GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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While I agree he likely didn't fit, it's not impossible. According to the comments at at least one baby made it to 2 1/2 years. (A preemie, but still.) I am just pointing out that it's not impossible for a child his age to fit.

Do we know what his other seat was?

He didn't fit! The straps were on the lowest setting.... The newborn setting. Cooper was an average size 22 month old. Just look at his photos! How JRH even got the straps to buckle on that strap level is beyond me.
la_cavalière;10703156 said:
I'm on the fence, but at this time, I am thinking that this was a terrible accident. Make no mistake, I'm not defending JRH – this guy is a terrible parent, husband and employee – but I'm not sure he's a cold-blooded child murderer. I know I am a member of a tiny minority here, so please don't skewer me!

There are several reasons why I think Cooper's tragic death wasn't planned, but the main reason is, ironically, JRH's disgusting behavior. Just about everyone now knows that after a suspicious death, phone, text and internet records will be analyzed. That's even more true for someone working in a tech field like web development. So I have a lot of trouble believing that if he planned this, he would send lewd photos of his anatomy and text with multiple women all day while his child was dying. He may not be a genius, but he would surely know that his phone and internet records would be scrutinized.

Perhaps, after eating at CFA, his mind immediately turned toward his titillating virtual activities, and all thoughts of his child vanished. I would be curious to see if he sent or received texts or chat messages before he arrived at work. Perhaps he and his wife were so afraid he would leave Cooper in the car because he had a history of being absent-minded, or maybe because it had happened before. Parents DO sometimes forget when an infant is in the car - it happens quite often, and there have been several stories recently in the news. I don't have children, but I do really, really stupid things all the time when I'm distracted, and if I had a child this would be a major fear for me.

There has been no evidence so far, other than a brief visit to a "Child-Free" website, that JRH didn't love his child or enjoy being a father. His friends say he talked about Cooper all the time and enjoyed spending time with him. Sexting with other women and underage girls may be sick, but it is not solid proof he wanted to kill his child. Shocking as it may be, sexting and chatting on these kinds of forums and social apps is common, even among married people. Ditto for marital problems or insurance policies.

I wish I could feel as convinced as some of you of his guilt - but until I hear more evidence, I am hanging out on this lonely fence.

I won't be doing any skewering. You posted a well thought out case. I have comments on the parts I bolded.

I am not sure that he did think his computer and cell were going to be searched. I think he saw the earlier cases, where the parents received lots of sympathy and support. People tend to feel compassion for a parent who accidentally killed a beloved child. I think he was counting on that response. jmo

You mention the possibility of it happening to them before. If that was the case, then he should receive a lot of prison time. That would indicate the height of arrogance and negligence. It is not that hard to prevent your child from frying to death. All you need to do is turn your head a few inches to the right, and you can see Coop's head over the top of the car seat. That's it. And if he had 'accidentally' left him in a car previously, I would think he would check that seat obsessively.

Also, you said he spent a lot of time talking about his kid and with his kid. Sociopaths exhibit that same behavior, and yet can be very disconnected from their families. I know of a so called 'mother' who deserted her family, to run on a adventure with a boy toy. Until that time she talked about her daughters all of the time. Was very involved in their lives. Then ran off for 8 yrs, never looked back. I guess they are lucky she didnt harm them.

So imo, talking a lot about one's child is not the same as actively caring for them and loving them. Also, 2 yr old begin to take a lot more time and energy and resources than infants do. They begin to defy us, and have their own desires. They are not so compliant. Some parents do not appreciate the terrible twos.
Just a general comment...
how the hello does one become anti-abortion but pro-kill my baby?
I have no idea.. Part of the Anti Abortion shows a live baby and it always says " You would not kill him now but you would have 4 months ago.." Or something to that affect.

Most people that are anti abortion are also anti killing of any kind..
or he was hoping the would see the child and discover him.

Yes, that's what I thought, he was hoping his lunch friends would see Cooper in the car when they dropped him off to toss the light bulbs in.
Quote Originally Posted by la_cavalière View Post

I wish I could feel as convinced as some of you of his guilt - but until I hear more evidence, I am hanging out on this lonely fence.

snipped respectfully for space

Did cha watch the hearing yesterday or read the hearing transcripts?
I have no idea.. Part of the Anti Abortion shows a live baby and it always says " You would not kill him now but you would have 4 months ago.." Or something to that affect.

Most people that are anti abortion are also anti killing of any kind..

I think a lot of anti-abortion folks are pro death penalty...jmo
I have no idea.. Part of the Anti Abortion shows a live baby and it always says " You would not kill him now but you would have 4 months ago.." Or something to that affect.

Most people that are anti abortion are also anti killing of any kind..

That's what I thought too SS. I'm still surprised by so much the dad did, thought, believed etc.
stupid question!

What happens if you have a life insurance policy and have paid it on time up to date and you get arrested for premeditated murder and then get killed when you get to prison?
Does it still pay out?

I wonder if Ross has a $500,000 policy
I am thinking no because they typically do not pay when you die while committing a criminal act. jmo
Up thread folks are debating about LWOP, 30 years, etc. Didn't the judge at the bond hearing say, "This is a death penalty eligible case"?

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yes.......that was the last thing I heard on the video
Good question. Don't know the answer.

Don't think Ross is the least bit concerned about those he may leave behind- only himself.

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I wasn't thinking about Ross.[emoji6] (hint-hint)
I have seen a few young women do some things that shocked me! No one died and technically no children were harmed, but I have known 2 girls/women One literally married a guy 20 years older for $ (he owned a big department store) had 2 kids filed for divorce after a few years asked for the house the car etc. 1/2 of everything...
and got it.

I had another friend who married a rich guy he made about $12,000 a day, he supported tje 4 kids her first 2 husbands didn't. then 3 years in she had in vitro finally after 2 more years ended up using a surrogate to have a baby (her 5th) only baby with this guy...
and literally served him divorce papers on their 10th anniversary. Just so that she can get the house, alimony, child support and 1/2 his soc security. And be rid off him.
She.never wanted anokid order to get what she wanted from the divorce he was necessary.
*Both of these couples over
$1 million on each other and.the women didn't even work!
This was the plan for both of them before the 1st date.
I'm selling my grandma's antique marble tables and my Ford Expedition I had for 11 years just to make ends meet!
I will have my 25th anniversary this year.

There are.some.cold cold women out there!
Sorry for the OT!

If Leanna doesn't get charged. Doesn't have an internet history like Ross, performed well at work, made more money than him... why couldn't she divorce him take the $and move on?
I am usually right there where you are. You are right him sexting does not make him a killer, But the other evidence all together shows the malice and the forethought in this case. They have him on video going to the car and and pausing in the car and turning his head slightly. Why??? That should have been enough to trigger his memory. And then when he walks into work, He stops as someone else is walking to his car and waits to see if they are stopping at his car.

I wanted so badly to believe this was an accident. But I can not see it anymore.

Same here. As I said yesterday, it's a good thing my fence had been getting shorter in the days prior to the hearing, or I would have broken my neck falling off it. Once the hearing got underway, it took me little time to fall off onto the he's-so-guilty side. When I heard Det. Stoddard describing the minuscule amount of time between "him" strapping Cooper in at CFA and getting to the light where he would go right for day care and left for work (and having to turn his head to the right to ensure he could make the u-turn to go to work), I knew, because Det. Stoddard's description of the position of the car seat left no room for "him" not seeing Cooper and thinking, "Man! I almost forgot to take Cooper to day care!"

And when I heard the mother's comments a) to her spouse about saying too much, and b) her immediate jump to the conclusion that Cooper had been left in the car, I knew she was right with the father on the planning. And when I heard he'd said he dreaded looking at in already knew he was in the back seat and what horrible shape he'd be in...well...that sucked up any last breath of leeway for me.

I only hope that she did NOT know of her husband's sexting habits and yesterday in the hearing was the first she'd heard of them. And I only hope that now she sees what a devil she's married to and she turns on him and sings like a canary.
I think a lot of anti-abortion folks are pro death penalty...jmo

I don't know if that is true. I think that many people believe that there are some horrible criminals that deserve the death penalty but again, That is because someone committed a heinous act.. ala Jodi Arias.

But then you have the crazy people that are so against abortion they think killing the dr is better.. Which is ridiculous. But heck.. Crazy people every where in every place.
Forgive me if this has been discussed:

With regard to "him" returning from lunch with his friends, wasn't it stated that the car pulled up to his car and let him off?

I wonder if this was part of the plan, i.e. was this supposed to be the time of the "big reveal" with an audience and RH chickened out? OR was he trying to dissuade the driver from driving him all the way to his car and had an "oh carp" moment when the driver insisted it was too hot to walk to the car and that he/she would drive RH to his vehicle to drop off the light bulbs, in which case RH would be scared to pieces that his co-workers would "make the discovery" too soon?

good question.......
Especially if you pull backwards in the parking space

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He didn't pull backwards into the space. He pulled backward into a space between two cars then forward into a space with a car on one side and a grass area on the other (not sure if the exact word was grass, but point being that it wasn't between two cars). I just reviewed that this morning.
Good for you. Really.. I rarely see anyone talking about Rfing til after 2 unless it is a car seat site. ON a side note I am waiting to take the CPST course when it comes around locally. So I am not just talking out my Arse about car seats and what is allowed and not.. :)
Good for you!
IMO it's great to get certified!

My girlfriend makes a nice little bit of pocket change on the side, for manis and pedis n.stuff.
Let's suppose at one time JRH and LH were happy and loved their child and would never ever do this intentionally. When did that time cease to exist? When was the alleged affair? Was it the catalyst? At what point did he openly start not caring about his son? Surely there were signs well before this horrific murder occurred. What led him to start sexting with minors? The only thing I can think of is LH probably paid less attention to him after Cooper was born. My husband had a very hard time adapting to not being the center of my universe when our son was born and really did not do much with him until he was past the toddler stage; but he always loved him. Our son can be difficult because he and I both have severe ADHD and I also have PTSD which lowers my tolerance of his hyperactivity even more, even with us both on meds. My husband has untreated PTSD and ADD. Our house can be completely chaotic. Add 4 Pugs and it's like a mad house. As angry and screaming as I can be, or my husband, we would NEVER in a million years hurt our son. He is the one element of my life that keeps me alive and sane. Without having had him I'm fairly certain I would have long passed the 38th parallel from crazy over to psychotic and would probably never have made it to this forum as a member, but instead as a subject of discussion. I am completely serious. I am not fooled. IME (family) NPD and Sociopaths can have affection for someone until it no longer suits them. I can spot master manipulators and narcissists from a mile away even though sometimes my developed conscience tries to give them benefit of the doubt and I struggle with trusting my intuition.

I'm with Linda on this one. I think LH is very much involved. I also think that she may have inadvertently planted the idea in his head and as things got worse in their marriage he became apathetic and no longer cared about his family. Maybe she gave him the idea that if Cooper were gone he would once again become the center of her world. She clearly acts as if this is the case. I'd say she is equally guilty of neglect and murder. MOO
whew I am WAY behind, but I wanted to make a comment from thread #4:
gngr~snap said:
"She also recalled how Cooper had struggled to sleep in the two nights before his death and had spent the night sleeping in between her and Ross in their bed."

So the last 2 nights of his life he spent his night in the parents bed. because he was having trouble sleeping.

Maybe Cooper had a premonition of his death!?

Also regarding Harris seating in his car for "30 seconds" - oh my god - that IS a long time...

okay - think I will skip threads #5 thru 8 and start here! :wave:
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