General Discussions #5

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golfmom said:

I just get worried because I feel like I'm walking a tight-rope. I would be more than willing to share the other information, but I've been told that it is against board policy. I would have been better off doing the whole I know something you don't know, rather than freely sharing the information I've been given, and I now find myself in a pickle here.

Quite honestly, unless it came from LE, it would have no impact on my thoughts.
Timex said:
I can olny go by what Law Enforcement has said...and that is they are following several different theories.
Timex, can you tell me what date the reporter was quoting LE with that statement? I can only find that statement in the first days of reporting and the last two news reports have not said that. Am I missing something?
golfmom said:

I just get worried because I feel like I'm walking a tight-rope. I would be more than willing to share the other information, but I've been told that it is against board policy. I would have been better off doing the whole I know something you don't know, rather than freely sharing the information I've been given, and I now find myself in a pickle here.
Quite honestly GM, I've enjoyed hearing your unconfirmed confidential information. It has given us new ideas and new places to search and seek.
golfmom said:

I just get worried because I feel like I'm walking a tight-rope. I would be more than willing to share the other information, but I've been told that it is against board policy. I would have been better off doing the whole I know something you don't know, rather than freely sharing the information I've been given, and I now find myself in a pickle here.
Well, it was posted that rumor and gossip are allowed. So as long as you say that "rumor has it ..." or "according to some gossip around Durham ..." I think that the issue was just that we can't post for other people if they pm us. As long as we say that what we are stating is not fact, and is just based on the buzz, then that's okay, correct?
Doesn't anybody else think it's curious that Raven was supposedly out playing soccer the night his wife was murdered, instead of at least looking for a job or jobs???? I mean, there are hamburger joints opened, Walmart or other department stores opened. You would think he would be working two or three jobs trying to support his family and the "poor financial decisions" he has made. Was this guys ego so big, he couldn't suck it up and do whatever it takes (legally) to support his family?
Vehicross Forum Post:
03/07/2005, 05:26 PM
AlaskaVX, I've always enjoyed your posts and pictures... We've never met, but my heart goes out to you.

I was feeling really down when I lost my job and the circumstances in which I lost it made it worse. While I feel my work situation starting to improve, no matter what I will always be greatful for the 3 weeks I went without a job. During that time I finally had a chance to get to know my then 3 month old son. Now I get countless smiles from him and he always wants his daddy and gives me the biggest laughs of anyone. That was a blessing in disguise that I would have never imagined.

Anyway, good luck on the job hunt and keep up the spirits!
-The Rave-
North Carolina

Nevermind, I guess he did have a job and time to play soccer.
family_friend said:
R.I.P Janet.. I only pray to my heavenly father that the person or people responsible for this selfish crime be punished to the FULL extent of the law.... Raven I have no doubt that your reading this. I have seen your reaction at the memorial and I have looked you in your eyes while giving you my condolences while having to bite my lip from saying what I feel. I can see thru your eyes into your soul. May God have mercy on your soul.
:( :(

Welcome family_friend and as previously stated I hope there has been nothing posted here to hurt Janet's friends and family. I think I can speak for all of us here, we want the same as you, for the person or persons to be held accountable for this horrific crime and that justice will prevail for Janet. By your actions, you must be a true friend to Janet and her family. May God comfort you to know that Janet is resting in peace.
My point is...I could have family and or friends from either side telling me things. It would not make them accurate, it would not be evidence.

Obviously, Janets family feels Raven killed her.

Ravens family feels he didnt.

We see the same thing in the Fox case. Kevins family stands solidly behind him...some are members of this forum. I dont base my opinions on that case on what his family has to say...nor do I base it on what media is saying. I am waiting to hear just what real evidence there is to link him to the crime. I use the same standards on any case presented here at WS.

Im not going to take sides in a family dispute. All of my opinions and observations will come from unbiased sources. That is the only way I can maintain any type of fairness on these boards.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Something else that I have always been curious about -

The clothing they took from Raven that evening: if there was blood on the clothing, or not. And, if there was blood, where and how much.

Lord, in trying to think the best of ANYBODY, I hope he was covered in poor Janet's blood, if for no other reason, giving him the benefit of a doubt, that when he found her, he ran to her and held her....

That said, referencing that blasted Michael Peterson case in Durham, AGAIN -

he was literally dripping with Kathleen's blood - all over him. And, he of course said that that was the exact reason: he found Kathleen and was holding her as he called 911, etc.

Those bloody clothes became a HUGE deal at the trial. The defence brought in ol' Henry Lee. He was on the stand spitting ketchup (I kid you not!) at posterboard to demonstrate things, etc. The DA was talking about how there was blood spatter way up the inside of MP's shorts. On and on and on. (SO very tedious at times - blood spatter evidence!)

Anyway, I digress. I would love to know about what, if anything, they found on Raven's clothing... Maybe someday we'll know....
Take a look at NC Banker's post. It's #18 on this page:

Timex said:
Obviously, Janets family feels Raven killed her.
I must have missed something. Can you point me to some info/posts/threads about this?


hoppyfrog said:
I must have missed something. Can you point me to some info/posts/threads about this?



No I cannot...but since we know information was being sent via PM to some folks by friends and family of Janet...and those folks are convinced of his guilt, I would draw the conclusion of her friends and family feeling he is indeed guilty.
hoppyfrog said:
I must have missed something. Can you point me to some info/posts/threads about this?



Hoppy I can tell you this, everything that I've revealed on the boards ... nothing has come from a family member. I have never been in contact with a immediate or extended family member. So, I don't know what they think or feel. I have on the other hand been contacted by Janet's friends and some of her co-workers and I've done my best to share everything that I've received.
I just want to let everyone know that I sent Timex a pm to update a few of the posts on our timeline... I can no longer edit those posts because there's a time after which users can no longer edit a post themselves; hence, a moderator has to do this.

I have been swamped and am sorry I have not been able to send updates sooner.

I am still trying to figure out when they moved and where (Janet and Raven).
After Timex makes the updates I sent, if anyone knows of any other changes, can you send them to me? I will compile all changes and then send to Timex so that she doesn't get bombarded with changes and pm's. I hope this is acceptable to everyone and that you all have a great night! ;)
I've been gone all day long and it's taken me an hour to catch up on just today! You guys have been some busy bees!

Mr. AG--Nice little blog. I absolutely loved the last line!!

I'll stay on this one till the man has a cellmate who thinks he looks purty in orange.

That's great!!!
PrayersForMaura said:
I just want to let everyone know that I sent Timex a pm to update a few of the posts on our timeline... I can no longer edit those posts because there's a time after which users can no longer edit a post themselves; hence, a moderator has to do this.

I have been swamped and am sorry I have not been able to send updates sooner.

I am still trying to figure out when they moved and where (Janet and Raven).
After Timex makes the updates I sent, if anyone knows of any other changes, can you send them to me? I will compile all changes and then send to Timex so that she doesn't get bombarded with changes and pm's. I hope this is acceptable to everyone and that you all have a great night! ;)

Unfortunately honey we've been all over the board and our general discussions have moved into other threads. Your pretty, organized board got messed up today! :blowkiss: Without you chaos and madness reigned!
golfmom said:
Unfortunately honey we've been all over the board and our general discussions have moved into other threads. Your pretty, organized board got messed up today! :blowkiss: Without you chaos and madness reigned!
LOL ... aww, you guys are handling it all fine!!
I just got promoted at work and wound up falling in love with my boyfriend all within the same long, whirl-wind of a week; so my time here has been sporatical and not long :(
I am trying to catch up fast and furiously.
You guys are getting some good info, especially with the VX posts!!!
I should clarify how I have came to the conclusion of Janet's family feeling Raven is guilty.

As I mentioned, some I assumed because of the behind the scenes postings.

Then there was a single poster that claimed to know the family, and told us how they were NOT looking at Raven as the perp, but just waiting for LE to do their job.

When that poster made the claim, the family sent word that the information was not at all from them. They made it clear this person was not being truthfull. At least that is the way I interpreted the response from the family, since it was the one and only post the family has personally responded to.
The only time the family has voiced an opinion on anything that has been posted was when it was a favorable opinion of Raven. That appears to have upset them, so I can only draw a conclusion that they do not view him in a favorable light.

If I misinterpreted the meaning behind their response, which I could have, I would sincerely like to know.
golfmom said:
Hoppy I can tell you this, everything that I've revealed on the boards ... nothing has come from a family member. I have never been in contact with a immediate or extended family member. So, I don't know what they think or feel. I have on the other hand been contacted by Janet's friends and some of her co-workers and I've done my best to share everything that I've received.

Timex said:
I should clarify how I have came to the conclusion of Janet's family feeling Raven is guilty.

As I mentioned, some I assumed because of the behind the scenes postings.

Then there was a single poster that claimed to know the family, and told us how they were NOT looking at Raven as the perp, but just waiting for LE to do their job.

When that poster made the claim, the family sent word that the information was not at all from them. They made it clear this person was not being truthfull. At least that is the way I interpreted the response from the family, since it was the one and only post the family has personally responded to.
The only time the family has voiced an opinion on anything that has been posted was when it was a favorable opinion of Raven. That appears to have upset them, so I can only draw a conclusion that they do not view him in a favorable light.

If I misinterpreted the meaning behind their response, which I could have, I would sincerely like to know.
Thanks for clarifying your thought process. It helps a lot, since I'm not a mind reader.:)

It's interesting that you interpreted the response from the family that way. I simply interpreted it as a statement intended to clarify *who* was speaking, not that they agreed or disagreed with the content of that poster's messages. I'll have to go back and read it again.

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