George and Cindy Anthonys Body Language and Comments Indicates They Are Feigning

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Your comment confuses me cyberborg......Why would BC be giving them advice to go on these shows and making fools of themselves? Isn't he supposed to be their atty and therefore looking out for their best interests? help.......

I wonder if the reason MN left the A's was because MN wanted to represent the A's but NOT defend KC and spin.

BC seems to tread a fine line where he does paint the A's in a better light but also seems very willing to spin things as part of the KC Defense team. I think BC is doing what CA requires of him but he moderates it so he can make them look better and keep them out of trouble but ...... BC is definitely working to help KC's case as well as an extension of the Defense.
Note to Casey,
This is what real grief looks like.

You heartbreaking as this photo is..and it is...and it most definitely is true grief, I don't doubt that for a minute. I still can't get past when George testified before the Grand Jury...I had such high hopes that FINALLY he was going to do the right thing and step up for Caylee, be her advocate in wanting truth and justice for his grand-babies murder, even if it meant helping put KC behind bars as difficult as that would be. No one expected him to turn his back on his daughter but it sure would have been nice if he could have been Caylee's hero.....Needless to say I was disappointed beyond words. :( jmho...
Here is the link---listen at 23:55 (I have to use my headphones to hear the background talking in court).

Thankyou for the link Doogiesgirl. Talking about body language - AL is not tapping, coaxing or soothing KC - she's thinking. Watch her. She gets right up and gives her counter - never skipping a beat even though the prosecution came out with a baseball bat. It's not about KC - it's about her. There's no emotion (for this case) here. It's about "the cause".
When the softball reporter asked Cindy, if indeed they come to understand through the course of the trial that Casey is indeed responsible, what then, it suddenly came to me that even AFTER the conviction, or EVEN IF CASEY PLEADS GUILTY , Cindy will forever publicly say, Casey was forced, under duress to plead because the unfair prosecutor and the judge allowed the cards to be stacked against her by allowing the DP. In some twisted way, the judge's ruling comes as a relief to her. She can hold up the pretense, but deep, deep down....she wants Casey punished imo.
When I look at GA I see a man who loves his wife unconditionally, more than he loves his daughter. I see him trying to keep CA from going off the edge. I see him accepting her for all her faults because regardless of how she acts he still loves her, love is blind after all. I do not see him giving up on CA ever, I would see her casting him off if something better comes along. Going into court the other day she was way ahead of him, they were not walking together. I also believe it was more convenient for GA to NOT get a good job, let CA do her thing while he was in charge of the children when they were younger. Seems GA was always available to get them off to school and his job seemed to always work around their schedule. I believe if GA had a choice he would have gone back into LE but that was not what CA wanted. CA has complained to her family leaving GA in a very bad light and still he loves her. CA appears to be always looking in greener pastures, and does not appreciate what she has. JMO

BBM I'll never understand the A family dynamic. Jesse loved Caylee more than Casey. Cindy says Casey loves Caylee more that she loves Casey. Grandma says Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee. Am I the only one who finds these statements odd?
Another poster mentioned that she felt CA's demeanor was off the first time she appeared on NG (I'm paraphrasing). ITA. I remember her telling NG to "go easy" on her because she hadn't slept much. However, she proceeded to give a lengthy interview and did not beg the "kidnappers" to return Caylee. I immediately thought that she was pandering for the cameras and enjoyed being in the limelight.

It maybe have been me. I saw Cindy on Greta van Susteren, not NG, the first night this story broke and almost immediately thought, "Something's really not right here and I think she's lying." She didn't act at all like I would if one of my grandchildren was missing - no frantic worry, no grief. What I saw was anger. She kept saying she hadn't had any sleep the night before, was confrontational with Greta. On the very first question from Greta with the slightest bit of edge to it, and I do mean slight, she stormed off the set.

At this point, it hadn't been reported that the child was missing for a month before anyone reported her missing. Cindy was saying that her daughter and granddaughter had been on vacation and that's why she didn't know she was missing at first. It made no more sense then than now.

And of course Cindy being angry and confrontational and storming off in a snit is nothing new but it was then. It was her behavior in that first interview that got me interested in this case because it was so out of whack.
Thankyou for the link Doogiesgirl. Talking about body language - AL is not tapping, coaxing or soothing KC - she's thinking. Watch her. She gets right up and gives her counter - never skipping a beat even though the prosecution came out with a baseball bat. It's not about KC - it's about her. There's no emotion (for this case) here. It's about "the cause".

Oh I agree....I think we have 3 narcissistic personalities sitting at that defense table. Only 1 of them is a killer. :cow:
Oh I agree....I think we have 3 narcissistic personalities sitting at that defense table. Only 1 of them is a killer. :cow:

Well the other two have killed off any respect I may have had for defense attorneys.
Oh I agree....I think we have 3 narcissistic personalities sitting at that defense table. Only 1 of them is a killer. :cow:

Respectfully disagree re: AL. A professional shouldn't get emotionally involved, and a good attorney should always maintain their professionalism. This is probably the wrong thread to address this but it seems like a lot of people on this board want to shoot the messenger (probably because they are very emotionally involved). But like it or not, AL is doing her job, and most of these behaviors you see as negative are actually strengths.

JB on the other hand... I will pass over in silence.
George has said he didn't think he and Cindy would be together when all was said and done. To me, this says that the arguing could be because they can not agree on how to "help" Casey. Could it be, George will tell the truth on the stand, ultimately defying and rebelling against Cindy, no longer doing what is expected of him from his wife?

In his police interviews, he was honest about the smell in the trunk. He told them he believed in his heart, Casey was going to be going away for sometime, as well as spoke of Caylee in the past tense. I think he felt secure to open up to LE. For one, his wife was not there to butt in and glare at him. Secondly, they were men. Law enforcing, men that he respected.
Once that tape was released, I am sure he felt the wrath of Cindy and possibly from his son Lee...

Watching that interview, there was no painful frown while boldly lying/defiantly sticking out his chin because these were his real feelings. George was actually allowed to talk in private for once and have his own opinions/theories. It sounded to me as if he was really trying to help them and (maybe not so much outwardly verbally) assure them that Casey was where she belonged.
Remember, there had been some tension between Casey and George for some time at this point, I believe one of the first stages of grief for George, very well could have been relief that someone was finally doing something about their problem child.

Shortly after, he seemed to have gone through a phase of anger. Whether it was at himself for yet again, bowing down to Cindy, for being so honest with LE and having been exposed (mostly Cindy finding out) or not doing more to prevent Casey unleashing on Caylee, at Casey for taking away his beautiful grand daughter, who knows.
Probably a little of all of that.

Something else I have noticed about George is when he saw Cindy get out of control at the depos, he seemed to snap out of it, tell her to shut up and yet again become apologetic for his wife (same as when the car was repo'd, with Le etc.).
He, like all of us, definitely struggles with his own demons and the decisions he has made in life.

I want to also be clear that in no way did I post that picture to defend George, or say that I agree with the shady things he has done.
I posted it because that picture broke my heart, and as pointed out, this is the only display of raw emotion we have really seen come out of the A clan for sweet little Caylee. (If Lee's speech was for Caylee at her "memorial", well, he should have said so. In my opinion, that was for Casey.)
I do not wish to speak badly about him because George Anthony will live out the rest of his life in his own hell.

What goes around comes around.
It is never too late to do the right thing.

GA is one broken human who is alone in his pain. It is too much to bear alone so he clings onto the only hope he has. When he had minimal opportunities to talk with others (without CA supervision) he was geniune. Too bad CA didn't remember that the genuine GA was the original person she fell in love with. Now she is not happy with the "Man" she has created (or child for that matter) and has no one to blame but herse . . . . . . er uh, LE, JG, TL, WS'rs, the jail, JSS, media, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

p.s. saw the video of Greta w/CA in Caylee's room the other day, I never noticed before the letters CMA were on Caylee's wall in her room.
Thankyou for the link Doogiesgirl. Talking about body language - AL is not tapping, coaxing or soothing KC - she's thinking. Watch her. She gets right up and gives her counter - never skipping a beat even though the prosecution came out with a baseball bat. It's not about KC - it's about her. There's no emotion (for this case) here. It's about "the cause".

A lawyer isn't supposed to get emotionally involved with their client.
When the softball reporter asked Cindy, if indeed they come to understand through the course of the trial that Casey is indeed responsible, what then, it suddenly came to me that even AFTER the conviction, or EVEN IF CASEY PLEADS GUILTY , Cindy will forever publicly say, Casey was forced, under duress to plead because the unfair prosecutor and the judge allowed the cards to be stacked against her by allowing the DP. In some twisted way, the judge's ruling comes as a relief to her. She can hold up the pretense, but deep, deep down....she wants Casey punished imo.

I'm convinced that even if Casey is convicted Cindy and George will forever declare her innocence. They'll say she was railroaded, she didn't have a fair trial, etc. etc. George may believe she's guilty deep down, but after reading Cindy's depo I'm more convinced than ever that she's completely delusional. Cindy will never accept Casey's guilt. She's far too narcissistic and to accept that her daughter is a murderer would be unthinkable to her. She still thinks Caylee's alive, so could you imagine her reaction if Casey's convicted? I could just picture the talk show appearances. Heaven help us!
This picture of George just breaks my heart! I just do not understand how he manages to maintain what he must do to stay with Cindy and carry this grief with him at the same time. Surely this man's mind will break wide open with the loss of Caylee and the truth he carries of Casey's guilt.

I think he has to maintain denial and stay with cindy because it's all he knows. This is such a dysfunctional family. Rivalry between mother and daughter for Lee's affection, for George's affection, probably for male attention in general, and of course for Caylee's affection. Then of course, jealousy on the part of casey towards Caylee for getting anyone's attention because all of that should go to casey.
Reading the posts I find so many very intuitive and knowledgeable people who really have this family figured out. I guess that's what happens when intelligent people immerse themselves in a case. I can't count how many times I thought "Exactly!" when reading a post on this thread.
To hopefully add to those posts, I think George is the most sincere of the whole lot but I also think he fits the pattern of the typical, passive male married to a person with a serious personality disorder. He lets her rule and determine how they act and even feel, possibly because he lacks something, perhpas some inner confidence, I don't know.
But, I feel sorry for him even though I can see he does not believe his own statements.
By the way, I think there have been talks at home, at least in the beginning, about the reality of the situation, with George, perhaps, blowing up and screaming about what he thinks casey has done. But, as time went on and the reality proved too painful to bear, he just sunk back into the family pattern of nutty behavior, denial, performance, etc. Breaking from dysfunction by breaking out of one's role in that dysfunction is very, very difficult and scary, even when one knows that at the end, life will be better once the split is made. But for George, at the end is only the reality of what his daughter did, the fact that he will never have her or his precious ray of sunshine (Caylee) back again, that he and his family will forever more be known as the family of the murderer and that he and his wife's actions in enabling or creating the monster that is casey, have greatly contributed to Caylee's demise in one way or another. I really get why he keeps up the charade.
As for cindy, that's a whole other story, IMO. I think George will be devastated when casey is found guilty, but deep inside he will know the right verdict has come down. I don't think anything is more important to cindy at this point than keeping face. It's all she has. And I don't think she will ever feel, even way deep down, that justice for Caylee is more important than the lie she is living. But, that's JMO based on what I know thus far.
So, you too believe she's had a lift? I was thinking more along a botox treatment. But, she does look different. She's had something done...anyone else have a guess? I am not sure though if figuring out what she's had done is exactly reading body language, is it? Never mind.

She does look better than before. Maybe not having to actually deal with casey is helping her feel better than she has for a long time.
What a great way to express it - he doesn't have a soft place to land. This is a man who is broken and lost - and oh how we hate a man who lacks courage to do the right thing. My hope is that sometime, somewhere he can reach in, find some courage and do the right thing for Caylee. Without being able to do that, the disgust he feels for himself will never allow him to survive this. IMO of course.

Well, he did the right thing in his interviews with LE. Then, he did the right thing duirng the grand jury, apparently. he did the worng thing during his depos in connection with the Zenaida case and with LE. Here's hoping he truns around and does the right thing again, at trial.
You heartbreaking as this photo is..and it is...and it most definitely is true grief, I don't doubt that for a minute. I still can't get past when George testified before the Grand Jury...I had such high hopes that FINALLY he was going to do the right thing and step up for Caylee, be her advocate in wanting truth and justice for his grand-babies murder, even if it meant helping put KC behind bars as difficult as that would be. No one expected him to turn his back on his daughter but it sure would have been nice if he could have been Caylee's hero.....Needless to say I was disappointed beyond words. :( jmho...

What did I miss? I thought GA's GJ testimony is what sunk casey.
You heartbreaking as this photo is..and it is...and it most definitely is true grief, I don't doubt that for a minute. I still can't get past when George testified before the Grand Jury...I had such high hopes that FINALLY he was going to do the right thing and step up for Caylee, be her advocate in wanting truth and justice for his grand-babies murder, even if it meant helping put KC behind bars as difficult as that would be. No one expected him to turn his back on his daughter but it sure would have been nice if he could have been Caylee's hero.....Needless to say I was disappointed beyond words. :( jmho...

I agree. The grief is pouring from GA. Yet, when the family, went up to speak about Caylee, it became all about Casey. Remember George wanting people to write Casey in jail?

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