General Discussion Thread No. 16

DNA Solves
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He hasn't changed his story. Clarence Mitchell made a statement yesterday to say that Gerry's thought about the abductor are recorded in his very FIRST witness statement.
That's great, what I meant was that the story "we have been given" changed, but it doesn't change my opinion or what I wrote.

In fact, I was assuming that Gerry felt something was wrong that first night - didn't he say he noticed a door open? That is the point when he should have stayed there with the kids, in my opinion.

None of that changes the situation in that apartment. Gerry still walked away from it. So how concerned and protective was he that night?
It's possible that Mrs. Fenn and/or OC staff and/or other neighbors responded to the screams and were present in or at the apartment when Kate ran back to the restaurant screaming.
I wouldn't think so Pink, the McCanns know the points that deserve criticism & are all about excusing themselves. If anyone had cared for the twins they would have made this very public, believe me!
Its not semantics and I never said she had a nice stroll back.
They left their kids (babies really) alone in a strange hotel in a foreign country, to go have fun, she discovers one of them missing, and again leaves them alone.
You can discount it, I do not...

I dont think anyone is discounting them as the facts - just trying to maybe explain why ..............but one plus one does not equal four . all this does not then mean she murdered her kids
I dont think anyone is discounting them as the facts - just trying to maybe explain why ..............but one plus one does not equal four . all this does not then mean she murdered her kids

Any case is decided on the totality of the evidence and circumstances. We all know that no one or two things means that ANYONE murdered their kids, but we're here to discuss all of the aspects of this case.
He hasn't changed his story. Clarence Mitchell made a statement yesterday to say that Gerry's thought about the abductor are recorded in his very FIRST witness statement.

That makes what happened to Madeleine (IF we are to believe the McCanns' version) all the worse. Daddy comes strolling back to check on the kids, notices a lot wrong and doesn't investigate? What kind of father is he? Useless!
Any case is decided on the totality of the evidence and circumstances. We all know that no one or two things means that ANYONE murdered their kids, but we're here to discuss all of the aspects of this case.

Yep, even the stupid, ludicrous, and farcial.:(
That makes what happened to Madeleine (IF we are to believe the McCanns' version) all the worse. Daddy comes strolling back to check on the kids, notices a lot wrong and doesn't investigate? What kind of father is he? Useless!

Or drunk.
Ok a lot has happened since this case was just a little tiny single thread trying to survive. We went from a single suspect, murat, and negligent parents, mccanns, to the parents as suspects too and much alleged damning evidence against them and then onwarrds to see that evidence be pooh poohed by mainstream media that had just earlier been avidly espousing that same alleged evidence and then we heard of another possible suspect, a possible serial child killer who may have been watching the mccanns up to the disappearance of little Madeleine but who has since suicided and then onwards to a possible Madeleine sighting that turned out to be mistaken and then onwards to a fired maid that might have a motive to commit a crime and then onwards to a fired head of the portuguese L.E. on the case.

And now as the dust settles and after we have all heard and read the large input of information as the case unfolded, what do you think about it all?

Did the parents have time and opportunity to have caused the death and then to have planned and successfuly hidden and disposed of the body of little Madeleine? How much time would they need? And what resources would they need? Are there special things about bodies and handling and storing or disposing that doctors know that would aid them in this? Could they have embalmed her with alchohol or something and would that have helped any?

Did the child killer Urs Von Aesch get little Madeleine and dump her body somewhere?

Did the fired maid get little Madeleine? If so what did she do with her?

It will likely take ahwile for the new police person to get his squad under control as they will probably be upset at their last boss being fired and probably will have loyalty issues to work through before they can recover their poise and again attack this case.

When they get around to blowing the ice off the case what will they find?
Any case is decided on the totality of the evidence and circumstances. We all know that no one or two things means that ANYONE murdered their kids, but we're here to discuss all of the aspects of this case.

totally agree and I enjoy the discussion and debate
Sorry for the flippant remark above I really couldnt resist!

Ok a lot has happened since this case was just a little tiny single thread trying to survive. We went from a single suspect, murat, and negligent parents, mccanns, to the parents as suspects too and much alleged damning evidence against them and then onwarrds to see that evidence be pooh poohed by mainstream media that had just earlier been avidly espousing that same alleged evidence and then we heard of another possible suspect, a possible serial child killer who may have been watching the mccanns up to the disappearance of little Madeleine but who has since suicided and then onwards to a possible Madeleine sighting that turned out to be mistaken and then onwards to a fired maid that might have a motive to commit a crime and then onwards to a fired head of the portuguese L.E. on the case.

And now as the dust settles and after we have all heard and read the large input of information as the case unfolded, what do you think about it all? I think they are guilty & some if not all of the Tapas 9 know what happened!

Did the parents have time and opportunity to have caused the death and then to have planned and successfuly hidden and disposed of the body of little Madeleine? Yes, I believe that she was dead before dinner & hidden either in the apartment of one of the Tapas 9 probably O'Brien or removed in the boot of the Renault which one of the other party had at that time & that is how her DNA got there not 25 days later.
How much time would they need? Not that much at all And what resources would they need? Their own callousness & the help of O'Brien & Tanner Are there special things about bodies and handling and storing or disposing that doctors know that would aid them in this? Probably Could they have embalmed her with alchohol or something and would that have helped any? Maybe not medical so don't know!

Did the child killer Urs Von Aesch get little Madeleine and dump her body somewhere? Unlikely

Did the fired maid get little Madeleine? NO If so what did she do with her?

It will likely take ahwile for the new police person to get his squad under control as they will probably be upset at their last boss being fired and probably will have loyalty issues to work through before they can recover their poise and again attack this case.

When they get around to blowing the ice off the case what will they find?
Ideal scenario is Madeleine alive but I doubt that will happen. Hope they will find her body, get evidence they need to charge get the culprits!

(Full article translation in Portuguese Press thread)

"On the day the Policia Judiciaria's team leaders decided to constitute Gerry and Kate McCann as arguidos in the process of the disappearance of their daughter, they first communicated their intention to British police investigators that were in Praia da Luz. "I have made arrests for less than that", one of them apparently replied.

An element connected to the investigation, who is obliged to anonimity, guaranteed to PUBLICO that the English police was always informed about the diligences that were developed by PJ within the Maddie process, and has always cooperated and supported the investigation, even from England. One of the clearest examples of that cooperation is that all analyses on residues that were collected in the apartments at Praia da Luz and from the vehicles that were used by the McCanns and their friends, performed in in Birmingham lab, were paid by the English."

That makes what happened to Madeleine (IF we are to believe the McCanns' version) all the worse. Daddy comes strolling back to check on the kids, notices a lot wrong and doesn't investigate? What kind of father is he? Useless!

Except that this is not what he said at all. At the time, he did not think it was strange. It was only later, that he put two and two together. The Portuguese police chief seems to have misunderstood what was said and the media ran with his misinterpreted version.

As they say, hindsight has 20:20 vision.

Anyway, if this is in his first witness statement as claimed, it's a moot point because that will date it very well.
The last person to check on Madie (not sure which one but one of the friends) said he just listened at the door.
Was that what he was expected to do, just listen at the door, or was he supposed to phyisically go in and check.
Because if he was supposed to go in, wouldn't he feel really guilty afterwards,
if she was abducted then if he actually went in and checked on her
maybe just maybe, they would have known much sooner that she was missing, or he could have possibly caught the person in the act
or he could have scared the abductor away
But since he just listened at the door we don't know if she was there or not at that time....
I have just posted this to our Portuguese friends over on the Proboards forum. I received a response that there is a "rumor via e-mail" currently. I can't go searching because I can't read spanish but, I will let you know if/when we hear more.


Friends in Portugal,

There is a very, very, very sad thread on the Mirror forum and I hesitate to point you toward it because it flat knocked me to my knees. I would recommend that you not read about the case in Malaysia, it is brutal and an absolute horror. (link to thread on MF)

But, within this thread there is a post from "Holly":

"That is what I found after hearing from a trusted Spanish Neighbour a body had been found in Spain. She had spoke to her brother around 12.30pm today and he said that it had just been on the news in Spain that a childs body had been Found in Spain.
Nothing on the Net about it yet only what is above. My first post was deleted I have no idea why. Just spoke to my Dad who employs our Spanish Neighbor and he said she is 100% solid."

Have any of you heard anything about this?


Another forum is saying that the body found is that of an adult male....stay tuned for confirmation

From the Leicester Mercury


Anything "jump out" at you?

Colomom: Is this for real? :eek: I almost thought it was another parody.

Gerry: "We just want to say thank you. That's the reason we are here. This cheque

And um, Madeleine also, right? :crazy: But also the big honkin' cheque. :rolleyes:

"It's just so uplifting. A few nights ago, we had a curry with some friends."

Kate: "It was just a takeaway, we weren't out having a meal."

Gerry: "And the waiters in the restaurant, the staff - they were so good.

That's a contradiction, folks! Either they were having takeaway, or they had waiters at the restaurant. :doh:

Let's hope the twins weren't home alone.

Gerry: "I went to the dump to throw some things away. Even there, people came up and said: 'I hope everything works out all right for you'
So he's still taking stuff to the dump, huh. Any guesses on what it was, and did the police know about it?

I'm sorry - that is a freakin' strange thing for someone to say. :loser:

Did I miss anything?
This is what I posted on the Proboards forum:


The part of the Leicester Mercury article that bothers me most?


"Kate: "Something carries you through. We have Sean and Amelie of course. We are there for them."

Something? Something like hoping you can bring your daughter home one day? You have Sean and Amelie? What about Maddie? Don't you have Maddie too? Or maybe not...

We are there for them????

What about Madeleine?!?!?!
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