

**The Quote:

"A family friend got on stage with Cooper’s mother and asked the crowd of nearly 200 people to give Ross Harris a round of applause. Leanna said God was holding her up through this time. She said she'll miss her son forever, but now he will not have to deal with heartbreak, worry about awkward stages or deal with middle or high school."

Posted by eileenhawkeye HERE.

It is so strange to me as well. It's not as if he was suffering from some terminal illness and she could take solace that he's no longer in pain.

This little boy, by all accounts was a healthy normal child with his entire life to look forward too. learning to ride a bike, flying a kite, going off to school etc...

Honestly the only other person I'm familiar with to say something so bizarre was JonBenet's mother, Patsy.

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Just thinking out loud here.

I wonder if Cooper had a medical condition. As in some condition that would cause a parent to think that death would be a better alternative?
If they went to Church of Christ, they did NOT learn this there. This church cherishes children and families. It's not a cult, at all. It's just a church of christians, no different then Baptist, Methodist, etc. That stuff is super cultish. If it were like that in their relationship, I think it's something that manifested in his mind and then between them.

I'm not suggesting you were calling their church a cult, I just wanted to mention this and your post got me thinking.

The church where the funeral service was held was selected for the service due to it's size and the expected crowd These are the churches they attended and I believe the one in Georgia is nondenominational.Stonebridge Church of Marietta, GA, Capstone Church of Tuscaloosa, AL - See more at:
I wonder if they were Jehovah's witnesses? I saw that someone in their guest book online had mentioned "Jehovah." It just stood out to me, because most Christian faiths don't refer to God that way. It could just have been the guest's personal beliefs too, I guess...

Jehovah is just one of many names for God referenced in the Bible. I find that the more deeply steeped one is in the Bible (whether by study or beliefs), the more prone they are to use many of those names, interchangeably.

(ETA: Sorry...just saw the post on pg. 6 asking us not to discuss if need be, please delete this post).
Has it been stated where he parked that day at the HD. I know that employees are suppose to park in specific areas and wondered if a cctv was on his vehicle. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't leaving the child in the car to save money. jmo He probably checked him at lunch (early) but after work( hottest part of the day)it was too late. Weird that no one saw the child.

If he was playing Russian roulette with his sons life to save a few dollars after doing those web searches ...he is 100% guilty of the crime he's charged with.

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Just thinking out loud here.

I wonder if Cooper had a medical condition. As in some condition that would cause a parent to think that death would be a better alternative?

Nothing reported so far indicates that. He looked to be a healthy normally developing child.
I have this wild insane hope that the tox will show little man was drugged with something so he didn't suffer as much.

Was he in the car the whole time? LE seemed to allude to him not being in the car the entire time, at least in the early media.

at first I thought this:

According to the arrest warrant, the temperature reached 88 degrees in the area on Wednesday. Police said medical personnel believed the child had been in the SUV since 9 a.m., as Harris said.

But Pierce told CNN on Friday, “I cannot confirm that the child, as originally reported, was in the car at 9 a.m.”

was about LE initially wondering if the child had been placed, already dead, into the vehicle at some point during the day. It seemed to align with witness accounts describing possible state of rigor mortis. Which I would think would cause investigators to want to confirm the child was left in and died in the car rather than being placed there later as an attempted coverup of something else.

But now I wonder if mom's admission of also doing searches did not play into that statement in bold.

I am also now left wondering if the visit to chick fil a was left out of original accounts, the search admissions came out, then interviewing officers said something like "you know this looks really bad right? Can anyone substantiate that Cooper was in the car at 9?"

At which time the chick fil a trip was "remembered" and recounted by Ross and then LE had to go confirm that story. Hence LE could not confirm but then were later able to.

sorry stream of conscious SPECULATION over here.
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