GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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Authorities said while at work that day, Harris received a group email from the daycare. His attorney, Maddox Kilgore, said Harris texted his wife at 3:16 p.m. that day and said, "When are you going to get my buddy?" Police said they saw no texts between Harris and his wife that day.

If LE says they 'saw no texts' between them, then I don't believe that he really sent his wife that text.

It sounds like he told his atty that to make himself look innocent. Like he 'thought' he had dropped him off at daycare.

No way the cops would have missed a text between them, imo.
Anything over 20 is suspicious to me! That's still 5x what it was in the early 90's.

Yes because things changed since the early nineties. Passenger side airbags became the norm and child seats were moved to the back.

I have a 95 Suburban and love the fact there is no passenger side airbag, those things scare me as they aren't safe around animals.
There are many fathers who don't want the responsibility of children but are at the mercy of their wives or girlfriends getting pregnant. It's an unfair double standard in this country. A woman can decide she's not ready to be a mother and have an abortion. She can make that decision on her own. But a father is at the mercy of a woman's decision to have a baby. He's economically liable for the next 18 years of that child's life even if he doesn't want the child.

This puts a man in a desperate corner at times. If they know that they can just "forget" the child, how hard is it really to commit this crime. All you need to do is chance it once and close the car door and walk away. Done. Then freak out upon discovery. Shut down after and lock yourself in a room for a week straight in depression. Then leave the relationship because "I can't go on with you, I need a new start, I'm so guilty"

Done. It's TOO easy. That's what makes me mad.
Yep. No way to prove it with forensics. No marks, nothing. It has to be one of the worst ways to die, but the least questioned/investigated and the easiest to not press charges on.
I am beyond creeped out.
I guess this may explain a decrease in SIDS as well.

By SIDS I don't mean actual SIDS, I mean babies softly suffocated to look like it's SIDS.
I know SIDS is real, I had a 25 1/2 week preemie.
I have to wonder if LH and RH discussed the idea of doing away with Cooper etc...

They seem like the type of self-centered couple that would discuss all sorts of bizarre plans and ideas at great length no matter how bizarre those ideas may be.

Anyway I wonder if they had discussed it but LH did NOT know he planned to do it THAT DAY. The day was a surprise, maybe she didn't think he would ever really do it, but when she heard the baby wasn't at daycare she immediately "knew" he really DID follow through on the ideas they had discussed.
It was the only thing he showed real emotion over. IMO
No tears for his son and the agony & torture his son suffered... Just Plenty of tears for himself!

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I agree. I was watching his face during much of the hearing. There was a couple of times he was squinting and contorting his face, trying to muster up tears, when they were talking about the crime scene.

But the first time I saw REAL emotion and grief and SHAME on his piggy face was when he watched his friends take the stand. His college buddies/co-workers walked in, and he looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole. But it was all about himself, not Cooper.
now wait just a second there lady .... oh, wait, I pay my bills. lol I seriously put my child's 2013-14 tuition on my Amex to get the reward points. By the time she's done with HS I'll be able to spend a month in Fiji I figure :)

When I was in college (a million years ago) my mom paid for me having my wisdom teeth out and used the miles for some wild vacation! I was so mad! :) I've learned now that she more than earned those miles!
Having had a good sleep and time to process the hearing, a few thoughts come to mind. Excellent job by prosecutor and law enforcement. Observing body language/reactions of Ross H. and Leanna H. during hearing was very unusual to my belief of how parents would normally act/react and enhance my belief that both participated in the plan. My earlier posts - that electronics (puters, phones, cams) would show the "Truth" in this case was confirmed. I think a lot of additional information will come to light in this case based on electronics.
I believe that the justice system will give justice for Cooper - bless his little heart.

Until later..... Happy Independence Day to WS folks in the USA.
I guess it's not logical because every case is truly different, but what IF there was a mandatory minimum sentence for leaving your child to perish in a hot car period.
Say it was 10 years for "I forgot" I would be curious to see if the #'s dropped back to the 4-5 per year.
Sadly parents are going to keep killing their children, why can't they just divorce or drop them off somewhere.
I don't get it.

just talking this out people I am not serious... I know there are too many other factors.
Post #4 has now been updated with the following information:

Mom is no longer considered a victim for Websleuths purposes. She can be discussed in the context of what she has said in the media and in the warrants and the information that came out in court at the Probable Cause/Bond Hearing.

As far as sleuthing mom, the door is now open.

Please post accordingly.


There are many fathers who don't want the responsibility of children but are at the mercy of their wives or girlfriends getting pregnant. It's an unfair double standard in this country. A woman can decide she's not ready to be a mother and have an abortion. She can make that decision on her own. But a father is at the mercy of a woman's decision to have a baby. He's economically liable for the next 18 years of that child's life even if he doesn't want the child.

This puts a man in a desperate corner at times. If they know that they can just "forget" the child, how hard is it really to commit this crime. All you need to do is chance it once and close the car door and walk away. Done. Then freak out upon discovery. Shut down after and lock yourself in a room for a week straight in depression. Then leave the relationship because "I can't go on with you, I need a new start, I'm so guilty"

Done. It's TOO easy. That's what makes me mad.

Chewy, this is true AND sad. It burns me up, when a woman traps a man. And , yes peeps, IT DOES HAPPEN, and the child AND the man, are the victims. :(
I have to wonder if LH and RH discussed the idea of doing away with Cooper etc...

They seem like the type of self-centered couple that would discuss all sorts of bizarre plans and ideas at great length no matter how bizarre those ideas may be.

Anyway I wonder if they had discussed it but LH did NOT know he planned to do it THAT DAY. The day was a surprise, maybe she didn't think he would ever really do it, but when she heard the baby wasn't at daycare she immediately "knew" he really DID follow through on the ideas they had discussed.
My thought was she planted the seed and Ross took it from there.
She was looking into new hairstyles lately, I think she was ready to check out of that relationship too. If Ross kills her kid, she sees herself walking away free?
She wasn't all bent out of shape over him yesterday either.
If he gets locked up 30 years for killing their child a divorce would be pretty quick.
Good thing CCPD is watching her. imo
Just another personal share about what a NPD personality looks like in cases like this. When I was about 15 years old, my mother worked as a "producer" for actors on a budding cable access television show. One of the artists she worked with made paper mache life sized sculptures of black artists like Whoopie Goldberg and Michael Jackson and others.

At one event he had actually met Whoopie Goldberg with my mother. Witnesses later told me that although Whoopie has originally be "taken" with my mother over the phone, at the event she beelined away from her and kept her distance in a very obvious way. But of course my mother named dropped like crazy. She also made this man her new best friend and went everywhere with him. Suddenly instead of being a producer for "actors' she was an "artists" producer.

I remember sitting in her office and the news came in via the mans wife. He had been killed in car accident and his arm was ripped off in the process. The room was filled with horror and shock. Everyone started crying. I was too young to really "care' in the way that I should have. My mother pulls me aside and says to me, "This is great, I can call Whoopie now, go find the number in the rollodex!" I was absolutely floored. Then she went back in the room and started talking about how it was important to do a "memorial event for him."

At 15 I could see the room recoil in the way she was acting. She was GIDDY. It was so creepy. And slowly one by one people got up from the room and left and never came back again. I never forgot it. But to this day she has no idea how she came across in that room. OT I know and I loathe using personal experiences. My point is that I don't think RH has any idea how he's coming across. I don't think the sexting shamed him at all or that he thinks he's going to actually be sent to jail. So I doubt there will be a plea.
If LE says they 'saw no texts' between them, then I don't believe that he really sent his wife that text.

It sounds like he told his atty that to make himself look innocent. Like he 'thought' he had dropped him off at daycare.

No way the cops would have missed a text between them, imo.

I got the impression that cops DID know about that text but knew that would reduce their case against JH and hoped his attorney would not know about it - they had this stock excuse that there was "so much information to go through they must have missed that" but I agree there is no way they would have missed a message between the parents at that key time - just before he left work!
Couple little things here....

Why did LH go to RH's workplace to look for him and the baby at almost 5PM? And she asked that someone go with her. Now, remember, he made plans at lunchtime to go to drinks and dinner with friends.

We are to assume that there was no text or phone call to tell his wife that he wasn't coming home.

Why not? Was it commonplace that he would make plans and be gone hours after work without telling her? If so, and she was accustomed to his inconsiderate disappearances, why did she react the way she did at the Daycare?

I think he did not call her because that was part of their plan. But the "invitation" created a situation that complicated that plan. Because, you would expect a great "Leader" and wonderful "Husband and Daddy" at least text..."Going to drinks and movie, be home way too late for dinner."

But he didn't do that. Radio silence.

She comes at almost 5 o'clock to daycare and when told her child never was there...blurts out..."Ross left him in the car!" This is also beyond weird. She then asks someone to go with her to his workplace. Did she head straight to the parking lot? If I truly believed my child had been in a car all day...I would have broken all speed laws to get to that parking lot...and I'd be searching every aisle for our car.

Now, IIRC, she tries to call him but can't get through. This is while he is at the pizza place with the Baby's body. I'd like to know more about this specific interval. Did she rush to where they were? Was she intercepted by the police and taken elsewhere? If she is trying to call him, and he is wanting to talk to her, why isn't he taking her call when she beeps in to whatever conversation he is having? At times when I have tried to call my husband, and then called someone else in the the first call-waiting beep..I'll say.."Oh, this might be him!"

"Did you say too much?"

LH seems to have been in protect-Ross mode from the first. Did she ever ask him..."How could you forget him!?" Did she question how her child came to die such a terrible death...or was it all about Ross from the moment they were together?
‘I dreaded how he would look’


When police told Ross Harris he was being charged with murder, Stoddard said he responded with, “but there’s no malicious intent.”

“Did you say too much?”

Early in the afternoon, Ross Harris received an email from Cooper’s teacher at the day care center, according to Stoddard.

Stoddard said he’d driven the route at least 10 times and it takes between 30 and 40 seconds.
My thought was she planted the seed and Ross took it from there.
She was looking into new hairstyles lately, I think she was ready to check out of that relationship too. If Ross kills her kid, she sees herself walking away free?
She wasn't all bent out of shape over him yesterday either.
If he gets locked up 30 years for killing their child a divorce would be pretty quick.
Good thing CCPD is watching her. imo

I forgot to mention that allow LH seemed unemotional throughout most of the hearing, as she walked out of the courtroom she collapsed and had to be held up by family members. I think all the family members were totally shocked by the fact that bond was denied - they were all expecting to come home that day..

Grandma too (JH's grandma) was distraught - but she was distraught throughout the hearing and reacted exactly as you would expect a Grandma to react to this kind of information. I felt LH should have reacted more to other testimony but the thing that really seemed to bother her was that her husband was not coming home
‘I dreaded how he would look’


When police told Ross Harris he was being charged with murder, Stoddard said he responded with, “but there’s no malicious intent.”

“Did you say too much?”

Early in the afternoon, Ross Harris received an email from Cooper’s teacher at the day care center, according to Stoddard.

Stoddard said he’d driven the route at least 10 times and it takes between 30 and 40 seconds.

"but there's no malicious intent" is the sort of answer someone who had worked in dispatch for the police force might say in relation to a charge where they really did not mean to cause harm but they knew that the charge included maliciousness.. so I am not seeing this as a big red flag

"Did you say too much" was what LH said to JH. It does sound suspicious that she said that.. It definitely would support the allegation that she was in on it.

I think Stoddard said the drive took "less than 2 minutes".
I got the impression that cops DID know about that text but knew that would reduce their case against JH and hoped his attorney would not know about it - they had this stock excuse that there was "so much information to go through they must have missed that" but I agree there is no way they would have missed a message between the parents at that key time - just before he left work!

bbm, So are you saying that they are not to be trusted? That they lied?
It happens, but it shouldn't happen when you have been married for 6 years with fertility problems. If the man does not want a child after 6 years and his wife is dragging him to the fertilty clinic that might be a good time to pack his bags and get out. It happened to a friend of mine and yeah it sucked for her, however she was remarried in a short time to a man with no plumbing problems and had a beautiful baby girl 10 months later with a man that wanted the baby and has been involved in her life. Her x is still getting off with 900 numbers...

I agree there should be an "out" for the guys as well. The "out" it seems is obvious. The only way to assure you won't reproduce is abstinence or using two forms of birth control.
Yes 2.
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