Garrido Says Dugard's Rights Violated

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I would think that in order to protect Jaycee, things go through someone, like an attorney or a professional watching over what she gets to see.
Let us not forget that she is still brain washed and it takes time to cure that.
I am pretty sure that she would not get information directed to her from PG.

of course.
but it didnt stop this from trying
WELL...I misspell many words, I am dyslexic and yes they are known to be very smart.
Your reasoning does not work for me. :)

i cant spell worth a darn either lol
my thing is reasoning things out. a lot of you think i probably suck at that too lol
less lucid then his rantings about contolling sound with his mind? lol
imo this is him trying to 1) get to jaycee and 2) con people into thinking he's losing it
Maybe he can try to control the legal system with his mind? LOL
Oh! he may need his box....LOL :crazy:
If that is the case I am sure she was informed that she will not be held accountable for anything that happened during the 18 years.

my biggest fear for jaycee is that she miscarried one or more babies and he buried them in the yard. with all that she's been thru that would be one more horrible thing for her to overcome
That's very likely. People who surf on the edges of reality when living in their own homes will often fall over to the other side when taken out of their familiar environments. It is like their familiar environment will help to anchor them in the present reality. But you remove that anchor and over they go.
I can not see how family kept this jerk in reality.
It seems to me he has been dancing on the edge and in dark places for a very long time, even his bio Dad said he is nuts.
Sorry this anology is not working for me. :crazy:
LOL, I don't think it has hit him yet. The letter to the reporter, was him trying to remind Jaycee of her part of the 'script'. Yes, I said script, a script like KC was looking for.

And the fact that he is trying that doesn't mean he is sane IMO, it means that he has bought into the illusion that Jaycee was 'his woman' and that she was with him voluntarily and was under his control. (Perp thinking is often that he gave her chances to run after he began to trust her or in this case after he gave her two kids, and she didn't run.) He thinks that she will tell 'his story' the way he wants her to tell it.

I understand finders keepers.
But he stole her and her life and he knows that.
NOP - he does not think she was with him voluntarily.
But maybe he thinks that due to mind control he can trigger her back into place. The place where he is in control.
I understand finders keepers.
But he stole her and her life and he knows that.
NOP - he does not think she was with him voluntarily.
But maybe he thinks that due to mind control he can trigger her back into place. The place where he is in control.

would love to see this jackass try to claim she was kidnapped "voluntarily" when she was 11 an then "willingly' became his sex slave. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:furious:
Ya well lets just say he might know what the feeling of being locked up and trapped feels by the sword, die by the sword ...seems to be true alot of the time :dance:[/QUOT

now all he needs is someone to rape and abuse him to make it come full circle

That is very gross, I can not imagin anyone would want to do that. :eek:
I think I remember someone saying that PG was following the case on TV. And her name would have come up in investigative interviews I am sure. So whether he knew or remembered her name or not, whether he was more comfortable using "Alyssa" or not wouldn't matter. He would know to use Jaycee Duggard in writing about her.

As part of brain washing I can not imagin him call her JC.
He gave her an entire new life, name, family. :puke:
However in speaking with anyone NOW, he knows she is JC.
So when he wanted her contacted he asked to give the letter to JC.
What is so unusual here?
He knows that Alyssa is not the name anyone may respond to.
I see no puzzle here.
As part of brain washing I can not imagin him call her JC.
He gave her an entire new life, name, family. :puke:
However in speaking with anyone NOW, he knows she is JC.
So when he wanted her contacted he asked to give the letter to JC.
What is so unusual here?
He knows that Alyssa is not a name anyone else may respond to.
I see no puzzle here.

whats amazing is thru all the brainwashing she knew who she was still. she remembered everything, as carl said, when terry asked her on the phone, assuming, events they had when she was a kid. and she recognized aunt tina (as tina has said) without having to be reintroduced, which in itself is amaing cause obviously people dont look the same now that they did 18 years ago
other then the people who called the cops nov 2006 and the little boy who saw jaycee in garrido's yard 18 years ago everyone in that neighborhood is potentially either an accomplice or an accessory. seroiusly. that fence is so small how could they not see what was going on
The fence was actually tall. The neighborhood is not an accomplice.
But they were asleep, :(
It is th PO that make me sick, and LE too.:loser: 18 years?

But I do wish the neighbors were more with it, awake, alive.
God only knows what may have happened to the 4 year olds, seen by one of the neighbors?
my biggest fear for jaycee is that she miscarried one or more babies and he buried them in the yard. with all that she's been thru that would be one more horrible thing for her to overcome
I just pray he did not kill any of her babies. :banghead:
The fence was actually tall. The neighborhood is not an accomplice.
But they were asleep, :(
It is th PO that make me sick, and LE too.:loser: 18 years?

But I do wish the neighbors were more with it, awake, alive.
God only knows what may have happened to the 4 year olds, seen by one of the neighbors?

parole officers (plural) turns out there were 5 or 6 morons who made house visits yet never saw anything
whats amazing is thru all the brainwashing she knew who she was still. she remembered everything, as carl said, when terry asked her on the phone, assuming, events they had when she was a kid. and she recognized aunt tina (as tina has said) without having to be reintroduced, which in itself is amaing cause obviously people dont look the same now that they did 18 years ago
Brain washing does not errace the past.
It just gives you a new set of rules to live by.
Brain washing does not errace the past.
It just gives you a new set of rules to live by.

yes but i think jaycee hung to the memroies of her family to get thru the horror she was experiencing. she put her mind in a place where he couldnt get to her.
yes but i think jaycee hung to the memroies of her family to get thru the horror she was experiencing. she put her mind in a place where he couldnt get to her.
I think you are 100% right.

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