GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #6

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Being a licensed dietician takes a degree and a very rigorous one at that. Likely a Bachelor in Nutrition. Its a biology degree and its not easy. If she is licensed and practicing she graduated and then likely took a board exam to get her state license.
In CA, it's a Masters Degree and not in Biology. My sister has her Masters Degree in Nutrition and has been a licensed dietician for many years.
They are brought in as evidence. They don't state their statements as facts. They state what they observed.

If the report said, There was a smell coming from the car, That is one thing.. To say it reeked is another all together.

To me the devil is always in the details. It is the little stuff that point to truth.

You're right, the devil is in the details. A "smell" can be pleasant or unpleasant. A pleasant smell would offer little in evidentiary value.

A definition of reeked is bad smell. So far, the officers' credibility is intact, imo.
I also have issues with the way he looks in his photos but I will save that for another time.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
About Cooper? or the dad? The dad looks like he is well-fed.
But the thought of a left diaper would have reminded him that he never dropped off his son to daycare!

Or the huge car seat would remind you! He has a small SUV, walking towards the car, I know you can see a rear facing seat easily. I have a Tahoe, and I can see my daughters rear facing seat a mile away. If he went to the car at lunch, he could totally see into the car seat, and see the child strapped in.

Images from linked article:






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Also I'd like to know if 9:30 am is late for work or usual report time. I'd also like to know why the child wasn't fed already by 9am that morning BEFORE he left. What was going on that morning inside that home? Was breakfast served? Was it not? Why? I hv a lot of questions; questions I'm hoping only an FBI profiler will be able to answer. 9am is late in the morning for a child this age, to be taken to eat. I also have issues with the way he looks in his photos but I will save that for another time.

Oh I was going to be good today. Having a dietitian for a mother and him being fed fast food I thought, really. The sodium in that garbage would give me a slammer. No fast food here, not in this day and age with the the information out about it. Three mini chicken biscuits, 670 mg sodium, no thanks
Do we know for sure that Cooper ate breakfast at CFA?

I have wondered if perhaps R went inside to eat and left Cooper in the carseat. That, or whatever happened, should be on video, provided by C-f-A.
Also I'd like to know if 9:30 am is late for work or usual report time. I'd also like to know why the child wasn't fed already by 9am that morning BEFORE he left. What was going on that morning inside that home? Was breakfast served? Was it not? Why? I hv a lot of questions; questions I'm hoping only an FBI profiler will be able to answer. 9am is late in the morning for a child this age, to be taken to eat. I also have issues with the way he looks in his photos but I will save that for another time.

I will say that his timing alone is not sinister to me. I work a very autonomous job. I don't punch a clock. If I show up at 9 and leave at 3.. it's because I can.... because my work is done. Some days it's 7 to 6. Just depends on my workload and the projects I'm working on.
Originally Posted by JeannaT View Post
I'm still sticking on this word thing about reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt exists in this case - and the DA may decide to try to hide the reasonable doubt that exists. As DA's do. But the fact is, from the evidence revealed so far, there is more than "reasonable doubt" to doubt he killed his son on purpose.]

Provide a link and proof "as DA's do. If a defendant is guilty and evidence proves it no need to hide anything.

Reasonable doubt comes from lack of direct evidence, forensics, I'm sure they have that evidence to prove BARD.:twocents:.

The examples are legion, but here's one for the record:

from the link:

In a blunt and scathing ruling, District Judge Louis Sturns said Anderson acted to defraud the trial court and Morton’s defense lawyers, resulting in an innocent man serving almost 25 years in prison.

“This court cannot think of a more intentionally harmful act than a prosecutor’s conscious choice to hide mitigating evidence so as to create an uneven playing field for a defendant facing a murder charge and a life sentence,” Sturns said.
I have wondered if perhaps R went inside to eat and left Cooper in the carseat. That, or whatever happened, should be on video, provided by C-f-A.

The arrest warrant (in the media thread) says that's not what happened.
Or the huge car seat would remind you! He has a small SUV, walking towards the car, I know you can see a rear facing seat easily. I have a Tahoe, and I can see my daughters rear facing seat a mile away. If he went to the car at lunch, he could totally see into the car seat, and see the child strapped in.

Yes he would clearly see it no matter what door he opened. His vehicle is more compact and there fore the seat/baby would have been hard to miss.:moo:
One thing I found strange is where he chose to pull over. If he traveled the route I think he did, he would have gone by the mall that also had a Costco in it. Tons of people. Then he would have gone by Barnes and Noble. Again a lot of people. I think someone else mentioned how odd it was that he pulled in behind the restaurants rather than in front. Wonder where he was going to meet his friends?

Why not just stop the car, and call 911?
I wonder if he was mad (grabbing on branches, cursing, flailing his arms) because he felt the pressure of a murder charge. I mean, if it was murder - and I think it was- he thought he had committed the perfect crime. I stated before that I thought he did it in a cowardly way (letting his child suffer rather than end his life quickly, leaving him to die via the elements vs his direct hand) and I think he didn't know what to do or have the criminal mind set necessary to improvise and cover his tracks. I too wonder if he was thinking of dumping the body in a dumpster. Perhaps he got cold feet- was worried about his acting performance? Maybe he was hoping someone else would discover the body and when that didn't happen, he started going to plan B? Maybe he was going to drive the car home and dispose of the body there? Maybe he freaked out when his dead son made noises?

I also was stuck by the eulogy. It was very negative. Every statement seemed to use the word 'not' and/or to have a negative connotation. Even the way she spoke of how she didn't anticipate this when he was born, how she wanted him and prayed for him but then had to face the difficulties of parenting. I, too, wonder if they were worried about their child having difficulties in life, for whatever reason (disability or whatever), because most parents are pretty positive and see the good things in their children. I don't think most parents look at a toddler and think, 'Yeah, we better end things for him before he gets made fun of, has no one to sit with at lunch, and gets rejected by a lot of girls...' I think most people think their child is special, funny, intelligent, attractive, and I think they hope and anticipate that others will see those traits as well.
Also I'd like to know if 9:30 am is late for work or usual report time. I'd also like to know why the child wasn't fed already by 9am that morning BEFORE he left. What was going on that morning inside that home? Was breakfast served? Was it not? Why? I hv a lot of questions; questions I'm hoping only an FBI profiler will be able to answer. 9am is late in the morning for a child this age, to be taken to eat. I also have issues with the way he looks in his photos but I will save that for another time.

Another poster several threads back suggested that the trip to Chik Fil A was to delay his arrival at work, so he would show up later and there would be less people around in the parking lot.

I wonder if they've ever gone there to eat breakfast before. I suppose the restaurant would be able to answer that for LE.
Yes he would clearly see it no matter what door he opened. His vehicle is more compact and there fore the seat/baby would have been hard to miss.:moo:

Apparently RH told police he opened the driver's side door.
You should look up "cold reading." For years people thought I was "psychic" and knew things about them that I couldn't possibly have known. I was called an "old soul" for the longest time. When I grew up I realized that being hearing impaired I just paid a lot more attention to details about people than most people do when looking at them. My husband's always amazed at how I can read people.

I've often thought about going into work for Jury selection. I'd nail it. :floorlaugh:

thanks for sharing that!!

I haven't heard it explained so elegantly -- makes sense -- I know someone with very high EQ and is sweet soul who was labeled ''old soul'' and coincidentally had sensory impairment too.
Oh I was going to be good today. Having a dietitian for a mother and him being fed fast food I thought, really. The sodium in that garbage would give me a slammer. No fast food here, not in this day and age with the the information out about it. Three mini chicken biscuits, 670 mg sodium, no thanks

Great - now I have another thing to think about. Just like what Laci had to eat the morning Peterson killed her.

But you're right - "if" the mother is a nutritionist, would she want little Cooper to have chick-fil-a for breakie? Just looking at this stuff makes me want to gag (as a diabetic, fast food is off limits for me).

Or did just dad eat? Did they go in, or drive-thru?

There are just so many unanswered questions! :scared:


I just started posting on WS again recently. :seeya: So don't know all the rules. Been catching up since yesterday on all the posts. I'm so sad for Cooper, to pass away in such a horrible manner. I have to say, since I first read about the story, it seemed off to me. I don't care if he was (the father) nice, a good friend, neighbor, church goer..etc...what he did to his son, is unforgivable and I'm glad he has been charged. I really can't see how you could forget to drop your child off at daycare after just eating breakfast. I also find it odd, that the father drove to a crowded mall and at first, when he took his son out of the car, said that his son had just been choking? When clearly to witnesses and eventually, LE, the child had already been dead, for some time.
IMO :twocents:
I also read the daily mail, they usually have updated articles about certain cases.
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