General discussion thread No. 15

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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But since the finger of suspicion was pointed at the McCanns their relationship with the priest changed, according to locals.

They said he had appeared “anguished”. A church source said: “He is a marvellous man who has devoted his life to God. But everything that has happened has shaken him.”

I bolded the sentence I don't understand. Whose relationship with the priest has changed? The McCanns or the parishioners?

I agree, I think that sentence refers to the McCanns relationship with Fr. Jose Pacheco. The priest we have seen lately, who speaks in their defense is Fr. Haynes Hubbard (see: There is discussion (on the Proboards site) about the difference between these two priests (Angelican VS Catholic) and which would take confession. Don't ask me, I am definitely Catholic-Challenged....

Oh and BTW.....Star paper....big rag!! But, I thought you should see it anyway.
Unless the Twins urinated in the car trunk, I don't think it is totally explained yet.

I think it hasn't been explained at all - nor the scent of a cadaver on Cuddle Cat, which Kate herself tried to explain away as being from when she took the cat to work with her.

And those articles about explaining the DNA do not mention the hair, which was rumored to be all over the trunk.

So really, nothing is explained. I'm sure the police knew the Twins had been in that car and ruled them out as an explanation.

I just want to make sure that you all realize that there might be some confusion between trunk and boot and where the spare tire well would be in this car. Where I come from the "trunk" is perceived as being an area entirely separate from the seating area in a car. This is a picture of a Renault Scenic:


Interior and hatch pictures:


I could not find a picture that shows the spare tire at all. But this may help give you an idea of the possibilities.
Commenting on reports that Madeleine's bodily fluids had been found in the car, he said it was quite possible one of the twins might have urinated in the car

They peed in the spare tire well? tell me another one.
Well, thats to be EXPECTED. A 20 month old child is a baby herself and would probably have a terrible time adjusting to one new baby, let alone two. A 20 months old expects all the attention.

My child is 27 months and many of the women I was pregnant with already have another child. MANY had difficulties with the older chld when they brought the new baby home -some hittng, some biting, lots and lots of general acting out for attention. It seems normal to me that a toddler used to the undivided attention of mom and dad might have an issue with being uprooted by twins.
My 13 yr old had a hard time adjusting to not being the only child when her brother was born. Thats an issue every multi-child family has to face, it may be mild or severe, but for the most part it does happen.
They peed in the spare tire well? tell me another one.

A wet/soiled diaper from one of the twins might have been temporarily stored there until it could be properly disposed of. My daughter used to do things like that all the time.
A wet/soiled diaper from one of the twins might have been temporarily stored there until it could be properly disposed of. My daughter used to do things like that all the time.

What a weird possibility (IF any at all). It is odd, so odd to me. So we have wet/soiled diapers, sweat from sandals...what else? :cool: With all respect, they do not seem like *serious* possibilities to me. The one that I cannot personally believe is the one that the twins urinated in the trunk of the car! :eek: I mean, if they (Mc Canns) cannot explain the evidence found then they need to let their high pay lawyers do the job and come up with real good excuses. And I am sure with such lawyers, they will. :p
A wet/soiled diaper from one of the twins might have been temporarily stored there until it could be properly disposed of. My daughter used to do things like that all the time.
Sure, but would the diaper "leak"? Most disposable diapters do not, and I can't imagine them not putting it inside some sort of plastic bag, since they were driving a rental car.

Unless they had a big old leaking bag full of diapers in there, and how likely is that?
A wet/soiled diaper from one of the twins might have been temporarily stored there until it could be properly disposed of. My daughter used to do things like that all the time.

Aftermidnight...look at the pictures....

The "spare tire well" is not easy to get to....

Those other compartments would be a much more logical place to store....anything.
We have a thread on sorting fact from fiction. Maybe we should start one on sorting believable possibility from crapola.

Kate took Cuddle Cat to work with her where it became contaminated with corpse scent.
She wore beach vacation-style clothes to work where they became contaminated with corpse scent.
The twins peed in the tire well.
We have a thread on sorting fact from fiction. Maybe we should start one on sorting believable possibility from crapola.

Kate took Cuddle Cat to work with her where it became contaminated with corpse scent.
She wore beach vacation-style clothes to work where they became contaminated with corpse scent.
The twins peed in the tire well.

LOL..I know! It's crazy!
We have a thread on sorting fact from fiction. Maybe we should start one on sorting believable possibility from crapola.

Kate took Cuddle Cat to work with her where it became contaminated with corpse scent.
She wore beach vacation-style clothes to work where they became contaminated with corpse scent.
The twins peed in the tire well.

:croc: Those sound reasonable to me.
Found this interesting. It's part of an interview with Mrs. McCann, found in the Daily Mail and the Times today. The statements are odd.

"I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances."
Asked about whether the decision to leave them meant she and her husband were responsible for their daughter's disappearance, she said: "It cannot be considered a crime.
"Someone committed one, but not us."
AquaEyes: I nearly threw a clot, when I read this statement a couple of days ago. The McCanns are so full of crap. There, I've said it. Grieving parents, bla bla bla, and all the rest. I have been sitting on the fence from time to time, and now I am simply fed up with the McCann's b.s.
You know, I had been hoping that the parents weren't involved, even though the statistics show the vast majority of harm to children is by the parent, whether accidental or not.

The first thing that bothered me was that there were no organized "grid" searches. You know the kind, where people walk shoulder to shoulder and systematically search areas that have been delineated by a grid. Now, I know there are rough areas of terrain as well. Where was the sign-up to volunteer to search?

I know well the panic one feels when they can't find their child. I remember when my son was 3. I had taken him to a fair and helped him get into a jumping balloon. I stood right there next to the balloon the entire time. You guessed it! He slipped out the flap entrance (lots of kids near the opening) and within a breath, I couldn't see him in the balloon. I absolutely panicked. I yelled "Sean!" and that's all I could yell, besides "My baby! I can't find my baby!" Within 5 seconds I was just shrieking his name and running around the balloon hysterically. I would not leave the place where he had just been. I was sure he had wandered off, but my mind was flying about kidnapping too, but I can't even fathom having yelled "They've taken him!" Well he must have heard me because here he came walking up the hill from where the swings were just 30 feet away.
I have been looking for days, and I can't find it...maybe one of you "in the know" can help. Is there ANYWHERE that has Maddies Height and weight at her disappearance? Is this info being withheld, or am I just not looking in the right place? It is not on their website that I can see.

Sorry if this has been hashed over a million times.
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