General Discussion-Thread No. 24

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and letting any future girlfriends know how close he is to his mother?? this isn't one of the best dating techniques... would feel wierd & creepy to most women, i think

I bet he thought it made him look like a caring, lonely widower that loved the women in his life.
I bet he thought it made him look like a caring, lonely widower that loved the women in his life.

You mean like true narcissists, that don't have real emotions but only act as though they "think" they should in a certain situation?! :)

Ummm. Yes.

JTF, can you give me your take on that craigslist posting by Jason in regards to my question about him posing with President Bush? Yes, I really want to know if that was his complete sentence, or whether there was more written on a second page, or somewhere else. Thanks. :blowkiss:
Glad to have you aboard Ciara!:)

We're all in the same boat with wanting justice for Michelle and Rylan!
I can't believe how ugly the guy is and he manages to continue to get women! We all know he doesn't have a heart. They must be desperate...that's all I can say!

Sales tactics. All those sales meetings gave him an idea: "I can use this sales tactic to get women!!", he thinks. He tries to sell himself through the loving-daddy pics on his pathetic Craigslist woman-search.

I guess Michelle Money is no longer interested in him...he spent too much money on cheap shoes. But yes, he's a salesman all right. And who the heck would want Mamma as a mother-in-law? All that extra grocery money to keep Mamma's feed bag full would pinch the budget. You know Mamma would want to go along on the honeymoon too. :Banane48: <----Jason & Mamma

Jason is ***** :whip: -ed by Mamma.:D
and letting any future girlfriends know how close he is to his mother?? this isn't one of the best dating techniques... would feel wierd & creepy to most women, i think

Exploiting Cassidy as well...they had a fit when her picture with Michelle was posted at WRAL - now jayboy seems to think it's a good way to go fishing. Sick bunch IMO.
Hi Athy! Long time no talk to!
But, it's good to have all of us back looking at this case for Michelle.
I can't see Jason having the guts to "date" anyone for very long without getting Mommy's approval. You know she'll be distrustful of all of them - she's got too much to risk if Jason blabs to someone outside their little network. JMO, of course.

especially those darn dang yankees :crazy:

i'm still around, i pop in at a few places just don't say much. don't even bother going to the MY threads at IS:rolleyes:

been following this caylee anthony case and a few others. but gotta keep my eye on this one ya know.:blowkiss:
I'd say the gov't had a breach of security if the President is posing with a POI in a murder. :crazy:

Actually, looking at that last sentence - I've tried really hard to see if that was his complete sentence, or was there more (like a second page or ?) Yes, I realllllyyy want to know if he had more to say about posing with POTUS. Can anyone else tell? My eyes are failing me. grrrr

Yes, it is cut off. It says "with George W. Bush at a wa" and then it stops. So it appears he was posing with George Bush at a something that begins wa. I couldn't figure that one out. It just stops... no period or anything.
Yes, it is cut off. It says "with George W. Bush at a wa" and then it stops. So it appears he was posing with George Bush at a something that begins wa. I couldn't figure that one out. It just stops... no period or anything.

I can't imagine how J would of been posing with GWB!

Maybe he posed with a lifesize poster image of the president while on one of his and mama's sightseeing adventures. That just seems more logical to me anyway!
Thanks for your deciphering that less, as I was curiouis in knowing too.:)
Yes, it is cut off. It says "with George W. Bush at a wa" and then it stops. So it appears he was posing with George Bush at a something that begins wa. I couldn't figure that one out. It just stops... no period or anything.

Thank you so much, less. There is a very specific reason why I wanted to know. Hmmm, if anyone knows where and/or when (any mountain rumors of it) this "event" might have occured, please pm me. Thanks!

ETA - Ah, he says he was in ME about the beginning of the month. Guess he means the first part of June. I'm on it.
I can't imagine how J would of been posing with GWB!

Maybe he posed with a lifesize poster image of the president while on one of his and mama's sightseeing adventures. That just seems more logical to me anyway!
Thanks for your deciphering that less, as I was curiouis in knowing too.:)

LMAO! You're right! Maybe that's it. I know one of the restaurants and one of the souvenir shops in Crawford do indeed have the life size cutouts of President Bush, as well as Former President and First Lady Bush. Y'all need to come down and have a group photo :crazy:
Okay, sorry, I know I was getting this kinda OT with the picture thing. I'll get that worked out.

Anyways, I wonder how Jason's week was, and his mother's, and his best darn friend.

Anymore discussions/defense excuses as to why Jason's dark shirt wasn't found by LE when he returned? Or how his DNA is on the wall with Michelle's blood spatter? I guess I'll go read on another site, but not the dastardly "dark side."
LMAO! You're right! Maybe that's it. I know one of the restaurants and one of the souvenir shops in Crawford do indeed have the life size cutouts of President Bush, as well as Former President and First Lady Bush. Y'all need to come down and have a group photo :crazy:

That must be it! I kinda thought it was strange in that he said he "posed". He wouldn't get within 500 ft of the Pres - I hear GWB only likes to photo with good lookin' people!:winkaway:

Up to his ole pranks, I guess. Shudder to think of what he did!:eek::puke:
That must be it! I kinda thought it was strange in that he said he "posed". He wouldn't get within 500 ft of the Pres - I hear GWB only likes to photo with good lookin' people!:winkaway:

Up to his ole pranks, I guess. Shudder to think of what he did!:eek::puke:

Awwww, jilly. :blowkiss: Come on down, I'll get you all set up for one! You'd qualify :)

Too bad we didn't see Jason's personal ad while he had it up.
Sales tactics. All those sales meetings gave him an idea: "I can use this sales tactic to get women!!", he thinks. He tries to sell himself through the loving-daddy pics on his pathetic Craigslist woman-search.

I guess Michelle Money is no longer interested in him...he spent too much money on cheap shoes. But yes, he's a salesman all right. And who the heck would want Mamma as a mother-in-law? All that extra grocery money to keep Mamma's feed bag full would pinch the budget. You know Mamma would want to go along on the honeymoon too. :Banane48: <----Jason & Mamma

Jason is ***** :whip: -ed by Mamma.:D

I suppose so nc (sales tactics). It's really scary how he can promote himself as a widower which to me is at the very least an insult to all widows and widowers. I wonder if he's considered that when he's a convicted murderer, his daughter will be an orphan!:mad:
Awwww, jilly. :blowkiss: Come on down, I'll get you all set up for one! You'd qualify :) On my way!!! :crazy:j/k You're too kind, dearie!:hug:

Too bad we didn't see Jason's personal ad while he had it up.

Yeah....we could have sent a few replies!!!
I haven't posted in AGES! But I am glad I checked to see that perhaps, JY is enjoying his last days of freedom. But when I look at the pic of him and Cassie in the cave, doesn't it look like he is totally p*ssed off that she is not cooperating? His clench-toothed smile, the way his muscles look tensed in his forearms, even the grip of his fingers looks tight. Glimpse into his rage, perhaps? Maybe no one else sees it that way, but to me he looks ticked off that Cassie is, well, acting like a typical four year old!

I don't know, JMO, IMO and all that jazz...

PS - Cassie looks like her Mama...lucky for her...
Yes, it is cut off. It says "with George W. Bush at a wa" and then it stops. So it appears he was posing with George Bush at a something that begins wa. I couldn't figure that one out. It just stops... no period or anything.

It may be wax museum..............Madame Tussauds has a wax figure of Bush.
It may be wax museum..............Madame Tussauds has a wax figure of Bush.


Thank you! That's a very good idea, and that seems much more realistic (haha). I was trying to come up with "wa" options and was focused on water something. Never did I think of wax!

Thank you! That's a very good idea, and that seems much more realistic (haha). I was trying to come up with "wa" options and was focused on water something. Never did I think of wax!

Knowing what we have heard about JLY, he may have said 'washington $1000 / plate fundraiser'. :crazy:

Good catch, likely 'wax museum'
Knowing what we have heard about JLY, he may have said 'washington $1000 / plate fundraiser'. :crazy:

Good catch, likely 'wax museum'

:laugh::laugh: LMAO re fundraiser!

Mahmoo did have a good catch on the wax museum!
Then another fine poster pm'd me the link to MT's Wax Museums - and there is one in New York. So, was Alan Fisher's service in early June in NY?! Maybe that's when they went to the wax museum?
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