George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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ITA. I find it bizaare that some people are blaming the posters at WS for this. I think if the blame lies anywhere, it's pretty obvious Casey is responsible and wish people would stop blaming posters here.
I find that bizarre as well! WS posters are being blamed for George's contemplation of suicide?
I think that LE has been letting out enough information to try and make someone break. Things have been closing in on that family since the day Caylee was found.

Friday LE visited them. This week information came out that seemed to cast doubt on what GA said about what Caylee was wearing the last time she was seen.

Suicide is the ultimate self-centered act. It further victimizes family members. People who get so desperate do crazy things. His texting of people and reaching out indicates that he wanted "HELP", not that he was intending going through with it.

As an adult he has a right to request no visitors. I think that he needs some breathing space and I hope he continues to get it.

His poor impulse control, his not working and relying on CA to support the family, just to mention a couple of things.

Why do we always look at the woman in one of these cases as being the one who drove him to it? Maybe we need to start in the year 2009 understanding that a lot of men drive women to look and act crazy.

" Conway, who plans to hold a press conference at 3 p.m., said he wants the media to give the Anthonys space. "They're under the same amount of stress that they always have been, maybe more," he said. "They're just trying to cope with the death of Caylee." from the orlando sentenal article cited above

why does Conway need a press conference to tell media to stay away...until this happened haven't they pretty much been left alone?????? Am I missing something...seems like there is almost a competion between the lawyers as to who will get their face out there first....
My guess is both are going to spin this to their clients' advantage. Baez will use this to illustrate that even in the throes of deepest grief, George wanted the world to know Casey is innocent. He will say the cruel and mean calls they have been receiving no doubt led George to the brink and that is why he needs a change of venue."
GA said, according to LP, that he was "tired of living a lie" (this was quite a while back). I can't imagine living in a world where the truth is unwelcome and not to be talked about. I have a feeling that is exactly where he has been living. I hope that he can get some help, to come to terms with the truth, no matter how painful it may be. Unfortunately, he may have to separate from CA to do that.
I am a lurker and now feel the need to post. I am in tears for George. He may have done wrong and he may not have. We may never know but the level of anguish he is experiencing is unbelieveable. He seems to be the only one in this bunch that may have SOME moral character and this whole tragedy has finally gotten the best of him. Bless his heart. Someone, KC, needs to give this man some peace!!
Why do we always look at the woman in one of these cases as being the one who drove him to it? Maybe we need to start in the year 2009 understanding that a lot of men drive women to look and act crazy.


Yes, good point. Can we look at that angle as well?
8 pages, seems like GA has a lot to say

Hopefully, he'll get some relief, and at the very least get out of that house.

From the little that has been published about the contents of his letter, thus far he praises Cindy, Lee, Mallory and KC! He supposedly wrote that he didn't believe that KC could HURT Caylee and he shed light on KC's new friends....

I would have hoped that the TRUTH would have been written.. I guess the SPIN goes round and round! Can denial be this strong???????

Don't mean to rant...
I'm coming out of lurkerdom (if that's a word) to post in this sad thread.

Do I hope GA gets some mental help? yes
Do I feel sorry for GA? eh, not so much.

I do feel bad that he has lost a granddaughter due to the product he helped raise. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for suicide "attempts".

Before I get flamed let me add that my daddy committed suicide on May 11, 1999...3 days after his 41st birthday.

If someone wants to commit suicide they do it. They don't call and text people to let them know that's what they are doing.

I do feel bad that KC has led this family down this path. But GA is an adult and he has made some less than stellar choices lately. It's time for him to own up to them. No matter what happens to the rest of the family.

By the way, my name is Carmen and I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my first post.

Great post- you sum up my feelings very well. They are mixed.

I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Carmen.

Also, I was disgusted to hear that George defended Casey in his suicide note.
Oh George, I am sorry you have to go through this.

I truly, truly am.


I think that LE has been letting out enough information to try and make someone break. Things have been closing in on that family since the day Caylee was found.

Friday LE visited them. This week information came out that seemed to cast doubt on what GA said about what Caylee was wearing the last time she was seen.

Suicide is the ultimate self-centered act. It further victimizes family members. People who get so desperate do crazy things. His texting of people and reaching out indicates that he wanted "HELP", not that he was intending going through with it.

As an adult he has a right to request no visitors. I think that he needs some breathing space and I hope he continues to get it.

I know that lots of folks here think GA is the only "sane" one is the family. I have seen and read a lot that makes me tend to disagree.

His poor impulse control, his not working and relying on CA to support the family, just to mention a couple of things.

Why do we always look at the woman in one of these cases as being the one who drove him to it? Maybe we need to start in the year 2009 understanding that a lot of men drive women to look and act crazy.



I soooo agree. What sort of husband, father, grandfather loses the family's life savings? I can't see how Cindy can be blamed for his own issues, in fact, I'd say she's a bit of a saint to have stayed with him after that and if I were her, I'd be hiding my money from both him and my daughter, which would not be a nice way to live.
I also wonder if this had anything to do with the clothes found with Caylee and the "discrepancy" between his statement (he saw her and Casey on the 16th) and the clothing found with Caylee ?
I hope they put some more information out there, as some of the stories seem conflicting. What if GA just truly wanted to get away for a while, and out of that house? Could it be possible that he just needed a break, wanted to have time away to think, eat a good pizza, have a few beers, and was not suicidal at all. Could someone be pulling him back?
Could someone tell me if they(GA ,CA,Lee) knew about the sticker and bag before it become public information>? I am sure they did, but if so how soon do you think they knew about it, before it became public?
I've always believed if a person wanted to end their life they did it, left a good bye letter, they didn't leave a trail. Maybe I'm just missing something with GA actions.
people need to remember that when one is feeling suicidal you are not thinking what if he had his blood pressure meds with him..that may be something he carries with him all the father does, it's the first thing he puts in his pocket every morning after getting dressed-force of habit i guess.

so what if george didn't have any weapons or drugs with him, that fact of the matter is that he made statements that led people to believe he wanted to harm himself, LE may have gotten to him before he had a chance to do anything drastic. many people will do just what george did, cry out for help several times before they actually succeed in killing themselves.

let the man grieve instead feeding the conspiracy theories.
I agree. :clap::clap::clap:
In the first few lines of the missive, Anthony bemoans the death of the 2-year-old whose remains were found last month in a wooded area near the Anthony's Orlando residence. He also mentioned that he would have liked to take his granddaughter to school and shoot hoops with her, sources said.
Saying he could no longer take the pressure, Anthony also said he hoped to someday be in heaven with Caylee, sources said.
But then in the second paragraph, Anthony abandons all talk of dying, and Caylee. Instead he went on to praise his son Lee, his son's girlfriend and how beautiful she is, his wife, Cindy Anthony, and Caylee's mother, Casey, who is charged with first-degree murder in Caylee's death, and is in custody at the Orange County jail.
George Anthony said his 22-year-old daughter was a beautiful, smart and a strong woman. more at link:

It totally blows my mind that all these articles seem to be so "privied" to such a personal note.
I think George is extremely confused. I agree that we need to have empathy for his state of mind; however, this does not mean that we agree with his statements.
I feel for George.. My heart goes out to him.. I have always felt bad for Cindy, George and Lee. I don't care how they acted, what they did, didn't, should have done.. geeez.. Their granddaughter was killed at the hands of their ADULT daughter. So what if they are covering for Casey, the FACT is, they are NOT the ones who is going to convict her. The court of law will.. 12 jurors.. The facts will be presented and all the evidence will point to Casey.

If I were in George's shoes, I'd have more than a pack of beer with me and I would want to run away and hide myself in a room AWAY from all the freaking press, news media, and even my family just so I can fall apart the way I want. These people can't make a FREAKING move without all eyes on them and then get picked apart for making that move...

George didn't ask for any of this to happen.. He had no idea that his daugther would kill his granddaughter..

Paperdoll. this is how I feel 100%!!!! You just said it the way I was feeling it...:)
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