GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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I think the most convincing evidence against RH is LH's behavior. If it weren't for the stop for breakfast, I'd be more inclined to think she had left him in her car and put him and the seat in his. Obviously that didn't happen, but something is really off there.
I ave a friend who is fairly recently divorced from a sex addict. They tried therapy and everything. He simply couldn't do it with a real woman. It had to be a woman on the other end of the computer/phone, or *advertiser censored*. I wonder how common this is in those situations. (I'm not suggesting sex addiction is an excuse for anything, to be clear.)

That wasn't the case with mine at all. He only had problems at home, but not with the 300+ other women over the course of 5 years. And they were women from 90-400+ pounds. It wasn't about attraction at all.
I saw someone post something about Ross having no sense of smell (or friends saying that). Anyone know anything else regarding that?

Okay so he is deaf in one ear, has no sense of smell, struggles with impotence, has a low sperm count, is obviously not very intelligent AND he's a complete sociopath.

At least he is easy on the eyes...oh wait... picked a winner there LH.
I have to say my kids had healthy appetites but 20 minutes to eat breakfast is pretty fast for a 22 month old......what did he feed him?? I want to know what he bought - was it food for son or for's just too fast
I just wanted to say - I am in full agreement with you that in cases of truly unintentionally forgotten children, charges should not be brought, IMO. There is no intention, no real negligence, and putting someone in jail would not be either a deterrent or justice - if anything, is be in favor of a community service type sentence - lecturing on the topic of kids and cars, helping an organization in some way, etc.

I am in favor of negligence/endangerment/even up to manslaughter type charges when a parent leaves a child in the car to shop or gamble or party or whatever.

So I am not unsympathetic to parents who make a true error - their brains simply make a connection of memory that did not actually happen. They are typically devastated (for an example, I believe the 911 call in Bryce Balfour's case is available, in which you can hear his mom Lyn screaming in between tryin to give him rescue breaths). But this case absolutely stands out to me as completely different from either a true lapse of memory and a case of negligently leaving a child without intending to murder (where parent leaves kid to shop or whatever). There are too many pieces of circumstantial evidence, taken together, that point to a completely different scenario of premeditation here.

respect to you for stating your very minority opinion well, though! :wave:

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wow, Bryce Balfour...moved me to tears :(
Some people try to get attention online by being deliberately contrary online. They always take the opposition's POV They are lonely weirdos that get off on fighting with people online. I see it all the time on a skeptics site I go to. I want his user IDs to see if he posted there. Even though he was a "devout Christian" he may have trolled there. I started the thread about deliberately killing your kid this way June 2013.

Any links to his posts or user ID please PM to me if they can't be posted publicly

No kidding, I see this all the time, no matter what discussion group I join. :cool:
We haven't heard about all of Leanna's "issues" yet either. Haven't seen or heard about her social media sites yet. Haven't seen or heard about her phone calls and/or texts. Something tells me, for her to be with this kind of guy, there is plenty wrong with her as well.

That's how my ex was... he was on the blue pill because he had "issues". Then I found out why. Most sex addicts need help in that area.
Really? gah!
I have a question about the friends and the movie.
I was interrupted when it was being discussed. Weren't plans made that same day? Can someone point me to what was said or give a synopsis?
I am thinking Ross placed them in that theater so they would NOT come to the scene or end up finding out.
Wouldn't most people turn teir phone on silent or off during a movie.

also, I guess it's just me. If I am supposed to meet you for a movie, and you call to say you will be late, even if there is another person attending I am probably going to suggest we cancel.
I might go ahead and go but, it seemed so last min..
what say you?

About the daycare, I think it was a female there. He may have asked her to hide evidence or go to his office? Begged her to throw her cell away or maybe grab a camera or something from his office.
SIM cards?
Was a camera on the search warrant?
We know he had one or two.
What is the wife's faiths' position on divorce???

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10 months ago..

Reference to kids.. REddit

"This will be me and my son (or kids if we have anymore). I grew up in Tuscaloosa and love everything about the tradition of college football. Getting to see it myself at many other schools is going to be a treat for me to show my children."

Defense will be using that. Big time.

And this too when he was talking about where to buy his new house 4 mos ago:

"if the schools were any good I'd live ITP. But the east cobb schools just trump them all"
When I hear about her reaction (the "he must have left him in the car" statement she made at the daycare), I feel like it's the reaction of someone who has been afraid of or anticipating something horrible happening or being done to them. It makes me feel like she was not surprised - that she was expecting him to do something like this.

But then her statement of "you didn't say too much did you?" makes me feel like she wasn't just afraid of him doing something, but that she was more actively involved. Maybe
Not even actively, but at least passively, as in letting it happen.

And then I don't even know how the hell to factor in her bizarre funeral statements like Ross being a leader ( :puke: ) and "I'm doing this for you (Ross)". I mean.. Wtf!? I don't know how to reconcile these three things into a coherent idea of where she is coming from. Don't know what the hell to think of her.

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wow, Bryce Balfour...moved me to tears :(

Yeah, me too. His mom gets a lot of flack, because she puts on this "armor" when she talks publicly. Rubs many people the wrong way. But in depth interviews, as well as that 911 call tell the real story. My heart goes out to her. :(

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So here's something that bugs me, and I'm childless, but respect that parents have certain habitual worries when it comes to their children but:

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: Let's talk about his wife and the statements she gave. When -- i assume she was supposed to show up at the daycare to pick up Cooper, correct?

STODDARD: Correct.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: What time did she actually show up there?

STODDARD: She showed up around -- about 4:51.

UNIDENTIFIED PROSECUTOR: When she showed up, according to witnesses at the daycare, did she make any comments that were -- seemed out of the ordinary.

STODDARD: She did. Once she walked into the daycare, she walked into Cooper's classroom, where she ran into michelle. And she asked, you know, what are you doing here? And Leanna is like, "i'm here to pick up Cooper." And they're like, "Ross never dropped Cooper off." And she's like -- just got really calm. And she's like, well, i don't know what to do. They walked back out into the lobby and, in front of several witnesses, all of a sudden she states, "Ross must have left him in the car." And they're like, what? There's no other -- no other reason -- no other explanation, excuse me. "Ross must have left him in the car." And they tried to console her. And they're like, "No, you know, there's a thousand reasons. He could have taken him to lunch or something. We don't know yet." And she's like no.

If my kid was in the care of another adult, much less my Husband/Father of the child, while I'd worry a bit that my kid wasn't at daycare, do you immediately think "he's left him in the car?"

That seems to me to be this VERY specific scenario. I mean maybe it was innocently preying on her mind after the kids in cars safety campaign, but that seems so specific out of all the scenarios.

I'd be more like "Hey someone kidnapped my kid!" if I was going to think something criminal regarding my child, but my immediate question would be "where the hell is my kid?!?!?" Even thinking about the horrible possibility would be something I'd go into denial about, not suggest it immediately at the first sign of a problem.

This is just ODD.
I just wanted to say - I am in full agreement with you that in cases of truly unintentionally forgotten children, charges should not be brought, IMO. There is no intention, no real negligence, and putting someone in jail would not be either a deterrent or justice - if anything, is be in favor of a community service type sentence - lecturing on the topic of kids and cars, helping an organization in some way, etc.

I am in favor of negligence/endangerment/even up to manslaughter type charges when a parent leaves a child in the car to shop or gamble or party or whatever.

So I am not unsympathetic to parents who make a true error - their brains simply make a connection of memory that did not actually happen. They are typically devastated (for an example, I believe the 911 call in Bryce Balfour's case is available, in which you can hear his mom Lyn screaming in between tryin to give him rescue breaths). But this case absolutely stands out to me as completely different from either a true lapse of memory and a case of negligently leaving a child without intending to murder (where parent leaves kid to shop or whatever). There are too many pieces of circumstantial evidence, taken together, that point to a completely different scenario of premeditation here.

respect to you for stating your very minority opinion well, though! :wave:

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Wow, I looked up the Bryce Balfour case. How heartbreaking :( If anyone wants to know the POV from a TRUE accident, that's the case to see.
So when people here have been saying their kids get out of the seat it is because they wiggle out and not because they can undo the latch?

I can only speak for myself ....... my grandchild can unhook all straps of a 5 strap childseat.
So when people here have been saying their kids get out of the seat it is because they wiggle out and not because they can undo the latch?

I didn't have a car seat like that when mine was two, but I taught him how to undo it at age two, or a little bit before. He didn't wiggle, he could undo the latch. It was just a push big button thingy, not unlike a seat belt.

I taught him how to secure it and how to undo it.

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yes I wondered that too. This may be one of those bones of contention between them -- there are so many people whose partners have differing views on safety. I am not going to generalize that mothers are overprotective because I have seen dads who have been total worry warts too.

If he truly was a dolt -- then this would have been an understandable cause for disagreement and yes she might become a total harpie and show him through articles online that he was being irresponsible.

As far as the child being the glue - quite possibly and I do believe it is was motived by greed and face saving for the reasons you outline (".....sympathetic victim of tragedy").

He was planning an exit strategy that would pay off handsomely for himself.....

BUT ............ This is the ''capper'' for me ---- her reaction during the reunion seals her fate ((from my point of view)) .....even a devout mom would have either (a) cussed him out or angrily confronted him with '''you ......(fill in the blank) what did you do --- "" or just plain old freak out. Her absence of that is beyond comprehension unless of course she was expecting that outcome and or was in on it.

Don't forget that when LE asked her if she wanted to see Cooper she said, "No." She instead asked to see her husband
So here's something that bugs me, and I'm childless, but respect that parents have certain habitual worries when it comes to their children but:


If my kid was in the care of another adult, much less my Husband/Father of the child, while I'd worry a bit that my kid wasn't at daycare, do you immediately think "he's left him in the car?"

That seems to me to be this VERY specific scenario. I mean maybe it was innocently preying on her mind after the kids in cars safety campaign, but that seems so specific out of all the scenarios.

I'd be more like "Hey someone kidnapped my kid!" if I was going to think something criminal regarding my child, but my immediate question would be "where the hell is my kid?!?!?" Even thinking about the horrible possibility would be something I'd go into denial about, not suggest it immediately at the first sign of a problem.

This is just ODD.

It is completely odd. My first thought - and I am admittedly pretty neurotic, and typically jump to worst-case scenarios lol - would not be left in the car, but car accident. Next maybe husband or baby was sick and he decided to stay home and forgot to tell me.

Left in car would not even occur to me.

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