General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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In my one theory, I have misty hurting Haleigh all on her own and getting her family to help w/ cleanup. I can see misty running in the back door (cause I think it was used more than what they infer) just before ron pulls in and since she had the kidnapping theme going in her head, thought she had to prop the back door and then she threw the dirty clothes that were on the floor into the washer, ran to the front door dialed rons number than saw him pull in??

In my second theory w/ ron involved, I believe someone else staged the house and threw the dirty clothes in the washer to get them out of the way, propped the back door to carry things out and told ron and misty to say that the kidnapper must of come in the back door but no one had time to consider the self closing door part.
I have a few more hahaha(she types sarcastically) this case is making me crazy urg!

That's the problem, we all have so many theories. I have a number of them, too, but I keep going back to my first and second theories. In both of them, the main characters are the same, just reversed, with a whole slew of supporting cast. It's so difficult when no one tells the truth. :banghead:
We have to go backwards and assume LE was not completely giving the most accurate info...all done justifiably by them to help solve the case.

The very first reports may be the accurate reports before they figured out what was going on....and shut down. I've got to get to my old files..somehow. The videos and news clips are disappearing as we type. I had saved a copy of first reports...kinda made a habit of that if I were going to follow a case. News channels etc. don't hold on to them long.
I have a thought in regard to Misty's statement that they never use the back door.

For example, we have a juicer. If you asked me I would say that I never use it. But I have done, just not very regularly. The same for our storage space under the stairs. 'We never use it' but in fact we keep stuff in there, just not stuff we use often.

I can understand how they might casually say they never use the back door. They enter and exit the MH via the front door and use the back door for taking out garbage or vacuuming the car. But it's not a door they consider to be in use.

Even her confusion over the distance between her and the supposedly sleeping Haleigh. In that interview with Greta VS, Misty looked exhausted. I suppose it had been nearly a week since she had a decent night's sleep. In her head, she knew where Haleigh's bed was but verbally she couldn't tell the difference between 3'-4' and 3"-4". I doubt Haleigh was ever in bed, of course, but that's not the point I'm trying to make here.

I detected a lack of focus when she was answering questions which could be attributed to her young age and the lack of concentration that can go along with it, ineducation, and of course mistruths also. I think her contradicting statements are down to a number of factors.

JMO, of course.

Good Morning,

It's a pleasure to read what I have so far here at WebSleuths. Such respect for one another! Refreshing, to say the least.

On the subject of Misty and Ron's musical bed stories, is it possible that Misty was describing the first story they both told, that HaLeigh was in bed with Misty when she "disappeared"? Even Ron stated that, at first. The story morphed into HaLeigh sleeping on the toddler mattress near Ron and Misty's bed. So, as Misty is sticking with the original story of HaLeigh in bed with her (four inches away) Ron intercedes and says four feet, or something to that effect.

I believe that their original story was "modified" for at least two reasons: People questioning how in the world Misty wouldn't have been roused with HaLeigh in the bed beside her and concerns that Child Protective Services would not approve, possibly, of HaLeigh in bed with Misty (just a speculation).

Hope I haven't misinterpreted what you were saying or repeated other's posts. This is a big place and finding my way around the Haleigh boards is quite an adventure. I am grateful for this welcoming place.


Thanks for the video, Debs. Listening a few times to make sure, Ron contradicted his mother and the reporter on scene, mumbling that "the cousin wasn't there..."

No one asked Ron why he said that. Begs the question; since he keeps claiming to have been at work and didn't know anything, than how can he be so confident that the cousin (Joe Overstreet) wasn't there? (Not that I believe he ever was). Also, Tommy and the kids weren't mentioned. Of course, Misty told him. :croc: No, Ron and Teresa (and probably, Annette Sykes) told Misty what the story would be, from the very beginning. This is my firm belief and opinion. As facts were released by the police, the stories were molded to try and fit emerging evidence. In my opinion that game is continuing today. Young Misty was always set up to be the fall girl.

Watching this makes me feel sick. What is with Nancy Grace, beyond her usual self, which I personally just cannot stomach? She is so obviously on the side of Ronald Cummings and his family that it is almost laughable.

All the above are my thoughts on the case and my opinions.

Thanks for the video, Debs. Listening a few times to make sure, Ron contradicted his mother and the reporter on scene, mumbling that "the cousin wasn't there..."

No one asked Ron why he said that. Begs the question; since he keeps claiming to have been at work and didn't know anything, than how can he be so confident that the cousin (Joe Overstreet) wasn't there? (Not that I believe he ever was). Also, Tommy and the kids weren't mentioned. Of course, Misty told him. :croc: No, Ron and Teresa (and probably, Annette Sykes) told Misty what the story would be, from the very beginning. This is my firm belief and opinion. As facts were released by the police, the stories were molded to try and fit emerging evidence. In my opinion that game is continuing today. Young Misty was always set up to be the fall girl.

Watching this makes me feel sick. What is with Nancy Grace, beyond her usual self, which I personally just cannot stomach? She is so obviously on the side of Ronald Cummings and his family that it is almost laughable.

All the above are my thoughts on the case and my opinions.


Howdy there. Welcome to you!! I like new perspectives!
That is part of why I don't think Misty knows. Misty cannot say what she doesn't know. LE is not going to believe her now if she changes her story and says she was not alone with those kids.

Then you have all those "tests" Misty did that showed her as a liar. Who pushed her into taking all those tests? Ron and TN. I would bet that they "prepared" her for those tests. I bet she was told all about ways to pass the tests...ways they knew would make her fail and destroy her credibility. IMO, Misty would have broke right now if she had real info. But if they filled her with lie after lie, every time she tells a "new" story destroys her credibility even more. The only ones who NEVER ask Misty about her changing stories are Ron and TN. Really, anyone in that situation would be asking, not standing by her.

IMO, Misty was the perfect fall girl. Someone who they could easily manipulate to make her seem guilty in case they needed someone to save their behinds.
1Chump, I agree with you about everything here. Bolding of your post by me~ One thing though: Since I suspect that LE believes that it is Ron who killed HaLeigh, I think they have been hoping, trying, agonizing over the fact that Misty will not admit that Ron was home with her (and the kids, or just HaLeigh) and are just waiting for her to tell them he was there and that Ron committed the crime against HaLeigh.

She has been put in so deep ~ and for this I blame Ron and his mother and grandmother ~ that she sees no way out.



:banghead: I am out of theories today...very impatient wondering why we have not had any updates on the Haleigh Case. I find it so odd that LE turns this case into a Homicide and just leaves the family and public in the dark. What the heck is going on in Putnam County? I have never heard of a case where LE is so secretive and contradictory. :banghead:
Good Morning,

It's a pleasure to read what I have so far here at WebSleuths. Such respect for one another! Refreshing, to say the least.

On the subject of Misty and Ron's musical bed stories, is it possible that Misty was describing the first story they both told, that HaLeigh was in bed with Misty when she "disappeared"? Even Ron stated that, at first. The story morphed into HaLeigh sleeping on the toddler mattress near Ron and Misty's bed. So, as Misty is sticking with the original story of HaLeigh in bed with her (four inches away) Ron intercedes and says four feet, or something to that effect.

I believe that their original story was "modified" for at least two reasons: People questioning how in the world Misty wouldn't have been roused with HaLeigh in the bed beside her and concerns that Child Protective Services would not approve, possibly, of HaLeigh in bed with Misty (just a speculation).

Hope I haven't misinterpreted what you were saying or repeated other's posts. This is a big place and finding my way around the Haleigh boards is quite an adventure. I am grateful for this welcoming place.


Thanks for the video, Debs. Listening a few times to make sure, Ron contradicted his mother and the reporter on scene, mumbling that "the cousin wasn't there..."

No one asked Ron why he said that. Begs the question; since he keeps claiming to have been at work and didn't know anything, than how can he be so confident that the cousin (Joe Overstreet) wasn't there? (Not that I believe he ever was). Also, Tommy and the kids weren't mentioned. Of course, Misty told him. :croc: No, Ron and Teresa (and probably, Annette Sykes) told Misty what the story would be, from the very beginning. This is my firm belief and opinion. As facts were released by the police, the stories were molded to try and fit emerging evidence. In my opinion that game is continuing today. Young Misty was always set up to be the fall girl.

Watching this makes me feel sick. What is with Nancy Grace, beyond her usual self, which I personally just cannot stomach? She is so obviously on the side of Ronald Cummings and his family that it is almost laughable.

All the above are my thoughts on the case and my opinions.


Welcome, thanks for your thoughts. It's good to have new folks chiming in.

Be careful what you say about NG, we're only allowed to really dig in in The Parking Lot. I wouldn't want you to be introduced to the corner this early in your membership. :wink:
I also found these:

I believe an accurate assessment of what is shown in the CNN video is a door that closes itself to a point of being “slightly ajar”, which is EXACTLY what LE told us. There were no piles of dirty laundry holding open the solid rear door, no matter what Teresa Neves says in an effort to deflect the truth.

Back to my original question, why did Ronald and Misty both repeatedly state the back door was standing WIDE OPEN, and if it wasn’t, how was Misty supposed to have seen the cinderblock holding open the screen door?

You prop open the door that you would have to pull and not the door you would push. You would not use a pile of laundry to prop open a door if you are carrying something, you might trip or slip.

IMO, the staging was decided while standing outside the MH forgetting that the story was something was carried out not in so the wrong door was propped open.
:banghead: I am out of theories today...very impatient wondering why we have not had any updates on the Haleigh Case. I find it so odd that LE turns this case into a Homicide and just leaves the family and public in the dark. What the heck is going on in Putnam County? I have never heard of a case where LE is so secretive and contradictory. :banghead:

Hopefully some positive results on those items recovered from the Shell Harbor search are what is taking so long. but, I will take anything at this point that will bring about some justice for Haleigh.
Welcome, thanks for your thoughts. It's good to have new folks chiming in.

Be careful what you say about NG, we're only allowed to really dig in in The Parking Lot. I wouldn't want you to be introduced to the corner this early in your membership. :wink:

Thanks for the welcome and the advice, aksleuth. Where is this parking lot? Can we discuss WHY NG is off limits, or should I ask a particular moderator in private? I don't understand this, as her show has done by far the most interviews with HaLegh's people.

I sure don't want to get in trouble here or break rules, as this place is very real and down to earth, as far as I have been able to observe.


The Parking Lot is our private forum, visitors can't see it. So they prefer we take our TV personality bashing down there. NG has her very own thread. :wink: We can discuss NG's shows, and we usually have a live thread when her show is on, we just can't be negative about her in the public forums.

Here's the link to The Parking Lot, also called The Basement:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Just one more example, IMO, of the overly eager over-compensation I've seen in this case by Ronald & Misty, which strongly indictates deception. Words such as "always" and "never" raise my suspicion when used to explain something that ordinarily, for an over-whelming majority of "average" persons, could not, and would not be attested to with claims such as, "It/I always/never..." (i.e., I've never seen that/any cement blocks..., I always check that door everyday before I leave for work, etc,etc,etc,.)


Yes I agree BBM.
Also another lie I remember is RC insisting that he put a dead bolt on that door up real high so kids couldn't open it.
Well, it is located exactly where my own is. When my grandchildren were about 3, they could open it on there tippy toes.........
Then one has to ask why would Ronald lie about what went down when he arrived. He has said he saw Misty was calling him but didn't answer the phone because he was just pulling onto the street and into the yard. OR, he also has said that he pulled into the yard and saw his girlfriend standing in the door and thought that was odd because she's always sleeping when he gets home from work at that time. And then you have Misty's veritable buffet of answers and .......... well..........

I almost hate to bring this up, but there was also the scenario of Ron going into the house and noticing Haleigh was gone and he woke Misty (in bed) and asked her where was Haleigh. Of course this scenario went by the wayside quickly.

This was very early in the case and I can't remember if LE repeated it, a reporter said it or whether I read it from a police report. Does anyone else remember this because I can't go back to February 2009 and read all those reports again. Someone please corroborate me.
I've always felt that Haleigh got in the middle of an altercation between RC and MC and TN and GGS were involved in the cover up. As far as the search at Shell Harbor, I never felt they were looking for a body but some other type of evidence, possibly a weapon or clothing. It just never felt right to me that someone would tie Haleigh to a rope and cinder block and put her in that spot when there are so many places that are more private and would have less traffic.

Now, I'm starting to wonder if TN played a much bigger role in this than I originally thought and I'm also starting to wonder if RC struck Haleigh and caused her injury. I'm also questioning just how big of a roll MC and TC played in it.

I'm sure my thoughts will change again but one thing that won't change is that I feel TN and RC are involved.
I almost hate to bring this up, but there was also the scenario of Ron going into the house and noticing Haleigh was gone and he woke Misty (in bed) and asked her where was Haleigh. Of course this scenario went by the wayside quickly.

This was very early in the case and I can't remember if LE repeated it, a reporter said it or whether I read it from a police report. Does anyone else remember this because I can't go back to February 2009 and read all those reports again. Someone please corroborate me.

Oh man, I remember that one, too. Yikes! It was easier to find Carmen Sandiego in that kids' computer game way back on an Apple IIe than to find the truth in the story of the disappearance of one Haleigh Cummings!
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