General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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Your video in post #576. is the one that makes me just furious on every level and every word from those two.

This makes blood squirt out of my eyes....:furious:

LIes, Lies, Lies and more lies.. He is the one who told NG that MC and the two children were all in the same bed!! The nerve of him. And Teresa..the most important thing for her to establish is that rc wasn't married to Crystal..and she interrupts NG to make sure the world knows that...grrrr. Then the Custody, I could just scream...*screaming*

Mother and son are exactly alike and own the same pathology.
I don't know if others have a door that they never use and keep locked but I do. My front door is only used by delivery people. I don't even think of checking the lock on the door because I don't use the door. Once I found it unlocked and knew it had been unlocked for about 3 weeks, the last itme the pizza guy came. I never noticed it because I do not use the door. So Ron saying that he checks the lock on the door every day tells me it is used all the time.

~ Respectfully snipped ~

I have a side door from my laundry room into the back yard that is NEVER used. I check it a few times a week and have occasionally found it unlocked. So, for them to claim this door is ALWAYS locked and NEVER used is just not possible. It's one of two doors. I guarantee it's used. And, just like GGMS's claim that since MC was there at 7-8pm, she was there all night -- how can RC say that because the door was locked at 3pm, it was locked all night?
rc is very odd and on top of that he lies. The door was wide open and he never mentions jr. Wouldn't he be running to jr to check him?
If you ever lost a child, the first thing you do is search. You make contact with everyone in the immediate area. You may run out into the street and stop cars. IOW, you take action. He just rec'd word that very minute and he is already into revenge. What happened to shock and disbelief? and physcially moving in a direction of where she could be.

What does rc do? He is going to kill the person that stole her...I don't know how he jumped to that place w/o going through all the other scenarios knocking on doors, searching the storage shed. He had to know the situation, can't think of any other reason for his behavior, unless we are talking some serious mental issues which I have not ruled out.

so instead of moving his legs and running or searching, his first action is to get a gun, kill somebody and spend his life in prison. These simply do not add up to anyone who has had a child missing, particularly in the first few minutes.

This has always bothered me. He comes home from work, hears his daughter is missing, and automatically assumes she's been kidnapped? He doesn't ask the details surrounding why MC thinks she's missing OR if MC has looked for her. HE doesn't look for her, either. He doesn't wonder if Jr is ok and doesn't wonder if he saw/heard anything.

Last summer, my then 4 y/o was out playing in our quiet cul-de-sac with the neighbor boy ... I looked out & didn't see him, & went to the neighbors to see if he was there. Nope, neither of them there. We both went to the neighbors houses, all the while yelling there names, and proceeded to search. THANKFULLY! They came walking around the corner and had gone to see a neighbor-around-the-corners new dog. Point is, my first reaction was NOT that he'd been kidnapped. I yelled through the neighborhood and knocked on doors and would have re-knocked on those doors had my son not immediately turned up. RC NEVER did any of that. It was just "Oh, well she's been kidnapped". Heck, he didn't even search the mh before telling MC to call 911.
I think Misty told Ron as soon as he came in that a man took Haleigh and threatened to kill her and the whole family. Ron seemed to know that someone took Haleigh and might be caught quickly so that he could shoot him. Ron could have possibly thought it was a dope dealer he cheated if Misty didn't outright tell him it was Joe.
well, if he cared about Haleigh & wanted her back safe & sound, he should've shared this information with cops or gone after the guy himself-not just stood around & cussed.
Because RC is such a 'strange' (unreadable) character, each time I begin to think he just might be innocent in all of this... I remember something he said or a part of his demeanor early on, and it shoots every new theory out of the water.

I just can't believe ANYONE could have taken the news that their child was kidnapped and not gone on a 'running rage' (neighbors/neighborhood etc...). I would have made sure that Everyone in my neighborhood KNEW he/she was missing and BEGGING for help finding them! Unless I had something to hide.
And the unbelievable number of cell phone calls to MC & ToC that night, I'm sorry, but he HAD to have known something was up! Big Time!

I pray something really big breaks soon in this case!

Beautiful Haleigh NEEDS complete JUSTICE!
(I think we all do on this one! We've all invested soooo much time and too many brain cells for this to go unsolved!)
like you I've really tried to give Ronald the benefit of the doubt. He does afterall, have people like Nancy Grace, Tim Miller, Steve Brown, Cobra...all saying he;s not involved. So, I've tried to go with that, but common sense won't let me believe he's completely innocent. just can't go there. he has not, not even on the day 1 911, acted like an innocent man. If he didn't hurt Haleigh, then what the h*** is his problem? I can't figure that out. The only excuse I can come up with is that he loves Misty & likes to act tough, but that doesn't make sense. How could he love the girl who killed his daughter? because I don't think he'd cover for Tommy or Joe for any reason-not even if Misty wanted him to. & I don't care who he pizzed off or how much dope he was hiding, that would be no reason for not being up front with cops.
We need to go all the way back and re-examine everything. I just saw a video I had never seen and I thought I had everything covered with video. It is on the ac thread. RC and tn are talking to NG and TN tells about the ac visitor and rc mumbles what sounds like a name.

If this name is verified, we are going to be more confused than ever before.

Can anyone tell me if they are absolutely sure that LE said the only person cleared was the AC repairman. As I recall they interviewed him within one hour of Haleigh's disappearance. That would be around 5:00am. These guys don't work that fast. They had to know where the guy lived and someone on the scene had to tell them.
Beer..Aspirin ..which is it? I think I will choose beer..

I am convinced somebody at the scene knew where the ac guy lived. TN, AS, mc, rc. They had to know the guy who was visiting. Of course I am basing this on what I thought I just heard on that tape when tn was talking and rc talked over her.

Maybe it wasn't just a rumor but a fact that rc knew the person....oh brother!

The other fact I need handled is the nursing license thing. I just can't find a license associated with this Leisa. There is one with the same name near Miami and she has a different middle name.
~ Respectfully snipped ~

I have a side door from my laundry room into the back yard that is NEVER used. I check it a few times a week and have occasionally found it unlocked. So, for them to claim this door is ALWAYS locked and NEVER used is just not possible. It's one of two doors. I guarantee it's used. And, just like GGMS's claim that since MC was there at 7-8pm, she was there all night -- how can RC say that because the door was locked at 3pm, it was locked all night?

Just one more example, IMO, of the overly eager over-compensation I've seen in this case by Ronald & Misty, which strongly indictates deception. Words such as "always" and "never" raise my suspicion when used to explain something that ordinarily, for an over-whelming majority of "average" persons, could not, and would not be attested to with claims such as, "It/I always/never..." (i.e., I've never seen that/any cement blocks..., I always check that door everyday before I leave for work, etc,etc,etc,.)

I have always been curious as to why rc wanted to talk to the ac guy. Something is wrong here. I also recall misty saying she stepped outside because she didn't want to be in the house alone when he was there. If her brother was there, this makes no sense. Something else is going on at this time..I'm sure of it

ron cummings would never allow a stranger in his home w/o him being how

Either the repairman was a stranger and rc was there or he was NOT a stranger and rc said ok. For rc to do this, he had to be very comfortable with who he was...and I still don't see him allowing anyone inside without his watchful eye.
I was thinking today that maybe RC's plan was that after the "accident" He went to work. Timmy, Tommy Joe were to dump body and Misty was to call 911 and report Haleigh Missing and than call Ron at work. RC kept checking on Misty to see if everything had gone as planned and if whe was calling 911. Misty was too scared to call 911 so she turned her phone off and just decided to get high with Tommy ( this has been reported by Tommy and Misty- Maybe not true but could be) This would also back up the 2:13 AM 911 call but she hung up - Maybe she called from Timmy's or Tommy's I am not sure whre the call came from but this call is a mystery.

Ron still needed to develop his alibi so he had to stop at the Corner Mart and buy items but was very nervous about if the job designed and instructed by him was done. Misty called Timmy's house to tell him what happened and that she was too scared to call 911 - Timmy is involved somehow so this is why he has not ratted.. RC got home at 3:27AM and was so pissed that Misty had not called 911 yet and he punched the wall, scared the heck out of her and than made her call 911. During that call it seemed to me she kept trying to hand off the phone to him. She did not want to mess up the story.

This is all in my opinion and a new thought!
I have always been curious as to why rc wanted to talk to the ac guy. Something is wrong here. I also recall misty saying she stepped outside because she didn't want to be in the house alone when he was there. If her brother was there, this makes no sense. Something else is going on at this time..I'm sure of it

ron cummings would never allow a stranger in his home w/o him being how

Either the repairman was a stranger and rc was there or he was NOT a stranger and rc said ok. For rc to do this, he had to be very comfortable with who he was...and I still don't see him allowing anyone inside without his watchful eye.
dope dealers & gun collectors would never leave an ac man in their home alone. I'm neither & I know better than that.

Yet, here we are many months later and we still don't have a straight answer to this one simple question. What hours did you work that night Ronald?

If you want to believe an unbiased next door neighbor that lived next door to RC and MC,she's a poster here on WS. that says he worked a 10hr shift 5pm-3am at PDM. I have a link but not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to a thread from locals of Satsuma.(thats what I have always based my belief by)all of her posts always spoke unbiased about RC and MC, not overly highly, seemed to point out anything she didn't feel was right, and in all always seems very honest descriptions and knew quite a bit of the goings on. She's the one who said Haleigh was always so helpful as a big sis to JR, as in when he'd fall off his bike she'd be right there to make sure her baby bro was ok and help him back on.(so sweet)
But as far as her answer to RCs work hours(which was directly asked of her)her statement of a 10hr shift 5pm-3am(which she's stated since the first weeks of Haleighs disappearance)it would coincide with Shoemaker's stating RC arrived around 4:15, 45 mins early for his 5pm start time.(and the neighbor's statement would've been almost a year before Shoemaker ever made such statement)
You are sure right about that Dodie. He had to know this guy. LE interviewed the ac guy at 5:00am. If it is a fact and the name I heard rc say, then he is related and he is about the same age as rc.....just researching right now.
If you want to believe an unbiased next door neighbor that lived next door to RC and MC,she's a poster here on WS. that says he worked a 10hr shift 5pm-3am at PDM. I have a link but not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to a thread from locals of Satsuma.(thats what I have always based my belief by)all of her posts always spoke unbiased about RC and MC, not overly highly, seemed to point out anything she didn't feel was right, and in all always seems very honest descriptions and knew quite a bit of the goings on. She's the one who said Haleigh was always so helpful as a big sis to JR, as in when he'd fall off his bike she'd be right there to make sure her baby bro was ok and help him back on.(so sweet)

Thanks Jessi. If his shift was those hours, it is still possible that he was late. I only knew of one neighbor and it was a man..anxious to know the one you are talking about.

How precious of haleigh..she loved her little brother so much. The picture one gets when you described that is heartbreaking.
The one I found with the name I thought rc say on the tape has had some recentlly as of 10-08 involving a gun and assualt but it was challenged in court and prosecution dropped it.
She could have been as lucid as GMS says she was and still high as a bird. Opiate junkies can be very high and still pass field sobriety tests. They are most always coherent, even when taking near knockout doses. If GMS had looked at her pupils and said they weren't constricted--that's how you could tell if she wasn't high. If someone has been on a three day binge, if an observer of that person is paying close attention, that observer can tell something is not right, even if the person coming off the binge is coherent and responds appropriately. If Misty were a valium addict, what GMS said would mean more to me. But as it is, she could have been buzzed and GMS is still telling the truth.

As far as the double locking deadbolt--I don't know about that. As far as the cement block, if you go into this believing that Misty or Ron was the killer, then you have to believe the cement block was a diversion. But (1) if you go into this thinking someone from out of state was the killer, you would be more inclined to think that someone wanted to use the backdoor for some reason and maybe just set it up where that someone could have a clear, unobstructed path.

For all the talk about how prominent the cement block was in the 911 call, (2) I think if I woke up in the middle of the night and my door were propped open with a cement block, I think I would most definitely mention this along with anything else that was different in my house. In that trailer, wasn't the cement block the only thing that was different?

(1) If “someone from out of state” lugged a 40 lb cinder block to the scene to commit this crime, why wouldn’t they prop open the door that would be the most difficult to navigate while burdened down with Haleigh?

Watch this short, 32 second, clip and tell me which of the two back doors requires the most effort for Ms Schiavo to open WITHOUT carrying a 40 lb little girl:

(2) If the solid back door wasn’t WIDE OPEN, how did Misty see a cinder block or “brick” holding open the screen door?

Misty Croslin: “Hi…umm…I just woke up…and our backdoor was wide open and I think…and I can’t find our daughter”...........

911: “OK…alright…You said your back door was wide open?”

Misty Croslin: “yes- it was bricked- there was a brick on the floor…when I was asleep it was not like that.”

911: Ok…the back door…listen to me…your back door was wide open…what are you talking about a brick?”

Misty Croslin: “(inaudible)”

911: “what is a brick?”

Misty Croslin: “it’s almost like– on the stairs- we have a walkway…”

911:” uh huh….and there was a brick laying there?”

Misty Croslin: “yes…it’s still there”

Misty's not the only one spreading the "standing WIDE open" storyline in the beginning. In an interview with NG on 2/11, RC not only says the self closing door was standing wide open, but he walked out the door.

GRACE: Exactly. Mr. Cummings, you said the door was propped open. Describe to me what you saw when you got home.

CUMMINGS: I came in the house and immediately checked all the bedrooms, the bathroom, everywhere, just to be sure, and walked to the back door, it was wide open. As I walked out the back door, the screen door was propped open with a cinderblock.

In my opinion, the block/screen door is a very clear amateurish attempt at staging a crime scene in an effort to misdirect LE’s efforts towards their initial “some sorry piece of trash stole my child” storyline.
It was said right away that Joe picked locks & used a cinder block to sit on.
It was said right away that Joe picked locks & used a cinder block to sit on.

By who and when? I would very much appreciate any link you could provide where anyone says Joe Overstreet has lock picking skills.
(1) If “someone from out of state” lugged a 40 lb cinder block to the scene to commit this crime, why wouldn’t they prop open the door that would be the most difficult to navigate while burdened down with Haleigh?

Watch this short, 32 second, clip and tell me which of the two back doors requires the most effort for Ms Schiavo to open WITHOUT carrying a 40 lb little girl:

(2) If the solid back door wasn’t WIDE OPEN, how did Misty see a cinder block or “brick” holding open the screen door?

In my opinion, the block/screen door is a very clear amateurish attempt at staging a crime scene in an effort to misdirect LE’s efforts towards their initial “some sorry piece of trash stole my child” storyline.

BBM. In the same footage u posted above(full version) NG asked TN about how the door was propped open and she says that Misty was not very good house cleaner and unfortunately there was always a mound of laundry there, and thats what held the inner door open.
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