Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
To add to the 24th confusion, the shovel neighbor says in his statement that Casey borrowed the shovel and backed into the driveway the day after he got back from his trip but he wasn't sure if he returned the 16th (making the shovel incident the 17th) or if he returned one week after that making the return date the 23rd and the shovel date the 24th. But George has already reported that the shed is broken into by 10am on the 24th, and the neighbor says no one was there when Casey was there. But the time that George says she was there and the time of day the neighbor says she borrowed the shovel match.

I am sure the police know the date of the shovel incident, I am still saying 16th and 17th are the key dates for Caylee. I think the 24th is total BS and the cans came home on July 15th.

If the police were just at your house and four hours later you solve the crime, how do you not update the report? Especially as an excop? He didn't update it that day because it didn't happen that day, and on July 15th things were out of control and not the kind of time you update a month old burglary report.
All phone records were not released so its possible and probable that Cindy called Casey wo saying a word about finding the car, just to verify she was alive. I rem mark furman muttering " a phone call from grandma earlier that day" when he was discussing the phone logs of the 15th. But I couldnt find it later, and then again at another time, I heard something like " call from Tony around 1000 hrs and one from someone named Kyle at 1535 hrs" from either him or Greta so I dont know about the calls on the 15th. Dont quote me on these statements, I am just recollecting out of my head! Anyway, I just cannot comprehend George and Cindy getting notice of the car tow and not paniced about where Casey/Caylee are. I believe someone HAD to at least give her a call even before returning to get the car from the tow place.

That is my recollection as well, Casey had spoken to Cindy at some point that day via phone but obviously she did not get to speak to Caylee.
I don't think he smelled anything on the 24th because I don't believe the entire 24th story. I think the gas cans came home on the 15th when the car did. I was hoping the discovery docs would say something about it but it didn't appear that the tow guy was asked.

According to the tow guy's statement, they popped the trunk and found the flies/maggots and trash bag. When George saw that the Pontiac Sunfire was out of gas, he then had to go to the car he arrived in to get a gas can that he just happened to have in there.

I suspect that he did already have to gas cans back, but why would he be riding around with gas cans in his car already? Was he expecting the Pontiac to be out of gas?
IF the gas can return did happen on the 24th, I imagine there would have been at least some words exchanged over it, and not too kindly either. The report implied damage to shed door, gas cans, and gas, were all included in amt of loss estimated at $50, so that wouldnt make a man too happy if his shed was damaged. In saying this, I must also say that it could have been a padlock damage or it could have been door damage, not sure.
So many of GA and CinA "stories" are inconsistant.
GA seems very peculiar to me in a lot of ways.
He didnt show much emotion and all of a sudden a few outburts?
The nonsense driving around with the billboard, I dont get this at all.
Saying there are people being watched?
I watched the Greta interview again. When he or Mrs. spoke to Greta there seemed to be little if any direct eye contact(maybe the camera angle)
The body language between them was strange and she kept petting the dog.
I wonder what kind of job they thought their daughter had that she could work mid afternoon to late evenings. They never asked her about her job or her hours? They never had a reason to contact her at her job.(we know she didnt have a job)
THERE WAS NEVER ANY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER FOR A SITTER.)non existent nanny as we all know now) seems too wierd to me they never once said they had any information about the person taking care of their grandchild.
I keep asking myself how could they be so stupid in regard to their beloved grand daughter BEFORE anything happened ?
Refresh my memory, Was GA taking CA's car to be worked on? Why/what would he need out of KA's car? ( I have never had my car worked on by a mechanic that needed something out of my trunk, unless it was a flat tire) If he himslef was doing the work that would maybe make sense but I thought he was taking it to be worked on.

From the night of the GVS interview I thought that is was curious that GA made a point to say that he had been in the trunk of the car on the 24th and that KA was reluctant for him to get in it. (Why did he make sure to volunteer that information? ) Kind of odd that that same trunk just a few days later turned out to have had a decomposing body in it?????? Am I the only one that thinks that is odd? Before the chloraform info came out he also made sure to state that there had been cleaning fluid in it as well at sometime. According to information I have read on here some cleaners have chloraform in them. Maybe he saw chloraform bottle and he found that some cleaners have chlorform in it and is trying to cover it up?

Was he asked what he saw in the trunk? Cindy says the pizza had been in there for 12 it supposedly would have been in there when GA looked in there too, right.
Refresh my memory, Was GA taking CA's car to be worked on? Why/what would he need out of KA's car? ( I have never had my car worked on by a mechanic that needed something out of my trunk, unless it was a flat tire)

From the night of the GVS interview I thought that is was curious that GA made a point to say that he had been in the trunk of the car on the 24th and that KA was reluctant for him to get in it. (Why did he make sure to volunteer that information? ) Kind of odd that that same trunk just a few days later turned out to have had a decomposing body in it?????? Am I the only one that thinks that is odd? Before the chloraform info came out he also made sure to state that there had been cleaning fluid in it as well at sometime. According to information I have read on here some cleaners have chloraform in them.

GA said that he wanted to get the wheel chucks out of KC's car and that she was hesitant to let him.
He eventually won and went into the trunk, which is where he supposedly found the gas cans...........

My theory- I think this is the day that he found the body. /jmo

page 206

Every time I hear the word 'chloroform, my mind goes back to what George Anthony said in an interview. I'm wondering if that cleaning fluid bottle he found in the car had chloroform in it?

"He said that he now believes the smell came from the combination of a rotting pizza and a cleaning fluid bottle being left in a hot car for 15 days."

To read the entire article that this excerpt came from, you can find it here:
But I thought he said he was taking the car to be worked on
No, he just wanted something out of the trunk which he would be using to work on Cindy's car
What I find off about GA and the gas cans, is the GVS interview, when she was talking to Cindy about it (gas cans, report to police, timing of such) - Cindy said, "well you will have to ask G about that..." why couldn't she answer? I know timing of the things my husband does all the time and because it's not sketchy, or implicating myself in anything, I would have no problem reporting his goings about.
Can anyone provide the interview with Greta.... I tried a search... I give up

Thank-you in advance
The implication is that Geo. knew incriminating facts that Cindy did not because he made the theft report weeks before Cindy made her set of 911 calls. She was obviously innocent of any cover up attempt that afternoon of July 15. Her appeal for help and for an arrest was spontaneous, emotional and truthful. I do think Geo. was wary of the impression he was making when he described the gas can theft and the avoidance about opening the trunk. As if he was admitting Cayce is difficult, a thief, a liar and avoids confronting the damning truth but not conceding she was guilty of capital crime or even doing something horrible he didn't know about. The only reason Cindy & Geo. believe Cayce's version(s) of present events, knowing she is a liar, is that it serves their denial Caylee is gone, a casualty of their own child's behavior.
When Geo. reported the gas can thefts in June there really was nothing to cover up unless he knew something Cindy did not. Cindy's 911 calls exposed total shock at the state of the car. She was spontaneous, emotional and honest then. I find it hard to credit that George knew Cayce had committed a capital crime in June and Cindy did not know anything about it even by July 15.
Maybe... just maybe... the Anthony's are playing along because they have been told to "keep Casey on their side"
Didn't they meet with a psychologist or something way back in the beginning before Casey came home the first time?
Maybe... just maybe... they were told to go along with her lies or something... hard to believe but maybe. :???????
Could be a strategy to get info from her?
Don't know... just reaching.
I have not watched the Greta interviews, but I do think these parents way off the

charts in terms of their behavior. I do think they are covering for Casey, because it is the status quo at their house. I think Casey is a sociopath created by parents who pick up slack for her forever and always. That being said, I am reluctant to believe that GA is guilty of helping her move the body. It just seems more likely today that our "hinky" meters are alerting, because he is manufacturing history in order to cover for his daughter's heinous act(s). Perhaps it is a defense mechanism for these people.

I have always disagreed with the idea that Casey buried Caylee. I think that would just be too much trouble for her. I daresay she borrowed the shovel and made an attempt, but discovered that digging a big deep hole that an animal wouldn't dig up is more work than she bargained for. Thus, she returned the shovel and drove around the find a more simple solution (ie. swampy body of water by airport or more likely imo the dumpster).

I think CA has remained so mute this whole time entirely in the name of self-preservation. There is nothing in her psychology that indicates that she is witholding info in order to protect anyone other than herself. I personally think she is incapable of caring about any other person enough to protect him/her. Certainly not her parents or her daughter.

I have been curious about JG and the shower incident as well. That would seem to indicate a date when she made a "drop" or something that got her a bit messy. I don't think messy like digging a big old hole, but maybe messy like being in a car with a rotting corpse and then having to drag it out of the trunk and throw it away.

Great thread you guys. I am always reluctant to post at all, because you guys are a million miles ahead of me. But, it is hard to read it all day after day without ever getting my 2 cents in. Husband just doesn't want to hear about it.... Nevertheless, keep up the excellent work!
I read the pages and pages of documents released, and I recall in one of them GA told investigators initially that CA's car smelled like a dead body. If he told investigators that, then I find it hard to believe he had anything to do with the cover up. They said on 20/20 last night that he was a Deputy Sheriff. That's a huge difference from being a homicide detective. I am not clear on those facts. Can anyone confirm if he was in fact a homicide detective.

I have gone back and forth on whether I think George or Cindy have played a role in Caylee's disappearance. At this point, I am thinking they didn't. I think they are only guilty of trying to make Casey's story hold up, which means they are now lying to protect her. If George was a good Homicide Detective, I think he would've done a better job of covering her lies up. Didn't he and Cindy also lead detectives to search the backyard and show them where it looked as though the ground had been recently been touched or indented? These people are not very good at lying. They could've easily made things look more believable...but they haven't. That's why I think they are clueless and now just desperate to cover up Casey's lies. I agree with what I just read on this thread about the possibility of George discovering the gas cans on the 24th being completely made up. I wonder if they will ever come clean with the truth?
I read the pages and pages of documents released, and I recall in one of them GA told investigators initially that CA's car smelled like a dead body. If he told investigators that, then I find it hard to believe he had anything to do with the cover up. They said on 20/20 last night that he was a Deputy Sheriff. That's a huge difference from being a homicide detective. I am not clear on those facts. Can anyone confirm if he was in fact a homicide detective.

I have gone back and forth on whether I think George or Cindy have played a role in Caylee's disappearance. At this point, I am thinking they didn't. I think they are only guilty of trying to make Casey's story hold up, which means they are now lying to protect her. If George was a good Homicide Detective, I think he would've done a better job of covering her lies up. Didn't he and Cindy also lead detectives to search the backyard and show them where it looked as though the ground had been recently been touched or indented? These people are not very good at lying. They could've easily made things look more believable...but they haven't. That's why I think they are clueless and now just desperate to cover up Casey's lies. I agree with what I just read on this thread about the possibility of George discovering the gas cans on the 24th being completely made up. I wonder if they will ever come clean with the truth?

I'd really like to know what page you read that on.

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