George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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Friday, well said as well.. :blowkiss: I think the Sunshine law needs to have less Sunshine. I think it's important for people to have their privacy.
In my opinion, Florida’s “Sunshine Law” is to blame for nearly all the cruel, and needless, public humiliation George has had to endure.

Take for example, the e-mails between Cindy’s mother, brother, and aunt, which were made public under that law. Those e-mails informed the entire internet-savvy planet that George Anthony was little more than worthless baggage to his family--a lazy, perpetually unemployed man; a dishonest, compulsive gambler who lived off his poor beleaguered wife; a man whose own wife cared nothing for him and was only staying married to him to prevent him from grabbing half of what she’d been paying for her whole life.

Courtesy of that same Sunshine Law, George discovered, along with the rest of the world, that his children thought he was a pathetic joke, worthy only of a Fathers Day gift called Job Hunting for Dummies (or something like that).

Will someone please explain to me why we are all “entitled” to know these embarrassing, personal, damning things about anyone who isn’t accused of a crime? I don’t feel entitled. Do you? I think the Sunshine Law is a travesty that tramples on the rights of all of us who are not charged with any crime. Maybe it was instituted prior to the explosion of Internet information?

I thought it was pitiful when I watched and listened to George’s interview with LE when he confided things to them that he said he didn’t want Cindy, or Lee, to know. I can only imagine how he was treated by them both after those tapes became public under the Sunshine Law.

If that wasn’t bad enough, he was then promptly forced by Cindy to continually appear on camera and state exactly the opposite of what he’d said in those publicly released interviews with LE. How weak, and how ludicrously dishonest, that made him seem to all of us! And he had to know that’s how he looked to everyone watching and listening.

To me, GA is a victim of the Sunshine Law, his own nagging conscience, and his wife and daughter who seem to be able to completely silence theirs. Many see him as weak, and perhaps he is—but I am very strong yet I couldn’t have lasted nearly as long as he has in a house with those two women.

I apologize in advance to all of you who will be upset by my words and strenuously object to them. I can take the heat, but please be kind to each other.

With all due respect, it seems rather hypocritical to be taking that stance when you posted play by play details of what was happening early this morning.
Forgive me if this has been posted already which is probably has because you guys are fast.

Fox News just reported that 15 mins. after Brad Conway's presser..OCSO will also have a presser...

And also said that Judge Strickland just ruled that Casey Anthony will have to attend all future hearings in court which i thought he had already ruled that on the last court date.
Friday, I also agree with you and very well put. The Sunshine Law is incredible and I've been horrified for them so many times!!! I can't ever imagine.
I agree with many of your points.

I do not condone the way the family has handled things, but only Casey took Caylee's life.

The loss of their Granddaughter and the loss of their daughter as they knew her to be must be unbearable for this family. They loved Caylee and it was probably their only real sunshine in this dysfunctional family.
They also love their daughter. Their flesh and blood daughter Casey is a sociopath. Can anyone really imagine wrapping their mind around the beautiful baby you raised taking her own child's life? I seen Casey referred to as many things, but she was once their baby.

Some of you have experienced maybe one tiny aspect of similarity to this family but NOBODY has experienced exactly what this family has gone through. It is abundantly clear that there is extreme dysfunction in the Anthony family. Many families are dysfunctional though. Casey and Casey only is the one that killed Caylee though.

Cindy did not make George attempt suicide. It is not Cindy's fault that Casey killed Caylee. I've seen suggestions here otherwise. No credible pyschological workup has been done on Cindy that I have seen here, and in no way do I believe that Cindy is a sociopath as she has been called. I see they both have psychological issues independent of each other.

Cindy & George have made a TON of mistakes, but the contempt and hatred towards them is something I am having a hard time understanding.

Nobody here knows exactly how they would have handled any of this, because nobody has lived their lives.

Their lives have been shattered forever, and poor sweet Caylee will be missed by so many including their Grandparents that loved her deeply. JMO

:clap::clap::clap: Standing ovation! Excellent post!
If that was the case, you don't send 7 cop cars and a helicopter. Also it was the chief of police that personally escorted George to the mental health facility.

I know one thing, if this was any other man the family would have had to wait the full 24 hours to even report him missing. This is just
another indication of different rules for different people.
And also said that Judge Strickland just ruled that Casey Anthony will have to attend all future hearings in court which i thought he had already ruled that on the last court date.
:woohoo: Thanks for that bit Tonia! Makes my day.
With all due respect, it seems rather hypocritical to be taking that stance when you posted play by play details of what was happening early this morning.

Um no it wasn't play by play - he came on to tell us George was found safely and then told us he could not tell us anymore. I think you are really confused.
I'm also having a hard time understanding that IF he was so suicidal and HAD 'empty pill bottles' (if this is even true) then WHY would he not be taken by ambulance to monitor his vitals etc?? Instead he is casually loaded into the car of the police chief? Makes zero sense to me. I don't think they would go on George's word that the pill bottles that were empty only contained tic tacs and that's he just a little tipsy from a few beers. Wouldn't that be a little risky to not have him evaluated on site? Again, he may have been eval'd at the motel and/or this empty pill bottle scenario is bunk. Either way I still can't grasp why he was taken by police in lieu of an ambulance. :waitasec:

In my experience, the only way he would have gone by police car and not ambulance was if there proof that he didn't take any pills. If he is acting appropriately and is alert to person, place and time you could contact medical control and get permission for him to be taken by LE instead of an ambulance.

I've run on thousands, if not ten's of thousands, of suicides/suicide attempts/suicidal ideations. Previous posters are right. Those who are serious about committing suicide usually do. They don't make last minute calls. They don't leave notes where they know they'll be found. They don't "reach out" to anyone. We usually find them dead.

While not to diminish GA's stress or grief or problems, this is ASB (Attention Seeking Behavior). George wants help, George is going to get help. Whether George is helped by the help is entirely up to George. Like I posted earlier this morning when this all was breaking. I have compassion for George. I feel for him for the horrendous situation that he is in. I cannot, however, turn a blind eye to what the Anthony's have done and said in the last 6 months. They still need to be held accountable for their words and actions. They chose the path they are walking after July 15th. The Anthony's, especially KC, are the ones to blame for the current family situation, not the media or internet forum participants. They had the power to chose which way this was all going to go. It's possible to continue to love their daughter but still seek the truth and demand justice for their granddaughter. They chose to spin a web of lies and mis-truths instead. I never expected them to stop loving KC but they should have been more worried about getting the truth from her, whatever it takes, instead of preserving the "family image".

Like I said early this morning. I pray that George heals his heart and his head. No one deserves to be another victim of KC. She has already claimed one life and changed countless others. The Anthony's need to stand up, tell the truth, seek justice for Caylee and stop being a pawn of their manipulative, sociopathic daughter.

Thanks for reading.
Okay....surely that source is wrong. He believes she's innocent???? What The Heck............oh my. This case gets more twisted by the hour.

Hi. It think GA is very conflicted, and in depression. As a result, as other posters have mentioned, I don't think we can examine these letters as being written by a "sane" person. JMO.

If, he recovers to the degree of thinking rationally, and states the same, I will change my viewpoint.
Since they traced George by the pings on his cell phone, would a warrant of some kind be necessary?
George and Cindy are prisoners in their own home. Their life as they knew it prior to July 15th will never be anymore. Imagine going to bed one night to wake up the next day and have your entire world tumble down around you and each day a little more crumbling until you are raw. I have always felt sorry for the George and Cindy. They appear to be hard working people that were trying to somehow maintain a home environment as best they could. Life happens to all of us, some in this degree, some more, some less. It is sad to think they are only existing at this point and each day has to be harder than the day before. The hurt took George to the level he went yesterday to maybe get a little relief from all the pain even it was to take his life.
In my experience, the only way he would have gone by police car and not ambulance was if there proof that he didn't take any pills. If he is acting appropriately and is alert to person, place and time you could contact medical control and get permission for him to be taken by LE instead of an ambulance.

I've run on thousands, if not ten's of thousands, of suicides/suicide attempts/suicidal ideations. Previous posters are right. Those who are serious about committing suicide usually do. They don't make last minute calls. They don't leave notes where they know they'll be found. They don't "reach out" to anyone. We usually find them dead.

While not to diminish GA's stress or grief or problems, this is ASB (Attention Seeking Behavior). George wants help, George is going to get help. Whether George is helped by the help is entirely up to George. Like I posted earlier this morning when this all was breaking. I have compassion for George. I feel for him for the horrendous situation that he is in. I cannot, however, turn a blind eye to what the Anthony's have done and said in the last 6 months. They still need to be held accountable for their words and actions. They chose the path they are walking after July 15th. The Anthony's, especially KC, are the ones to blame for the current family situation, not the media or internet forum participants. They had the power to chose which way this was all going to go. It's possible to continue to love their daughter but still seek the truth and demand justice for their granddaughter. They chose to spin a web of lies and mis-truths instead. I never expected them to stop loving KC but they should have been more worried about getting the truth from her, whatever it takes, instead of preserving the "family image".

Like I said early this morning. I pray that George heals his heart and his head. No one deserves to be another victim of KC. She has already claimed one life and changed countless others. The Anthony's need to stand up, tell the truth, seek justice for Caylee and stop being a pawn of their manipulative, sociopathic daughter.

Thanks for reading.
Excellent post!:clap::clap::clap:
In my opinion, Florida’s “Sunshine Law” is to blame for nearly all the cruel, and needless, public humiliation George has had to endure.

Take for example, the e-mails between Cindy’s mother, brother, and aunt, which were made public under that law. Those e-mails informed the entire internet-savvy planet that George Anthony was little more than worthless baggage to his family--a lazy, perpetually unemployed man; a dishonest, compulsive gambler who lived off his poor beleaguered wife; a man whose own wife cared nothing for him and was only staying married to him to prevent him from grabbing half of what she’d been paying for her whole life.

Courtesy of that same Sunshine Law, George discovered, along with the rest of the world, that his children thought he was a pathetic joke, worthy only of a Fathers Day gift called Job Hunting for Dummies (or something like that).

Will someone please explain to me why we are all “entitled” to know these embarrassing, personal, damning things about anyone who isn’t accused of a crime? I don’t feel entitled. Do you? I think the Sunshine Law is a travesty that tramples on the rights of all of us who are not charged with any crime. Maybe it was instituted prior to the explosion of Internet information?

I thought it was pitiful when I watched and listened to George’s interview with LE when he confided things to them that he said he didn’t want Cindy, or Lee, to know. I can only imagine how he was treated by them both after those tapes became public under the Sunshine Law.

If that wasn’t bad enough, he was then promptly forced by Cindy to continually appear on camera and state exactly the opposite of what he’d said in those publicly released interviews with LE. How weak, and how ludicrously dishonest, that made him seem to all of us! And he had to know that’s how he looked to everyone watching and listening.

To me, GA is a victim of the Sunshine Law, his own nagging conscience, and his wife and daughter who seem to be able to completely silence theirs. Many see him as weak, and perhaps he is—but I am very strong yet I couldn’t have lasted nearly as long as he has in a house with those two women.

I apologize in advance to all of you who will be upset by my words and strenuously object to them. I can take the heat, but please be kind to each other.
In my experience, the only way he would have gone by police car and not ambulance was if there proof that he didn't take any pills. If he is acting appropriately and is alert to person, place and time you could contact medical control and get permission for him to be taken by LE instead of an ambulance.

I've run on thousands, if not ten's of thousands, of suicides/suicide attempts/suicidal ideations. Previous posters are right. Those who are serious about committing suicide usually do. They don't make last minute calls. They don't leave notes where they know they'll be found. They don't "reach out" to anyone. We usually find them dead.

While not to diminish GA's stress or grief or problems, this is ASB (Attention Seeking Behavior). George wants help, George is going to get help. Whether George is helped by the help is entirely up to George. Like I posted earlier this morning when this all was breaking. I have compassion for George. I feel for him for the horrendous situation that he is in. I cannot, however, turn a blind eye to what the Anthony's have done and said in the last 6 months. They still need to be held accountable for their words and actions. They chose the path they are walking after July 15th. The Anthony's, especially KC, are the ones to blame for the current family situation, not the media or internet forum participants. They had the power to chose which way this was all going to go. It's possible to continue to love their daughter but still seek the truth and demand justice for their granddaughter. They chose to spin a web of lies and mis-truths instead. I never expected them to stop loving KC but they should have been more worried about getting the truth from her, whatever it takes, instead of preserving the "family image".

Like I said early this morning. I pray that George heals his heart and his head. No one deserves to be another victim of KC. She has already claimed one life and changed countless others. The Anthony's need to stand up, tell the truth, seek justice for Caylee and stop being a pawn of their manipulative, sociopathic daughter.

Thanks for reading.

Very well said, thank you so much for your insight.
I know one thing, if this was any other man the family would have had to wait the full 24 hours to even report him missing. This is just
another indication of different rules for different people.

Does the fact that they got texts from him about suicide make a difference?

I was, however, surprised at the amount of LE at the A's. I am pretty sure a regular joe or josephine wouldn't be getting that kind of treatment. And the inclusion of a helicopter just blows me away!
In my experience, the only way he would have gone by police car and not ambulance was if there proof that he didn't take any pills. If he is acting appropriately and is alert to person, place and time you could contact medical control and get permission for him to be taken by LE instead of an ambulance.

I've run on thousands, if not ten's of thousands, of suicides/suicide attempts/suicidal ideations. Previous posters are right. Those who are serious about committing suicide usually do. They don't make last minute calls. They don't leave notes where they know they'll be found. They don't "reach out" to anyone. We usually find them dead.

While not to diminish GA's stress or grief or problems, this is ASB (Attention Seeking Behavior). George wants help, George is going to get help. Whether George is helped by the help is entirely up to George. Like I posted earlier this morning when this all was breaking. I have compassion for George. I feel for him for the horrendous situation that he is in. I cannot, however, turn a blind eye to what the Anthony's have done and said in the last 6 months. They still need to be held accountable for their words and actions. They chose the path they are walking after July 15th. The Anthony's, especially KC, are the ones to blame for the current family situation, not the media or internet forum participants. They had the power to chose which way this was all going to go. It's possible to continue to love their daughter but still seek the truth and demand justice for their granddaughter. They chose to spin a web of lies and mis-truths instead. I never expected them to stop loving KC but they should have been more worried about getting the truth from her, whatever it takes, instead of preserving the "family image".

Like I said early this morning. I pray that George heals his heart and his head. No one deserves to be another victim of KC. She has already claimed one life and changed countless others. The Anthony's need to stand up, tell the truth, seek justice for Caylee and stop being a pawn of their manipulative, sociopathic daughter.

Thanks for reading.

ecs5298, as usual, I appreciate your comments. Thanks for sharing.
I'm very skeptical. I believe that either

a) George had a mental breakdown, and basically went a little crazy with no intent of killing himself.


b) the whole thing was a ridiculous set up.

I know the latter sounds harsh, and I am kind of disgusted by my own callous words, but I have been so disappointed by this family I just think bad things sometimes.

I have to agree - especially since it was reported that the letter says he thinks KC is innocent.

And also, I don't mean to be mean, but something I've never understood is this: another poster above said how misses his little Caylee, my Caylee will not be back (or something like that). In all the interviews and statements he always referred to her as 'the little girl', we've got to get that girl back. I've always found that strange. I don't know what to think of this one..but you know if you were the 911 operator that your words would be heard around the world. Why didn't Cindy call I wonder? The fact that the attorney called makes it more out of kilter to me. Like Melinda Duckett having one of the guys call who were there to watch the movie and who didn't know anything about her son, they kept having to ask her..why not just get on the phone yourself. It didn't sound like Cindy was screeching or freaking out too terribly.

I just don't know. But again...seems as if no one is standing up for Caylee. That's about the only thing I see out of it. As if that isn't obvious enough without pulling this shenanigan.
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