Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
I have never believed the June 24th gas can story and am glad to see that others are of the same mind. This was made up so that SOMEONE could say that there was not a dead body in the trunk and it didn't smell on the 24th - for reasons we are not privy too as of yet.

Oh wait, that's right, someone temporarily stored a dead body in the Pontiac while it was impounded! I forgot.

Will someone please tell Cindy that the burden of proof is 'reasonable' doubt. No one is required to accept BS as reasonable.

The big blow up was on Father's Day weekend, (if we are to believe the neighbor) specifically ON Father's Day (if we are to believe Cindy's brother Rick) and was the catalyst for the murder of Caylee. I do not think for a minute that Cindy listened through the door to hear Caylee breathing and this is just another lie to make people believe that Caylee was alive the morning of the 16th. I do not know anyone, and I have asked, that listens at the sleeping baby's door before going off to work for the day - everyone opens the door to look at their sleeping angel before they leave. Everyone!

She also stated at one point that she heard 'them' breathing. Another load of BS. KC was still in the sack with Tony. She was trying to put KC in the house that morning because it sounds entirely un-motherly that the woman wasn't home like the good mother she wasn't, but rather was 'shacked up' (Tony the Romeo's words not mine) with someone she met a few weeks before and was spending no time at home with her child. No one bothered to ask Cindy if she saw KC's car in the drive when she left. It is a good thing too, because it wasn't there.

George is full of baloney with the whole story about seeing them leave together on the 16th, when KC just so happened to be wearing the same human decomposition soaked pants Cindy found and washed before she called 911 on July 15. How convenient that KC left some slacks behind so dad would have a clue as to what to say about her clothing. He got it down to the pin stripes. Right. 31 days after the fact and he remembered exactly what they were wearing. BS!BS!BS!

At exactly 12:50pm too. AND he remembers exactly what he was watching on tv. Uh-huh. Another cooking show - just like Scooter Peterson.

I challenge every woman here to ask the man in your life to tell you what you were wearing 31 days ago. Ask them what you were wearing a week ago. I will bet you get a blank stare for an answer.

Look at house and it's appurtenances. It is as neat as a pin and everything in it's place. There is a shed for this and a shed for that. Everything is so put together and George is always spiffy. Does anyone think he stored his tire wedges in KC's trunk? Not a shot in h**l. He keeps everything in order and in it's place. This story is just another load of fertilizer.

The more that comes out of the mouths of the parents; the more I detest them.

Just out of curiousity I asked 4 grandma/grandpa couples how they would react if their lunatic psycho daughter disappeared with their grandchild, told them and the police nothing but lies about the child's whereabouts and then they came upon the daughter's car that smelled like a rotting human corpse. Would they lie and help cover the obvious fact that their daughter had killed their grandhild?

Without exception they said that they would not lie to help her, would not pretend to believe her, would do everything in their power to make her talk and would assist police to put her behind bars for the baby's murder. All of them said they would not stop loving their daughter, but would never lift a finger to help her avoid punishment.

Of course, this was all hypothetical as none of them have faced this situation, but I have to believe that most parents could not participate in the cover up of their grandchild's murder, even if it meant their own daughter would be imprisoned.

If someone will lie to you, they will steal from you. Someone who both steals and lies is capable of anything given the opportunity. But, then there is that school of thought that "lying is not a crime". I just never went to that school.

Someone needs to shake some sense into the Anthonys. All they are doing is digging another grave.
I have never believed the June 24th gas can story and am glad to see that others are of the same mind. This was made up so that SOMEONE could say that there was not a dead body in the trunk and it didn't smell on the 24th - for reasons we are not privy too as of yet.

Oh wait, that's right, someone temporarily stored a dead body in the Pontiac while it was impounded! I forgot.

Will someone please tell Cindy that the burden of proof is 'reasonable' doubt. No one is required to accept BS as reasonable.

The big blow up was on Father's Day weekend, (if we are to believe the neighbor) specifically ON Father's Day (if we are to believe Cindy's brother Rick) and was the catalyst for the murder of Caylee. I do not think for a minute that Cindy listened through the door to hear Caylee breathing and this is just another lie to make people believe that Caylee was alive the morning of the 16th. I do not know anyone, and I have asked, that listens at the sleeping baby's door before going off to work for the day - everyone opens the door to look at their sleeping angel before they leave. Everyone!

She also stated at one point that she heard 'them' breathing. Another load of BS. KC was still in the sack with Tony. She was trying to put KC in the house that morning because it sounds entirely un-motherly that the woman wasn't home like the good mother she wasn't, but rather was 'shacked up' (Tony the Romeo's words not mine) with someone she met a few weeks before and was spending no time at home with her child. No one bothered to ask Cindy if she saw KC's car in the drive when she left. It is a good thing too, because it wasn't there.

George is full of baloney with the whole story about seeing them leave together on the 16th, when KC just so happened to be wearing the same human decomposition soaked pants Cindy found and washed before she called 911 on July 15. How convenient that KC left some slacks behind so dad would have a clue as to what to say about her clothing. He got it down to the pin stripes. Right. 31 days after the fact and he remembered exactly what they were wearing. BS!BS!BS!

At exactly 12:50pm too. AND he remembers exactly what he was watching on tv. Uh-huh. Another cooking show - just like Scooter Peterson.

I challenge every woman here to ask the man in your life to tell you what you were wearing 31 days ago. Ask them what you were wearing a week ago. I will bet you get a blank stare for an answer.

Look at house and it's appurtenances. It is as neat as a pin and everything in it's place. There is a shed for this and a shed for that. Everything is so put together and George is always spiffy. Does anyone think he stored his tire wedges in KC's trunk? Not a shot in h**l. He keeps everything in order and in it's place. This story is just another load of fertilizer.

The more that comes out of the mouths of the parents; the more I detest them.

Just out of curiousity I asked 4 grandma/grandpa couples how they would react if their lunatic psycho daughter disappeared with their grandchild, told them and the police nothing but lies about the child's whereabouts and then they came upon the daughter's car that smelled like a rotting human corpse. Would they lie and help cover the obvious fact that their daughter had killed their grandhild?

Without exception they said that they would not lie to help her, would not pretend to believe her, would do everything in their power to make her talk and would assist police to put her behind bars for the baby's murder. All of them said they would not stop loving their daughter, but would never lift a finger to help her avoid punishment.

Of course, this was all hypothetical as none of them have faced this situation, but I have to believe that most parents could not participate in the cover up of their grandchild's murder, even if it meant their own daughter would be imprisoned.

If someone will lie to you, they will steal from you. Someone who both steals and lies is capable of anything given the opportunity. But, then there is that school of thought that "lying is not a crime". I just never went to that school.

Someone needs to shake some sense into the Anthonys. All they are doing is digging another grave.

Sing it!!
I have never believed the June 24th gas can story and am glad to see that others are of the same mind. This was made up so that SOMEONE could say that there was not a dead body in the trunk and it didn't smell on the 24th - for reasons we are not privy too as of yet.

Oh wait, that's right, someone temporarily stored a dead body in the Pontiac while it was impounded! I forgot.

Will someone please tell Cindy that the burden of proof is 'reasonable' doubt. No one is required to accept BS as reasonable.

The big blow up was on Father's Day weekend, (if we are to believe the neighbor) specifically ON Father's Day (if we are to believe Cindy's brother Rick) and was the catalyst for the murder of Caylee. I do not think for a minute that Cindy listened through the door to hear Caylee breathing and this is just another lie to make people believe that Caylee was alive the morning of the 16th. I do not know anyone, and I have asked, that listens at the sleeping baby's door before going off to work for the day - everyone opens the door to look at their sleeping angel before they leave. Everyone!

She also stated at one point that she heard 'them' breathing. Another load of BS. KC was still in the sack with Tony. She was trying to put KC in the house that morning because it sounds entirely un-motherly that the woman wasn't home like the good mother she wasn't, but rather was 'shacked up' (Tony the Romeo's words not mine) with someone she met a few weeks before and was spending no time at home with her child. No one bothered to ask Cindy if she saw KC's car in the drive when she left. It is a good thing too, because it wasn't there.

George is full of baloney with the whole story about seeing them leave together on the 16th, when KC just so happened to be wearing the same human decomposition soaked pants Cindy found and washed before she called 911 on July 15. How convenient that KC left some slacks behind so dad would have a clue as to what to say about her clothing. He got it down to the pin stripes. Right. 31 days after the fact and he remembered exactly what they were wearing. BS!BS!BS!

At exactly 12:50pm too. AND he remembers exactly what he was watching on tv. Uh-huh. Another cooking show - just like Scooter Peterson.

I challenge every woman here to ask the man in your life to tell you what you were wearing 31 days ago. Ask them what you were wearing a week ago. I will bet you get a blank stare for an answer.

Look at house and it's appurtenances. It is as neat as a pin and everything in it's place. There is a shed for this and a shed for that. Everything is so put together and George is always spiffy. Does anyone think he stored his tire wedges in KC's trunk? Not a shot in h**l. He keeps everything in order and in it's place. This story is just another load of fertilizer.

The more that comes out of the mouths of the parents; the more I detest them.

Just out of curiousity I asked 4 grandma/grandpa couples how they would react if their lunatic psycho daughter disappeared with their grandchild, told them and the police nothing but lies about the child's whereabouts and then they came upon the daughter's car that smelled like a rotting human corpse. Would they lie and help cover the obvious fact that their daughter had killed their grandhild?

Without exception they said that they would not lie to help her, would not pretend to believe her, would do everything in their power to make her talk and would assist police to put her behind bars for the baby's murder. All of them said they would not stop loving their daughter, but would never lift a finger to help her avoid punishment.

Of course, this was all hypothetical as none of them have faced this situation, but I have to believe that most parents could not participate in the cover up of their grandchild's murder, even if it meant their own daughter would be imprisoned.

If someone will lie to you, they will steal from you. Someone who both steals and lies is capable of anything given the opportunity. But, then there is that school of thought that "lying is not a crime". I just never went to that school.

Someone needs to shake some sense into the Anthonys. All they are doing is digging another grave.

WOW~ my eyes are now wide open. :eek:
I don't understand, I thought CASEY had been missing a month as well..... but yet he see's her and the vehicle on the 24th?

A lot of things that the Anthonys have said don't add up in this case. Yes, Cindy said that her daughter was missing for a month and she had just found her and yet, she claimed in a hearing that they had contact every day, one way or the other. That truly does not make sense. I smell Scott Peterson's family again.
This is an excellent thread. Thanks to those who took the time to write a clear post of their well thought-out positions.

I still find it hard to see that Cindy knew anything conclusively before that 911 call. But since then her actions are bizarre and suspicious. An obvious cover-up.
George really comes across as lying. My wife had not paid attention this case but when she did the first thing she said was "George is lying".
George knows much more than he will ever tell.

As far as "where" people were on the night of the 15th / morning of the 16th, LE will be able to determine where Casey was just based on the pings from her cellphone. She obviously always left it on & with the number of cell towers in Orlando, they should be able to pinpoint if she was on Hopespring Drive -- or not...
I've been watching this whole case and this is my first post. Maybe I'm stating something that is obvious to everyone else, but Casey's silence is an attempt to protect whoever else is involved, whether it is George or Cindy or maybe a friend.
dangerouslycheesy, I disagree, with that, only because I don't believe for one minute, that Casey would protect ANYONE to her own detriment. No way.

I keep flip flopping on the grandparents, thinking, Cindy is acting nuts out of grief, and shock, but then I read the lies they've told, and I do believe they are involved in a cover up. There's just a part of me that does not want to believe what has happened to this child, and that the mother is bad enough, no way that the gp's would be involved also. Naive, I know.
i have never believed the june 24th gas can story and am glad to see that others are of the same mind. This was made up so that someone could say that there was not a dead body in the trunk and it didn't smell on the 24th - for reasons we are not privy too as of yet.


someone needs to shake some sense into the anthonys. All they are doing is digging another grave.

great post!
Don't they use lie detectors in the state of Florida? George needs to be hooked up.
Hi Everyone! Been reading for a while and couldn't resist joining in at this point...

For what it is worth, I think the whole gas cans on the 24th report is part of a preplanned cover on the part of George. Sorry, but my hinky meter goes off whenever I see him in the news - especially when he and Cindy were going to visit Casey and he freaked out at the mention of Caylee dying due to an accident. It was almost as if someone got a little too close to the truth and he just couldn't deal with it. For someone who normally has no affect (much alike Casey) he kind of lost it there. For that, and a myriad of other reasons, I think he may be involved.

Gasoline can help destroy biological evidence so why not throw some gas cans in the trunk after you load a body in there. (Who better to know that than former LE?) Also, you can claim they were "stolen" and located in the trunk - call to make a police report -giving documented "evidence" to the fact that there was no odor in the trunk (even though at that point it is only his word)- lending more credence to the defense that someone else put a body in the car after it was abandoned. Gross...and so sad!

Poor Caylee...anyway that you slice this whole situation it is just sad, sad, sad.

I concur. I was watching Greta the night George "admitted" to the gas can incident, and wondered - why would he be telling Greta this now? Why wasn't it in his police report? Remember: George told the tow guy that his daughter had been "missing" as well, and was keeping their granddaughter from seeing them.

And while George bothered to make a report to the police when the cans were stolen, he never bothered to call them back (and George is a former cop) when he found the cans. Could it be because he didn't want the police anywhere near the home again AFTER what he smelled in the car IF Casey did come by the house on the 24th?

George had a slight smile while he was rehashing the story that seemed like nerves, and Cindy didn't try to stop him from "telling on Casey" - very unlike her. But the mere fact I kept asking - why now? Why on national news? Why tell a story about Casey on Greta's show that SEEMS to implicate Casey in some way, even though it goes against the Anthony's own timeline in their written statements to police??

I believe George, under guidance, was laying the ground for a cover story about the oder in the car.

There is no EVIDENCE that Casey's a bad mom, according to Cindy on the stand.
hmmmm. I wonder where the art of lying started. They all seem so similar. Ridiculous statements that they expect everyone to -not only believe- but not question.
I would not want to be in their shoes for anything. I have stated on more than one occasion to my kids (following cases etc.) I would not stop loving them, and I would not make a fool of myself enabling them in their wrongdoings in word or deed.
I remember hearing some old saying- "the more you try to cover up , the more it smells."
God Bless you little Caylee Marie - you are so loved
I've wondered about the dates of that week also, but it is totally based on IF George is speaking truthfully, and IF JG is/was remembering correctly. I know George acted strangely when telling this on Greta and I think JG seemed to have a lot of phone conversation information also. Here is what I put together.
If George told the truth about Casey coming over on the day he made the police report of the stolen gas which was the 24th of June, please note that he said no smell, no Caylee, but the gas cans were present. This puts Casey and the pontiac at the Anthony home on that date with a "cleared" car trunk and it would be after the report was made that morning. The car was ran out of gas on the 26th and left at Amscot although we do not know the time if was left, just that it was noticed on the early morn of the 27th. I guess we can safely say it was left anytime from the 26th up until early morn of 27th. IF George is being truthful, this narrows down the time the body was moved from date of 24 afternoon - 27 early morn. There were reports of dirt in the trunk so that implies that the body had been in/on/under dirt before it's entrance into the trunk. Now the BIG question is, where did Casey's phone PING during those dates? What day did Casey actually go to Jesse's for a shower at 10am? Did Jesse really hear Caylee in the background on the 24th at 240 pm or was there just a "need" for him to mention talking with Casey on that date? I believe he also mentioned talking to her on the 25th along with receiving a text message from her on July 3rd, and calling her on July 4th. All of this just brings more questions and here are some of my notes for anyone trying to follow these dates. Not facts folks, this is all based on things read,heard or reported and should all be considered opinions I guess.

Here is what was happening on those dates (that we have read or heard, not nec.facts):
22 Jesse says Casey took shower at his house June 22-July 6, he added in "while tony was out of town". (I know tony was out of town 30-5th but not sure if that part of statement tidbit is true)
22 gas stolen possible date
23 gas stolen possible date
24-08 Casey’s father reports a theft of $50.00 worth of gas from a backyard shed 06/22/2006, between appr 6 pm 22 or 23rd and 1 am 24 Hrs
24 George: Casey returned to A home June 24 afternoon.
24 Jesse says he talked to Casey on June 24, 240pm and she was at a house, not known which one.
Said he heard "Get off of the table"
Did Caylee climb on any certain tables at Anthony's house? Amys or Tony's?
Did Jesse need to place Caylee alive in someones home on this date and at this time?
Did Casey stay at Anthonys house and take a shower AFTER George went onto work that afternoon?
25 Casey posts to DBC ent June 25 10pm about promoting Fusion and upcoming event
Would Clint not be at Tony's at this time of night, since it would be a school night for him?
If so, would this mean Casey was NOT at Tonys at this time/date?
25 Jesse says casey called him to go to beach
What time was this call made? If it was night, would Casey have been calling Jesse from Tonys, it does not seem likely. If night, and NOT at Tonys, was Casey at Amys that night?
26 Casey left car at Amscot June 26 (since tow worker said George put gas in, must have ran out)
26 Tony states he picks up Casey at Amscot
26 Casey posts to markymark on June 26 631 pm brothaaaaa
Could we assume Casey wasnt moving a body or broke down at 631pm or she wouldnt have been posting to markymark,surely?
Time has not been revealed to us when Tony picked Casey up from the car but he said he did do so.
I shared this in chat and wanted to put it out here for you guys to think about...

On 6/24, according to George Anthony, he went into Caylee's trunk to retrieve "tire wedges" to rotate his wife's tires that weekend (according to the Greta interview in their house). He NEVER mentioned the smell of decomposition on 6/24 when he was in Casey's trunk. But he did say he recovered the gas cans from her trunk on 6/24 that he'd reported missing that very morning. Unless George was involved in some cover up (which I honestly do NOT think he was involved in otherwise the LE wouldn't have so much forensic info now), then Casey's trunk didn't reek of decomposition as of 6/24/2008.

The 1st reports of seeing Casey's abandoned car at Apscot was at 7am on 6/27/08. The car stayed there from 6/27-6/30 and was towed on 6/30. It stayed in the tow lot untouched from 6/30 to 7/15 when George/Cindy recovered it and several reports discussed how it smelled like a dead body.

So sometime between lunch/afternoon of 6/24/2008 and 7am on 6/27/2008, it would appear there was transport of a decomposing body that seems to be Caylee Anthony's.

Have the police (or for that matter Leonard/Tony Padilla) checked Casey's phone records for the time between 6/24 to 6/27? IF there was a transport of Caylee (and assuming she died sometime around 6/16), then it would appear to be AFTER GEORGE had his HEAD in the trunk of the car on 6/24 and found the gas cans Casey had taken and he'd reported missing that morning.

If Caylee had been in the car prior to 6/24, I think George would have smelled the odor of decomposition.

So what do you think?

I agree with you, he would have smelled the odor if it were there. Makes it pretty clear that Casey moved the child's decomposing body around. Such a horrific act and it makes me ill to think it...but that is how it appears from the evidence.
Great posts! Do you guys think that maybe George found out what KC did, ended up helping in some way or another and didn't tell Cindy until maybe here recently. Maybe that would explain the signs in the yard and the new theory she has come up with. I gave her much Kudos for calling 911 that many times on KC. I am sure that was hard for her, but she did it. I think her reaction on that phone call was genuine. Maybe she was told bits and pieces from George, and that is why she soon went against the media. It has always got me when she turned against the media. I have posted this before. IF you look back at the many of people who have a loved one go missing, they use the media as much as the possibly can. When they can't or do not want to talk to them, they are not mean, rude or angry about it. I am sure like many of you here, you would all take any chance you had to talk to the media to get info out there if your loved one was gone.
I have always thought that there was something about the Greta interview. The way George described finding the gas cans and how when he started to say, "I looked in the trunk and saw..." he didn't even get the words "gas cans" out of his mouth when Cindy jumped in and said "gas cans".

Take a look at their body language. I don't know, I'm not a mind reader, but my initial reaction was this: they rehearsed what they were going to say and that they looked almost RELIEVED to have gotten the words out that they wanted out.

My immediate thought THEN was this: He didn't see gas cans. He saw Caylee. But, I've since changed my mind on that. I do, however, think there is something about the whole episode that just doesn't ring exactly true to me.

The other thing is, he acted like she was going to be home in a few days, that everything was fine and dandy when we all know there was serious turmoil in the family over Casey's stealing.
I do not know anyone, and I have asked, that listens at the sleeping baby's door before going off to work for the day - everyone opens the door to look at their sleeping angel before they leave. Everyone!

i only open the door to my son's room if i can't hear him breathing through the monitor- yup he's 2.5 and i still use the monitor.
I have to close the door at night or the dog sneaks in and pees on everything, and it sticks so if i open it he wakes up...
I don't understand, I thought CASEY had been missing a month as well..... but yet he see's her and the vehicle on the 24th?

According to the guy at tow yard, George told him that his daughter had been missing, but they found her and his grand daughter was still missing. That doesn't jive with other things said. According to Cindy she had been in contact with Casey all that time by phone or emails, but didn't know her location until she found Amy's number in the vehicle after they picked it up. Something's not quite right unless George meant that he visually saw Casey on the 24th.
I've wondered about the dates of that week also, but it is totally based on IF George is speaking truthfully, and IF JG is/was remembering correctly. I know George acted strangely when telling this on Greta and I think JG seemed to have a lot of phone conversation information also. Here is what I put together.
If George told the truth about Casey coming over on the day he made the police report of the stolen gas which was the 24th of June, please note that he said no smell, no Caylee, but the gas cans were present. This puts Casey and the pontiac at the Anthony home on that date with a "cleared" car trunk and it would be after the report was made that morning. The car was ran out of gas on the 26th and left at Amscot although we do not know the time if was left, just that it was noticed on the early morn of the 27th. I guess we can safely say it was left anytime from the 26th up until early morn of 27th. IF George is being truthful, this narrows down the time the body was moved from date of 24 afternoon - 27 early morn. There were reports of dirt in the trunk so that implies that the body had been in/on/under dirt before it's entrance into the trunk. Now the BIG question is, where did Casey's phone PING during those dates? What day did Casey actually go to Jesse's for a shower at 10am? Did Jesse really hear Caylee in the background on the 24th at 240 pm or was there just a "need" for him to mention talking with Casey on that date? I believe he also mentioned talking to her on the 25th along with receiving a text message from her on July 3rd, and calling her on July 4th. All of this just brings more questions and here are some of my notes for anyone trying to follow these dates. Not facts folks, this is all based on things read,heard or reported and should all be considered opinions I guess.

Here is what was happening on those dates (that we have read or heard, not nec.facts):
22 Jesse says Casey took shower at his house June 22-July 6, he added in "while tony was out of town". (I know tony was out of town 30-5th but not sure if that part of statement tidbit is true)
22 gas stolen possible date
23 gas stolen possible date
24-08 Casey’s father reports a theft of $50.00 worth of gas from a backyard shed 06/22/2006, between appr 6 pm 22 or 23rd and 1 am 24 Hrs
24 George: Casey returned to A home June 24 afternoon.
24 Jesse says he talked to Casey on June 24, 240pm and she was at a house, not known which one.
Said he heard "Get off of the table"
Did Caylee climb on any certain tables at Anthony's house? Amys or Tony's?
Did Jesse need to place Caylee alive in someones home on this date and at this time?
Did Casey stay at Anthonys house and take a shower AFTER George went onto work that afternoon?
25 Casey posts to DBC ent June 25 10pm about promoting Fusion and upcoming event
Would Clint not be at Tony's at this time of night, since it would be a school night for him?
If so, would this mean Casey was NOT at Tonys at this time/date?
25 Jesse says casey called him to go to beach
What time was this call made? If it was night, would Casey have been calling Jesse from Tonys, it does not seem likely. If night, and NOT at Tonys, was Casey at Amys that night?
26 Casey left car at Amscot June 26 (since tow worker said George put gas in, must have ran out)
26 Tony states he picks up Casey at Amscot
26 Casey posts to markymark on June 26 631 pm brothaaaaa
Could we assume Casey wasnt moving a body or broke down at 631pm or she wouldnt have been posting to markymark,surely?
Time has not been revealed to us when Tony picked Casey up from the car but he said he did do so.


Jesse Gund Stated to Investigators he had two "Odd" phone calls from Casey between the dates of 6/22 to 7/16 one was to take a shower at his house (Tony was out of town) & another on 7/3 by text asking him that if her parents contacted him not to answer & to stay out of it. She went further to state "long story I'll probably tell you when I get drunk ..."

Surely the police have checked HIS cell phone records to pin down the exact date and time she called about using the shower and asked him what she was wearing that day and whether she might have done any laundry at his house, etc.

Why the request NOT to talk to her parents? Was she worried Cindy might call and tell Jesse not to believe anything Casey says - she's a sociopath .... or is there another possibility?

The key thing here is to PIN POINT the date of the first call to determine when she came by to take a shower and then COMPARE this event with other pings on Casey's cell phone to ascertain her OTHER movements that day.

Remember, moving a decomposing body will cause the emission of more gases making the stench that much more putrid.

According to the guy at tow yard, George told him that his daughter had been missing, but they found her and his grand daughter was still missing. That doesn't jive with other things said. According to Cindy she had been in contact with Casey all that time by phone or emails, but didn't know her location until she found Amy's number in the vehicle after they picked it up. Something's not quite right unless George meant that he visually saw Casey on the 24th.

Something is not right about George's comments. Cindy has always said that they got the car before they found Casey. So, why would George tell the tow guy they had Casey but not their granddaughter? It was not until they had the car home and Cindy found Amy's number that they went looking for Casey.

The gas can story is very, very fishy. We were discussing it in the decomp thread, but I lost track:crazy:

All phone records were not released so its possible and probable that Cindy called Casey wo saying a word about finding the car, just to verify she was alive. I rem mark furman muttering " a phone call from grandma earlier that day" when he was discussing the phone logs of the 15th. But I couldnt find it later, and then again at another time, I heard something like " call from Tony around 1000 hrs and one from someone named Kyle at 1535 hrs" from either him or Greta so I dont know about the calls on the 15th. Dont quote me on these statements, I am just recollecting out of my head! Anyway, I just cannot comprehend George and Cindy getting notice of the car tow and not paniced about where Casey/Caylee are. I believe someone HAD to at least give her a call even before returning to get the car from the tow place.

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