Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
Soon we will entirely lose any narrative to this case because all statements by anyone are suspect. And I'm right there myself; the more I study Tony's account, the more it doesn't ring like the truth. He is avoiding saying things more than he is answering questions forthrightly. Cindy is self-contradictory. Casey is a perjuror. And then there is George, who seems to bother many web sleuths. So it comes down to physical evidence and what seems most likely. We are reduced to that and have to discount witness statements and of course, the version(s) of events Casey presents.
Just a thought...but if she took the gas cans around that date (6-24), she must've done a lot of driving to use up $40 worth of gas in just a few days. That much gas would probably give her car close to a full tank. Yet her car was out of cas when left at Amscot a few days later. Could she have disposed the body then, hence all the driving around????

The gas cans were a 2 1/2 gal & 1 1/2 gal per GA in the yard tour with one of the news gals. That's about $12-15 worth of gas....
No, because when he went to pick the car and it was out of gas. He told the tow guy that he lived close and could run home to get his gas can.

That is not what he said. He said that he brought a gas can with him and it was in his car.

There was also no mention that he actually checked to see if the car was out of gas first. He looked at the gauge which was supposedly broken and determined that the car was out of gas. It does not say that he actually tried to start the car first.

It is in the 400 page docs.
IMO, the family has come up with convenient "stories" when they thought it might benefit Casey, and the dates they've offered for certain of their tales could be arbitrarily chosen in some instances and very, very precisely chosen in others to negate something unfavorable to Casey. Whether the 24th was arbitrary or whether carefully crafted, I don't know. But I have no doubt it was chosen to benefit Casey.

To make any assumptions about the trunk on the 24th based on George having seen it, we have to actually BELIEVE THAT HE DID. I personally do not believe for one second that he did.

All the sudden, he comes out with a story that requires "revising" the tale from neighbors stealing the gas cans to Casey stole them (can't have it both ways, one has to be a lie); coming up with an odd reason to want to look in the trunk; remembering what time she arrived to the minute; the gas gauge broken (why she needed to steal the cans) but now fixed (why she didn't need cans anymore and why he took them back), etc.

I feel very strongly George's story was entirely false. Adding odd details to stories or too much minute info -- and throwing in something a little contradictory to a person's interests -- can be a way of trying to make a lie seem more believable. Not to mention that he appeared to be extremely uncomfortable trying to sell that story to Greta.

Casey's alleged reluctance to open the trunk, then it being opened and nothing nefarious found -- "Oh, she was just trying to hide that she'd taken the cans" -- is a whooooooole lot better than having people believe Casey was driving his granddaughter around in the trunk from practically the day she left til the day she abandoned the car.

So, there's that...and there's motive to want to establish or change a timeline to benefit Casey not just in terms of no decomp smell in the car at that time, but in terms of finding those gas cans. (As in, " they're accounted for and no one can say she used them for anything bad or that any cans found at a crime scene burnt to a crisp and beyond fingerprinting could be the stolen cans; couldn't be -- took them outta the trunk myself on the 24th; see for yourself!").

To be honest, I am even doubtful the cans he purports to have removed from her trunk actually ARE his original stolen gas cans! And if they are, I think he found them in the trunk when he retrieved the car from impound...not when Casey supposedly dropped by. We also have that he knows who is holding his granddaughter (but they're content to let some bozo defense PI watch the house instead of calling on the FBI to help rescue her)....on and on and on...both he and Cindy.

Unfortunately, because the GPs have flat-out lied more than once, I have no reason to trust a single solitary thing they have said. And I don't think it's because I'm overly suspicious. That's just what happens when people lie and make excuses, change stories...they can't be believed even if/when they do tell the truth -- they should know that better than anyone, just from their dealings with their daughter.

One thing I do believe is that they adored and loved Caylee with all their hearts, and for their loss and the pain Casey has caused them, I am so deeply sorry. But that doesn't make it right to lie and possibly even tamper, interfere, obstruct in order to protect their daughter, when she is nearly without doubt the cause of their granddaughter's death (or even just disappearance if that's what they actually believe -- still wrong to try to help her get away with it or lessen the consequences for her).

I would assert that George's claim that Casey appeared at his house that day AT ALL -- much less all that junk about the time, the reluctance, the wedges, the gas cans, etc. -- should be taken with a humongous grain of salt. That actually goes for anything that comes out of either of the GPs mouths, IMO.

I agree with you. the gas can thing has bothered me since the beginning.

here he reported 2 gas can at $20 and $50 worth of gas in the cans. That is $70 total not the $50 that everyone seems to be stuck on. He then later tells Greta that one was 2.5 gallons and one was about 1/5 gallons. The gas cans could possibly have costs that much but he bought them at the most expensive store he could find. I have 5 gallon ones from home depot and they only cost me about $7 each.

Next we have the gas. 2.5 gallons of gas @ 4.00 per gallons is $10. 1.5 gallons of gas @ 4.00 per gallon is $6. This comes to $16 not $50.

5 gallon gas cans would be about $20 per can. or about $40. If you fill them all the way to the top you might, might get $50 in gas in the 2 of them.

You don't use the most expensive gas in an old clunker or in your lawn mover but I figured using a fairly high gas price.

He either lied about the value or he lied about the size of the gas cans and the amount of gas in them.

The report does not say what size the cans were and he obviously didn't think it was important enough to give them the size but I can bet you money that they were a 2.5 gallon and a 1.5 gallon.

Weren't the gas cans found by the searchers 5 gallon cans. There might be your $50 worth of gas and $20 worth of gas cans.

He either lied to the police when he made the report or he lied to Greta. I wonder which it was and I wonder why.

Also if the cans came back to him on 6/24, why did he not call the police and cancel the report. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that it was Casey that took them because he could have just reported that they were found and cancel the report or if the police pressed the issue he could have refused to press charges.
So sometime between lunch/afternoon of 6/24/2008 and 7am on 6/27/2008, it would appear there was transport of a decomposing body that seems to be Caylee Anthony's.

Have the police (or for that matter Leonard/Tony Padilla) checked Casey's phone records for the time between 6/24 to 6/27? IF there was a transport of Caylee (and assuming she died sometime around 6/16), then it would appear to be AFTER GEORGE had his HEAD in the trunk of the car on 6/24 and found the gas cans Casey had taken and he'd reported missing that morning.

If Caylee had been in the car prior to 6/24, I think George would have smelled the odor of decomposition.

So what do you think?

LE is checking Casey's cellphone bill with a fine tooth comb. They probably have checked, recheck and crossed checked Casey's cellphone bill as well as pings. Hopefully they have done the same with Geroge, Cindy and Lee's phone too!

Leonard has said on two, maybe three of NG shows about certain times he wants NR's producer to ask Tony about the call Casey made and time and also is interested in learning more about a 24 hour period between the 28th and 29th where there were no calls within a 24 hours period.

The 24th of June was the beginning of the plan with the end result of Casey's car being at Amscot on June 27th at 7:00 AM. Of course, the car could have been there earlier in the morning on the 27th also, but no one seemed to have noticed.

IMO, Caylee ended up in the truck of her mother's car sometime on the 24th of June, and transported elsewhere. Prior to being in her mother's car on the 24th of June, Caylee was elsewhere and not alive.
That is not what he said. He said that he brought a gas can with him and it was in his car.

There was also no mention that he actually checked to see if the car was out of gas first. He looked at the gauge which was supposedly broken and determined that the car was out of gas. It does not say that he actually tried to start the car first.

It is in the 400 page docs.

Has anyone considered that if the car really was out of gas it may have been parked at the AMSCOT first and then have been left running until all the gas burned out?
I agree with you. the gas can thing has bothered me since the beginning.

here he reported 2 gas can at $20 and $50 worth of gas in the cans. That is $70 total not the $50 that everyone seems to be stuck on. He then later tells Greta that one was 2.5 gallons and one was about 1/5 gallons. The gas cans could possibly have costs that much but he bought them at the most expensive store he could find. I have 5 gallon ones from home depot and they only cost me about $7 each.

Next we have the gas. 2.5 gallons of gas @ 4.00 per gallons is $10. 1.5 gallons of gas @ 4.00 per gallon is $6. This comes to $16 not $50.

5 gallon gas cans would be about $20 per can. or about $40. If you fill them all the way to the top you might, might get $50 in gas in the 2 of them.

You don't use the most expensive gas in an old clunker or in your lawn mover but I figured using a fairly high gas price.

He either lied about the value or he lied about the size of the gas cans and the amount of gas in them.

The report does not say what size the cans were and he obviously didn't think it was important enough to give them the size but I can bet you money that they were a 2.5 gallon and a 1.5 gallon.

Weren't the gas cans found by the searchers 5 gallon cans. There might be your $50 worth of gas and $20 worth of gas cans.

He either lied to the police when he made the report or he lied to Greta. I wonder which it was and I wonder why.

Also if the cans came back to him on 6/24, why did he not call the police and cancel the report. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that it was Casey that took them because he could have just reported that they were found and cancel the report or if the police pressed the issue he could have refused to press charges.

Hi Agave - I absolutely agree that the "stolen gas" story has some major holes in it and would be very surprised if LE didn't think so too.

Regarding the size of the gas cans - here is a copy of George's statement to Greta Van Sustern (FOX NEWS "On The Record")

Note the description of the shed as "normal". Normal? I might say "typical" or "average" --- never normal. What is that .. an Anthonyism?

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you not have a shovel that she could have used?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, we do have a shovel she could have used. But if she was here and we weren't home -- George and I made a decision when we started locking the sheds this year because last year, Caylee wasn't able to do some of the things she can do this year. So we made a conscious effort to lock the sheds. We have three sheds.
VAN SUSTEREN: Are these the sheds were there was some report something was stolen from the sheds or broken into?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out here. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep the shovels in, which we do keep the shovels in. This is his toolshed. The lawn mower, you know, weed-whacker, that type of thing, shovels, axes, hoes, anything you do gardening work is locked up in here, like that. I mean, it's a normal shed.
VAN SUSTEREN: Was something reported stolen from this, though?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, gas cans.
VAN SUSTEREN: When was that report made that gas cans were stolen?
CINDY ANTHONY: You'd have to ask George.
VAN SUSTEREN: Was that, though, before Caylee was -- had been reported missing or after, that the gas cans...
CINDY ANTHONY: That was before.
VAN SUSTEREN: And gas cans were -- how many gas cans?
GEORGE ANTHONY: Two, the 2-and-a-half-gallon and one about a gallon- and-a-quarter, something like that.
VAN SUSTEREN: Now, you made the report on June 24, though. That's when you noticed it. Do you remember when you last were in there, so you have some sort of window of when that could have happened?
GEORGE ANTHONY: It could have been Sunday. I believe I was in there Sunday. I don't believe I was in there the day before that, like, on the 23rd. I'm almost positive it's a Sunday.
VAN SUSTEREN: So the Sunday the 23rd, you might have been in there?
CINDY ANTHONY: Well, Sunday would have been the 22nd.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So as best you can tell, it happened between the 22nd and the 24th. someone broke in there.
GEORGE ANTHONY: Uh-huh.,2933,398490,00.html

Hi Everyone! Been reading for a while and couldn't resist joining in at this point...

For what it is worth, I think the whole gas cans on the 24th report is part of a preplanned cover on the part of George. Sorry, but my hinky meter goes off whenever I see him in the news - especially when he and Cindy were going to visit Casey and he freaked out at the mention of Caylee dying due to an accident. It was almost as if someone got a little too close to the truth and he just couldn't deal with it. For someone who normally has no affect (much alike Casey) he kind of lost it there. For that, and a myriad of other reasons, I think he may be involved.

Gasoline can help destroy biological evidence so why not throw some gas cans in the trunk after you load a body in there. (Who better to know that than former LE?) Also, you can claim they were "stolen" and located in the trunk - call to make a police report -giving documented "evidence" to the fact that there was no odor in the trunk (even though at that point it is only his word)- lending more credence to the defense that someone else put a body in the car after it was abandoned. Gross...and so sad!

Poor Caylee...anyway that you slice this whole situation it is just sad, sad, sad.

Oh I like this idea about the gas cans and being former LE that GA knew exactly how to cover. Honestly, I couldn't agree more with you that this is possible.

I am very curious to know what else was searched on the internet besides for choloroform. If I did something horrible and didn't think about it, I live on my computer and I am sure it would provide the fillins needed. (perhaps, how to cover up the smell of a dead body?)

I hope we will someday know the truth and this isn't anohter mystery like the Ramsey case.

PS you can also die from gas fumes...hmmm....
She couldn't have been at the house of the 24th because remember the only thing she has ever stuck with and the only thing that i believe is what she said when she said "I haven't seen my daughter for 31 days!" Doesn't that put that date at the 16th of June? Meaning that there is NO possible way this is true especailly if she is now on the "script" theory, it still doesn't make this possible. The only explaniation for this lie is for protection...however...It's a dumb lie and they should have came up with something better.
Don't know if this has been is from the chat transcripts from LP, TP and Rob.

> [23:56] <+Arwen> Do you think that Casey tried to destroy Caylee's remains with
> the gas? Has the shovel been tested for trace?
> [23:57] <@Tony> LP says No neither has anything to do with anythign

The entire chat transcript can be found here:

Hope I posted that link right. If not you can search. ;)
I have spent the last two days going over the first 150 pages of documents. From the inconsistancies found and things that just flat out make no sense at all I have begun to doubt that gas cans were ever stolen. What if GA somehow found out that Caylee was deceased, whether by accident or not, and decided then and there to help KC. Or maybe even he was involved in what happened to her. Maybe he called to report stolen gas cans so that he has an excuse to look in KC's trunk on the 24th, to be able to at a later date say that there was no body or no smell that day. I don't know about you guys but who calls police to report a couple of gas cans stolen? I can see GA saying "yes I need to somehow bring LE in on this so that they can be part of the corroboration(sp?) and who will think this is concocted because it implicates Casey in stealing the gas cans." And what was GA's purpose in telling us on Greta that Casey had stolen them, that he found them in her trunk on the 24th? What other reason could he have for doing that other than to make us think he looked in her trunk on the 24th and there was no body and no smell. Something else I noticed, on the written statements to LE done on either 7/15 or 7/16 (to tired to look thru my notes right now) both KC and GA write the same sentence. This is a statement to tell what has happened up to this point and KC writes "Caylee will be 3 years old on Aug. 9, 2008." GA writes on his "My grand daughter will be 3 years old Aug. 9, 2008." Not only did I notice that they both used almost the exact same words, it jumped out at me that someone had coached KC to use future tense in writing about Caylee. CA nor LA wrote anything along these lines and why would they, this is a statement about what has happened, how it has gotten to this point. I don't know, I just found it to be more than a coinky dink.
Hi Agave - I absolutely agree that the "stolen gas" story has some major holes in it and would be very surprised if LE didn't think so too.

Regarding the size of the gas cans - here is a copy of George's statement to Greta Van Sustern (FOX NEWS "On The Record")

Note the description of the shed as "normal". Normal? I might say "typical" or "average" --- never normal. What is that .. an Anthonyism?

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you not have a shovel that she could have used?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, we do have a shovel she could have used. But if she was here and we weren't home -- George and I made a decision when we started locking the sheds this year because last year, Caylee wasn't able to do some of the things she can do this year. So we made a conscious effort to lock the sheds. We have three sheds.
VAN SUSTEREN: Are these the sheds were there was some report something was stolen from the sheds or broken into?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out here. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep the shovels in, which we do keep the shovels in. This is his toolshed. The lawn mower, you know, weed-whacker, that type of thing, shovels, axes, hoes, anything you do gardening work is locked up in here, like that. I mean, it's a normal shed.
VAN SUSTEREN: Was something reported stolen from this, though?
CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, gas cans.
VAN SUSTEREN: When was that report made that gas cans were stolen?
CINDY ANTHONY: You'd have to ask George.
VAN SUSTEREN: Was that, though, before Caylee was -- had been reported missing or after, that the gas cans...
CINDY ANTHONY: That was before.
VAN SUSTEREN: And gas cans were -- how many gas cans?
GEORGE ANTHONY: Two, the 2-and-a-half-gallon and one about a gallon- and-a-quarter, something like that.
VAN SUSTEREN: Now, you made the report on June 24, though. That's when you noticed it. Do you remember when you last were in there, so you have some sort of window of when that could have happened?
GEORGE ANTHONY: It could have been Sunday. I believe I was in there Sunday. I don't believe I was in there the day before that, like, on the 23rd. I'm almost positive it's a Sunday.
VAN SUSTEREN: So the Sunday the 23rd, you might have been in there?
CINDY ANTHONY: Well, Sunday would have been the 22nd.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So as best you can tell, it happened between the 22nd and the 24th. someone broke in there.
GEORGE ANTHONY: Uh-huh.,2933,398490,00.html


Right and what he told Greta does not match what he reported to police. You can't get $50 worth of gas in a 2 1/2 and 1 1/4 gallon gas can but you can get that much in 2 5 gallon gas cans. Either he lied to police or he lied to Greta. Were they 5 gallon gas cans that he never got back? I think so.

In that same interview we find out that Cindy supposedly called Casey to let her know that George had reported the gas cans stolen. Then Casey just conveniently shows up while GA is home to do what? Attempt to return them? I don't think so. Why even bother? It's $70 for cripes sake. If you did steal the cans, just ditch them and keep your mouth shut. The cops aren't going to bring out the big guns for $70 and a broken shed lock. Nobody is going to be out looking for them. If you see someone with gas cans, how are you going to prove that they belong to you unless you have your name on them? Why even bother?

Has Casey ever said that she had the gas cans and her dad found them in her trunk? Did she ever say that she was home on the 24th? I honestly don't remember seeing this anywhere so if you have that info, thanks in advance.

IMO if Casey did not say that she was there on the 24th, then it is a story CA and GA cooked up to cover up their involvement in this or to misdirect police on dates and times.

Question: Does any one remember something about GA asking in the background of one of the 911 calls if CA had already called the police? Would that mean did you call the cops yet well then hurry up and do it or did you call the cops yet I wish you hadn't done that? This has also bothered me but I guess that is speculation for another thread.
I believe that George did not smell decomp on June 24. The reason I think that is because he reported that Casey was trying to keep him away from the trunk. If he were trying to cover something up, he would never have mentioned her reluctance to let him in the trunk.[/QUOTE]

Unless he was giving her an alibi at that time and muddying the waters of the timeline...add to this the fact that he already KNEW the car was out of gas before he ever picked it up, and I think it equals a cover-up and a conspiracy. Add to THIS the fact that AFTER George came on the scene on the 15th when the police were called the story from Cindy CHANGED, and I think there is a HUGE suspicion of a cover-up in progress that he had not shared with his wife. I think Cindy IS in the clear, but I in NO WAY believe for one moment that George recovered the gas cans on the 24th from Casey's trunk. jmo...
I agree with you. the gas can thing has bothered me since the beginning.

here he reported 2 gas can at $20 and $50 worth of gas in the cans. That is $70 total not the $50 that everyone seems to be stuck on. He then later tells Greta that one was 2.5 gallons and one was about 1/5 gallons. The gas cans could possibly have costs that much but he bought them at the most expensive store he could find. I have 5 gallon ones from home depot and they only cost me about $7 each.

Next we have the gas. 2.5 gallons of gas @ 4.00 per gallons is $10. 1.5 gallons of gas @ 4.00 per gallon is $6. This comes to $16 not $50.

5 gallon gas cans would be about $20 per can. or about $40. If you fill them all the way to the top you might, might get $50 in gas in the 2 of them.

You don't use the most expensive gas in an old clunker or in your lawn mover but I figured using a fairly high gas price.

He either lied about the value or he lied about the size of the gas cans and the amount of gas in them.

The report does not say what size the cans were and he obviously didn't think it was important enough to give them the size but I can bet you money that they were a 2.5 gallon and a 1.5 gallon.

Weren't the gas cans found by the searchers 5 gallon cans. There might be your $50 worth of gas and $20 worth of gas cans.

He either lied to the police when he made the report or he lied to Greta. I wonder which it was and I wonder why.

Also if the cans came back to him on 6/24, why did he not call the police and cancel the report. It didn't have anything to do with the fact that it was Casey that took them because he could have just reported that they were found and cancel the report or if the police pressed the issue he could have refused to press charges.

THANK YOU! I mentioned a few weeks ago about how he quoted a certain loss on the police report and then tells Greta that it was only two small cans. Two small cans and the gas inside would NOT equal $50 or more, so either he was inaccurate on the police report or inaccurate on Greta. Then there was the gas can/s found at Blanchard. Makes you go HMMM....

(in my opinion) It also BUGS that he claimed a neighbor brought them back when he later said on Greta it was Casey (and he would have known Casey did it when he was telling the neighbor story). It further BUGS that he did not cancel the report in a timely manner, if at all.
THANK YOU! I mentioned a few weeks ago about how he quoted a certain loss on the police report and then tells Greta that it was only two small cans. Two small cans and the gas inside would NOT equal $50 or more, so either he was inaccurate on the police report or inaccurate on Greta. Then there was the gas can/s found at Blanchard. Makes you go HMMM....

(in my opinion) It also BUGS that he claimed a neighbor brought them back when he later said on Greta it was Casey (and he would have known Casey did it when he was telling the neighbor story). It further BUGS that he did not cancel the report in a timely manner, if at all.

I know. It is one lie after another from all of them. If any of them came to me and said, the sky is blue, I would have to look to verify for accuracy after listening to all their lies.

They probably wonder why no one believes anything they say and here is the reason. For the long of all that is holy, if you are going to lie, at least pick a story that is believable and stick with it.

When did this story about finding them in the back of Casey's trunk come out? Was it after the 5 gallon gas cans were found by the searchers?

If so, well there you go. It is a cover story and I think that where ever they were found needs to be searched again and cadaver dogs need to be brought in too.

Who would we need to talk to about this and find out if the gas cans found were taken as evidence or not? I think that I remember the searchers saying that LE did not think they were important or related to the case but I believe they were going by the info that they were given that they were much smaller gas cans.
Excellent thread.

All things that have been bothering me as well.

Too many holes in our info. We're all just spinning our wheels now. We need more data.
I don't believe the gas can story George told because of the implications that it would create if he hadn't told that story.

He went into the story about how he wanted in the trunk of Casey's car June 24th, etc... He was trying to build a timeline and discredit any assumptions of a body being in that trunk, PLUS he was keeping himself from being slapped with a "tampering" charge.

I believe those gas cans were in that car the day he brought it home from the tow yard and he put them back in the shed. It was just a couple of days? later that he reported the gas cans "came back to him" after he made it out that a neighbor had them. Yes, they came back to him via Casey's car on July 15th when he drove the car home.

I don't know if it will do any good but I went to the OCSO site and on the Caylee page I emailed them about the discrepancies that have been put together on the gas cans and suggested that they might want to research the area where the searchers found the other gas cans. I believe that when they were found the police were operating under the facts known at the time and that was that they were small gas cans, which can't be correct based on the dollar amounts in the reports.

Maybe they will look into it again.

I feel that they are going to have to sort out all the lies before they can get to what really happened.

I think that this needs to happen for everyone involved and that includes GA, CA, and LA.
It does seem strange that anyone would file a police report for two missing gas cans & a shed break-in. George and the whole family was well aware that the Pontiac had a broken gauge & kept running out of gas. Wouldn't it come to mind that Casey took them and was the one who broke in? He knew he had locked the shed. And nothing else was missing. Of course, he could have freaked when he saw his shed had been "violated", thinking what's next? From all reports I've seen, Casey came to the house alone the day she avoided giving Geo. access to her trunk, Alcestic. No one has said or implied that Caylee was with her, so the number of days Casey hadn't seen her daughter wasn't compromised by that visit.
It really bugs me about the odor in the vehicle and why Casey would have just left it there. I wonder if the gas cans could have been a plan to abandon the vehicle somewhere and burn it destroying evidence and to set up a kidnap scenario. All of Casey's stories about Caylee being with a nanny could have been a set up trying to establish that there was a babysitter for awhile while she could gather more money or contact someone far away to visit like the guy in California .

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