General Discussion Thread No. 17

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Why would he go to eat at 6:30 anyway, when he was planning to dine at Tapas at 8 p.m.?

Nothing Gerry says makes any sense.

Why is it so hard to believe someone might have been hungry and wanted something to eat?

Gerry might have wanted a quick snack as he might have missed lunch and didn't want to wait until 9 pm to have dinner.
There are a million possibilities as to why Gerry felt like eating at 6 30pm even though he was planning on having dinner at 9pm.
lol That question made me chuckle. This is competely OT but my husband and I went on a cruise a few years ago and he ate every 2 hours. It was like vacationing with a baby. :)
Why is it so hard to believe someone might have been hungry and wanted something to eat?

Gerry might have wanted a quick snack as he might have missed lunch and didn't want to wait until 9 pm to have dinner.
There are a million possibilities as to why Gerry felt like eating at 6 30pm even though he was planning on having dinner at 9pm.

And if he hadn't eaten, or wanted to eat, or was said to have eaten at 6:30, that would have been MORE suspicious. You need to understand this is the McCanns we're talking about here and they left their children alone and Madeleine's gone, and that's the only reason people are forced to turn on their computers and post here. I'll betcha those McCanns even use the wrong brand of toilet paper.
;) If I read your meaning correctly, I agree. I've never been particularly pro-McCann, but I'm amazed at how much moral outrage there is around their every word, deed, non-word and non-deed. I'm having visions of Madame Lafarge and her knitting.

Ya know, I always wondered if she finished that sweater - or was it an afghan?

Alright....let's talk....

What is up with the release of the story of the ceramic plate??

According to the article: "The family yesterday released pictures of a plate that Madeleine made at nursery school for Brian and Susan Healy, her grandparents."

The plate was given to the Healys, the mother and father of Kate McCann, the week before the family went to Portugal

Was it meant to show that Madeleine was a thoughtful child??? Or that her caregivers were worthy of that thoughtfulness???

I am sorry....BUT.....I don't get it.

I didn't get that either, but now that I think of it - what if the police want to take it because it has Madeleine's hand prints on it? And so, Team McCann is releasing this as a pre-emptory strike since it builds sympathy for the Healy's, and if the cops take the plate now it will seem cruel?

Just speculation, but that might be why we are getting this now, along with articles about the police wanting the diary and the computer?
And if he hadn't eaten, or wanted to eat, or was said to have eaten at 6:30, that would have been MORE suspicious. You need to understand this is the McCanns we're talking about here and they left their children alone and Madeleine's gone, and that's the only reason people are forced to turn on their computers and post here. I'll betcha those McCanns even use the wrong brand of toilet paper.
Well said AfterMidnight. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Just when you think it can't get any more ridiculious....It does. :doh:
Thanks for posting that new article today April. I did a screen shot and took notes on this one mostly because it names names and sources about an upcoming trial. Also provides a very good insight for what the new detective in charge, Paulo Rebelo is all about.

This may not have anything to do with Madeleine of course but I'll tell ya, I've been very disgusted ever since I found out about their child *advertiser censored* laws and lack of id'ing sex offenders over there. We know the recent bust is true and the orphange scandal. Paulo Rebelo is involved with both so that's great.

I know here in the states the first two points of investigation in a case like this would be the parents first and then area sex offenders. The new team of investigators are specialists in a variety of crimes so that's reassuring.
And if he hadn't eaten, or wanted to eat, or was said to have eaten at 6:30, that would have been MORE suspicious. You need to understand this is the McCanns we're talking about here and they left their children alone and Madeleine's gone, and that's the only reason people are forced to turn on their computers and post here. I'll betcha those McCanns even use the wrong brand of toilet paper.

I've seen a few posts here and there where I got the impression that if it were a pedophile abduction they'd get a free pass because it was the McCanns fault for leaving her alone to be gotten by a predator. :(
I've seen a few posts here and there where I got the impression that if it were a pedophile abduction they'd get a free pass because it was the McCanns fault for leaving her alone to be gotten by a predator. :(

Yes, true, and Elizabeth Smart was not left alone and she was still taken from her own bedroom, with her sister there, by a predator. I believe it's the predators who are the guilty parties.
Yes, true, and Elizabeth Smart was not left alone and she was still taken from her own bedroom, with her sister there, by a predator. I believe it's the predators who are the guilty parties.

Yes, it is most certainly true that the predators are the guilty parties. In the VanDam case I have gone on record as saying that whatever questionable activities Brenda and Damon were a part of, they still did not deserve to have their child snatched out of her bedroom and cruelly raped and killed.

If it turns out someone abducted Madeleine I will readily assert that the person who took her deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. Sometimes it does take a village and every adult ought to have the welfare of children at heart. In a perfect world, when one of us falters, it should be a privilege and honor for another one to stand in the gap, especially when the safety of a little one is involved.

What I see, based on all that I've read, is that the Mccanns have done little to aid in the search for their child, they have put their twins at risk by leaving them alone after Madeleine's disappearance, they've changed their story on the chronology and events surrounding the night of May 3 and they've been uncooperative with law enforcement. All these things concern me and frankly, make me a bit suspicious about their involvement in Maddie's disappearance.

I'm not an investigator in this case and I have no inside ties. I assume the majority of people on this board are in the same catagory, so all I can do is read everything there is and then form an educated OPINION. It doesn't make me a heinous witch hunter to come to certain conclusions - conclusions that I would be more than happy to amend if presented with other information.

I pray every day that Maddie will be found - one way or the other and the whoever took her/killed her will be punished.
I've seen a few posts here and there where I got the impression that if it were a pedophile abduction they'd get a free pass because it was the McCanns fault for leaving her alone to be gotten by a predator. :(

That seems a bit simplistic to me. I sincerely doubt that there's anyone on this forum who feels a pedophile abductor should get a free pass because Maddie was left alone.

If Maddie was abducted by a pedophile, I would hope the person is caught and fully punished. There's not enough bad that can happen to someone who would sexually abuse a child, in my book.

At the same time, whether a pedophile took Maddie or not, I still don't excuse parents who leave their three babies alone in a strange motel while they go drink and party.
At the same time, whether a pedophile took Maddie or not, I still don't excuse parents who leave their three babies alone in a strange motel while they go drink and party.

:clap: It is sad some people justify the fact they left their babies alone as like it is not such a big deal and we have poor little Maddie missing. It is scary to think the same people who defend this action with all sort of excuses may be doing the same thing. :eek:
That seems a bit simplistic to me. I sincerely doubt that there's anyone on this forum who feels a pedophile abductor should get a free pass because Maddie was left alone.

If Maddie was abducted by a pedophile, I would hope the person is caught and fully punished. There's not enough bad that can happen to someone who would sexually abuse a child, in my book.

At the same time, whether a pedophile took Maddie or not, I still don't excuse parents who leave their three babies alone in a strange motel while they go drink and party.

The bolding is mine. I believe the McCanns and friends had wine with their dinner. When I think of partying I see dancing, drinking, perhaps drugs, an all-nighter, and perhaps loose sex. All I see here is wine with dinner. I believe it may be a common practice and I've even been guilty of it myself.
The bolding is mine. I believe the McCanns and friends had wine with their dinner. When I think of partying I see dancing, drinking, perhaps drugs, an all-nighter, and perhaps loose sex. All I see here is wine with dinner. I believe it may be a common practice and I've even been guilty of it myself.

What difference does it make??? The point is they left their three kids 3 and under alone for a whole week when they went for dinner with friends, whether it was a party or not is irrelevant.

What is a common practice? Leaving your tots alone while you go out with friends?
:clap: It is sad some people justify the fact they left their babies alone as like it is not such a big deal and we have poor little Maddie missing. It is scary to think the same people who defend this action with all sort of excuses may be doing the same thing. :eek:

"Mr. Legree, Mr Legree, save your arm and 'old the whip - I believe the bloody 'orse is dead."
"Mr. Legree, Mr Legree, save your arm and 'old the whip - I believe the bloody 'orse is dead."

I would appreciate if you answer me directly. I am not a native English speaker so all those phrases mean nothing to me. Thanks.
I would appreciate if you answer me directly. I am not a native English speaker so all those phrases mean nothing to me. Thanks.

You never read about Uncle Tom? I believe Abe Lincoln said Harriet Beacher Stowe was the little woman who started the great war. 'Course that has nothing much to do with this case, but the quote does have a moral. . .And, I cannot answer you DIRECTLY. I need to answer the post, NOT the person. I answered the post in my own way. Convoluted perhaps, but no more convoluted than many other posts on here.
The bolding is mine. I believe the McCanns and friends had wine with their dinner. When I think of partying I see dancing, drinking, perhaps drugs, an all-nighter, and perhaps loose sex. All I see here is wine with dinner. I believe it may be a common practice and I've even been guilty of it myself.

Hello AfterMidnight.....

I had to laugh when I read the above. My first thought is that you must not have young children.

When I was in my 20's and childless, the description of a "party" might have applied.

Now that I have young children....a bottle of wine and a good DVD on the bigscreen is a "party" to me.

As a parent, when you decide to bring children into the world, you accept that the partying will have to wait for about 16 years, or so, so that you can remain sober, vigilant, responsible, etc. for those vulnerable little lives that you agreed to care for.

The point being, if you have young children, you do everything within your power to protect them. You take every precaution and make sacrifices without question. You never, ever, leave them alone in a un-childproofed room/apartment, in a foreign country, with the door unlocked, out of earshot (without a monitor) to go "socialize" with other parents who are doing the same thing.

That's child neglect, child endangerment and if anything happens, child abuse, or worse....

No matter what....the McCann's are guilty as sin of failing to protect Madeleine.
You never read about Uncle Tom? I believe Abe Lincoln said Harriet Beacher Stowe was the little woman who started the great war. 'Course that has nothing much to do with this case, but the quote does have a moral. . .And, I cannot answer you DIRECTLY. I need to answer the post, NOT the person. I answered the post in my own way. Convoluted perhaps, but no more convoluted than many other posts on here.

Simon, BTW, wasn't British, I just love their accents and the quote I referenced wasn't in the book, it was quoting my own post.

Some of the maternal side of my family is from Wales. Perhaps I can understand the mindset a bit better, having been raised with it. When I went down south, I didn't fit in at all. I believed in truth and they believed in sweetness. Just goes to show different strokes. . .
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