General Discussion and Theories #3

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Wow, another AB article with unnamed sources supposedly providing vague ideas with no information to back it up. For those who don't want to provide her blog with a money making hit, let me give you a brief rundown: DM and MS have a court appearance today that is closed to the public. She is continuing her search to try to find out more about him but has come up pretty empty so far, with nothing we haven't found here on WS months ago. She uses a lot of words like 'basically' and 'appears to' to differentiate that these statements are not facts, but merely her suppositions. She vaguely guesses at what he may have done since the Toronto French School, so clearly she has no more idea than the rest of us. She claims to have a source whom it seems might have been friends with someone who might have known one of his parents, since a contemporary would not likely be privy to information about DM's parent's apparent concerns. I personally have no faith in the use of 'unnamed sources', to me that is the same as saying it could have been made up out of thin air with no one to verify. And whose parents are never concerned about their children's paths in life and try to encourage them into the things that they want them to do? That is not news, in my opinion. She should have added perhaps that as a child, they wanted him to eat more vegetables or clean his room more frequently, that would have been as newsworthy as this blog submission.

This current AB entry is the same as all her other 'articles'; there is no new information, even less than in the MSM articles of the day, and there is no verification of her sources or information. She is still using her non mainstream media blog to fish for information, why don't I see that tagline at the end of real MSM articles? Perhaps because they have real, identifiable sources. I wonder why she is not doing any 'articles' on MS? I realize that without the looks, finances and legacy, MS seems to be less interesting, but unless the articles are all just a showcase of DM the celebrity and have nothing to do with the tragic death of TB, there should be equal consideration given to both accused of his murder. <modsnip>
Here's the link to AnnB's post if anyone is interested in reading it for themselves:
According to sources, Dellen Millard&#8217;s parents were concerned about his path in life for several years and tried to push, or perhaps steer, him into more steady work. Despite having never been particularly interested in the family business, Millard took on a much bigger role in it, including the new Waterloo project, in 2010 and 2011, when he became involved in a serious relationship and was briefly engaged.
Interesting that in the article DP is quoted as defending DM against the "serial predator" label, not by saying DM didn't murder his father or LB, but by making the distinction that if he had done so that wouldn't make him a "serial predator". :facepalm:

“I don’t see this implicating my client whatsoever as being a serial predator,” he said. “Serial, to me, it’s somebody who acts in a similar manner with similar crimes, similar victims. These are, to me, completely distinct cases.”!/
DP is either playing dumb, or really does NOT know how a serial killer is defined.

No, neither of the above. Lawyers choose their words carefully. Note that DP said nothing about "serial killers" but rather "serial predators." These are categories that may overlap, but not necessarily. Predators are not necessarily killers, as the cases of clergy who abuse dozens (even hundreds) of children illustrate.

Also, the definitiuon of "serial killer" is not a hard and fast one. The FBI has backed away from its earlier definition, that required the killer to murder 3 or more people in separate incidents with a cooling off period between crimes; you can see that definition explained here:
but on the FBI website there is a lengthy, albeit interesting, explanation of factors involved in classifying killers:

The "serial predator" category almost always has the connotation of a sexual element to the crime(s). If this is present in the DM case we have not heard about it.

A relatively reent book has some well-explained and interesting analyses of the problems involved in classifying different kinds of offenders, and warns of the need to be aware of anomalies:

[ame=""]Hunting Serial Predators: A Multivariate Classification Approach to Profiling Violent Behavior: Grover Maurice Godwin: 9780849313981: Books -[/ame]

(you can bring up some parts of this work on Google books).

In short, DP was being precise when he asserted (correctly, so far as we know) that nothing in the DP case suggests a "serial predator" as generally understood. He notably said nothing at all about serial murder. In any event there is no single agreed-upon definition of "serial killer." We can all agree on its application to some notorious cases, like the Green River Killer or Clifford Olson, but other cases are a grey zone.

So far, DM is only charged with 1 murder and while there are many suspicious elements to the case that point to possibilities of much more sinister involvement the facts have not yet come to light.

The title of the OPP expert is possibly a red herring; it's true that they are looking for "serial predators" but probably the area of expertise here is in linking cases and evidence across jurisdictions, and this could apply to crimes other than sexual predation even though those cases may have been the impetus for developing the needed protocols.
No, neither of the above. Lawyers choose their words carefully. Note that DP said nothing about "serial killers" but rather "serial predators." These are categories that may overlap, but not necessarily. Predators are not necessarily killers, as the cases of clergy who abuse dozens (even hundreds) of children illustrate.

Thanks palisadesk. I'm very familiar with the definitions used, and in this case, it is pretty apparent that DM is being considered in the deaths of 3 people, not just for being a predator in other respects unrelated to killing.

ETA: And yes, when I use the term "playing dumb", IMO that equates to choosing his words carefully :)
Apparently reporters see different things, have different concepts of time, some more observant than others.

IMO I'm not surprised DP is downplaying the serial killer/predator issue; it's his job in which I'm certain he's being paid well to do.

Smich, clean-shaven wearing a grey V-neck sweater over a white collared shirt and baggy jeans, was ushered to the prisoner's box first. He kept his eyes straight ahead, away from the public gallery and Bosma&#8217;s friends and family. Smich sat during his appearance that lasted just a few minutes, unlike Millard who stood and took one, long glance around the room.

Smich, clean-shaven wearing a grey V-neck sweater over a white collared shirt and baggy jeans, was ushered to the prisoner's box first. He kept his eyes straight ahead, away from the public gallery and Bosma&#8217;s friends and family. Smich sat during his appearance that lasted just a few minutes,

Millard&#8217;s appearance was also short, just a few minutes. He had bags under his eyes, but was clean-shaven with well-groomed hair. He wore a black zip-up sweater over a white collared shirt and dark khaki pants.

In court on Tuesday, both of the accused men avoided looking in the direction of Bosma&#8217;s weeping family members.

{Smich}He wore a powder blue sweater and neatly pressed white business shirt.
He kept his eyes down as he slumped in his seat. After about 10 minutes, he was escorted out of the courtroom.

{Millard} Well-dressed in a black sweater, dress shirt and grey business slacks, he stood with his hands crossed in front of him throughout his five minutes in court.
A new article in the Globe, not much new, but I wasn't aware of the involvement of the 'serial predator crime investigator co-ordinator' being involved.!/

I found this sentence quite curious. I've pretty much figured the connection was to do with DM but it seems LE are considering MS being involved?! Could he be the connection which was mentioned around the time of the last search early September? :what: :moo:

Det. Insp. Hillman stopped short of saying whether Mr. Millard or Mr. Smich are considered suspects in Ms. Babcock&#8217;s disappearance or Wayne Millard&#8217;s death. Neither has been charged in relation to the two cases.
I wouldnt read into it, Swedie. I think with little known the reporter needs to remain accurate in that the collective investigation cannot only be about one suspect if there are two. We assume it relates to DM since we dont know if MS had any connection to WM or LB, but until that is confirmed the reporter is accurately vontemplating both IMO.

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A few details from court appearance yesterday

There is a brief discussion about having a certain woman removed from his "do not contact" list.

"At this stage, she has not given a statement to police and I can't say she has relevant information," Crown attorney Tony Leitch tells the court.

The judge is annoyed and says "I'm not going to deal with it now."

The Crown, he says, should have discussed this with him earlier.

Meanwhile, Tim's homicide case moves forward slowly. The morning began with a private judicial pretrial meeting between Takach, Crown attorneys Leitch and Craig Fraser, Millard's lawyer Deepak Paradkar and a representative from the office of Thomas Dungey, the lawyer representing Smich. Together, they began laying out the trial plan.
Just wanted to post a link to AnnB's latest blog in regards to her feelings/thoughts about people who question her 'sources', or her reasons for writing about the TB case, amongst other things. I personally appreciate her interest in the case, but I know a few doubt her every story ;) Here's a link for those who care to read it:
Just wanted to post a link to AnnB's latest blog in regards to her feelings/thoughts about people who question her 'sources', or her reasons for writing about the TB case, amongst other things. I personally appreciate her interest in the case, but I know a few doubt her every story ;) Here's a link for those who care to read it:

Thanks for the link dizzy. I find the comments quite interesting also. Well it's unfortunate anyone connected to DM or MS "may" end up with their names and faces posted in the media or on the www, what is most unfortunate is what happened to TB, his wife, his little girl, his family and friends. I believe all of them would have loved nothing more than to carry on with their low profile lives, no media attention or their names and faces plastered all over the media and www, but again unfortunately it has happened. IMHO TB's loved ones have been victimized more than anyone known to DM and/or MS. They are the ones who have to go day to day, and will for the rest of their lives, thinking of how TB met such a horrific and disturbing death at the hands of the perps. If the accused are found guilty, at least their loved ones are still able to see and visit them. What about Tim's loved ones? They are the real victims living a nightmare everyday. I feel bad for MB because her son has made her life a living hell and I wouldn't blame her, if he is found to be guilty, if she disowns him. She wouldn't be the first mother to be very disturbed by what her grown 28 year old son is being accused of. Likewise with MS's parents and loved ones. Not all parents feel the need to defend their children (adult at that) with the "not my child" (denial) mentality. All MOO.
DM and MS back in court tomorrow, Thursday, October 31st.

Stay strong Sharlene, family and friends, it's going to be a long and difficult road. RIP Tim.
Seems one cannot be too careful nowadays. Read the PS in red at the bottom of this ad on Kijiji, the site where Tim posted his truck for sale. We are really getting to be a society were we cannot trust our fellow man and we've found out monsters come in all forms. JMHO.

p.s. when inquiring please kindly introduce yourself and tell a bit about yourself. :) .... emails without introduction will not be answered... considering what happened to Tim Bosma, you can not be carefull enough . God bless his family.
Inquiries through email, please.
Letter of empl. required & Copy of Dr. Licence.
IMO jail must be rough on DM. Always looking tired and bags under his eyes. I guess that could happen to someone use to living an easy, carefree lifestyle to all of a sudden find himself contained to a small dank area such as a jail cell.

Glad to hear Mr. Bosma has faith in the court and justice system. Gives me greater confidence in the HPS. MOO.

Bosma killing suspects to appear in court on Nov. 12
Dellen Millard, 28, and Mark Smich, 26, spoke by video link with a Hamilton judge on Thursday afternoon, while Bosma&#8217;s widow Sharlene looked on.

Both men wore prison-issue orange jumpsuits and said few words.

Millard appeared tired, with bags under his eyes and his hair dishevelled.

After Millard's hearing, Bosma's family left the courtroom quietly, saying little to reporters on the their way out.

However, Hank Bosma, Tim&#8217;s father, said the proceedings are &#8220;going in the right direction.&#8221;
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